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Food combining tips

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Some Food Combining Tips from N W Walker



Your Body is a Food Processing Center



The manner in which our food is prepared by mastication and insalivation


has considerable influence in the process of digestion and in the ultimate


emission of the fiber and other non-digestible material from the small


intestine into the colon. The finer the mastication, the easier is the work


of the digestive glands and the liver.



Once the food gets into the stomach it is entirely cut off from any


activity or passage through any part of the digestive system, except during


the seconds when the pyloric valve opens to let a minimal amount of the


liquefied bolus pass through at regular intervals. This allows the various


gastric juices in the stomach to work on the specific type of


mineral-chemical elements of which the food eaten was composed. There is a


definite orderliness in the movement of the stomach, especially in the


separation and ejection of the more liquid parts of the bolus from the more





The dome of fundus of the stomach is not, as many suppose, to cushion air


which is expelled when burping. It has been put there for the stomach to use


as a storage place for retaining the bulk of food while the activity of the


pylorus macerates the bolus and passes it out into the duodenum (small


intestine) from time to time. The movement of the bolus starts within a few


minutes after it has entered the stomach.



The stomach is flat and in a state of collapse until food is eaten. Then


each subsequent mouthful takes its turn in being processed by the gastric


juices between the cardiac sphincter and the pylorus. Carbohydrate foods


pass from the stomach soon after ingestion and require only about half the


time required by proteins for complete gastric processing. Fats, however,


when eaten alone remain in the stomach a long time and when combined with


other foods, their passage through the pylorus is considerably delayed.



Because of the chemical nature of both our bodies' digestive systems and


of the foods we eat, it is vital that we understand how to eat proper


combinations of foods so that the body can efficiently use them for good


health and maintenance of body weight.



Orange Juice and Oatmeal Do Not Mix



In chemistry, oil and water do not mix, nor do acids mix with alkaline


substances. They are totally incompatible. Such is the case with the food


we eat. In the preparation of our meals, every food present represents a


chemical combination of elements atoms and molecules - according to the plan


of Nature. When these foods are composed of raw vegetables and fruits, the


elements composing them are vital, organic, live elements, and can be


combined in any desired mixture. Any mixture that has not been cooked or


processed can be eaten together because the elements combine in a natural


manner and the result is beneficial to the body. When the foods are


processed or cooked, however, the elements composing them have become


devitalized. This applies to all of these foods, without exception.



Your Stomach Is Well-Organized - Unless You Put the Wrong Food In It!



Chemically, carbohydrates (sugars, starches and grains) are alkaline


substances, and they need an alkaline digestive medium in the stomach for


proper and complete processing. Proteins, on the other hand, are acid


substances which require their own specific acid digestive juices.



When a carbohydrate enters the stomach it receives a disinfecting


hydrochloric acid bath because the delicate lining of the intestine it will


be later entering can be harmed by the presence of infectious elements. When


a protein enters the stomach it also is disinfected by the hydrochloric acid,


after which the protein digestive juice pepsin is secreted by the glands in


the stomach, and the breaking down of the protein begins to take place.



Don't Put a Mass of Confusion Into Your Stomach



The natural sequence of this acid-alkaline chemical law is disrupted when


we eat concentrated foods. If we eat an alkaline food, such as potatoes, and


at the same time eat an acid one, such as chicken, the chicken is not


properly digested because it is infiltrated by the acid and pepsin protein


digestive juice. The meat (protein) is likewise interfered with by the


presence of the carbohydrate in the chyme. The result of this incompatible


condition is the fermentation of the carbohydrate and the putrefaction of the





The Road to Constipation Is Paved With Proteins and Carbohydrates



To make matters worse, if the protein was eaten before the carbohydrate,


the passage of the carbohydrate out of the stomach will be retarded. When


carbohydrate and protein foods of a concentrated nature are eaten together,


the bolus of such a combination is treated first by the protein enzymes in


the upper part of the stomach and the carbohydrate food is thereby


" contaminated. " When, at its allotted time, the bolus reaches the middle part


of the stomach, further acidulation by hydrochloric acid takes place. The


result of this delay causes the carbohydrate food to remain in the stomach


longer than necessary for its own enzyme processing. This is likely to


result in its eventual fermentation along its way to absorption and


elimination. This condition can have a serious bearing on a person's


elimination problems.



Eating the Wrong Foods Can Be Complicated Eating Natural Foods Are Easy



It is an easy matter to remember the difference between the natural and


the concentrated foods if we bear in mind that all vegetation contains both


carbohydrates (in the form of natural sugars) and proteins in the form best


suited for processing by human digestion. The concentrated carbohydrates and


proteins require a greater amount of digestive processing, thus causing a


great burden of labor on the digestive organs.



