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Detox questions

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I've not experienced the sore throat or sinus problems - perhaps

you've just picked up something that's " going around " during your

detox period?

When I do detox (which will probably be next week for me, once my

digestive tract stabalizes a bit from the switch from cooked/meat

based back to vegan raw) I just do a three day " juice fast " - not

nearly as scientific as your sounds (hey, I'm just an engineer -

always happy to take the most direct path!).

Once I'm " back on the program " I'll do a day or two juice fast every

week or so - just to clear everything out and 'cause the fasting makes

me feel somehow better.

My symptoms when I switched (as I'm doing now) are general lethargy

and a hard time going to sleep. When I fell OFF the raw wagon I felt

really bad for a few days .......

Stay at it, get your throat checked out (you wouldn't want to have a

strep infection helping the way you feel!) and best of luck!



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>I developed a horrible sore throat and now I've got major

sinus congestion to go along with it. Can anyone provide an idea as

to how long this may last?


Chantal, that depends entirely upon your body's total build up of toxins.

Here's an excellent description of the retracing [healing crisis]process.



>I freelance doing voice over work for

commercials outside of my 9-5 job and I have had to cancel two

auditions already.


Hve you tried I Tablespoonful of the Greens+, shaken up in a glass of water

and downed just before the audition. It could give you a boost long enough

for the take. The extra dose shouldn't set you back and won't acidfiy

becasuse it's alkaline.

BYW. I talked with Sam Gracie, the formulator of Greens+, recently and he

advises adding Some BioK+ to that regimen to keep the pro biotics at a high

level to take a load off the liver during the detoxification process. And

it's Live food for sure, containing over 50 billion live acidophilus per



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Hi Chantal,


Well, after seeing your eating plan, I can understand

why you are detoxing so heavily! When I first started

eating raw, and I wasn't 100%, I spent at least a week

with copious drainage from my sinuses. Also, a very

worn out feeling like I have rarely experienced, which

would come and go for me. I would often spend 2-3

days feeling horrible, then have a day or two of

feeling great. This back-and-forth lasted a good 3

months for me, until I finally evened out. Those days

of feeling good in between are what kept me motivated

to keep going.


I am a runner, and I also had a very hard time keeping

up my usual running program during detox. I think

that is normal. I have only lost about 5-7 pounds

after 4 1/2 months at this, so the rapid weight loss

others have mentioned I have not experienced. I would

like to lose more, but I'm not very overweight so it

isn't a huge issue.


Good luck, hang in there! It will even out.






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Hi Chantel,


Wow! That is a lot of juice! I have just started my third month

eating raw but I only juice things now and then. My diet is

completely different to yours and I still need to work on it but is a

complete juice diet the way the raw food lifestyle is?


I have lost 7.7lbs so far and my diet has been mostly heaps of fresh

fruit, salads and the occasional soymilk, carob and honey shake. I am

still having some cooked food at dinner time (small amount) and a

very large salad, but I am working on it! I used to drink a lot of

water but don't drink it much at all now because I get a lot of

liquid from fruits. I do work out 5 days a week but this is nothing

strenuous, just going for a walk or some low impact aerobics. I have

only just begun strength training so I can't tell you how that is.


I love this lifestyle and have also had detox symptoms. I am glad

for them though as I know something foul has been removed from my



I feel that you should be eatting more solid food, but that is just

my opinion and I can't back it up with anything except that I feel

full and contented eatting and chewing raw food. I don't think I

would be satisfied with juice all the time.


I hope you feel better soon


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Hi Chantal,

It's hard to say if it's taking too long for you to lose weight

since you didn't mention how long you've been eating raw. Unless

I missed it, you only mentioned how long you've been doing the

detox, which is one week. (I assume all that liquid is part of

the detox, not part of your raw food diet?)


There are two things you may not know.

The one thing you probably have read or heard is that your

metabolism makes a difference in how easy it is to lose weight.

The other, which is related,is that the amount of body fat one

has also factors into weight loss.

Without getting too technical, the more fat one has, the less

efficient the body is at burning fat and calories. In fact, the

body is less efficient in just about every way.

As for metabolism, there are easy formulas to determine one's

basal metabolic rate, but I don't think those are truly helpful.

Basically, the more exercise you do, and, more importantly, the

longer you've been at it (overall, not at any one exercise

session), the more likely you are to lose weight when this diet

is taken on.


One of the overlooked reasons (note that I said 'one') that some

men have traditionally found it " easier " to lose weight than

women is that they have, at least in the past, had a longer and

more consistent continuum of exercise in their history, even

when it comes to daily activities that aren't exercise intended.

I have seen many men, though, who were just as " unable " to lose

weight as any woman when they didn't have that background, and

tend to have lifestyles and jobs that are sedentary.


There are exceptions to those rules, but they're pretty firm

rules. The less movement that there is in one's history, the

more I find that they must do something else to make up for

that. Increasing the level of intensity and being consistent

(both with the exercise and the eating) are immensely helpful.



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Oh how I feel your pain! Mine lasted for a bit over a week and a

half. I felt everything you described! It does get better, so hang in




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That sore throat to me is a detox symptom! I used to get

sore throats in early months of eating raw. Now it does not happen.


Better not to detox too fast!







Rusty [rustym]

04 March 2003 17:57


Re: [Raw Food] Detox questions


>I developed a horrible sore throat and now I've got major

sinus congestion to go along with it. Can anyone provide an idea as

to how long this may last?


Chantal, that depends entirely upon your body's total build up of


Here's an excellent description of the retracing [healing




>I freelance doing voice over work for

commercials outside of my 9-5 job and I have had to cancel two

auditions already.


Hve you tried I Tablespoonful of the Greens+, shaken up in a glass of


and downed just before the audition. It could give you a boost long


for the take. The extra dose shouldn't set you back and won't acidfiy

becasuse it's alkaline.

BYW. I talked with Sam Gracie, the formulator of Greens+, recently and


advises adding Some BioK+ to that regimen to keep the pro biotics at a


level to take a load off the liver during the detoxification process.


it's Live food for sure, containing over 50 billion live acidophilus per






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Hi Sally -

Thanks for your insights on the detox experience. I'm still going

through the major sinus problems - hopefully there's an end in sight.


I'm hoping to get back into working out again (weights & step

aerobics), but I'm still beyond tired at this point. But rest

assured I'm still very motivated.


Thanks again,


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Hey Steve -


I have to say that I so thrilled to have found a great group of

people who understand what I'm going through. Thanks for the info!




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