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Mum's home cooking.

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Mum's home cooking is just that: cooked

food.<br><br>Cooked food we believe is toxic.<br><br>So our mother is



.....................<br><br>Another way to look at it is:<br><br>Mum's mother


unempathic and so was unable to hear her feelings of fear

and anger. So Mum had to hide her bad

feelings.<br><br>Mum then sees her child, us, as a poison container

and projects her bad feeling into us.<br><br>So we

see Mum poisoning us. But because Mum has so much

power over us, we can't even begin to confront her over

this.<br><br>So we project the toxicity into Mum's home cooking

and generalise it to cooked food.<br><br>And so we

eat raw food to detoxify us.<br><br>Victor.

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I think you are trying to drive in the ditch

here.<br><br>You may be a peculiar case that would make the

connection of bad feelings, Mum (Mommy Dearest) and raw

food, but any psychological benifit from going raw is

periphial and incidental to the main issues.<br><br>Raw

food may heal minor neurosis, but professional

counseling may still be beneficial for more severe cases.

Have you talked to someone about this? I think it is

beyond the scope of this club to offer much help in this

area; as demonstrated by you continually bringing it

up.<br><br>By going raw, deeply surpressed feelings may surface

that one may need professional help in dealing

with.<br><br>In order to stop the negative effects of evil, it is

sometimes necessay to sever the connection with the source.

If necessay, create a new family. That is why I

introduced you to Victoria Boutenko. As a matter of fact,

Victoria is comming out with a new book soon; " 12 Steps to

Raw Food, " that addresses the psychological problems

that prevent us from doing the things we know are best


ouselves.<br><br><a href=http://rawfamily.com/products.htm

target=new>http://rawfamily.com/products.htm</a><br><br>Your friend,<br><br>Bill

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On the Mum subject, I too had a mum who

overcooked most all foods, kept it in the fridge for days

serving as leftover, etc. I was not enlightened as to the

importance of raw until about 5 years ago, and by then my

mum's health was so far deteriorated, apparently from

poor lifestyle foods and habits, that it was too late

to save her.<br><br>I guess I could have been bitter

about her cooking the turkey 12 hours each

Thanksgiving, serving peas and beans from a can, letting me

drink litres of cokes every day as a child, drinking

coffee from 10 years old, etc. But instead I viewed that

as ignorances or shortcomings from her own

upbringing. In her last couple years she also tried to put

the guilt trip on me for drifting away from

conventional religious upbringing. As I developed my own

working interpretation of what spirituality meant to me

it troubled her because, from her own upbringing, my

views essentially condemned me to a life after death in

eternal hell. After struggling with this discord,

literally even on her deathbed, I still get some of this

crap from a couple of surviving relatives. Give me a

* & %$#ing break! This is especially annoying because I'm

finally happy and comfortable with my belief system, and

I accept that others have their right to their

belief system.<br><br>But, I had observed that many

people who professed to be " religious " did lots of

horrible things (to be fair, I have religious friends who

are also good people), and I met many people who had

no concern whatsoever about religion who were

selfless and faithful to their kids and families, etc., so

when I allowed my mind to relax and follow the common

sense that the good Lord (or the eternal energy or

spirit, whatever) gave to all of us, I decided that if

there is a clear heaven and hell that if good people

are condemened over what they say, or don't say, and

bad people get eternal bliss simply by following

certain rituals, than since that seems so illogical, I'll

take my chances by tring to do right things to all

people (which brings peace and happiness in itself) and

not worry about it.<br><br>I also try not to take

personally anything perceived as an insult or poor behavior

towards me. Its my observation that people who do such

things, usually do so due to their own shortcomings or

insecurities, so I interpret that as their problem, not mine,

and over time I see that proved to be correct, over

and over again.<br><br>Mallon

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& gt; & gt;I think it is beyond the scope of this

club to offer much help in this

area & lt; & lt;<br><br>Then again, maybe not!!!<br><br>Excellent message

mallon.<br><br>After much struggle in this area, I finally came to the

conclusion that I could only deal with Mum on a limited

basis. Kind of like one has to do with someone who

speaks a different language. Of course there are many

good things that Mum passed along. Keep what is good

and makes sense, and leave the rest behinde.

