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Hi there,<br><br>My girlfriend and I are planning

a detox program in April. This will mean going

mostly raw (right now I would probably call us 95%

cooked :), so I'm going to try incorporating more

uncooked fruits & veggies into my diet gradually. That way

it won't be as hard as everyone says it is to stay

raw for the period of the detox.<br><br>So I need to

get a juicer. I've read on earlier posts that

Champion is the best one. Is that still the consensus? If

so, do you recommend the commercial or the personal

one?<br><br>Also, the " necessary " detoxing ingredients seem to vary

from program to program. So I was wondering if anyone

had tried any of these and could recommend or

criticize:<br>bentonite clay<br>ground flaxseeds<br>dandelion

root<br>milk thistle<br>red clover<br>These are ones I've seen

recur...there are many more, of course.<br><br>Also, one woman

recommended we do a 3-day juice fast so that we're cleared of

waste before we start detoxing the liver and blood. Any

comments?<br><br>In case it matters, I'm not doing the detox for any

particular medical condition. I'm 100% vegan, healthy and

happy, exercise, drink alcohol and smoke pot in

moderation. I just wondered, if I feel this good now, what

would happen if I cleaned out all the toxins? I would

love to have even better health, if that's

possible.<br><br>My girlfriend has borderline high blood pressure and

is probably above her ideal weight by 10-20 lbs.

However, she eats dairy a lot, so I think that's the main

cause. She's cutting way back on dairy and exercising

more since she found out about the blood pressure, and

we hope this detox will help her even

more.<br><br>Thanks in advance for any advice you can give. Even

though I'm not into the raw diet, I like reading this

site to get another point of view.

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Hi,<br><br>It sure is a shame that you're 'not

into the raw diet' as it is the healthiest diet on the

planet (and I'm speaking as a Doctor who has specialised

in Nutrition!!).<br><br>Anyhow, I feel the Oscar

juicer (in the U.S. they call it the Sampson I believe)

is superior to the Champion and I have both. There

is much less oxidisation with the Oscar. You could

check out <a href=http://www.living-foods.com/marketplace

target=new>http://www.living-foods.com/marketplace</a> to

find out more information and speak with John Kohler

if you are from the U.S.. I know a UK distributor

too.<br><br>With all good wishes,<br>Gina<br><br>PS: If you follow

natural hygiene, all the herbs you mention are poisonous!

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Carolj1974,<br><br>I've been consuming 1 - 2

tblsp of bentonite clay mixed with psyllium husk in

about 12 oz of water and juice (to mask the taste)for

about 5 years now. It's supposed to help draw toxins

from your body. I started it because it was highly

recommended from some pioneers in internal cleanliness. I

also noted on a visit to San Diego zoo years ago that

they pointed out a wild pig that had a diet that

included toxic substances , the pig ate clay and the clay

prevented the toxins from harming it. So there seems to be

some truth to the properties of the clay. If you want

it, you can get it from V.E. Irons or via Colema

Boards (who also stock that brand). Arise & Shine also

sell the product. All are about $13/quart. I drink

mine first thing in morning at least an hour before

consuming food. If you really want to get cleaned inside

out, you can do a 7 day modified fast where you

consume the clay/psyllium mix several times each day in

lieu of food (book from Dr. Bernard Jensen describes

this, and Colema have info on it). But to get maximum

results you need to combine it with irrigation, which may

be beyond the scope of what you want to do. I belive

eating substantially all raw will accomplish almost the

same effect, but it just takes a lot longer.<br><br>I

bought a Champion personal use juicer several years ago

on a recommendation from a friend who has had one

for 20 years and never had a problem with it. Some

people recommend the commercial use one; I'm not sure

why, unless you plan to use it very heavily, and if

money is not a big issue.<br><br>I recently purchased

some flax seed and grinder to increase my intake of

quality fat, etc. I was mixing it with cereal, but now

that I'm eating mostly raw, I haven't yet figured out

a good way to consume it (there are a few recipes

floating around, but I haven't seen anything that looked

too appealing.<br><br>Good Luck,

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So you want to detox.<br><br>The strongest potion

is a water fast. Distilled water for the whole

month. <br><br>Then comes the juicing diet which detoxes

more slowly but is favored by some. <br><br>Thirdly

comes raw food eating, According to David Wolfe you

need to spend a month on raw food to detox each year

of cooked food digestion.<br><br>If life is about

living with your objective I'd try a bit of each

starting with the first and getting a colonic wash each

week!<br><br>I am not qualified to give this answer but others

in the forum will hopefully set my counsel

straight<br><br>I think April should be a toxic or rather tonic

month for you: so good luck<br><br>Peter Gardiner

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Please DO NOT undertake a water fast on your own

for longer than 2 days. If you are going to attempt a

water fast (which is great if do!), you must obtain

competent supervision for this. There are many experienced

fasting supervisors and hygienic professionals in the

U.S. includig Dr V. Vetrano in

Texas.<br><br>Gina<br>Dr Gina

Shaw<br><a href=http://www.vibrancy.homestead.com/pageone.html


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Hi Gina,<br><br>Thanks for your recommendations.

There are many other nutritionists who do place value

on the herbs I mentioned, but I will take your

opinion and theirs with equal weight. I still have awhile

to educate myself, luckily.<br><br>As to why I

haven't changed to a raw food diet, as I said, I see no

health drawbacks to my current diet, even with a few bad

habits thrown in. I'm not convinced by what I've read so

far that the raw diet is significantly healthier than

a cooked vegan diet. (Before you get upset though,

let me say that I'm not necessarily " convinced " that

my diet is healthier either; that's why I'm always

reading and researching.)<br><br>When I went vegan, there

was an urgent moral imperative, so I didn't take the

time to find out if it was healthier. When my

digestion and energy improved and my 5 colds a year went

away, it was just a lucky side effect of boycotting the

slaughterhouses. But there is nothing morally wrong with consuming

cooked vs. raw foods so it's not urgent that I switch.

And I have no health woes to hurry me along. However,

there's obviously nothing UNhealthy in the raw diet,

which is why I'm still looking into it and haven't

rejected the idea yet.<br><br>Thanks again,<br>Carol

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mallon,<br><br>Thanks! I will have to look into

psyllium husk.<br><br>On the subject of eating clay: my

girlfriend seems to remember seeing a documentary where

women in a certain place in rural America would eat

clay sometimes. It was only the women of the area. She

can't remember anything more because she was so young

when she saw it. Have you ever heard of this? I wonder

if it's related to the pig's habit...<br><br>About

the ground flaxseeds: so far I've only seen

suggestions to mix it with water and a squeeze of lemon, and

eat it in the morning and at night along with the

clay. Not that that's very appealing either... :)

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