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Finally trying it out

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Hi everyone,<br><br>Well, after lurking and

wondering about this lifestyle for a few months, my

girlfriend and I decided there's no time like the present.

We don't really have any pressing health needs, but

she would like to lose a little weight and I could

always use more energy. So we're going to try it out for

2 weeks and see how we like it.<br><br>I don't have

any of the usual fears that this diet won't sustain

me, because people said the same thing when I went

vegan and I had no trouble there.<br><br>So here I am

on day one! Based on what I culled, I'm having fruit

and juice for breakfast, greens and veggies for

lunch, and any of the above for snacks. My girl and I

loaded up bags of fresh produce in case we got

ravenously hungry.<br><br>Tonight we're going to have some

combination of veggies, avocado, sunflower seeds and olive

oil. I haven't decided what I'll make yet; maybe a raw

marinara to pour over some veggies, and then the avocado

on the side.<br><br>I definitely feel satisfied by

the food; in volume it's as much as or more than I

usually eat, so that's not a problem. I feel positively

decadent being able to snack whenever I want

to!<br><br>What I wanted to know though was this: my girl and I

both feel a little " high. " Is this a normal sensation?

It's kind of fun, but a little hard to concentrate. I

just wanted to know if your ability to concentrate

comes back quickly...my job kind of depends on it. (If

I could be running through fields instead of

editing, I'd be fine, but alas...)<br><br>I'd appreciate

any feedback.<br><br>thanks!<br>Carol

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Hi Carol,<br><br>I'm so glad you decided to

follow it through. You won't regret it, but just go at

your own pace and keep your health goals in

focus.<br><br>There could be a number of reasons why you are feeling

so energised at the moment, but one most obvious one

is that your body is having a holiday from all the

hard-to-digest foodstuffs it normally has to consume, so there's

a kind of freeing up of energy and it is very

noticeable in some people.<br><br>Well

done!<br>Gina<br><a href=http://www.vibrancy.homestead.com/pageone.html


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Carol,<br><br>Yes, feeling a little " high " is

normal. You shouldn't be dizzy. You might term it a

little " light " headed or " spacey " .<br><br>Many people,

including myself, eventually notice " clearer " thinking with

better concentration on a predominately raw

diet.<br><br>Try not to over eat. Over eatting is bad even if it

is all raw food.<br><br>Be sure to exercise daily.

Fast walking is great. Also go to sleep earlier than

usual. That will help.<br><br>Are you reading any good

raw food books? The posts here are good but far from

complete.<br><br>Best to you.<br>-Orionsdad

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Get into raw recipes. They are a lot of fun, and

will keep you interested. Here's a

link<br><br><a href=http://www.sunfood.net/recipes.html

target=new>http://www.sunfood.net/recipes.html</a><br><br>This is a links page

for raw foods. some are for

recipes.<br><br><a href=http://www.living-foods.com/links.html

target=new>http://www.living-foods.com/links.html</a><br><br>Also check out our

Links. Have fun.<br><br>Doug

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After work, I went home to get my gym clothes,

and realized I didn't feel like exercising. I made

dinner, we sat on the couch to watch a movie, and I

basically fell fast asleep. I think I slept eleven hours

last night! So, going to bed earlier wasn't a problem,

but working out was. :)<br><br>However, we've got a

solution; my girlfriend is going home early so she'll have

our gym clothes ready. That should do the trick to

get us to the gym.<br><br>I'm not sure I'm ready to

commit to books yet, but maybe one. I'm mainly

interested in meal plan ideas--what do you think is the best

one for that? I've been going on other websites,

basically all the free research I could do. Mainly


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Thanks! I've glanced at living-foods, but I will

try sunfoods now.<br><br>It was neat trying to

simulate one of my favorite cooked recipes last night. I

made a raw tomato sauce with tomatoes, onion, garlic,

olive oil, and fresh oregano, basil and parsley. It was

pretty good--we dipped broccoli, zucchini, mushrooms and

green peppers in it. (Anyone who says this food is

bland just hasn't tried it--there's almost too intense

a flavor to some raw veggies! The avocado we ate on

the side was a relief, with its mellower

taste.)<br><br>I have a question about " raw " sunflower seeds--is

it okay to just eat them? I seem to remember from

this site that they're somewhat cooked in the process,

does that make them safe to eat? We each had a handful

last night, and felt fine. I was just wondering if

this is recommended.<br><br>So far, I must say, I feel

great! And even though I ate and ate all day yesterday,

my belly looked really flat in the mirror this


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