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Oh, so you have a cold-have you?

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FYI. I just wanted to start off the new year thinking about the common cold!

Perhaps if we all nip this one . . . please read on.


Wishing you a healthier New Year,





What Causes Colds?

Most colds are caused by invisible droplets called rhinoviruses that are in

the air you breathe or on things you touch. More than 100 different

rhinoviruses (whose name comes from " rhin, " the Greek word for nose) can

infiltrate the protective lining of the nose and throat, triggering an immune

system reaction that can make your throat sore, your head ache, and can make

it hard for you to breathe through your nose.

No one knows for sure exactly why you may become infected with a cold at

certain times. No matter what your parents say, shrugging off a jacket or

sweater when it's chilly, sitting or sleeping in a draft, or going outside

while your hair's wet won't cause you to catch a cold.

But air that's dry - indoors or out - can lower your resistance to

infection. So can allergies, lack of sleep, stress, not eating properly, or

hanging out with someone who is smoking.

Of course, being around your friends or others with colds make you more

likely to catch one yourself. Rhinoviruses can stay alive as droplets in the

air or on surfaces and may be able to make you sick for as long as 3 hours

after someone who has a cold has coughed or sneezed. If you touch your mouth

or nose after touching skin or some other surface that's been contaminated by

one of these viruses, you'll probably catch a cold. If you already have a

cold, you can make it worse if you don't wash your hands after you cough or







~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~




Dr. Norman Walker


Excerpt from: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices . . . what's missing in your


Dr. Norman Walker

pgs. 61-63


Is your breathing congested? Are you sneezing? Do you have a general

" letdown " feeling?

For many, many years investigators have been, and still are, attempting

to find, isolate and identify some evanescent, evasive " germ " to blame for

the common cold.

Sometime during the middle 1920s, science made the headlines with the

" discovery " of a " germ " which was definitely responsible for the common cold,

but that it was too small and elusive to be caught or even to be visible by

means of the most powerful microscopes they available. Yet, they " discovered "

such a " germ " ?

In the march of progress in the field of enlarging the image of matter,

electronic microscopes have made such vast strides that what is virtually

invisible can be magnified many thousands, even hundreds of thousands of

time. Scientists are still playing with the thought that " the germ " can be

caught, but to my (Walker) knowledge and as a result of all the research and

investigations which I (Walker) have been able to make, to such " germ " has yet

been seen, caught or harnessed.

During the past years-actually since 1946-according to word I (Walker)

have from England, some " Scientists, " under the $150,000 a year patronage of

the British Government's " Medical Research Council " have been hunting-and,

you know the British are notorious for hunting!-For a COLD BUG or VIRUS as

the culprit, which could be blamed for or accused of being responsible for

the starting or the generation of the COMMON COLD.

So far, from every available report they have not yet after many years,

been able to find, catch, harness nor " develop " one. Surely they have been

able to identify about 100 different germs, virus or bacteria, but not one of

these are able to START a cold. Every one of these was feeding on the mucus

of Common Colds, the very purpose for which they were created, namely to

dissolve, break up, decompose and so dispose of the mucus that manifests the

Common Cold.

As I (Walker) understand it, these British " Scientists " have some kind of

a research hospital where they not only invited people to come there and stay

for 10 days or so, free of charge, all meals and everything else provided,

but patients are paid something like five shillings a day to come there and

submit themselves to the Scientists attempts to find a germ or virus that

will GIVE them a cold. It has become quite a fad for some 30 people at a time

to go there once or twice a year for a very inexpensive vacation with pay.

I (Walker) understand that so far only a handful of people during the

past few years did develop a cold, but the germ or virus that was supposed to

create it has never been discovered.

No, indeed there is not a germ in existence which can cause one to have a

cold. The electrical analogy in reference to a cold is worth remembering. The

electric system in your home is equipped with fuses. Right? What happens when

the electric circuit is overheated, because you have overloaded the line with

too many lights and appliances? Does a " germ " notify you that a fuse will

blow out or that the overheating of the wires may burn down your home? No,

indeed. If the fuse fails to blow out, the overloaded and overheated wires

will start a fire.

