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[Raw Food]

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Hi Doug, I have great pictures with Muhammed Ali. He's a very sweet man. I

don't think he's gone completely raw, but I think he's increased his raw intake

greatly. I'm also friends with the man who sent him and his wife there, who

keeps me up to date on these things. It's a great place to work, and I'm

heading there now, but I shall write more later.


kauguy <no_reply > wrote: Wow Bonnie; you work at OHI?? How

great to have you here. Tell us

about Muhammed Ali. According to Just Eat An Apple magazine issue 17,

he checked in, and has gone RAW. Nature's First Law sent a secret

agent there to give him a raw zucchini and fruit pie; do you know any

of those guys? Tell us more about OHI.







rawfood, Bonnie Selva <soul2soltravel> wrote:


> Hi everyone. This is Bonnie. I'm getting all your e-mails so I

thought I'd say hello. I work at the Optimum Health Institute in San

Diego, which is a raw foods educational/self-healing center.

Depending on where you live, it might be a better alternative than

Hippocrates in Fla., and much cheaper. You can check out

www.optimumhealth.org for more info. The site was being

reconstructed, but I believe it's up now.


> kauguy <no_reply> wrote: I had a great idea. Why don't email

the hippocrates institute. This is

> a raw foods health center in West Palm Beach, Florida. These guys


> been around a long time and have seen it all. They welcome emails


> are very helpfull. If you took your husband there I am sure it would

> cost a lot less than hip replacement. ask them to send you a


> I don?t know where you live but there are raw health centers all


> the country. Hippocrates Inst. is a full care facility. When they

> answer your email they are very noncommittal they will say they have

> helped people to heal themselves, or something like that. They have


> be very careful because of the AMA. So you may have to word your


> with the same care to get specific answers. You know there are still

> people living in exile outside the U.S. for practicing alternative

> medicine. In fact the guy who came up with interferon for treating

> cancer is still living in exile somewhere in South America even


> American medicine is now using interferon in the treatment of


> But that?s another story. Here is the link



> http://www.hippocratesinst.com/


> Doug

rawfood, DaRocksMom@a... wrote:

> >

> > In a message dated 7/8/02 6:27:36 PM, rawfood writes:

> >

> > << I looked it up and I found it enormously helpful and

interesting in

> > supporting my quest for health. >>

> >

> > Thank you Mary Ann, I found it helpful too!

> >

> > Doug and Sue, I totally agree with you but sometimes you have to

> look at all

> > the options. One needs to look deeper into the sites. I found some

> really

> > helpful info on the nutritional aspects of the foods we eat. I


> in what I

> > need to know and discard the rest. I am getting my husband ready


> surgery (

> > both hips replaced) and I am pumping him with all the good stuff

> plus more.

> > He needs to store to blood and between Dr. Walkers books and web

> sites I

> > think he has the best blood in the country. I am juicing him 4


> daily.

> > He will not be able to eat the leafy greens because he will not be

> allowed to

> > take in anything with Vitamin K and they will be putting him on


> poison

> > instead of pineapple juice for the blood clots. Imagine that! And


> you

> > think I am happy about this think again. I am not into the medical

> practices

> > but you cannot regenerate cartilage and he needs to walk again and

> get off

> > the meds he is on for the pain. I hear bone on bone is more than

> painful. I

> > have asked this group if there was anything to regenerate


> via detox

> > etc. I have had him to 3 naturapaths, give him massages to


> blood

> > flow and he has had colonics. No one offered any suggestions and


> has not

> > regenerated his cartilage. This has been a long 2 year process. If

> anyone has

> > any suggestions I HAVE AN OPEN MIND!

> > Thanks,

> > Jane




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Each to his own Robert.


I have been 100% for three years and a recent blood test showed no

protein deficiency.





ROBERT RATLIFF [r_ratliff2003]

06 September 2003 03:54


Re: [Raw Food]




Do not worry about protein deficiency. As has been said in the forum

before protein deficiency is almost unknown and without a medical term.


I would worry about protein deficiency. I ate no animal products for 9

months. After which time I had to eat some meat. My body felt really

bad. Unlike any feeling I have had.


Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

<*> Also stop by www.paltalk.com's voice/text chat room open daily at

8:00 pm est for more news.Called Reversing Diabetes and HBP with food.










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Do not worry about protein deficiency. As has been said in the forum


protein deficiency is almost unknown and without a medical term.


I would worry about protein deficiency. I ate no animal products for 9

months. After which time I had to eat some meat. My body felt really bad.

Unlike any feeling I have had.


Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

<*> Also stop by www.paltalk.com's voice/text chat room open daily at 8:00

pm est for more news.Called Reversing Diabetes and HBP with food. <*>

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--- Andy & Shell <andy.mich wrote:

> I'm wanting to find another hot drink other than

> coffee. I do like herb

> teas, but also, I like green tea. Please could

> anyone tell me if green tea

> is not harmful?

> Thanks,

> Love Shell.


try roobios or yerba mate



Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

<*> Also stop by www.paltalk.com's voice/text chat room open daily at 8:00

pm est for more news.Called Reversing Diabetes and HBP with food. <*>

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fri, 19 Sep 2003 03:59:19 -0000

" Bridgitte " <syndactylcat

raw animal products


I've read the recent posts about raw eggs and meat, and I'm a little

confused. I know that one of the fundamental differences between

vegans and raw fooders is activism vs. health (in general, but not

across the board). What I'm wondering is if those of you who eat

animal products (raw, organic, whatever) are aware of the conditions

the animals are kept in? Finding out just how deplorable they are

will keep me away from animal products, organic or not, for good. Is

this an issue for people, or is it all about health?


Just curious, not condemning...




Probably as good as the low nutrition veggies in the food stores which are

grown on depleted soil. Then we cook them and make worse. Everyone can't

grow their own crops, but I predict a reawakening of home and local grown

foods. At least I hope so.


Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

<*> Join the " LowCarbingTheRightWay " for info on reversing HBP

and Diabetes with food only. <*>

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  • 2 months later...

Well, I'm a little upset by it, but am also a little shocked. I was doing so

well with the living and eating of the healthy lifestlye. Then about 2 wks ago,

I started messing up and started eating my old foods again. It's funny how when

everything seems to be going good b/c we've made a change we get pumped up and

resort back to our old ways thinking that we can live this life again. I was

back to eating non raw foods, not drinking my super green drink and probiotic

drink(which I learned are very helpful), eating sweets, even chocolate, and not

drinking enough water. Well about 2 weeks ago my face started to break out

again, and I started getting ultimate gas and pains in my stomach. I mean they

hurt!!! And what was worse I couldn't even let the gas out! So here i was

breaking out, and in pain. I also couldn't do a decent bowel movement everyday

like I used to with the Raw diet. It was horrible!!! I had never had gas like

that b4. The only conclusion I could come to was that when I

resorted back to my old ways, my digestive system went into shock! Well I

learned my lesson and see first hand what not living a healthy lifestyle can do,

it's just that b4 I was so used to this lifestyle that my body was accustomed to

it. Kind of like a drug, and when i finally started puttig the RIGHT things in

my body and then tried to resort back to my old ways, my body was like " no, this

isn't right. " and sure enough let me know.





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  • 3 months later...
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Elisabeth Braun <elisabeth.braun wrote:--- In

rawfood , Margie Roswell <mroswell@f...> wrote:

> Call Nature's First law. They sold one at the Hawaii retreat that


> like, (though I don't see it on the website.) Their site is



Hi Margie!


I didn't see anything on their website either.=( Shame as I'm in the

UK and I'm not 'phoning from here!!!!













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  • 2 months later...
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Mary Wrote:

When I first began (20+ ago), I tried sprouted beans

and got very sick...I learned a painful lesson. I

will NEVER EAT them RAW again! LOLs


Dear Peter,

I am writing you off list. You have been quiet lately. I don't know if

you are clued into what Mary is doing, but she seems to constantly write

discouraging messages about eating all raw and she is a meat eater and

advocates eating meat. In this post she's down on bean sprouts for

heavens sake! What do we do? How does the group get someone to either

encourage and support the raw food lifestyle or go elsewhere?


