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My Introduction story

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I am from Phoenix, AZ and I am very interested with the raw food

movement. I am not eating raw totally, but, only about 30%. I have

a lot of health issues and came across an author of a raw food diet

on an acne forum, last year. Her site- http://www.waisays.com got me

interested in changing my diet. I never believed that food affected

me so much until I ate raw food for 30 days last July. I had a great

healing- body and mind. it completely freaked me out how different

my body felt. My constant pain was gone at day 7. I did start

eating cooked food again in August and by November of last year I

changed the diet, but tried again, was on raw food for 2 weeks

straight. The second time I did the diet I felt really sick, instead

of great. My joint pain did go away again on day 7, just like the

first time. But my face got worse and I had severe fatigue. I had

only changed a few things but the results were so different.


I have a few questions, I looked through the archives and only saw a

few posts about the bible and diet, or spirituality and diet. A very

strange thing happened to me when i went on the raw diet, I had what

I call an " awakening " of sorts. I was wondering if that has happened

to anyone here and if you could share your experience with me. Its

very puzzling and confusing to me, I did write a letter to a raw

foodist site at the time and they replied that it is normal, to

become more " psychic " on raw food. Is that true?


I am also yearning to get back on raw food, but, am worried about the

psychological effects and if I have the right combo of foods or not,

it seems very crucial to success. Help?



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There is another called and described as:


achristianrawveganclub · A Christian Raw Vegan Club - Biblical

perspective on eating


It's not as active as this group but they are more likely to discuss

raw foods from a biblical perspective.


I think it is common to have an " awakening " type experience when you

start a raw diet. I experienced it and look forward to having it more

often. I personally wouldn't describe it as a " psychic " experience.

What I believe you experienced was a " clarity of mind " the likes of

which you have never had before. I felt as if I came " out of a fog " .

I was more creative, perceptive and focused with my thoughts. It was

a very pleasant experience. I believe it is something you can expect

more often if you are on a raw food diet because your body is finally

getting the correct food it's designed to consume.


Your body can digest the raw food much easier than cooked food and so

it has more " energy " to do other tasks other than digest a pile of

cooked foods in your stomach. Compare this clarity of mind on raw

foods with the sleepiness and stupor people experience after eating a

large holiday meal.


The Bible doesn't say " eat and pray " but " fast and pray " for good

reason. Fasting from all foods leads to a clarity of mind too. We are

not fasting from all foods but we are fasting from all cooked foods

and evidently that makes a big difference.




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Holly and Orions Dad,

My introduction to a Raw Diet was from God when one day when I was at rock

bottom with my health I prayed for help. I opened my Bible immediately after to

a verse in the Old Testament that said " eat nothing but vegetables and water for

10 days " . At that point I said " okay Lord, you may have something! " . Once I

began my raw food adventure, it opened my senses, cleared me of depression and

began healing my body of all the sickness it had incurred my whole life. You

become like a new person. I know I wouldn't had got to this point though if it

wasn't for my faith to begin with.

I don't see why we can't talk about all aspects of Raw Foods in this forum - I

guess as long as we don't sway from the topic too much.




The Bible doesn't say " eat and pray " but " fast and pray " for good

reason. Fasting from all foods leads to a clarity of mind too. We are

not fasting from all foods but we are fasting from all cooked foods

and evidently that makes a big difference.







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I had a similar experience in which I was wondering if food could heal my skin

and I opened up the Bible, for other reasons, I had maybe opened one 10 times

before, ever. The chapter I opened up to was Daniel and I read about how Daniel

ate pulse and water and did not have blemishes like the others who ate the

king's meat and wine. He also had visions and knowledge, unlike the others. I

had started a raw food diet and was having clearing or skin and noticing things

I never noticed before. I was not religious at all, I only had a bible because

it was a gift from my cousin a long time ago. Within 12 days of being raw, I

believed in God and that there was something to the Bible. It's like all these

coincidences started happening and my whole world crashed down around me. I

don't think I could really cope with it, so I started eating crap again. Its so

hard to adjust to a new reality, especially, when others do not understand. My

family thought I was losing it, and I honestly thought I might be also. when

you eat cooked food, it all goes away though. Its like the matrix, how you

choose your own reality based on taking a pill. Does anyone else notice this?

It really causes such a conflict in my thinking and relationships that I figure

I must learn how to not talk about it, if I go raw. But, how can you live like

that, pretending, everything is normal?

Regina DeLuca <regdeluca wrote:

Holly and Orions Dad,

My introduction to a Raw Diet was from God when one day when I was at rock

bottom with my health I prayed for help. I opened my Bible immediately after to

a verse in the Old Testament that said " eat nothing but vegetables and water for

10 days " . At that point I said " okay Lord, you may have something! " . Once I

began my raw food adventure, it opened my senses, cleared me of depression and

began healing my body of all the sickness it had incurred my whole life. You

become like a new person. I know I wouldn't had got to this point though if it

wasn't for my faith to begin with.

I don't see why we can't talk about all aspects of Raw Foods in this forum - I

guess as long as we don't sway from the topic too much.




