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best books

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Hi Donna and everyone,

There are happily MANY wonderful books on raw food/natural health

available. Please check out anything by Arnold Ehret

(especially " The Mucusless Diet Nutrition System " ), anything by Dr.

Douglas Graham, T.C. Frye, Anne Wigmore, David Wolfe, Matthew Grace

( " A Way Out " ) Paul Nissan (his new book is " Raw Knowledge " and is

filled with interviews with long-time raw foodists). Also, please

look into books by Roe Gallo and Rhio (who also has a fantastic web-

page with recipes and info). The best thing about these books is that

they are NOT tedious and academic. They're very fun and inspiring. I

hope these suggestions are useful to you.



> Hi...I would like to find out what the best books are about the raw

> food diet...mostly theory...thanks...


> Donna

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Nightowlboy is right all the books he mentioned are good. I think the

ones that stand out in my mind are; " Living Foods For Optimum Health "

by Brian Clement, " Sunfood Diet Success System " by David Wolf,

and " Intuitive Eating " by Humbart Santillo.


Amazon.com is out of Sunfood Diet Success system and so is Natures

first law (web site) but they should have more in 4 to 5 weeks (This

book is so good its sold out).



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While you are waiting for your books to arrive check out some web

sites like Sunfood.net here is a link;

http://www.sunfood.net/articles.html there is a lot of good stuff out

there. Also check out our " Links " , on the left of your screen. Do

what ever you can to educate yourself on raw foods. David Wolf,

in " Eating for Beauty " said " I have come to deeply understand that

knowledge is the only difference between someone who succeeds on a

raw plant-food-approach and one who does not. This is both self-

knowledge and learned knowledge. Continue the learning process in

every facet of your life. " A lot of people have joined this group

(407) but you notice how few still post messages. Going from cooked

to raw is a tough fight and knowledge is your best weapon. I wouldn't

be here if not for " Sunfood Diet Success System " by David Wolf. I

to Just Eat An Apple magazine (also available at

sunfood.net). This is an excellent magazine that will keep you

apprized of all the newest info on raw foods. Also check out their e-

zine, this is full of great articles and its FREE!!!! There is a lot

of miss-information around in books, on web sites, and especially on

groups like this. The only way you can discern the truth from the

crap is by becoming knowledgeable. I hope this helps.



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Just a small voice of one, saying that just because I haven't posted in a long

time that doesn't mean that I'm not hotter (not above 118 degrees though) than

ever, every day about my comittment to raw. I'm raw-er by the day. I was

enthused at first to be a part of the group but it seemed like there was not

allot of joy or loving spirit in many of the posts. I got discouraged and

decided to accept the group the way it was. Actually, however, I was uplifted

and touched at the postings from last week from the gentle, evolved spirits that

sent the lyrical e-mails. I'm also happy that so far no one has shot them down.


I'm glad that everyone is being exactly who they are. I'm also encouraged that

we have some very spiritual and inspiring (new?) members.


In peace and joy,


Mary Ann




Friday, November 08, 2002 8:05 AM

[Raw Food] Re: best books




While you are waiting for your books to arrive check out some web

sites like Sunfood.net here is a link;

http://www.sunfood.net/articles.html there is a lot of good stuff out

there. Also check out our " Links " , on the left of your screen. Do

what ever you can to educate yourself on raw foods. David Wolf,

in " Eating for Beauty " said " I have come to deeply understand that

knowledge is the only difference between someone who succeeds on a

raw plant-food-approach and one who does not. This is both self-

knowledge and learned knowledge. Continue the learning process in

every facet of your life. " A lot of people have joined this group

(407) but you notice how few still post messages. Going from cooked

to raw is a tough fight and knowledge is your best weapon. I wouldn't

be here if not for " Sunfood Diet Success System " by David Wolf. I

to Just Eat An Apple magazine (also available at

sunfood.net). This is an excellent magazine that will keep you

apprized of all the newest info on raw foods. Also check out their e-

zine, this is full of great articles and its FREE!!!! There is a lot

of miss-information around in books, on web sites, and especially on

groups like this. The only way you can discern the truth from the

crap is by becoming knowledgeable. I hope this helps.