Thanks for the help!

Jenny of NW WA



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I know this is suppose to be a " private " message but both Steve

Meyerowitz and Dr. Gabriel Cousens recommend NOT eating all beans

either raw or sprouted. We just cannot digest them. If anyone chooses

to do so, then so be it. But as a rule, I'd listen to those who are

much smarter and more experienced.--anne


rawfood , jennysilliman@j... wrote:

> Mary Wrote:

> When I first began (20+ ago), I tried sprouted beans

> and got very sick...I learned a painful lesson. I

> will NEVER EAT them RAW again! LOLs


> Dear Peter,

> I am writing you off list. You have been quiet lately. I don't know


> you are clued into what Mary is doing, but she seems to constantly


> discouraging messages about eating all raw and she is a meat eater


> advocates eating meat. In this post she's down on bean sprouts for

> heavens sake! What do we do? How does the group get someone to


> encourage and support the raw food lifestyle or go elsewhere?


> Thanks for the help!

> Jenny of NW WA


> ______________

> The best thing to hit the Internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!

> Surf the Web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!

> Only $14.95/ month - visit www.juno.com to sign up today!

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That's funny because I have sprout machine and grew sprouted beans and I love to

eat them. I have no problem with them.

I didn't know we shouldn't be eating them. I thought some people can eat them

and some can't, because every individual is different. I am curious, why

shouldn't we eat them? I don't eat them everyday, so I hope I would be okay?




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I digest sprouted beans without any problems .

I guess I " chose " doing it.



ms4runr2 wrote:


>I know this is suppose to be a " private " message but both Steve

>Meyerowitz and Dr. Gabriel Cousens recommend NOT eating all beans

>either raw or sprouted. We just cannot digest them. If anyone chooses








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  • 2 weeks later...
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hello all,


I've been lurking for sometime with great interest. Thanks for all you share.


I just started my raw journey, have started and stopped many times but this

time I have a friend starting the journey with me and a new resolve as my blood

pressure has become extreme. So on that note, I had the opportunity to attend a

lecture by Victoria Boutenko and her husban Igor. It was quite nice, they fed

us which was quite good but....WOW was I surprised at how heavy Victoria is. I

have known quite a few souls dedicated to raw life and all were just the picture

of health and vibrant and the perfect weight...on the thinner side. So this was

quite surprising as she is heavy by any standard. Their story is quite

inspiring, though. And I would love to meet their teens.


The most important part of the lecture for me was where they showed a tape of

an experiement done with watching live blood...there were two different people

who had been raw some months each, their blood cells were pretty round and each

cell separate from the others. She showed us that although not totally healthy

they were doing ok. then each ate some cooked food. The first had a piece of

chicken, the other a baked potato. The change in their blood was stunning.

The cells became all stuck together. It was difficult to even tell one cell

from the other. there were just big clumps of cells. She explained that this

is why the lab studies show that cancer cannot grow in an oxygen rich

environment but when they take people with cancer and oxygenate their system it

doesn't have the results that they have in the lab. The blood cannot transport

the oxygen throught the system when the cells are all clumped up and

inefficient. I believe she said it take 24hours for the blood to

recover...which most of us never give it time before we eat more cooked food.

Powerful pictures....


Back into lurkdom,




I look forward






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Very Interesting!! Thanks for sharing

Nicholas Costanza


Melody Cooper <violetray01 wrote:

.. I believe she said it take 24hours for the blood to

recover...which most of us never give it time before we eat more cooked food.

Powerful pictures....


Back into lurkdom,




I look forward










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  • 2 months later...
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How about this one? I woke up this morning with a fat lower lip. I looked

aweful. Im assuming I had an allergic reaction to something.


lily_anagnostou <lily_anagnostou wrote: --- In

rawfood , Rufus Shaw <rufus10_99> wrote:

> I'm wondering if anyone else has become sun sensitive

> since going raw ? I seem to be growing more and more

> sensitive ???