Think this over when you " catch a cold. "

The waste matter in the system, if not eliminated, builds up fermentation

and heat in the body in the natural course of events. When such fermentation

has reached a sufficiently toxic state, Nature becomes worried about our

neglect to keep the body clean within, and gives us a warning in the form of

mucous elimination which has been labeled " a cold. " It is just as simple as

that, we have seen it demonstrated over and over and over again, that if the

warning is ignored and disregarded, more serious conditions develop,

conditions which are so well-known that a list of them covers a medical


Never curse a cold which has caught up with you. Rather be thankful for

the timely warning, and do something about it. No drug was ever known to cure

a cold without the development of eventual afflictions of a more serious

nature, rarely attributed to such drugs.

To put it briefly, a cold is the result of the secretion of too much

accumulated waste, and insufficient and improper elimination. The Colon is

the recipient of all this corruption. Toxins spread thought the body

generating unhealthy mucus in the sinus cavities. Excessive waste matter is

the contributing factor in the generation of mucus. The result - A COLD.

An . . . . . . . . . .



Excerpt from: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices . . . what's missing in your


Dr. Norman Walker

pgs. 61-63

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So far as I can tell with my own experiences, Dr. Walker is right. When

your body is free of excess mucous I believe you will be very unlikely

to get a cold.


One thing I have found is that eating raw nuts and seeds produces excess

mucous in me. So even on a raw diet, you can produce too much mucous.

I'm not sure yet if avocados increase my mucous content or not.


So far this year I haven't had a cold. But I have had periods of a few

hours where the glands in my throat were swollen and I started to feel

some symptoms. Then it all quickly went away. My body was probably able

to quickly handle the lower levels of mucous in my body and therefore I

didn't need to experience a cold.


We shall see what happens as the winter progresses.


Happy New Year to All of You, Roger Haeske



P.S. Get a Free 6 Step Technique to Transition to a Raw Diet, go to








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DaRocksMom@a... wrote:


> What Causes Colds?

> Most colds are caused by invisible droplets called

> rhinoviruses that are in the air you breathe or on things

> you touch. More than 100 different rhinoviruses (whose name comes

> from " rhin, " the Greek word for nose) can infiltrate the

> protective...


What causes a cold? Well, I think that people with a weaken immune

system catch colds. You can also catch a cold by placing yourself in

a highly stressful position.


What do I mean by a weaken immune system? Well, for one thing if you

catch a lot of colds it could mean that you are suffering from

borderline hypothyroidism.


When you feel like you are coming down with a cold take one gram of

Vitamin C every 30 minutes for the first hour, followed by one gram

every hour for the next five hours.


If you react too slowly with the Vitamin C and end up with a cold

anyway, Zinc throat lozenges are more effective than Vitamin C.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.


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Why do you even post on this board? What you say has

nothing to do with raw foods. Taking supplements is

not really a raw food approach. There are many more

factors involved including co-nutrients, absorption and

acid/alkaline balance to name a few. Supplementing could

actually lengthen the cold.


If I were trying to get more vitamin C I'd eat an orange or

strawberries or some other high vitamin C food. But this

won't stop a cold. I've tried the supplement approach

numerous times including using Vitamin C and Zinc

Lozenges and it didn't work at all. I don't know of

anyone who takes these supplements and or garlic

who doesn't get colds because of them.


Getting a cold is a good sign. It means your

body has enough vitality left in it to fight an excess of

pollution in your body. Really sick people are often the

ones that never get a cold. I've heard about several

stories of people who never get colds. Later in turns

out they had cancer when they thought they were the

healthiest of people.


The germs feed on the excess junk and mucous in the body

that a typical cooked food eater accumulates on an hourly

basis. These germs can't attack the healthy cells. They are

actually doing us a favor by being a garbage disposal

service. A cold is the body's way to stop all the excess of

toxins by decreasing appetite and forcing us to rest. Then

the virus and bacteria can eat up the excess toxins in our



I have had much less problems with colds on the raw diet.

This has certainly worked the best for me. I know of many

other raw foodists with similar results. Once you get rid of

the dirt and don't put any more back in, there is little

reason to get a cold. Make sure you get enough rest and

breathe fresh air and you'll be all right. Keep in mind that

nuts and seeds and complicated recipes with dehydrated

ingredients can increase the mucous in your diet as well.


To Your Radiant Health, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick

with it? Now you can learn the Motivational and Dietary

Secrets to success on a 100% Raw Food Diet. From Infinite

Potential and Raw Food Coach Roger Haeske the author of Your

Hidden Power - eClass, Inifinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

http://www.superbeingdiet.com to learn how to go 100% RAW.