Here are some examples of concentrated carbohydrates and proteins, which


should not only be avoided in combination, but avoided completely!



Bread with eggs or flesh food of any kind



Coffee and sugar



Hamburgers and soft drinks



Meat and potatoes with biscuits



Pie or cake with coffee or tea



Soups containing flour of any kind (for thickening) with meat stock or


pieces of meat



Fruits and Vegetables - Nature's Best Combination



With few exceptions I have found that raw fruits and vegetables are


perfectly compatible when eaten together, either mixed in a salad or


separately during the same meal. Melons of all kinds, though, should be


eaten alone, the whole meal consisting of nothing but melon. Melons require


an unusual time to digest, thus you would be leaving whatever else you ate


with the melon to sit in the stomach for much too long a time.



If You Have An Alkaline Stomach:



Fruits should only be eaten when they are ripe, because their sugars have


not formed completely and therefore will have an acid reaction in the system.


Ripe fruit, although apparently acid to the taste, has an alkaline reaction


in the body, thus interfering with natural digestion.



If You Have An Acid Stomach:



It is extremely important to bear in mind that if refined sugar of any


kind, or any flour product is eaten during the same meal with fruits (except


bananas, dates, figs or raisins) either together or within an hour or two,


the sugars and starches will have a tendency to ferment in the digestive


tract, causing an acidulated condition of the stomach.



The Science of Food Combining - Help Is At Hand



A study of the food chart which is in fold-out form in the back of my book


will show how, with a little practice, foods can easily be segregated, and by


combining all foods consistently in the manner indicated, a long step in the


right direction will have been taken.



This Is One Diet You Can Put Partly Off Until Tomorrow



I present this matter of food combinations here, at this point, in the


hopes of helping you gradually change over from a diet which is cooked and


devoid of enzymes, to a way of eating which supplies everything Nature meant


us to have for our health and our weight.



I do not advocate as a general rule changing over from customary eating


habits in a sudden, complete manner. The reaction from doing so, while


generally is more constructive and cleansing to the body, may cause more


discomfort (temporarily) than is desired or anticipated.



Unfortunately, we have become a race seeking painkilling remedies for


instant relief, disregarding the consequences rather than choosing ways to


eradicate the cause of our bodily discomforts by means of the slower, more


certain methods.



Which Would You Rather Be Addicted To, Sleeping Pills or Grapefruit Juice?



For example, insomnia is one of the afflictions daily becoming more


pernicious among Americans. Sedatives and sleeping pills of all kinds are


increasing in demand. Any drug that induces sleep cannot be anything but


habit-forming, advertisements to the contrary, because if the habit is not


physical, then it becomes mental. Inability to sleep is due to malnutrition


and toxic conditions in the body reacting on the nerve system, so that the


individual loses the power to induce sleep while the toxic conditions exist.



Many sleeping pill drug addicts have found that a large tumbler full of


fresh grapefruit juice before going to bed at night, and a high enema to


clean out the lower intestines, have helped them to the point where they were


able to sleep without the use of pills or powders, with little change in


their diet. Others have found that a glassful of straight celery juice or


lettuce juice worked as efficiently when these juices were properly extracted


and taken fresh and raw. A change in the diet is usually effective when


concentrated sugars and starches are eliminated.



I am firmly convinced that there is an ever-increasing demand for this


knowledge. It is so extremely simple, and yet as old as the hills. More and


more people are awakening to the fact that seeking the aid of Nature is to be


desired more than blind guessing. After all, except in the case of accident,


very little can happen to our body except as a result of what we put into it.



Did You Know Meat Can Give You Bad Breath?



When we eat incompatible mixtures of food, such as meat and potatoes,


bread and jam, fruit and sugar, a great deal of fermentation takes place, and


the formation of gas is unbelievable.



When, added to the fermentation of such food, we also have the presence of


putrefaction of cooked flesh (meat, fish or fowl), the gas is not only


increased in volume, but its perfume is anything but esthetic. This accounts


for the rank odor which permeates the breath, not only of most meat eating


people, but also of most elderly people. When we have corrected our eating


habits we will succeed in purifying our breath without the aid of





If You Must, You Must, But I Wouldn't!



When a person actually feels that he just must require some flesh protein,


it has been found that fresh fish with fins and scales have been used with


benefit if their cooking has been limited to a matter often to fifteen


minutes of steaming, but not frying it in fat or grease. Sea fish is


preferable if fresh, because sea food is the most complete of all foods, and


the sea fish contains virtually all the trace elements contained in the





River and lake fish of the same characteristics, fins and scales, are


compatible because lakes and rivers also contain much of the elements washed


into them from the mountains, hills and valleys.