> Rufus


Dear Rufus,


Most people would be expected to find somewhat decreased

sensitivity to UV radiation, as an antioxidant-rich diet would

provide a protection factor of about 2, maximum. This is fairly

consistent with what people report as anecdotes. They say

that their color is better, they gain a tendency to tan instead

of burn, etc.


But, some foods contains psoralens which are known photosensitizers,

such as figs, celery, and members of the parsley family. If your diet

is high in psoralens, increased photosensitivity would be expected.








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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 8/31/2004 9:18:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

rawfood writes:



> recently (a week ago) started the raw food diet, and was just

> hoping for some input from people. What do most people truly eat -

> just combinations of veggies and fruits, or are you creative and try

> different raw recipes? Also, we don't have a dehydrator or juicer

> (and really can't afford either right now), so what are some good

> recipes that I could do without either of those items? What exercise

> programs do you follow? Should seed and nut consuption be limited?

> I have " cheated " two or three times by having a bite of my son's

> cheese or a bagel, is this normal in the beginning? How much have

> people lost, and over how long being raw? And lastly, is there

> anyone in Wisconsin on this board?? Thanks!!



the best diet is a simple mono diet--the way it would be if you were living

in nature but if not then i have read t ohave salads with no more than 6 items.

seeds, nuts and fats should be limited. i just walk in the sand on the

beach as it is a good workout. the raw secrets book by frederic patenaude is

good and there is another book out that may help you called 12 steps to raw.

they deal with the struggles as cooked food is addictive and it is comfort food.

there is no comfort in raw food. when i first went 100% i ate alot of

combos due to cravings but soon i wanted simple things. i am not 100% anymore

cause i have tmj and cant chew anything so it makes this diet hard as pureed

salads are disgusting to me. i do take a supplement for minerals since i am


eating fruit. i want to move some place warm cause when there is little sun

in the winter time the cravings are relentless.

right now i am struggling with this diet cause i am always

extremely tired and i dont know the cause. it could be anything--hormones,

mercury or some deficiency. i am frustrated cause if this isnt going to make me

feel better i would rather eat cooked food and feel bad.






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  • 1 year later...

Can you explain a little more about the cleanse your friends did for BP?


** My best suggestion is to go to the following links. I am not sure what

specifically you are wondering about.


http://www.ariseandshine.com/index.html?aff=75 - This is the product Dr.

Anderson created. Though opinions differ, we believe this is one of the best

cleanses on the market today.

www.cleanse.net - this is Dr. Anderson's site about cleansing, why to cleanse,

etc. He has many articles on this site.





Mary W <marysw wrote:

Hi lala,



You wrote the post below in response. Can you explain a little more about

the cleanse your friends did for BP?

thanks in advance.







Message: 20

Fri, 24 Feb 2006 19:57:39 -0800 (PST)

Paula Wood <wolfmother1

Re: Detoxing option with out fasting.


What *I* need to come up with is a way of detoxing that does not involve an

extended fast. I'm on meds for my heart that ain't friendly to the idea of

fasting period, bet it water, juice, or " lemonade " . I'm doing a one day

water fast at the moment and my doc ain't too thrilled about even that. LOL


Does anyone have any suggestions on detoxing without fasting?



** Of course your regular MD is not going to be fond of you taking on any

sort of fasting. Or that weird 'raw food diet' - you won't get enough

protein - LOL!! They don't understand it, for one. Secondly, most

allopathic doctors don't know how to get someone healthy.


Two clients of my company were extremely dependent on blood pressure

medication. We took them through a 30 day cleanse - Arise and Shine - and

they ended up not needing it anymore. They took their medications while

cleansing. The cleanse consists of 4 phases. You can stay in the first

phase for the whole 30 days, or you can move up phases depending on how you

feel. During the first phase you eat three meals a day and drink plenty of

fresh veggie juice. Each phase decreases meals until the 4th, when you are

just juicing. Many people don't get to this phase on their first cleanse

because it's pretty intense.






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  • 1 year later...

> Some of the nicest people to converse with online, in my experience,

> have been the people who form the group Path of Health. I find that

> those people are willing to open their hearts and minds for the sake

> of learning.


I feel the same way about the people in Raw Vegan Goddess. :-)


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