John Gohde <johnhgohde [johnhgohde]

Wednesday, January 08, 2003 11:56 AM


[Raw Food] Re: Oh, so you have a cold-have you?


DaRocksMom@a... wrote:


> What Causes Colds?

> Most colds are caused by invisible droplets called

> rhinoviruses that are in the air you breathe or on things

> you touch. More than 100 different rhinoviruses (whose name comes

> from " rhin, " the Greek word for nose) can infiltrate the

> protective...


What causes a cold? Well, I think that people with a weaken immune

system catch colds. You can also catch a cold by placing yourself in

a highly stressful position.


What do I mean by a weaken immune system? Well, for one thing if you

catch a lot of colds it could mean that you are suffering from

borderline hypothyroidism.


When you feel like you are coming down with a cold take one gram of

Vitamin C every 30 minutes for the first hour, followed by one gram

every hour for the next five hours.


If you react too slowly with the Vitamin C and end up with a cold

anyway, Zinc throat lozenges are more effective than Vitamin C.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.






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Roger and John,


Roger said< <<Why do you even post on this board? What you say has

nothing to do with raw foods. Taking supplements is

not really a raw food approach. There are many more

factors involved including co-nutrients, absorption and

acid/alkaline balance to name a few. Supplementing could

actually lengthen the cold.>>


If you GO BACK to the original post you will see the COMPARISON of allopathic

theory compared to that of Dr. Norman Walker! You apparently did not read the

whole post! I will only post Dr. Walkers take so you don't get confused.



daily raw organic foods and juicing!


As for John, I left *HIS GROUP* because he suggests VACCINATION as a healthy

shot which is beyond comprehension to ANY educated individual!



ps. I have not had a cold or sinus infection in over three years! It is what

we shovel in our mouths.



Dr. Norman Walker


Excerpt from: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices . . . what's missing in your


Dr. Norman Walker

pgs. 61-63


Is your breathing congested? Are you sneezing? Do you have a general

" letdown " feeling?

For many, many years investigators have been, and still are, attempting

to find, isolate and identify some evanescent, evasive " germ " to blame for

the common cold.

Sometime during the middle 1920s, science made the headlines with the

" discovery " of a " germ " which was definitely responsible for the common cold,

but that it was too small and elusive to be caught or even to be visible by

means of the most powerful microscopes they available. Yet, they " discovered "

such a " germ " ?

In the march of progress in the field of enlarging the image of matter,

electronic microscopes have made such vast strides that what is virtually

invisible can be magnified many thousands, even hundreds of thousands of

time. Scientists are still playing with the thought that " the germ " can be

caught, but to my (Walker) knowledge and as a result of all the research and

investigations which I (Walker) have been able to make, to such " germ " has yet

been seen, caught or harnessed.

During the past years-actually since 1946-according to word I (Walker)

have from England, some " Scientists, " under the $150,000 a year patronage of

the British Government's " Medical Research Council " have been hunting-and,

you know the British are notorious for hunting!-For a COLD BUG or VIRUS as

the culprit, which could be blamed for or accused of being responsible for

the starting or the generation of the COMMON COLD.

So far, from every available report they have not yet after many years,

been able to find, catch, harness nor " develop " one. Surely they have been

able to identify about 100 different germs, virus or bacteria, but not one of

these are able to START a cold. Every one of these was feeding on the mucus

of Common Colds, the very purpose for which they were created, namely to

dissolve, break up, decompose and so dispose of the mucus that manifests the

Common Cold.

As I (Walker) understand it, these British " Scientists " have some kind of

a research hospital where they not only invited people to come there and stay

for 10 days or so, free of charge, all meals and everything else provided,

but patients are paid something like five shillings a day to come there and

submit themselves to the Scientists attempts to find a germ or virus that

will GIVE them a cold. It has become quite a fad for some 30 people at a time

to go there once or twice a year for a very inexpensive vacation with pay.

I (Walker) understand that so far only a handful of people during the

past few years did develop a cold, but the germ or virus that was supposed to

create it has never been discovered.