Bear in mind, however, that permissible is not the same as total





The Man Who Flirted with Death Over a Piece of Roast Beef and Yorkshire





The results of the disastrous consequences of the body's inability to


handle the deadly combinations of concentrated foods, consumed for years


without the slightest notion of the consequences, are very real. Nature has


endowed our bodies with the ability to handle much misuse, but there comes a


day in which the body's tolerance level has been reached, and we find our


bodies breaking down. Our health, which we had taken for granted, has


decayed and our bodies are fat and flabby, our muscle tone gone.



There could be no better proof, to my mind, than the case of a man who


came under my care, to benefit from my research. He was of British origin,


and few meals were complete for him unless they included meat and potatoes


and frequently Yorkshire pudding.



He had a stroke a year earlier, which was followed in a comparatively


short time by three more. They left him bereft of speech and unable to walk.


Orthodox treatments in his home town had left him progressively worse,


unable to control his bladder or his bowels.



On his arrival here, I took him to the doctor who at that time cared for


my students. As usual, the program was a rigidly strict one: colonic


irrigations, quantities of fresh juices daily, raw vegetable and fruits and


positively no starchy, sugary or protein foods.



In three months' time, he was able to talk quite coherently and to walk


around a little without the aid of even a cane. But his British appetite


made his wife's life miserable.



He wanted some meat and potatoes! I told him the chances were that if he


did eat such a meal, in three days he would rue the day he was born. Some


friends came to visit them the following weekend, and he begged to be able to


join them in what he called " a real meal. "



" All right, " I said, " go ahead if you want to. It's your body, and if you


want to suffer the consequences, don't ask anybody for sympathy. I shall


simply come around next Wednesday and gloat over your misery and lack of


sense! "



They all went to a restaurant famed by publicity for its delicious


dinners. There he became a model of decorum by eating only a small piece of


meat, a few potatoes, a little bread and a small piece of pie. I met him


quite by accident the following Monday, and he was jubilant when he saw me.


" See Doc., I told you it wouldn't do me any harm! I feel like a million. "



I said, " Fine! I'm glad to hear that. I will remind you of it when I see


you on Wednesday. "



When I went to their apartment on the following Wednesday, the model of


decorum was writhing on his bed, crying like a child. We took him to the


doctor who was caring for him, and he was given a colonic irrigation. For


nearly a whole hour the gas that poured out of him and the putrid odor of the


waste matter washed out of his colon were an object lesson which his wife


should never forget as long as she lives.



I reminded them both that I had warned them that, particularity in his


condition, flagrantly ignoring his diet would do him no good, and the


incompatible combination of the foods he was craving would have exactly the


effect we had witnessed.



It is a pitiful and lamentable fact that the vast majority of people


simply dig their graves with their teeth, and then eat themselves right into


their graves!



When human nature allows the element of appetite to be in control, that


person indulges in beverages and foods which are not compatible with natural


and physiological laws, and the result is the devastation of the body. The


results of this devastation are obvious: pain, ill health, an inclination


toward disease, and the outward manifestations of rolls of fatty tissue in


the waistline area, with a protruding stomach...

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Guest guest

What book was this from? Thanks.


DaRocksMom wrote:Some Food Combining Tips from N W Walker



Your Body is a Food Processing Center



The manner in which our food is prepared by mastication and insalivation


has considerable influence in the process of digestion and in the ultimate


emission of the fiber and other non-digestible material from the small


intestine into the colon. The finer the mastication, the easier is the work


of the digestive glands and the liver.



Once the food gets into the stomach it is entirely cut off from any


activity or passage through any part of the digestive system, except during


the seconds when the pyloric valve opens to let a minimal amount of the


liquefied bolus pass through at regular intervals. This allows the various


gastric juices in the stomach to work on the specific type of


mineral-chemical elements of which the food eaten was composed. There is a


definite orderliness in the movement of the stomach, especially in the


separation and ejection of the more liquid parts of the bolus from the more





The dome of fundus of the stomach is not, as many suppose, to cushion air


which is expelled when burping. It has been put there for the stomach to use


as a storage place for retaining the bulk of food while the activity of the


pylorus macerates the bolus and passes it out into the duodenum (small


intestine) from time to time. The movement of the bolus starts within a few


minutes after it has entered the stomach.



The stomach is flat and in a state of collapse until food is eaten. Then


each subsequent mouthful takes its turn in being processed by the gastric


juices between the cardiac sphincter and the pylorus. Carbohydrate foods


pass from the stomach soon after ingestion and require only about half the


time required by proteins for complete gastric processing. Fats, however,


when eaten alone remain in the stomach a long time and when combined with


other foods, their passage through the pylorus is considerably delayed.



Because of the chemical nature of both our bodies' digestive systems and


of the foods we eat, it is vital that we understand how to eat proper


combinations of foods so that the body can efficiently use them for good


health and maintenance of body weight.



