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Anthrax and Dr. Day

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A lot of what Dr. Day makes sense to me.

<br><br>What I get from this is that we live in a dangerous

world. That we have internal and external enemies to our

freedoms. Thank God for the free press. <br><br>She talks

about alternative therapies for Anthrax even if you are

not a raw foodist. Also Cipro has terrible side

effects including Cardiac Arrest and Death. There was a

very long and deadly list mentioned on the show. This

drug was never tested on people. It was fast tracked

through the FDA for some emergency reason.

<br><br>Apparently Penicillin G is a safer antibiotic for Anthrax.

But Dr. Day does not even recommend that. <br><br>I'm

going to www.drday.com for more info on vacinations.

www.rense.com for the archive of the 10/24 show.<br><br>Roger

<br><br>Get a Free 6 Step Process to Transition to a Raw

Diet, go to <a href=http://superbeing.com/awesometechnique.htm


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& lt;She talks about alternative therapies for

Anthrax even if you are not a raw foodist. Also Cipro has

terrible side effects including Cardiac Arrest and Death.

There was a very long and deadly list mentioned on the

show. This drug was never tested on people. It was fast

tracked through the FDA for some emergency reason.

& gt;<br><br>Can you tell me where this info came from? I have

been taking 1 Cipro pill after a minor office

procedure for 2 years and I hate to think it was never

tested on people!<br>Sue

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I think they mentioned the " physicians desk

reference. " Which you might be able to order. As far as the

side effects they are supposedly printed on the label

of Ciprofloxin or whatever it's called. Ask your

doctor to tell you all the possible side effects. Listen

to the program via the net if you want to hear the

side effects. Was in the first 45 minutes or so of the

program. <br><br>Roger <br><br>Get a Free 6 Step Technique

to Transition to a Raw Diet, go to

<a href=http://superbeing.com/awesometechnique.htm


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& gt; & gt; & lt;She talks about alternative therapies

for Anthrax even if you are not a raw foodist. Also

Cipro has terrible side effects including Cardiac

Arrest and Death. There was a very long and deadly list

mentioned on the show. This drug was never tested on

people. It was fast tracked through the FDA for some

emergency reason. & gt;<br>Can you tell me where this info

came from? I have been taking 1 Cipro pill after a

minor office procedure for 2 years and I hate to think

it was never tested on

people!<br>Sue<br> & gt; & gt;<br> & gt; & gt;<br>It is penicillen and one other drug

that the FDA is

fast-tracking without the usual red tape because of the

emergency situation that exists now, not Cipro. Penicillen

has been tested for decades, i was given it many

times when i was young. I forget the other drug's name

that is being fast-tracked. Dr. Day evidently

misremembered the origial article she read and has been giving

out wrong information. But even conventional medical

practtioners agree that Cipro has very negative side effects.

<br><br>But what's worse, taking a drug with negatve side

effects on very rare occasions, or eating meat, dairy,

white sugar, cooked food etc. on a daily basis. I

haven't taken any medicines in several decades but i am

sure my body could manage to deal with taking Cipro

once if i had to. However, if i were forced to start

having dairy every day i know i would become very, very


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This article names the other drug that i had

forgotten the name of in my message. I was given penicillin

many times in the 50s and 60s.<br>-----<br><br>MORE

THAN CIPRO<br><br>Despite public perception that Cipro

is the ultimate-and only-treatment for anthrax,

other antibiotics work equally well against the

bacteria. Bayer, Cipro's maker, is simply the only company

to conduct the additional testing (on animals)

required to make the claim on its label. Last week the FDA

fast-tracked approval for penicillin and doxycycline as well.

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