No, indeed there is not a germ in existence which can cause one to have a

cold. The electrical analogy in reference to a cold is worth remembering. The

electric system in your home is equipped with fuses. Right? What happens when

the electric circuit is overheated, because you have overloaded the line with

too many lights and appliances? Does a " germ " notify you that a fuse will

blow out or that the overheating of the wires may burn down your home? No,

indeed. If the fuse fails to blow out, the overloaded and overheated wires

will start a fire.

Think this over when you " catch a cold. "

The waste matter in the system, if not eliminated, builds up fermentation

and heat in the body in the natural course of events. When such fermentation

has reached a sufficiently toxic state, Nature becomes worried about our

neglect to keep the body clean within, and gives us a warning in the form of

mucous elimination which has been labeled " a cold. " It is just as simple as

that, we have seen it demonstrated over and over and over again, that if the

warning is ignored and disregarded, more serious conditions develop,

conditions which are so well-known that a list of them covers a medical


Never curse a cold which has caught up with you. Rather be thankful for

the timely warning, and do something about it. No drug was ever known to cure

a cold without the development of eventual afflictions of a more serious

nature, rarely attributed to such drugs.

To put it briefly, a cold is the result of the secretion of too much

accumulated waste, and insufficient and improper elimination. The Colon is

the recipient of all this corruption. Toxins spread thought the body

generating unhealthy mucus in the sinus cavities. Excessive waste matter is

the contributing factor in the generation of mucus. The result - A COLD.

An . . . . . . . . . .



Excerpt from: Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices . . . what's missing in your


Dr. Norman Walker

pgs. 61-63

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I agree totally. Thank goodness for firsthand knowledge. Like many

people, I was once a vitamin/herb popping vegan so I understand this

compulsion. However after being raw for a couple of years, I am VERY

clear that all the nutrients we could ever want are in whole

vegtables and fruits. The less toxins we put in, the less we are

compelled to put in to counter them by popping pills and getting

vaccinated. Get out of your bodies way by not putting junk into it

and before ya know- bingo, no more colds.

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" Roger Haeske " <roger@s...> wrote:


> Why do you even post on this board? What you say has

> nothing to do with raw foods. Taking supplements is

> not really a raw food approach.


I replied to a pre-existing post. :)


I added my own two cents. :)


I have never heard of any one avoiding a cold with Raw Foods. Next

time attack the original poster, please, and not me.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.


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Sorry, John,


Colds have become a thing of the past with the rawfood diet for me too.


So please add me to your list of exceptions.


As posted elsewhere, it's largely grains that pours the mucous down the






John Gohde <johnhgohde [johnhgohde]

samedi 11 janvier 2003 23:28


[Raw Food] Re: Oh, so you have a cold-have you?


" Roger Haeske " <roger@s...> wrote:


> Why do you even post on this board? What you say has

> nothing to do with raw foods. Taking supplements is

> not really a raw food approach.


I replied to a pre-existing post. :)


I added my own two cents. :)


I have never heard of any one avoiding a cold with Raw Foods. Next

time attack the original poster, please, and not me.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.






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" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...> wrote:


> Sorry, John,


> Colds have become a thing of the past with the rawfood diet

> for me too.


> So please add me to your list of exceptions.


Sorry, but I tend to believe that anyone who subjects themselves to

the stress of a cold, wet, and windy environment for a long enough

period of time will come down with a cold regardless of what ever

diet that they happen to eat.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.


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John, you may well be right but I've been plagued with frequent colds and always

caught the flu or what ever might have been making

the rounds even though I live in southern California. Since becoming a 70-80%

raw vegan, I haven't had so much as the sniffles and

my " hay fever " is a thing of the past. Half the time I'm 100% raw vegan but on

occasion my DH wants cooked or even a bit of

grass-fed beef or bison or organic chicken and I get the occasionally crave for

a whole wheat pasta dish so I'm not hard core about

my diet. I guess I'm a fence sitter. I attribute my incredibly improved health

more to what I don't eat than what I do...no sugar,

salt, refined or packaged foods, and no dairy. I'm mainly raw because after an

initial strict raw diet for about six months my

taste changed and I'm always disappointed when I eat cooked food or meat and

wish I'd chosen raw instead. Old cravings sometimes

call to me, but leave me disappointed. Natures food I find the best and most



Someday I hope you'll give a raw diet a try for a few months. I've become both

physically and mentally an entirely different person

from the experience.


Thanks for your input on this list and happy new year!