Orange Juice and Oatmeal Do Not Mix



In chemistry, oil and water do not mix, nor do acids mix with alkaline


substances. They are totally incompatible. Such is the case with the food


we eat. In the preparation of our meals, every food present represents a


chemical combination of elements atoms and molecules - according to the plan


of Nature. When these foods are composed of raw vegetables and fruits, the


elements composing them are vital, organic, live elements, and can be


combined in any desired mixture. Any mixture that has not been cooked or


processed can be eaten together because the elements combine in a natural


manner and the result is beneficial to the body. When the foods are


processed or cooked, however, the elements composing them have become


devitalized. This applies to all of these foods, without exception.



Your Stomach Is Well-Organized - Unless You Put the Wrong Food In It!



Chemically, carbohydrates (sugars, starches and grains) are alkaline


substances, and they need an alkaline digestive medium in the stomach for


proper and complete processing. Proteins, on the other hand, are acid


substances which require their own specific acid digestive juices.



When a carbohydrate enters the stomach it receives a disinfecting


hydrochloric acid bath because the delicate lining of the intestine it will


be later entering can be harmed by the presence of infectious elements. When


a protein enters the stomach it also is disinfected by the hydrochloric acid,


after which the protein digestive juice pepsin is secreted by the glands in


the stomach, and the breaking down of the protein begins to take place.



Don't Put a Mass of Confusion Into Your Stomach



The natural sequence of this acid-alkaline chemical law is disrupted when


we eat concentrated foods. If we eat an alkaline food, such as potatoes, and


at the same time eat an acid one, such as chicken, the chicken is not


properly digested because it is infiltrated by the acid and pepsin protein


digestive juice. The meat (protein) is likewise interfered with by the


presence of the carbohydrate in the chyme. The result of this incompatible


condition is the fermentation of the carbohydrate and the putrefaction of the





The Road to Constipation Is Paved With Proteins and Carbohydrates



To make matters worse, if the protein was eaten before the carbohydrate,


the passage of the carbohydrate out of the stomach will be retarded. When


carbohydrate and protein foods of a concentrated nature are eaten together,


the bolus of such a combination is treated first by the protein enzymes in


the upper part of the stomach and the carbohydrate food is thereby


" contaminated. " When, at its allotted time, the bolus reaches the middle part


of the stomach, further acidulation by hydrochloric acid takes place. The


result of this delay causes the carbohydrate food to remain in the stomach


longer than necessary for its own enzyme processing. This is likely to


result in its eventual fermentation along its way to absorption and


elimination. This condition can have a serious bearing on a person's


elimination problems.



Eating the Wrong Foods Can Be Complicated Eating Natural Foods Are Easy



It is an easy matter to remember the difference between the natural and


the concentrated foods if we bear in mind that all vegetation contains both


carbohydrates (in the form of natural sugars) and proteins in the form best


suited for processing by human digestion. The concentrated carbohydrates and


proteins require a greater amount of digestive processing, thus causing a


great burden of labor on the digestive organs.



Here are some examples of concentrated carbohydrates and proteins, which


should not only be avoided in combination, but avoided completely!



Bread with eggs or flesh food of any kind



Coffee and sugar



Hamburgers and soft drinks



Meat and potatoes with biscuits



Pie or cake with coffee or tea



Soups containing flour of any kind (for thickening) with meat stock or


pieces of meat



Fruits and Vegetables - Nature's Best Combination



With few exceptions I have found that raw fruits and vegetables are


perfectly compatible when eaten together, either mixed in a salad or


separately during the same meal. Melons of all kinds, though, should be


eaten alone, the whole meal consisting of nothing but melon. Melons require


an unusual time to digest, thus you would be leaving whatever else you ate


with the melon to sit in the stomach for much too long a time.



If You Have An Alkaline Stomach:



Fruits should only be eaten when they are ripe, because their sugars have


not formed completely and therefore will have an acid reaction in the system.


Ripe fruit, although apparently acid to the taste, has an alkaline reaction


in the body, thus interfering with natural digestion.



If You Have An Acid Stomach:



It is extremely important to bear in mind that if refined sugar of any


kind, or any flour product is eaten during the same meal with fruits (except


bananas, dates, figs or raisins) either together or within an hour or two,


the sugars and starches will have a tendency to ferment in the digestive


tract, causing an acidulated condition of the stomach.



The Science of Food Combining - Help Is At Hand



A study of the food chart which is in fold-out form in the back of my book


will show how, with a little practice, foods can easily be segregated, and by


combining all foods consistently in the manner indicated, a long step in the


right direction will have been taken.



This Is One Diet You Can Put Partly Off Until Tomorrow



I present this matter of food combinations here, at this point, in the


hopes of helping you gradually change over from a diet which is cooked and


devoid of enzymes, to a way of eating which supplies everything Nature meant


us to have for our health and our weight.