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NOW AVAILABLE!<br><br>Book: " 12 Steps to Raw

Foods: How to End Your Addiction to Cooked Food " (2001,

168 pgs., softcover) by Victoria Boutenko (author of

Raw Family). According to Victoria Boutenko only 1

out of 1000 people can stay on a raw-food diet

without support. In her new book, she provides

vocabulary, understanding, and compassion for those wishing

to transition successfully to a raw-food diet. This

book, highly recommended by Dr. Gabriel Cousens,

encourages and supports you to trust your own instincts once

past initial detoxification. Victoria Boutenko

expertly addresses the: cultural attachment, social

pressure, programming from birth, and the addictive quality

of processed foods. She covers in detail: enzymes,

detoxification and the 12-steps necessary in order to

successfully make the transition and maintain a raw-food diet.

Quick, Easy Gourmet Raw Recipes also accompany this

remarkable book! This book is destined to be a best seller

and is a highly recommended gift to loved ones.

$15.95<br><br>Contents Include:<br><br>Foreword by Gabriel

Cousens<br>Note from the author<br>Chapter One: Life and

Energy<br>Chapter Two: The Human Body Never Makes

Mistakes<br>Chapter Three: The Law of Vital Adjustment<br>Chapter

Four: Bacteria, My Favorite Animal In The

World<br>Chapter Five: Detoxification As Healing<br>Chapter Six:

The Family Fast<br>Chapter Seven: Why 12

Steps?<br>Chapter Eight: Step One- " I admit that I have lost

control of my addiction to cooked food and my eating is

becoming unmanageable. " <br>Chapter Nine: Step Two- " I

believe that live vegan food is the most natural diet for

a human being. " <br>Chapter Ten: Step Three ­ " I

shall gain necessary skills, learn basic raw recipes

and obtain equipment to prepare live

food. " <br>Chapter Eleven: Step Four- " I shall live in harmony with

people who eat cooked food. " <br>Chapter Twelve: Step

Five- " I shall stay away from temptations. " <br>Chapter

Thirteen: Step Six- " I shall create support for

myself. " <br>Chapter Fourteen: Step Seven- " I shall find alternative

activities or hobbies. " <br>Chapter Fifteen: Step Eight- " I

shall let my higher self lead my life. " <br>Chapter

Sixteen: Step Nine- " I shall make a searching and fearless

inventory of the real reasons for seeking comfort and

pleasure from cooked foods. " <br>Chapter Seventeen: Step

Ten- " I shall let my intuition help me. " <br>Chapter

Eighteen: Step Eleven- " Through clarity I will gain

happiness. " <br>Chapter Nineteen: Step Twelve- " I shall provide support

to other raw fooders. " <br>Chapter Twenty: Gourmet


href=http://www.rawfood.com/cgi-bin/order/index.cgi?display=single & category=Book\

s & sub_category=Raw%20Foods & third_category=Victoria%20Boutenko & item_id=NFL-531 & id\


target=new>http://www.rawfood.com/cgi-bin/order/index.cgi?display=single & categor\

y=Books & sub

_category=Raw%20Foods & third_category=Victoria%20Boutenko & item_id=NFL-531 & id=7422


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& gt; & gt;<br> & gt; & gt;<br>Book: " 12 Steps to Raw

Foods: How to End Your Addiction to Cooked Food " (2001,

168 pgs., softcover) by Victoria Boutenko (author of

Raw Family). According to Victoria Boutenko only 1

out of 1000 people can stay on a raw-food diet

without support. <br> & gt; & gt;<br> & gt; & gt;<br><br>She is

totally wrong when she says only 1 in 1000 people can

safety on raw foods without support. She seems to forget

that the web with all it's raw support discussion

groups like this one only started a decade ago. Before

then there were no raw support groups unless you lived

in a big city which might have a raw food support

group. I beleive that 1000 out of 1000 people can manage

to stay on raw foods without any type of support

group. The major factor in determining your ability to

remain raw is how the raw diet affects your health. I am

not famiiar with the person who said this, but i

would never read anything wrtten by her again after she

makes a claim like that that is so far from the actual

truth.<br><br>The people who do not remain raw have not done

adequate reading of books and websites to help them

understand the physical changes they are going through and

how to eat a raw diet that will keep them healthy and

not make them want to go back to cooked food.

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Victoria gets results with the methods she uses.

Someone who would nit pick about some little fact, that

was clearly only used for illustrative purposes,

would probably not benefit from her method of teaching,

as she uses that type of thing a lot; along with an

abundance of common sense.

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