" ...Sorry, but I tend to believe that anyone who subjects themselves to

the stress of a cold, wet, and windy environment for a long enough

period of time will come down with a cold regardless of what ever

diet that they happen to eat. "


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.






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I walk for an hour a day and for the past week the temperatures have


sub zero Centigrade. Dr. Douglas Graham goes barefoot in the snow or so

I read.


Feel free to believe what you want.





John Gohde <johnhgohde [johnhgohde]

dimanche 12 janvier 2003 18:36


[Raw Food] Re: Oh, so you have a cold-have you?


" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...> wrote:


> Sorry, John,


> Colds have become a thing of the past with the rawfood diet

> for me too.


> So please add me to your list of exceptions.


Sorry, but I tend to believe that anyone who subjects themselves to

the stress of a cold, wet, and windy environment for a long enough

period of time will come down with a cold regardless of what ever

diet that they happen to eat.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.






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Actually I've seen and read of several studies that proved that cold

temperatures had nothing to do with people getting sick. So it must be

something else.




Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach Roger Haeske

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Inifinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com <http://www.superbeing.com/> . Go to

http://www.superbeingdiet.com <http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> to

learn how to go 100% RAW.



Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:23 AM


RE: [Raw Food] Re: Oh, so you have a cold-have you?




I walk for an hour a day and for the past week the temperatures have


sub zero Centigrade. Dr. Douglas Graham goes barefoot in the snow or so

I read.


Feel free to believe what you want.





John Gohde <johnhgohde [johnhgohde]

dimanche 12 janvier 2003 18:36


[Raw Food] Re: Oh, so you have a cold-have you?


" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...> wrote:


> Sorry, John,


> Colds have become a thing of the past with the rawfood diet

> for me too.


> So please add me to your list of exceptions.


Sorry, but I tend to believe that anyone who subjects themselves to

the stress of a cold, wet, and windy environment for a long enough

period of time will come down with a cold regardless of what ever

diet that they happen to eat.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.






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" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...> wrote:


> Feel free to believe what you want.


So, far this season I have yet to get a cold. I don't ever recall

getting the flu as an adult. When I do get " sick, " it don't last

much more than one day and is generally due to food poisoning (like

when I ate some bad shrimp).


Actually, I do expect to be going on a 70-80% all raw food diet on

a temporary basis in a couple of weeks.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.


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It is very common knowledge that raw foodists do not catch colds, or

flue, or cancer, or heart disease, or 90% of the ailments of mankind.

If you don't know this, why in the world would you become raw.


Brian Clement stated that Ann Wigmore's hair went from grey back to

its original color by drinking Rejuvelac.


Here is an article on why grains are bad for us;

http://www.rawvegan.com/grains.html And here is another;




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Hi everyone


Sorry Peter, I win ;) I live in Finland where just the other week the

temperature kept at -25 C for several days (in the north they even

measured -41 C)... Yet, life goes on as usual, there are no major

cold epidemies going around or anything, everyone goes to work,

school etc. I myself use the bike all year round. Just wanted to

point out that weather has little to do with catching a cold, indeed.


What *is* a bit of a problem up here though is the lack of daylight

at this time of year... Plus all fruit is imported :(


Greetings from a newcomer from the top of the world,




rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> John,


> I walk for an hour a day and for the past week the temperatures have

> been

> sub zero Centigrade. Dr. Douglas Graham goes barefoot in the snow

or so

> I read.


> Feel free to believe what you want.


> Peter

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In a message dated 1/18/03 6:29:13 AM, rawfood writes:


Thank you Nanna, Peter and Roger on your take on colds. I know people who

live in Alaska and they all say, cold weather, getting wet and drafts DO NOT

PLAY ANY ROLE in the common cold!


Again . . .


To put it briefly, a cold is the result of the secretion of too much

accumulated waste, and insufficient and improper elimination. The Colon is

the recipient of all this corruption. Toxins spread thought the body

generating unhealthy mucus in the sinus cavities. Excessive waste matter is

the contributing factor in the generation of mucus. The result - A COLD.

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Your point about cold and colds trumps John in spades!


Your point about the sun is interesting.


I would like to know what forum thinking is on Vitamin D.


I am fairly sure I get a deficiency from it in winter and I have

heard that it can be obtained through meat or fat which exposes

me somewhat. Am not keen to buy a sun-lamp.