I do not advocate as a general rule changing over from customary eating


habits in a sudden, complete manner. The reaction from doing so, while


generally is more constructive and cleansing to the body, may cause more


discomfort (temporarily) than is desired or anticipated.



Unfortunately, we have become a race seeking painkilling remedies for


instant relief, disregarding the consequences rather than choosing ways to


eradicate the cause of our bodily discomforts by means of the slower, more


certain methods.



Which Would You Rather Be Addicted To, Sleeping Pills or Grapefruit Juice?



For example, insomnia is one of the afflictions daily becoming more


pernicious among Americans. Sedatives and sleeping pills of all kinds are


increasing in demand. Any drug that induces sleep cannot be anything but


habit-forming, advertisements to the contrary, because if the habit is not


physical, then it becomes mental. Inability to sleep is due to malnutrition


and toxic conditions in the body reacting on the nerve system, so that the


individual loses the power to induce sleep while the toxic conditions exist.



Many sleeping pill drug addicts have found that a large tumbler full of


fresh grapefruit juice before going to bed at night, and a high enema to


clean out the lower intestines, have helped them to the point where they were


able to sleep without the use of pills or powders, with little change in


their diet. Others have found that a glassful of straight celery juice or


lettuce juice worked as efficiently when these juices were properly extracted


and taken fresh and raw. A change in the diet is usually effective when


concentrated sugars and starches are eliminated.



I am firmly convinced that there is an ever-increasing demand for this


knowledge. It is so extremely simple, and yet as old as the hills. More and


more people are awakening to the fact that seeking the aid of Nature is to be


desired more than blind guessing. After all, except in the case of accident,


very little can happen to our body except as a result of what we put into it.



Did You Know Meat Can Give You Bad Breath?



When we eat incompatible mixtures of food, such as meat and potatoes,


bread and jam, fruit and sugar, a great deal of fermentation takes place, and


the formation of gas is unbelievable.



When, added to the fermentation of such food, we also have the presence of


putrefaction of cooked flesh (meat, fish or fowl), the gas is not only


increased in volume, but its perfume is anything but esthetic. This accounts


for the rank odor which permeates the breath, not only of most meat eating


people, but also of most elderly people. When we have corrected our eating


habits we will succeed in purifying our breath without the aid of





If You Must, You Must, But I Wouldn't!



When a person actually feels that he just must require some flesh protein,


it has been found that fresh fish with fins and scales have been used with


benefit if their cooking has been limited to a matter often to fifteen


minutes of steaming, but not frying it in fat or grease. Sea fish is


preferable if fresh, because sea food is the most complete of all foods, and


the sea fish contains virtually all the trace elements contained in the





River and lake fish of the same characteristics, fins and scales, are


compatible because lakes and rivers also contain much of the elements washed


into them from the mountains, hills and valleys.



Bear in mind, however, that permissible is not the same as total





The Man Who Flirted with Death Over a Piece of Roast Beef and Yorkshire





The results of the disastrous consequences of the body's inability to


handle the deadly combinations of concentrated foods, consumed for years


without the slightest notion of the consequences, are very real. Nature has


endowed our bodies with the ability to handle much misuse, but there comes a


day in which the body's tolerance level has been reached, and we find our


bodies breaking down. Our health, which we had taken for granted, has


decayed and our bodies are fat and flabby, our muscle tone gone.



There could be no better proof, to my mind, than the case of a man who


came under my care, to benefit from my research. He was of British origin,


and few meals were complete for him unless they included meat and potatoes


and frequently Yorkshire pudding.



He had a stroke a year earlier, which was followed in a comparatively


short time by three more. They left him bereft of speech and unable to walk.


Orthodox treatments in his home town had left him progressively worse,


unable to control his bladder or his bowels.



On his arrival here, I took him to the doctor who at that time cared for


my students. As usual, the program was a rigidly strict one: colonic


irrigations, quantities of fresh juices daily, raw vegetable and fruits and


positively no starchy, sugary or protein foods.



In three months' time, he was able to talk quite coherently and to walk


around a little without the aid of even a cane. But his British appetite


made his wife's life miserable.



He wanted some meat and potatoes! I told him the chances were that if he


did eat such a meal, in three days he would rue the day he was born. Some


friends came to visit them the following weekend, and he begged to be able to


join them in what he called " a real meal. "



" All right, " I said, " go ahead if you want to. It's your body, and if you


want to suffer the consequences, don't ask anybody for sympathy. I shall


simply come around next Wednesday and gloat over your misery and lack of


sense! "



They all went to a restaurant famed by publicity for its delicious


dinners. There he became a model of decorum by eating only a small piece of


meat, a few potatoes, a little bread and a small piece of pie. I met him


quite by accident the following Monday, and he was jubilant when he saw me.