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Things have been quiet on this

list lately. If you're having

cravings for cooked foods now

that temps are dropping, this

article might help your



The Dangers of Over-Cooking

Your Food



By Nancy Appleton, Ph.D.


Here are some statistics to

put into perspective the

dangers of overcooking and



a.. The Center for Disease

Control and Prevention

reported 340 Cases of E. coli

infection in 1997 which makes

the incidents rate of 2.1 per

100,000 people.

b.. Also reported that

scientists have estimated that

the average cancer risk

because of heterocyclic amine

exposure ranges from 1 per

10,000 for the average person

to more than 1 to 50 for those

ingesting large amounts of

well-done muscle meats,

especially flamed-grilled




Recently a report by Leif

Busk, head of the Research and

Development Department of the

Swedish National Food

Administration showed that

overcooking of some baked and

fried starchy foods causes

acrylamide to be formed in

these cooked foods. Acrylamide

is cancer causing in animals.


With this new information in

mind, it is wise to look at

this whole subject of

over-cooked food. Over-cooked

food might take on a different

meaning than it has



Not only is acrylamide formed

in some starchy food but also

meat cooked at high

temperatures has as many as 20

compounds known as

heterocyclic amines, or HCAs

for short. HCAs are known as

cancer causing. Many people

feel that it is important to

cook food well in order to

avoid bacterial infection.

These same people do not

realize that cooking meat,

poultry, or fish at high

temperatures for long periods

of time can also be dangerous

to your health.




There are other epidemiologic

studies that suggest that

there is a relationship

between methods of cooking and

various cancers and heart

disease.1 In one study the

researchers found that those

who ate their beef medium-well

or well-done had more than

three times the risk of

stomach cancer than those who

ate their beef rare or

medium-rare. Additional

studies have shown that an

increased risk of developing

pancreatic, colorectal, and

breast cancer is associated

with high intakes of

well-done, fried, or barbequed





Evidence To Show That The More

Food Is Cooked, The More

Difficult It Is To Digest And



This is true of any food. The

higher the temperature that

food is cooked, the longer it

stays in the gut and the more

difficult it becomes for our

digestive mechanisms to digest

it. This makes it more

difficult for the food to

absorb and function at a

cellular level where it needs

to work. When the food can not

function in the cells, the

cells can become deficient

and/or toxic which leads to

deficiency and toxicity of the

whole body making the body

less able to function



There are many ways to cook

food, some with less harmful

results. Steaming, boiling,

and stewing expose food to

heat not exceeding 100 degrees

C. On the other hand, baking

and roasting expose food to

temperatures up to 200



Microwaving also exposes food

up to 200 degrees C. but there

are also many other problems

with microwaving food. The

highest temperatures that

foods are exposed to are

broiling and barbecuing which

can be 400 degrees C. Frying

with a pan or wok normally

uses high surface



As early as 1930 research was

done in Switzerland showing

what processed and cooked food

did to the leukocytes, the

white blood cells in humans.

Prior to this research it was

noted that upon eating there

would be an immediate increase

of the white blood cells which

was called " digestive

leukocytosis. " Digestive

leukocytosis means that there

is a rise in the number of

white blood cells after

eating. At the time this was

considered a normal

physiological response to



It was not know why the cells

would increase after eating

and this increase usually

meant that the person had been

exposed to a harmful substance

such as toxic chemicals, a

trauma or infection.




Then at the Institute of

Clinical Chemistry, Dr. Paul

Kouchakoff found that eating

unaltered, raw food or food

heated at low temperatures did

not cause a reaction in the

blood. Kouchakoff also found

that if the food was processed

or heated beyond a certain

temperature it caused a rise

in the number of white blood

cells. He found that foods

that had been refined,

homogenized, pasteurized, or

preserved causes the greatest

increase in white blood cells.


Examples of these harmful

foods are:


a.. Pasteurized milk,


b.. Chocolate,


c.. Margarine,


d.. Sugar,


e.. Candy,


f.. White flour and


g.. Regular salt.