The Bible doesn't say " eat and pray " but " fast and pray " for good

reason. Fasting from all foods leads to a clarity of mind too. We are

not fasting from all foods but we are fasting from all cooked foods

and evidently that makes a big difference.







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Your biblical quote saying " eat nothing but vegetables and water for

10 days " is found in Daniel 1:11-13. If you referred to your Bible

concerning your health and landed on that verse it is incredible.


But that brings to mind the story of the depressed man who did the

same as you. He flipped through the pages of his Bible and landed on

Matthew 27:5 " So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then

he went away and hanged himself. " Again, the depressed man flipped

through the pages and landed on Luke 10:37 " Go and do likewise. "


I know you mean well but be careful about using the Bible as a

substitute " 8-ball " . Better to take the Bible as a whole.

Your practice however served you well this time.



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Funny you know the Bible so well, but have little faith. Satan often disguises

himself as something he's not-beautiful, pure, etc. If this story is true, then

this was not of God. Since I am his child, he would never steer me wrong. He

hasn't so far. But without faith in Him, you are not his child and could be led

by his adversary.

I promised I wouldn't steer away from Raw Foods. I won't anymore. What was

that other Christian Group again?



I know you mean well but be careful about using the Bible as a

substitute " 8-ball " . Better to take the Bible as a whole.

Your practice however served you well this time.






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It seems we got off on the wrong foot with each other and I'm

sorry for that.


I don't know about me having little faith. I've been a

Christian for nearly 20 years and during that time my faith has been

tested and strengthened. It's my faith and trust in God that

draws me to a raw food diet and a natural hygiene lifestyle. IMHO, we

are God's creation and our bodies are designed with His wisdom.

Science continues to bear out the fact that we are intelligently made

and not the product of random events.


I don't believe the story I told is true. It is just part of a

sermon that I've heard repeated that illustrates the danger of

picking verses at random from the Bible. I believe the Bible to be

the inspired Word of God full of wisdom and direction but I don't

think God intended for us to just close our eyes, plunk our finger

down on a random page and claim that the verse we landed on is

God's word specifically for us that moment. It just seems like a

" short cut " to needed prayer time and frankly I don't

think you'll find a bible verse to support its practice. If you

find it please post it!


Well, I hope you don't leave our group on my account because

I'm sure many including me will miss you.



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

You know having grown up in a very religious environment, it never

ceases to amaze me how quickly 'religious people' or'christians' get

all bent out of shape over nothing, and start spiting swords and

taking you off at your knees. Perhaps it would be wise to count to 10

before responding to an post that sets us off (is that in the

bible?). Or perhaps ask, " What did you mean by that? " Or I felt

________ when I read your post, what was your intention? "


I mean no offense to anyone. I am not a counselor, and yes I really

truly did count to 10 before responding.


Regina you do add alot to this site and I very much enjoy reading

your posts, I hope you stick around. Orions Dad, I think you handled

things very well, I feel you are an inspired person as is Regina. I

am also a bit of a sarcastic smart @ss which is probably why I was

laughing at your reference to the bible and the magic 8 ball.




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I tend to shy away from religion. But there is some scientific

evidence for what you are talking about. I am reposting my message




I am as skeptical as you when it comes

to so called " enlightenment " . When I have these

experances, I question it. Mabe I'm comeing down with

something, mabe its blood sugar, mabe its gas. However,

there is some scientific evidence for what Arnold Ehret

and many others talk about.


A detoxed raw vegan is Physicly (saliva, blood, urein, and tisue)

more alkaline. You can test this by buying litmus

paper and testing yourself.When you become alkaline,

the Cytoplasm ( the liqued part of the cell) becomes

more alkaline. The cell acts, similar to a battery,

the Nucleus is positive charged and acidic. The

Cytoplasm is negative charged and alkaline. When the

Cytoplasm is more alkaline, the cell functions properly,

does not mutate into cancer. DNA is not damaged, etc.

This happens to all cells in your body, including

brain cells, and nerve cells (which carry information

along by nerve impulses through the Synapse) So we do

have some evidence for, at least a higher functioning



There is something else every recovering alcoholic can

testify to; When you get clean, when all the alcohol is

out of your system (for me it was about 6 months) You

wake up, you suddenly start thinking clearly. They

call it comeing out of the fog, and its real. It

happened to me, even though, I was never an alcoholic (I

refused to go to the meetings ;~). It seems to me, if

that can happen after cleaning yourself of one toxin.

What could happen after cleaning yourself of all




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I am sorry I got defensive. I've gotten " pounced on " in this group before and

probably had my guard up. I don't plan on leaving the group. I've received a

lot of valuable information from this group.

In regards to the other gentleman's comment, it isn't Christians that get " all

bent out of shape " , it was me that did. Please don't classify my actions in

such a large category.

Now that you explained a little more about what you meant by randomly picking a

verse in the Bible, I understand and agree. The funny thing about email is that

it can often be misinterpreted as we all miss the tones in voices and facial

expressions that are used in conversations.

Thanks for helping me to understand better.


orionsdad wrote:



Well, I hope you don't leave our group on my account because

I'm sure many including me will miss you.






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