" See Doc., I told you it wouldn't do me any harm! I feel like a million. "



I said, " Fine! I'm glad to hear that. I will remind you of it when I see


you on Wednesday. "



When I went to their apartment on the following Wednesday, the model of


decorum was writhing on his bed, crying like a child. We took him to the


doctor who was caring for him, and he was given a colonic irrigation. For


nearly a whole hour the gas that poured out of him and the putrid odor of the


waste matter washed out of his colon were an object lesson which his wife


should never forget as long as she lives.



I reminded them both that I had warned them that, particularity in his


condition, flagrantly ignoring his diet would do him no good, and the


incompatible combination of the foods he was craving would have exactly the


effect we had witnessed.



It is a pitiful and lamentable fact that the vast majority of people


simply dig their graves with their teeth, and then eat themselves right into


their graves!



When human nature allows the element of appetite to be in control, that


person indulges in beverages and foods which are not compatible with natural


and physiological laws, and the result is the devastation of the body. The


results of this devastation are obvious: pain, ill health, an inclination


toward disease, and the outward manifestations of rolls of fatty tissue in


the waistline area, with a protruding stomach...





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Guest guest

Jane, you do rock!! You are a great source of info... now I know what I was

doing wrong when combining certain foods.


Thanks again,


ipartner_fast DAY 3



> DaRocksMom wrote:Some Food Combining Tips from N W Walker



> Your Body is a Food Processing Center



> The manner in which our food is prepared by mastication and



> has considerable influence in the process of digestion and in the ultimate


> emission of the fiber and other non-digestible material from the small


> intestine into the colon. The finer the mastication, the easier is the



> of the digestive glands and the liver.



> Once the food gets into the stomach it is entirely cut off from any


> activity or passage through any part of the digestive system, except



> the seconds when the pyloric valve opens to let a minimal amount of the


> liquefied bolus pass through at regular intervals. This allows the



> gastric juices in the stomach to work on the specific type of


> mineral-chemical elements of which the food eaten was composed. There is



> definite orderliness in the movement of the stomach, especially in the


> separation and ejection of the more liquid parts of the bolus from the



> solid.



> The dome of fundus of the stomach is not, as many suppose, to cushion



> which is expelled when burping. It has been put there for the stomach to



> as a storage place for retaining the bulk of food while the activity of



> pylorus macerates the bolus and passes it out into the duodenum (small


> intestine) from time to time. The movement of the bolus starts within a



> minutes after it has entered the stomach.



> The stomach is flat and in a state of collapse until food is eaten.



> each subsequent mouthful takes its turn in being processed by the gastric


> juices between the cardiac sphincter and the pylorus. Carbohydrate foods


> pass from the stomach soon after ingestion and require only about half the


> time required by proteins for complete gastric processing. Fats, however,


> when eaten alone remain in the stomach a long time and when combined with


> other foods, their passage through the pylorus is considerably delayed.



> Because of the chemical nature of both our bodies' digestive systems



> of the foods we eat, it is vital that we understand how to eat proper


> combinations of foods so that the body can efficiently use them for good


> health and maintenance of body weight.



> Orange Juice and Oatmeal Do Not Mix



> In chemistry, oil and water do not mix, nor do acids mix with alkaline


> substances. They are totally incompatible. Such is the case with the



> we eat. In the preparation of our meals, every food present represents a


> chemical combination of elements atoms and molecules - according to the



> of Nature. When these foods are composed of raw vegetables and fruits,



> elements composing them are vital, organic, live elements, and can be


> combined in any desired mixture. Any mixture that has not been cooked or


> processed can be eaten together because the elements combine in a natural


> manner and the result is beneficial to the body. When the foods are


> processed or cooked, however, the elements composing them have become


> devitalized. This applies to all of these foods, without exception.



> Your Stomach Is Well-Organized - Unless You Put the Wrong Food In It!



> Chemically, carbohydrates (sugars, starches and grains) are alkaline


> substances, and they need an alkaline digestive medium in the stomach for


> proper and complete processing. Proteins, on the other hand, are acid


> substances which require their own specific acid digestive juices.



> When a carbohydrate enters the stomach it receives a disinfecting


> hydrochloric acid bath because the delicate lining of the intestine it



> be later entering can be harmed by the presence of infectious elements.



> a protein enters the stomach it also is disinfected by the hydrochloric



> after which the protein digestive juice pepsin is secreted by the glands



> the stomach, and the breaking down of the protein begins to take place.