Or should I put my anxiety in this area on the shelf with proteins

and B12?





nanna_mi <nanna_mi [nanna_mi]

Friday, January 17, 2003 12:41 PM


[Raw Food] Re: Oh, so you have a cold-have you?



Hi everyone


Sorry Peter, I win ;) I live in Finland where just the other week the

temperature kept at -25 C for several days (in the north they even

measured -41 C)... Yet, life goes on as usual, there are no major

cold epidemies going around or anything, everyone goes to work,

school etc. I myself use the bike all year round. Just wanted to

point out that weather has little to do with catching a cold, indeed.


What *is* a bit of a problem up here though is the lack of daylight

at this time of year... Plus all fruit is imported :(


Greetings from a newcomer from the top of the world,




rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> John,


> I walk for an hour a day and for the past week the temperatures have

> been sub zero Centigrade. Dr. Douglas Graham goes barefoot in the

> snow

or so

> I read.


> Feel free to believe what you want.


> Peter






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" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...> wrote:


> Your point about cold and colds trumps John in spades!


Sorry, but I don't care if you live in Finland or on the North Pole.

Fall through the ice and get wet, YOU are going to have a little bit

of a problem. You might actually get a cold.


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.


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On my final comment on the subject: People have been known to die

from " Exposure. " So, it is only common sense that if a person can die

from " Exposure " they can suffer something less than death. Like

perhaps pneumonia or even the common cold?


Take a walk in space without a space suit and you will be dead,

regardless of your all raw food diet.


To claim that cavemen 200,000 years ago who ate an all raw food diet

never got a cold is ludicrous. :)


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.


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At the risk of flogging this horse to death, I concede that

a person on a SAD diet who is " run down " is highly susceptible

to getting a cold. I also agree that cold can injure and kill.


The common cold does not thrive on a raw diet. The tendency

for raw foodists is that they excrete less of their body through the

nose and the skin and a little more through the hair and the nails.


'Nuff said







John Gohde <johnhgohde [johnhgohde]

Saturday, January 18, 2003 7:37 PM


[Raw Food] Re: Oh, so you have a cold-have you?



On my final comment on the subject: People have been known to die

from " Exposure. " So, it is only common sense that if a person can die

from " Exposure " they can suffer something less than death. Like

perhaps pneumonia or even the common cold?


Take a walk in space without a space suit and you will be dead,

regardless of your all raw food diet.


To claim that cavemen 200,000 years ago who ate an all raw food diet

never got a cold is ludicrous. :)


John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.





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You obviously know nothing about raw foods or history, perhaps you

should read more.




rawfood , " John Gohde <johnhgohde> "

<johnhgohde> wrote:

> On my final comment on the subject: People have been known to die

> from " Exposure. " So, it is only common sense that if a person can


> from " Exposure " they can suffer something less than death. Like

> perhaps pneumonia or even the common cold?


> Take a walk in space without a space suit and you will be dead,

> regardless of your all raw food diet.


> To claim that cavemen 200,000 years ago who ate an all raw food


> never got a cold is ludicrous. :)

> --

> John Gohde -- Health-with-Attitude is a support group for people

> trying to follow a Healthy Lifestyle.

> Health-with-Attitude/

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Hi Nanna,

greatings to you from the north as well. Good to hear that we are

quite a few raw guys here on top of the world. Yes, riding my bike

year round is a must (there is just no point in having a car for me

right now)

Fruitfully (imported too :-)




rawfood , " nanna_mi <nanna_mi> "

<nanna_mi> wrote:

> Hi everyone


> Sorry Peter, I win ;) I live in Finland where just the other week


> temperature kept at -25 C for several days (in the north they even

> measured -41 C)... Yet, life goes on as usual, there are no major

> cold epidemies going around or anything, everyone goes to work,

> school etc. I myself use the bike all year round. Just wanted to

> point out that weather has little to do with catching a cold,



> What *is* a bit of a problem up here though is the lack of daylight

> at this time of year... Plus all fruit is imported :(


> Greetings from a newcomer from the top of the world,

> Nanna

> Finland


> rawfood , " Peter Gardiner "


> wrote:

> > John,

> >

> > I walk for an hour a day and for the past week the temperatures


> > been

> > sub zero Centigrade. Dr. Douglas Graham goes barefoot in the


> or so

> > I read.

> >

> > Feel free to believe what you want.

> >

> > Peter

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