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Bananas and Glycemic Index

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Hi Folks,<br><br>I'd like to comment on the fact

that it is written that bananas are high on the

glycemic index. <br><br>Dr. Douglas Graham told us in one

of his lectures that he actually feels that bananas

are closer to the medium side of the glycemic index.

He has worked with sick people and athletes and he

regularly measures their blood sugar levels, so I'd say he

knows what he is talking about. <br><br>From my own

experience. For years I thought I was hypoglycemic. That is

one of the main things that detered me from doing the

raw food diet 100%. I would always combine fruits

with fats to slow the digestion and so that I would

have enough energy. I had no problems eating lots of

bread or starches for that matter for giving me long

term energy.<br><br>Then I learned from Dr. Graham

what my problem was. When I did the raw diet I simply

was not getting in enough carbohydrates in my diet.

That is why I had craved sweets on my previous

attempts on the 100% raw diet. <br><br>So I tried it out.

And you know it worked. I can now eat up to 20

bananas per day with no symptoms of hypoglycemia. In fact

I have to eat enough otherwise I'll crave more

sweets or carbs. Each person has to determine their own

caloric needs and then make sure to eat enough sugary

fruits to supply them daily energy. Now I have way more

energy than I ever had in my life as an adult. I'm like

a little kid, and I'm also a much faster runner

because all my energy is not wasted digesting a starch

meal. <br><br>By the way starch is really just sugar.

It just takes the body a longer time to use the

starchy sugar because it has to break it down. So what

would you rather have? A sugar that your body can use

right away or a sugar that takes many hours to be ready

to be used by the body and takes three times more

energy to digest.<br><br>Remember I have no problem now.

I've simply replaced breads and rice with an equal

amount of calories of bananas and other sweet fruit and

I feel totally satisfied and I have a load of

energy. <br><br>There is absolutely no need for complex

carbohydrates. Most early raw fooders don't realize that they

aren't eating enough calories. Cooked food is much more

concentrated in calories since there is little water content

in cooked food. So you have to eat much more weight

in raw fruits to equal the same calorie level as

bread for instance.<br><br>By the way a ripe banana is

not a starchy fruit. The riper it gets the less

starch and more sweet it becomes.<br><br>As far as

avocados go. They are not a starchy fruit as far as I can

tell. Especially the California Avocados. The Florida

ones have much more in the way of carbohydrates, but I

don't think they are really complex carbs. <br><br>I

had to put in my two cents worth because I think

people should not be afraid of bananas. Heck they are my

staple food. Bananas are the ultimate food for

athletes.<br><br>Roger Haeske<br><a href=http://www.superbeing.com


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A perons's homonal and metabolic setting makes

the difference in how foods are handled. Some of us

could not process all those bananas without a severe

glycemic reaction. The amount of exercise one does also

needs to be factored into the results of consuming in

this manner. <br>In , distinctions are

made regarding the type of systemic balances and

imbalances a person has...ie, hot, cold, etc. This would

then tell a person the proper types of food to balance

and maintain that type of system.<br>(and

unfortunately, I am not supposed to eat mangos based on this

diagnosis, boohoo! They make me feel uncomfortably warm

during the summer months)<br><br>I do believe each of us

has a different metabolic <br>system.<br><br>Sue

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Yes I think everyone will have different needs

and those needs will change at times. The idea is to

keep balance. <br><br>I did say however that it

depends on the person's individual caloric needs. If you

are sedentary and 5' 2 " , you are going to eat less in

the way of bananas or fruit than someone like me who

is 6' 3 " and quite athletic and active. <br><br>Keep

yourself open to experimentation. If I followed the

typical advice of Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese

Medicine they would have said that I would not do well

with raw foods, do to my body type. I'm a Vata in case

anyone is interested (in the Ayurveda system).

<br><br>Well it's the middle of winter and I've been 99% raw

for the last 5 months and I've been doing great. I

haven't been cold, and I have loads of energy.

<br><br>There is a load of misinformation out there in the raw

food nutrition world. In the end you just have to keep

trying new combinations of things until you find what

works for you. <br><br>Personally I think bananas and

other fruits are handled much better than other simple

sugars like candies because they have the minerals and

other nutrients to help dissolve the sugar. They also

don't have a high amount of fat which will keep the

blood sugar elevated. <br><br>Anytime you have a sugar

combined with a fat you will have an extended high blood

sugar level because it takes a long time to digest the

fat. Since they are combined the sugar now stays in

the blood stream for too long a time and it gives a

high blood sugar reading.<br><br>Dr. Graham has

successfully gotten diabetics off of insulin in about a weeks

time by giving them raw foods and making sure to never

have fat and sweet fruits in the same meal. So of

course you have to know yourself and maybe certain foods

you'll react to negatively but be careful that you don't

follow a books advice without testing it yourself or

having a doctor help you test the results. You could be

losing out on eating foods that are really healthy for

you. <br><br>Go to <a href=http://www.doctorgraham.cc

target=new>http://www.doctorgraham.cc</a> for some

free articles he has written or to get one of his

books. He is extremely knowledgeable about raw foods and

has been raw himself for 20 years. He works with

professional and olympic athletes and he feeds them lots of

bananas. Previous to that he had his own healing clinic

for 10 years for sick people. Please also read the

article that was not written by him because it is a

summary of his teachings. It's controversial and

informative.<br><br>Roger Haeske<br><a href=http://www.superbeing.com


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Roger;<br>Have you read " Sun Food Diet Success

System " By David Wolf. If not you gotta get it, This

stuff is right up your ally. I'm on page 53 and so far

he hasen't even mentioned raw foods. Its all very

similar to Imagination Science, on your Superbeing site.

David Wolf has become a great writer. Much better than

" Natures First Law " . Its great to read something like

this, written by someone as devoted to living foods as

David Wolf.<br><br>Doug

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Hi Doug,<br><br>Yes I've read the book. It has

great motivational tools to help people transition to

the raw food diet. I like just about everything

except the info on the hybridized foods.

<br><br>Apparently there is a lot of misinformation about that

topic. Again according to Dr. Graham he says that all

fruits are naturally hybridized. This simply happens

with pollination. In fact it is very rare he says for

a human to have eaten a banana for instance, that

has been hybridized by humans. He said he did get his

hands on one of those. <br><br>I wish I remember more

of what he said on this topic. But basically you

don't have to worry about hybridized fruits. He did

however say that many fruit are sweeter than they used to

be. He also said that Genetically Modified Foods were

quite dangerous. Any minerals that are lacking in fruit

can be made up by eating mineral rich salad

vegetables.<br><br>I don't think I could do the raw diet 100% if I was

so worried about hybridized foods. I rely on bananas

to give me the concentrated calories I need. Plus

they taste quite good.<br><br>Hawaii sounds wonderful.

I certainly plan to at least visit there some

day.<br><br>Roger Haeske<br><a href=http://www.superbeing.com


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