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Good Anthrax and Germ article

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Hi Folks,


A while back I was wondering on this board if a raw foodist really

had to worry about anthrax. We've also had other discussions of

whether or not germs cause disease and sickness. I just ran into a

very interesting article which I've only half read. I recommend it,

for it can lay to rest many fears you may have.





It's amazing to me how biased the traditional medical and scientific

community is. I was given a thick 1,900 page 8 1/2 x 11 inch book on

Clinical Nutrition. The book had lots of useful information, but it

was biased without question. Of course all articles are biased in

some way. But I feel these books are biased so that the medical

profession can continue and make more money.


This book was given to me by a veterinarian who also has a PHD in

Clinical Nutrition. Even my friend said that most doctors don't have

very much knowledge in nutrition, but if they did it would be from

these kinds of text books.


They bascically don't think that foods cause illnesses and disease.

They do believe in deficiency diseases. They are totally at odds with

the principles of natural hygiene and basically make them out to be

quacks. Everything to be valid in this book has to have a study

proving it. The only problem is that there have been many studies

that were eventually misproven in the past. Apparantely we used to

think that DDT was a totally safe substance.


In this book they also don't think that it is important to eat

organic foods. Of course backed up by some studies. But there are

many studies out there proving how much more nutritious organic foods

are. It depends on which study you look at and who was actually

funding the study.


They also say that there is no proof that Genetically Engineered

foods are dangerous. I wonder why the European Union is so adament

about labeling foods that are GE? Unfortunately in the US we don't

know if our foods have been genetically engineered. So we have to be

vigilant and not buy foods like corn and zuchini and others that are

almost certainly GE foods unless they are organic.


If everyone in the world would start today and adopt a raw food diet,

it would put many people out of business. Certainly most doctors

would soon not be needed anymore. People would become much more

healthy. After a few generations of raw foodists have been around the

population would have become extremely healthy. Unfortunately our

bodies have had years of our own cooked food eating damaging them and

that of our parents. So we are probably not ideal specimins as

humans. I'm sure we would see amazing feats from 3rd and forth

generation raw foodists who have eaten that way their whole lives.


I have a friend who went to Tahiti in the early 1970's. He said the

people there were beautiful and shiny. Their diet is mostly a

vegetarian raw food diet. I think they very occasionaly eat meat,

maybe once per month and a very small amount. Most of the foods are

eaten raw. It would be interetsting to learn more of them.


Anyway there was something else that these Clinical Nutritionists

believed that I totally disagreed with, but it popped out of my mind.

So if I remember I'll post that as well.


The reason this all came up is because my Clinical Nutritionist

client is suffering from so many health problems and he's constantly

taking different medications. I was trying to tell him that he might

improve his health by adopting a raw food diet. He basically thought

it was a bunch of nonsense and that he knew better. (Even though he

was very nice about it.) Of course he has a PHD in nutrition, why

should my knowledge and experiences be helpful to him? Unfortunately

he'll have to suffer for his beliefs, in my opinion.


The man is a very slow learner, out of shape and always breathing

hard from all the medications he's taking to lower his blood pressure

and drop his cholesterol or whatever it is he's taking. I've seen

lots of raw foodists his age and older who are in much better health

condition than him.


Unfortunately his thinking was molded early on. He was from India and

was of the Brahmin Caste. They were vegetarians. When he came to

study in the US he started eating meat and he said he felt no

difference. But he's never tried from what I can gather doing a raw

food diet. Raw is the key principle.


It's so funny how many of these scientists think. Many of them have

very big egos and must have peer reviewed literature otherwise

something probably isn't true. While many of us are satisfied with

our own experiences with success. For myself I have to be the final

judge. I can read a study but then I have to try it out for myself.

My own results are the final judge as to whether or not something



Now I know we have some of these scientific types on this board and

in that article I linked at the top there are references to studies

supporting the authors claims. Hope I didn't ruffle anyone's feathers

too much.



Roger Haeske


P.S. Get a Free 6 Step Technique to Transition to a Raw Diet, go to


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I thought of another thing this 1,900 page Clinical Nutrition book

was against.


They were against the 1990 act that allowed the labeling of organic

foods. By this you can see the bias of the people who wrote or edited

this book.


They don't want you to be able to distinguish organic from non-

organic foods. In their minds it is all the same and that the organic

foods industry is pretty much a hoax and a waste of money.


Disease is a big business and who would want to actually remove the

cause of most of the diseases? The fast food industry and all the

other junk foods help the medical profession. It's ok to eat what you

want. All you have to do is go to your doctor when you get sick and

he'll give you a pill to make you feel better. Then when you get

sicker you'll need an operation. It's all enriching the doctors.


I have a friend who is a doctor. He's so happy about the future

because we'll have come up with the cure for cancer. He feels we are

very near. And in my opinion we already have many cures for cancer.

Just not the profitable ones that the medical profession wants. He

never thinks of prevention. He just sees disease and finds a way to

treat it. Prevention is not in his vocabulary. He has his glass of

red wine per day because some study seems to point out how important

that is for your health. While at the same time he is killing his

brain cells. What kind of lunacy is that?




P.S. Get a Free 6 Step Technique to Transition to a Raw Diet, go to


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rawfood, " realityofimagination " <roger@s...> wrote:

> I thought of another thing this 1,900 page Clinical Nutrition book

> was for.


They strongly believe in the beneficial effects of fluoridating the

water for the benefit of your teeth.


From what I've studied flouride is actually rat poison. There have

also been studies disproving that flouride has any beneficial effect

whatsoever in decreasing cavities. It's just a ploy to be able to

sell another waste product of some industry. Unfortunately what

industry escapes me right now.



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> From what I've studied flouride is actually rat poison. There have

> also been studies disproving that flouride has any beneficial effect

> whatsoever in decreasing cavities. It's just a ploy to be able to

> sell another waste product of some industry. Unfortunately what

> industry escapes me right now.


You're right: fluoride is a waste product of the aluminium industry. They

need to get rid of it, so they made the public believe it's healthy.

It goes like that in the food industry too, for example the refining of

flour gives bran as a waste product, and then they sell that as a health

food. Making money twice, and not helping anyone, because the bran fibre is

too hard for the human digestive system. Soft, soluble fruit fibres are

ideal for us.



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Thanks for the memory jogging Wim. Very good point about the bran as



We all have to be on the alert at all times. Buyer beware is still true

today. You can't count on some government agency to protect you from the

evils of some businesses. You have to read and study for yourself. It

takes a deep education nowadays just to try and stay healthy. Even all

these studies supposedly proving something have to be thoroughly

scrutinized because special interests have ways of making the studies go

in their favor or to simply interpret the studies in a way that supports

their cause.




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Roger; talking about GE foods, I read in West Hawaii Today, a typical

right winged news paper here on the big island, that all papayas here

on the big island have been cross pollinated with engineered papayas.

This is organic or not. All Hawaiian Papayas are genetically

engineered. We live in a sad and terrible world.



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