> Don't Put a Mass of Confusion Into Your Stomach



> The natural sequence of this acid-alkaline chemical law is disrupted



> we eat concentrated foods. If we eat an alkaline food, such as potatoes,



> at the same time eat an acid one, such as chicken, the chicken is not


> properly digested because it is infiltrated by the acid and pepsin protein


> digestive juice. The meat (protein) is likewise interfered with by the


> presence of the carbohydrate in the chyme. The result of this



> condition is the fermentation of the carbohydrate and the putrefaction of



> proteins,



> The Road to Constipation Is Paved With Proteins and Carbohydrates



> To make matters worse, if the protein was eaten before the



> the passage of the carbohydrate out of the stomach will be retarded. When


> carbohydrate and protein foods of a concentrated nature are eaten



> the bolus of such a combination is treated first by the protein enzymes in


> the upper part of the stomach and the carbohydrate food is thereby


> " contaminated. " When, at its allotted time, the bolus reaches the middle



> of the stomach, further acidulation by hydrochloric acid takes place. The


> result of this delay causes the carbohydrate food to remain in the stomach


> longer than necessary for its own enzyme processing. This is likely to


> result in its eventual fermentation along its way to absorption and


> elimination. This condition can have a serious bearing on a person's


> elimination problems.



> Eating the Wrong Foods Can Be Complicated Eating Natural Foods Are Easy



> It is an easy matter to remember the difference between the natural and


> the concentrated foods if we bear in mind that all vegetation contains



> carbohydrates (in the form of natural sugars) and proteins in the form



> suited for processing by human digestion. The concentrated carbohydrates



> proteins require a greater amount of digestive processing, thus causing a


> great burden of labor on the digestive organs.



> Here are some examples of concentrated carbohydrates and proteins,



> should not only be avoided in combination, but avoided completely!



> Bread with eggs or flesh food of any kind



> Coffee and sugar



> Hamburgers and soft drinks



> Meat and potatoes with biscuits



> Pie or cake with coffee or tea



> Soups containing flour of any kind (for thickening) with meat stock or


> pieces of meat



> Fruits and Vegetables - Nature's Best Combination



> With few exceptions I have found that raw fruits and vegetables are


> perfectly compatible when eaten together, either mixed in a salad or


> separately during the same meal. Melons of all kinds, though, should be


> eaten alone, the whole meal consisting of nothing but melon. Melons



> an unusual time to digest, thus you would be leaving whatever else you ate


> with the melon to sit in the stomach for much too long a time.



> If You Have An Alkaline Stomach:



> Fruits should only be eaten when they are ripe, because their sugars



> not formed completely and therefore will have an acid reaction in the



> Ripe fruit, although apparently acid to the taste, has an alkaline



> in the body, thus interfering with natural digestion.



> If You Have An Acid Stomach:



> It is extremely important to bear in mind that if refined sugar of any


> kind, or any flour product is eaten during the same meal with fruits



> bananas, dates, figs or raisins) either together or within an hour or two,


> the sugars and starches will have a tendency to ferment in the digestive


> tract, causing an acidulated condition of the stomach.



> The Science of Food Combining - Help Is At Hand



> A study of the food chart which is in fold-out form in the back of my



> will show how, with a little practice, foods can easily be segregated, and



> combining all foods consistently in the manner indicated, a long step in



> right direction will have been taken.



> This Is One Diet You Can Put Partly Off Until Tomorrow



> I present this matter of food combinations here, at this point, in the


> hopes of helping you gradually change over from a diet which is cooked and


> devoid of enzymes, to a way of eating which supplies everything Nature



> us to have for our health and our weight.



> I do not advocate as a general rule changing over from customary eating


> habits in a sudden, complete manner. The reaction from doing so, while


> generally is more constructive and cleansing to the body, may cause more


> discomfort (temporarily) than is desired or anticipated.



> Unfortunately, we have become a race seeking painkilling remedies for


> instant relief, disregarding the consequences rather than choosing ways to


> eradicate the cause of our bodily discomforts by means of the slower, more


> certain methods.



> Which Would You Rather Be Addicted To, Sleeping Pills or Grapefruit Juice?



> For example, insomnia is one of the afflictions daily becoming more


> pernicious among Americans. Sedatives and sleeping pills of all kinds are


> increasing in demand. Any drug that induces sleep cannot be anything but


> habit-forming, advertisements to the contrary, because if the habit is not


> physical, then it becomes mental. Inability to sleep is due to



> and toxic conditions in the body reacting on the nerve system, so that the


> individual loses the power to induce sleep while the toxic conditions




> Many sleeping pill drug addicts have found that a large tumbler full of


> fresh grapefruit juice before going to bed at night, and a high enema to


> clean out the lower intestines, have helped them to the point where they



> able to sleep without the use of pills or powders, with little change in


> their diet. Others have found that a glassful of straight celery juice or


> lettuce juice worked as efficiently when these juices were properly



> and taken fresh and raw. A change in the diet is usually effective when


> concentrated sugars and starches are eliminated.



