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Vascular cleansing

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Doug,<br><br>Your response to Susan grips my

interest.<br><br>As a sufferer of at least atherosclerosis and

possibly Buergers, I am struggling to get a raw food diet

that sustains me. <br><br>A percieved deficiency is a

lack of body heat and energy which I guess is probably

due to a lack of carbohydrates. You mention grains

but wheat I avoid. What other foods will fill the

gap. I have eaten raw potatoes to get lipase in the

hope that it will break down the plaque in the

arteries but I read conflicting notions on the value of

eating raw potatoes.<br><br>Also I went on quite a long

water fast a couple of months ago and that changed my

metabolism positively and completely.<br><br>Do you have any

notions on where I should search to find dietary help for

my condition?<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Peter

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A point about not getting enough carbohydrates.

Why aren't you? Just eat more fruit. We don't need

any complex carbohydrates or at least only what is

found in fruits. <br><br>I used to be cold on the raw

diet, I used to not be able to do it. It took me 5

years of experimentation to finally get a hang of it.

Now after 4 months of raw I am fine. I am not cold at

all in the cold weather here in NJ. In fact I seem to

be handling the cold better than the average person.

I eat a load of fruit and therefore get enough

carbs to fuel my body. At my dinner meals I usually

have a nut pate or some avocado. <br><br>The problem

is that people are not used to eating so much fruit.

But we have to replace what we would normally eat in

terms of carbohydrates with enough calories to fuel us.

That means you are going to feel full because fruit

has a lot of water in it. Cooked food diets have all

the water removed so the calories are condensed.

<br><br>One thing to stay away from in the winter is too much

citrus fruit. I can eat just one of those at room

temperature and it sends chills down my spine. When I first

tried raw in the winter time I subsisted on about 75%

oranges. I was freezing like crazy. It's a great summer

time cooling fruit.<br><br>Also so many people are

worried about the sugar content in fruits. But that is

the way we are supposed to get our sugar content; via

fruits. Glucose is our main fuel need. Our brains need

sugar to function. Eat fruit, it's good for you.

<br><br>I know that some raw foodists will disagree. But I

know Dr. Graham was able to get diabetics that came to

his clinic off of insulin within a week on a raw food

diet. Many times even with eating fruit. It depended on

their reaction to the sugars. Eventually he got them

eating fruit once their bodies adjusted and their blood

sugar levels went down. The key was not combining

sugars with fats at the same meals. If you eat only

fruit your blood sugar levels will go down very quickly

because the body can absorb it naturally. Fats slow

digestion and therefore if you have sugar with your fats

you will have a long elevated blood sugar

level.<br><br>Good Luck, Roger Haeske<br><br>Get a Free 6 Step

Technique to Transition to a Raw Diet, go to

<a href=http://superbeing.com/awesometechnique.htm


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Hi Peter,<br>Lecithin seems to be good at cleaning out the arteries. It is

inexpensive. I have a large container of the lecithin granules that I bought at

my co op.<br>Marlene

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Thanks for your interest, Roger,<br><br>Broadly I

follow David Wolfe's Sunfood Diet. Thus I eat fruit for

breakfast although as of tomorrow I will cut out the

citrus. Then the leafy food at lunch and finally an

attempt at vegetable fats in the evening.<br><br>Thus I

tend to keep sugar away from fats but the fats do get

mixed sometimes with the foliage.<br><br>I believe that

my condition can be cured by diet and that diet is

far more important than the medical profession

generally appreciates.<br><br>I wonder whether it might not

be better to make the separation by days rather than

meals...<br><br>I have been on raw food for about a year but a

couple of months ago I went vegan, The transition is a

long process. <br><br>I will drop in on your

superbeing site.<br><br><br><br>Peter

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Peter;<br>I wholeheartedly agree with Roger. I

eat a lot of citrus here in Hawaii to stay cool, its

usually hot here. I don't believe enough can be said

about avocados. they are loaded with lipaze. and I read

somwhere they contain more vitemins and minerls than any

other food. They may be expensive where you live but

worth it. (the are free here, eat your hearts out.)

Also, about Roger; I get a sense, reading his posts,

that Roger is having a lot of fun with living foods.

This is something we all need to focus on. This is fun

stuff, trying new recipes, creating our own, pouring

through books, discovering new things, and becoming a new

person. The only problem I have is T-shirts, Why don't we

have T-shirts???<br><br>Doug

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