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Raw food in Norway

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Hi everybody!

Raw greetings from the far north. I'm desparately looking for other

rawfooders here in Norway or Scandinavia. Where are you dear friends?

I'm just filling my first raw year. Yes, still transitioning and

sometimes overeating (more often than actually want :-). I would like

to meet some likeminded souls physicaly in addition to such a forum

like this. Please, give a sign - if you exist!

What? Oh yes, I live in Kongsberg. February next year I'll start

teaching a raw food class at the local evening school. So welcome!

Looking forward to your replies.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hei René -hilsen fra Trondheim her. Gratulerer så mye med et

helt " rått " år! Jeg har akkurat begynt etter årevis med nesten-

forsøk. Har holdt på i noen dager og søker masse informasjon

på nettet for å holde meg oppdatert og motivert. Jeg kjenner heller

ingen andre som lever sånn, har kun lest endel bøker og mye på

nettet. Jeg prøver en litt forsiktig start fordi jeg gjorde et forsøk

på dette for noen år siden som ikke gikk så bra (da

prøvde jeg med kun frukt, riktignok). Var dårlig ganske lenge og gikk

helt bort fra det etter det. Nå går det over all forventning -jeg har

ikke hatt noen problemer i det hele tatt så det føles nesten ikke som

om jeg får ut noe gift i det hele tatt fra kroppen.


Hadde vært hyggelig å høre hvordan det går med deg etter et år med

dette kostholdet, hva har skjedd med kroppen din og energinivået ditt

f.eks, har du hatt noen problemer eller har det gått som en lek?

Håper du ser denne meldingen selv om det var en stund siden du skrev



Vennlig hilsen


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Dear Siri,

let me answer to your post in English so others may understand too

what we are talking about :-) If you like, send me an e-mail directly

to get my telephon number for an easier chat.

Yes, when I startet with 100% raw I got a real energy boost. This was

partly also because of the freeing end of a relationship. After a few

month I decided to get rid of all mercury inlays in my teeth. Beside

the costs this was quite easy too (in terms of detoxification). A few

weeks afterwards I took the recommended (David Wolfe) colon hydro

therapy (Colonklinikken), which was a really freeing experience.

Then in May I felt the urge to conduct a 7 days water fast. Hard but

very rewarding spiritually!!! However, because of my stressy job

(mechanical engineer here at one of Kongsberg's well known automobile

industry suppliers... :-), I did not manage to hold these high

energies for a long time. Thus the pendulum swung back to a period of

overeating and searching for comfort in foods. This period still


In summer this year I was in Portland/Oregon for the International

Rawfood Festival. AMAZING and uplifting to meet the movement and so

many lovely rawfood people. Not at least the inspiring lectures of

Gabriel Cousens, David Wolfe, Fred Bisci, Juliano...

Lately I've been through a 5 days juice fast and am still struggling

with a desire for more food than my body actually needs. A book that

is a good support for me right now is Victoria Boutenko's " 12 steps

to 100% raw food " . So compassionatly written!

My energy level at the moment is not that stable. When managing to

stay off food after 19.00 or even earlier and getting enough rest

during the day it is enough with 5-6 hours sleep at night. Starting

the day at 05.30 or 06.00 am with Yoga/Meditation, breakfast, maybe

swimming and then starting at work about 08.00 am.

A factor which makes it not easier to overcome my addiction to food

is my hobby. I love to prepare food and experiment with new recipes!

Build a dehydrator on my own last winter and am using this device

constantly :-) FUN! The problem: I live alone and organising

potlucks/dinners for my friends all the time is not that easy

neither. Lately I started to bring raw cakes/pies or un-cookies to my

project meetings at work. My colleagues love them! So in February

next year I'll start a rawfood class at our local evening school. Fun!

The Christmas vacations this year I'm going to visit a friend in

Israel, also holding a food demo for her friends down there.

So life is fun even after a year on 100% raw! *vbg*

So far I've been following the nutritional suggestions of David Wolfe

(sweet fruits, fats, green leafs), Gabrial Cousens (the Aryuvedic

approach)and lately Victoria Boutenko (really 100% raw!!! - stay away

from Cashews! :-)

The most inspiring recipe book discovery was, of course

Juliano's " Raw - the uncook book " .

Regarding my body... when not fasting my weight has stabilised around

52kg (at a heights of 175cm), which makes me look not too skinny

*SMILE*. Cutting down on nuts and late night snack attacks helps also

to maintain a smooth skin (discovered lately the benefits of

artifical solarium sun beds...). Doing Yoga and some skiing or

jogging when the weather is appropriate, sometimes swimming and only

bicycle for transportation here in town.

There still are blood sugar drops in the afternoon, but I'm working

on it. Taking some supplements as: green blue Klamath algae, grass

powder, Spirulina, beepollen, MSM and angstrom sized minerals.


Wow, that was quite a waterfall from my fingers :-) You see I have a

great need for inspiring conversation on the topic. This year I have

been almost completly on my own to follow this diet. Glad to meet you

now. By the way, I have a very close friend in Trondheim, who too is

on her way to raw. If you like I could give you her phone no. or e-


Hope to hear from you soon again!

Love Light and Consciousness




rawfood , " siriseli <siriseli@s...> "

<siriseli@s...> wrote:

> Hei René -hilsen fra Trondheim her. Gratulerer så mye med et

> helt " rått " år! Jeg har akkurat begynt etter årevis med nesten-

> forsøk. Har holdt på i noen dager og søker masse informasjon

> på nettet for å holde meg oppdatert og motivert. Jeg kjenner heller

> ingen andre som lever sånn, har kun lest endel bøker og mye på

> nettet. Jeg prøver en litt forsiktig start fordi jeg gjorde et


> på dette for noen år siden som ikke gikk så bra (da

> prøvde jeg med kun frukt, riktignok). Var dårlig ganske lenge og


> helt bort fra det etter det. Nå går det over all forventning -jeg


> ikke hatt noen problemer i det hele tatt så det føles nesten ikke


> om jeg får ut noe gift i det hele tatt fra kroppen.


> Hadde vært hyggelig å høre hvordan det går med deg etter et år med

> dette kostholdet, hva har skjedd med kroppen din og energinivået


> f.eks, har du hatt noen problemer eller har det gått som en lek?

> Håper du ser denne meldingen selv om det var en stund siden du


> innlegget.


> Vennlig hilsen

> Siri

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Dear René,


Thank you so much for your inspiring letter. I look forward to hear

more! As I said earlier I don't personally know anyone in Norway (or

anywhere else for that matter) who lives like this, so it is very

exciting for me to hear from you. Maybe there are many more like us

out there..? And I agree absolutely that one needs to have personal

contact with someone who knows what this is about, in order to stay

motivated and get information based on experience from someone you

can trust, which is not always the case, I feel, with some of the

books that are available. I am afraid that I am still so new to this

that it is little I can say that can be of motivational importance to

you, but I can definetely support you.


I will later today write you an email to tell you a little more about

who I am and what I do, and so on.


If anyone else reads this and would like to get in touch, no matter

where you live, please send me an email, I would love that:) (I am a

28 year old woman, studying health psychology in Norway, and quite

inexperinced but totally convinced about raw foods.)



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