> I am firmly convinced that there is an ever-increasing demand for this


> knowledge. It is so extremely simple, and yet as old as the hills. More



> more people are awakening to the fact that seeking the aid of Nature is to



> desired more than blind guessing. After all, except in the case of



> very little can happen to our body except as a result of what we put into




> Did You Know Meat Can Give You Bad Breath?



> When we eat incompatible mixtures of food, such as meat and potatoes,


> bread and jam, fruit and sugar, a great deal of fermentation takes place,



> the formation of gas is unbelievable.



> When, added to the fermentation of such food, we also have the presence



> putrefaction of cooked flesh (meat, fish or fowl), the gas is not only


> increased in volume, but its perfume is anything but esthetic. This



> for the rank odor which permeates the breath, not only of most meat eating


> people, but also of most elderly people. When we have corrected our



> habits we will succeed in purifying our breath without the aid of


> deodorizers.



> If You Must, You Must, But I Wouldn't!



> When a person actually feels that he just must require some flesh



> it has been found that fresh fish with fins and scales have been used with


> benefit if their cooking has been limited to a matter often to fifteen


> minutes of steaming, but not frying it in fat or grease. Sea fish is


> preferable if fresh, because sea food is the most complete of all foods,



> the sea fish contains virtually all the trace elements contained in the


> oceans.



> River and lake fish of the same characteristics, fins and scales, are


> compatible because lakes and rivers also contain much of the elements



> into them from the mountains, hills and valleys.



> Bear in mind, however, that permissible is not the same as total


> abstinence!



> The Man Who Flirted with Death Over a Piece of Roast Beef and Yorkshire


> Pudding



> The results of the disastrous consequences of the body's inability to


> handle the deadly combinations of concentrated foods, consumed for years


> without the slightest notion of the consequences, are very real. Nature



> endowed our bodies with the ability to handle much misuse, but there comes



> day in which the body's tolerance level has been reached, and we find our


> bodies breaking down. Our health, which we had taken for granted, has


> decayed and our bodies are fat and flabby, our muscle tone gone.



> There could be no better proof, to my mind, than the case of a man who


> came under my care, to benefit from my research. He was of British



> and few meals were complete for him unless they included meat and potatoes


> and frequently Yorkshire pudding.



> He had a stroke a year earlier, which was followed in a comparatively


> short time by three more. They left him bereft of speech and unable to



> Orthodox treatments in his home town had left him progressively worse,


> unable to control his bladder or his bowels.



> On his arrival here, I took him to the doctor who at that time cared



> my students. As usual, the program was a rigidly strict one: colonic


> irrigations, quantities of fresh juices daily, raw vegetable and fruits



> positively no starchy, sugary or protein foods.



> In three months' time, he was able to talk quite coherently and to walk


> around a little without the aid of even a cane. But his British appetite


> made his wife's life miserable.



> He wanted some meat and potatoes! I told him the chances were that if



> did eat such a meal, in three days he would rue the day he was born. Some


> friends came to visit them the following weekend, and he begged to be able



> join them in what he called " a real meal. "



> " All right, " I said, " go ahead if you want to. It's your body, and if



> want to suffer the consequences, don't ask anybody for sympathy. I shall


> simply come around next Wednesday and gloat over your misery and lack of


> sense! "



> They all went to a restaurant famed by publicity for its delicious


> dinners. There he became a model of decorum by eating only a small piece



> meat, a few potatoes, a little bread and a small piece of pie. I met him


> quite by accident the following Monday, and he was jubilant when he saw



> " See Doc., I told you it wouldn't do me any harm! I feel like a million. "



> I said, " Fine! I'm glad to hear that. I will remind you of it when I



> you on Wednesday. "



> When I went to their apartment on the following Wednesday, the model of


> decorum was writhing on his bed, crying like a child. We took him to the


> doctor who was caring for him, and he was given a colonic irrigation. For


> nearly a whole hour the gas that poured out of him and the putrid odor of



> waste matter washed out of his colon were an object lesson which his wife


> should never forget as long as she lives.



> I reminded them both that I had warned them that, particularity in his


> condition, flagrantly ignoring his diet would do him no good, and the


> incompatible combination of the foods he was craving would have exactly



> effect we had witnessed.



> It is a pitiful and lamentable fact that the vast majority of people


> simply dig their graves with their teeth, and then eat themselves right



> their graves!



> When human nature allows the element of appetite to be in control, that


> person indulges in beverages and foods which are not compatible with



> and physiological laws, and the result is the devastation of the body.



> results of this devastation are obvious: pain, ill health, an inclination


> toward disease, and the outward manifestations of rolls of fatty tissue in


> the waistline area, with a protruding stomach...





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