There are two more interesting

facts about this study:


1. If the food was chewed

very thoroughly, the harm to

the white blood cells would



2. If a person ate as much

of the same raw food as he/she

ate cooked the pathological

reaction in the blood would be



Researchers from the

University of California at

Davis examined how volunteers

digested bread that had been

cooked to varying degrees:

first very mildly, second

normally, and third

over-cooked. The slightly

cooked bread went through the

stomach quite rapidly and

caused no problems in

digestion. But the longer the

bread was cooked, the longer

it stayed in the stomach.


In fact, the dark over-cooked

bread caused an immune

response in the bloodstream.

An immune response can be

triggered by undigested food

that gets into the bloodstream

and must be treated as a

foreign invader by the immune



Francis Pottenger found that

every food has a heat labile

point. The heat labile point

is the temperature point at

which food changes its

chemical configuration. All

foods are made up of carbon,

hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen

in different chemical

configurations with minerals



We have come from early man

eating foods in certain

chemical configurations. We

have the digestive enzymes to

digest foods with those

chemical configurations. When

food is heated past the

heat-labile point, its

chemical configuration



Pasteurization, deep-frying,

and barbecuing are all forms

of cooking where food is

heated past the heat labile

point. The body does not

understand these new chemical

configurations and does not

have the enzymes to digest the

food easily.4


When the food does not digest

properly, it can sit in the

gut, unable to be assimilated

completely and it starts to

become toxic. The

carbohydrates start to

ferment, the proteins begin to

putrefy and the fats become

rancid. These toxins irritate

the lining of the

gastrointestinal tract mucosa.


This can poison the gut

bacteria causing the ecology

of the gut to become upset.

Three hundred to four hundred

of the bacteria species can

become upset causing

overgrowth of candida and

other pathogens. The

irritation also makes the

cells on the lining of the

gastrointestinal tract to



When the cells become larger,

the putrefied, undigested or

partially digested food slips

into the blood stream, called

the leaky gut syndrome or gut



When they get into the blood

stream they are called free

radicals with such formidable

names as cadaverines, endols,

putricine, and phenol.


Since it is the liver's job to

detoxify toxins, the liver

becomes overloaded and less

able to do its job. In the

bloodstream, this undigested

or partially digested food (in

the form of macromolecules) is

in too large a particle to get

into the cell to function This

undigested or partially

digested food moves through

the blood stream causing havoc

in the body.


This is a form of food

allergy. The macromolecules

can go to the head and cause

the classic symptoms of

allergy such as runny eyes,

scratchy throat, itchy ears,

sinusitis, and sneezing. They

can go to the brain and cause

headaches, anger, fatigue,

schizophrenia, and



This putrefied food can go to

the joints or tissues and

cause arthritis, or to the

nerves and cause multiple

sclerosis. These

macromolecules can also go to

the skin and cause acne,

edema, psoriasis or rashes. It

can lodge anywhere in the soft

tissues in the body and cause

problems, straining whatever a

person's weak link may be.7


Finally the immune system

comes to the defense of the

body, and makes these

undigested particles back into

substances that the body can

use or escorts them out of the

body. The immune system is

asked to do the job that our

digestive system did not do.


The immune system was not

designed to do this on a daily

basis, every time we eat

over-cook foods or

over-processed foods. Over a

period of time the immune

system becomes exhausted and

the door is opened to

infectious and degenerative



From this research and the

principle of the heat labile

point, it seems that the best

way to cook food is the least



The more food that you can eat

raw, the better.


If you do cook your food the

best way to cook food is

lightly steam, stew, or use a

slow crock cooker. Eat as few

over-processed and over-cooked

foods as possible. The body

has a difficult time digesting

fried, barbecued, pasteurized,

dried, and other

over-processed and over-cooked

foods that you find in cake

mixes, dried milk, dried eggs,

pizza mixes, dairy products

and other boxed and processed

foods. Bon apetite au natural.


For More information on Dr.

Appleton's books, The Curse of

Louis Pasteur, Lick the Sugar

Habit, Lick the Sugar Habit

Sugar Counter, Heal Yourself

with Natural Foods, and

Healthy Bones, view her






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