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Immuniz 4 anthrax: radio on raw food

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Dr. Day will be on the radio on Wed night talking

about how raw fooders<br>will fare better in a

bio-logical warfare attack than cooked food eaters.<br>They

won't be laughing at we raw fooders after

that.<br><br>Jeff Rense Show<br>National - Coast to

Coast<br>www.rense.com<br><br>7PM to 10PM PST<br><br>Check out your local radio

listings.<br><br>This is all the info l came up with from Dr Day's web

site, www.DrDay.com

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Dr. Day said Cipro is dangerous; that a healthy

immune system is all that's needed to defend against

Anthrax.<br><br>She also said a " shadow government " of our government

was behinde the anthrax exposures. She predicted that

next month we would be talking about Small Pox

exposures. That's putting it out there. We'll

see.<br><br>Some pretty radical stuff discussed tonight.

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& gt; & gt;<br>Dr. Day said Cipro is dangerous; that

a healthy immune system is all that's needed to

defend against Anthrax.<br>She also said a " shadow

government " of our government was behinde the anthrax

exposures. She predicted that next month we would be talking

about Small Pox exposures. That's putting it out there.

We'll see.<br> & gt; & gt;<br> & gt; & gt;<br><br>Even

conventional medical practitioners have been saying that Cipro

has negative side effects, Dr. Day is not saying

anything new in this respect. Dr. Day is giving out

extremely dangerous advice if she is advising raw foodists

who are poisoned by anthrax, or anything else that

can be so deadly, to rely on fasting or raw foods

alone for a cure. If Dr. Day is giving out such

dangerous advice then she is actually helping the

terrorists. If any raw foodist dies from anthrax poisoning as

a result of Dr.Day's advice, the victim's family

could sue Dr. Day for a million dollars. <br><br>There

are emergency medical situations that do require

conventional medical practices. What if you got run over by a

car or were shot many times or fell off a high

building. Do you think that just eating raw and fasting

would cure you? You would end up dead in a day if this

happened to you and you did not seek conventional medical

treatment. While eating raw greatly accelerates the body's

ability to self-heal, there are emergencies that even

most raw foodists' bodies are not equipped to handle.

<br><br>Of course, if you have access to a qigong master or

some other type of extraordinary healer who can effect

major changes in your body's pranic or Qi level, in the

case of emergency, you can forego conventional medical

practitioners and use the alternative healer instead.

<br><br>Dr. Day must be paranoid if she beleives the anthrax

posionings are the work of a 'shadow government'. These

anthrax poisonings have been clearly linked to

terrorists. There would be no reason for a shadow government

to do this. This is the exact same paranoia that Dr.

Bernarr has been spreading on another raw foods list.

Some people have been using the attacks as an

opportunity to promote their own agenda, whether it is to

benefit their wallet or their ego.

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You said:<br>“Some people have been using the

attacks as an opportunity to promote their own agenda,

whether it is to benefit their wallet or their

ego.”<br><br>You got that right! <br><br>The opportunistic

pharmaceutical and medical industries are using this situation

to promote additional vaccinations and drugs in an

already overly vaccinated and drugged society. Do they

really know what they are doing?<br><br>Sure if I was

shot or fell off a building I would seek a doctor to

take the bullet out and put the bandages on. But the

doctors with all this drugs and equipment don’t “heal” or

“cure” anything. The body does that part. Nothing else

can. Not even your “qigong master”.<br><br>I wasn’t

able to listen to the radio show last night with Dr.

Day. I plan to listen with real audio at the web site.

But Dr. Bernarr is a very intelligent and honorable

man. I wouldn’t be so quick in assuming that he is

spreading “paranoia”. It takes no effort to swallow and

follow conventional “wisdom” but it takes real backbone

to stand up to it and point out its fallacies.

Remember, so called conventional “wisdom” is constantly

changing. They keep finding out that what they were doing

is wrong. What was standard medical practice years

ago is shear lunacy today. Is it possible that

today’s standard medical practice will be seen to be just

as loony tomorrow?<br><br>People are and will be

dying from anthrax after receiving conventional medical

treatment. Why is it we are so quick to blame alternative

methods of treatment for failures when we are so

forgiving of conventional medical treatment? If people die

after conventional medical treatment we shake our heads

and say “too bad” the treatment couldn’t help them in

time. But if it’s alternative treatment right away it’s

the alternative treatment that killed the person and

is at fault. <br><br>The orthodox medical industry

has so brainwashed the American pubic it’s a wonder

any of us have the power of critical thinking


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& gt;<br> & gt;<br>Sure if I was shot or fell off a

building I would seek a doctor to take the bullet out and

put the bandages on. But the doctors with all this

drugs and equipment don't " heal " or " cure " anything.

The body does that part. Nothing else can. Not even

your " qigong master " .<br> & gt;<br> & gt; <br><br>While i

do agree that the body heals itself, i should have

worded my message differently, outside sources such as

herbs, medicines or pranic healers can help facilitate

this healing by helping to create changes in your

body. For example, by taking Ginseng you increase your

body heat and this increased heat makes self-healing

much easier, and Ginseng will also effect your body

beneficially in other ways that will promote

self-healing.<br><br>However, do you actually beleive that your body exists in

isolation from the rest of the universe? Even modern

physicists beleive that everything in the universe is

interconnected. If everything is connected then your body is

never healing itself, the entire universe is effecting

what goes on in yor body, and you can choose to have

those parts of the universe that are of a higher

vibration be the ones to have the biggest effect on your


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