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my results

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I have been 90-100% raw foods since Jan 1, 2003... During that time

I incorporated an exercise and weight lifting program to assist with

the raw food diet. This consisted of riding an exercise bike 5 times

a week for 45 minutes... and 5 times a week of lifting exercises

including: bench press, incline bench press, incline dumbell press,

bicep curls, concentrated bicep curls, seated bicep curls, weighted

side bends, and the torso trac 2. The results I have been amazing!

I've lost 34 pounds of fat while gaining muscle mass. My waist was

40/42 now is 34/36. I have a ton of energy and my metabolism has

taken a 180 degree turn. I still have about 10-15 pounds of fat to

lose with July 4th being my target date for that. I also would like

to gain about 20-40 pounds back of muscle mass.


Does anyone know of a good protein supplement that I can take about

an hour after my workout that would fall into the raw categorey to

help with the muscle gain?



I just want to thank everyone for writing in, I read the posts every

day and like hearing the advice and stories that are told.


Take care,


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Re: Protein supplement


The new raw hemp protein powder.. you can order it at rawfood.com







> " BadDog " <baddogvt



>[Raw Food] my results

>Sat, 03 May 2003 14:42:41 -0000




>I have been 90-100% raw foods since Jan 1, 2003... During that time

>I incorporated an exercise and weight lifting program to assist with

>the raw food diet. This consisted of riding an exercise bike 5 times

>a week for 45 minutes... and 5 times a week of lifting exercises

>including: bench press, incline bench press, incline dumbell press,

>bicep curls, concentrated bicep curls, seated bicep curls, weighted

>side bends, and the torso trac 2. The results I have been amazing!

>I've lost 34 pounds of fat while gaining muscle mass. My waist was

>40/42 now is 34/36. I have a ton of energy and my metabolism has

>taken a 180 degree turn. I still have about 10-15 pounds of fat to

>lose with July 4th being my target date for that. I also would like

>to gain about 20-40 pounds back of muscle mass.


>Does anyone know of a good protein supplement that I can take about

>an hour after my workout that would fall into the raw categorey to

>help with the muscle gain?



>I just want to thank everyone for writing in, I read the posts every

>day and like hearing the advice and stories that are told.


>Take care,






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Your post will help to motivate others. Keep it up.


How are your friends and family reacting? Are they shocked by your




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Yes, they are shocked... they claim that this diet is unhealthy, but now they

can't understand, how I lost weight while gaining muscle, how my eyes are

brighter, how my energy is so high, and how I have such disipline to remain on

the raw food plan. I tell them it's because I beleive in the diet and that this

is the way humans were made to eat... they still disagree and think i'm a freak,

but I continue to work on them.


orionsdad <orionsdad wrote:Martin,




Your post will help to motivate others. Keep it up.


How are your friends and family reacting? Are they shocked by your







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You have to wonder what the basis is for friends and family to claim

that a raw food diet is " unhealthy " . Personal experience? Do they

know people who died from cancer, heart attacks and strokes by

eating fruits and vegetables and doing exercises?


Do they stop and think about the fact that every other species of

animal on the planet eats raw food their entire lives and has been

doing so since the beginning of time? Not us humans though. We're so

smart. We know better. We eat cooked foods. Now come visit us in the



There is something about being thin that makes people worry about

you. They equate weight gain with health. If you are thin you must

be too poor to buy food. You must be dying. You must have a disease.

You had better stop being thin and eat some cooked food so you can

look and be like everyone else.


Now if you are doing something different and getting great results

others are going to take notice and it's going to make them uneasy.

You are challenging their beliefs about food and diet and many

people do not like that. It might mean that THEY are doing something

wrong and how many people what to admit to that?


One of the best things you can do now is say less and do more. Be a

role model for good health. Let your appearance, energy and radiant

health shine though. At some point they will have to admit you are

obviously doing something very right and if they inquire you can

tell them how they can do it too. They will have the proof right

before their own eyes.



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" We eat cooked foods. Now come visit us in the hospital. " I did laugh at

that, but it's true.


Well said, Orionsdad




" orionsdad " <orionsdad

<rawfood >

Sunday, May 04, 2003 10:52 AM

[Raw Food] Re: my results



> Martin,


> You have to wonder what the basis is for friends and family to claim

> that a raw food diet is " unhealthy " . Personal experience? Do they

> know people who died from cancer, heart attacks and strokes by

> eating fruits and vegetables and doing exercises?


> Do they stop and think about the fact that every other species of

> animal on the planet eats raw food their entire lives and has been

> doing so since the beginning of time? Not us humans though. We're so

> smart. We know better. We eat cooked foods. Now come visit us in the

> hospital.


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It never pays to argue with cooked food addicts. They are incredibly

stubborn as well as combative. When I tell anyone in my family that I eat

raw, I usually have to listen to a tirade and an insistent invitation for a

" good home-cooked meal " . I just go ahead and do it my way. The last

person that insisted on preparing me a " good home-cooked meal " , recently had

to be rushed to the hospital with chest pains. (Too many " good home-cooked

meals " , no doubt.) Food that has been cooked is food that has been





Orionsdad wrote:


" orionsdad " <orionsdad

<rawfood >

Sunday, May 04, 2003 9:52 AM

[Raw Food] Re: my results




> You have to wonder what the basis is for friends and family to claim

> that a raw food diet is " unhealthy " . Personal experience? Do they

> know people who died from cancer, heart attacks and strokes by

> eating fruits and vegetables and doing exercises?


> Do they stop and think about the fact that every other species of

> animal on the planet eats raw food their entire lives and has been

> doing so since the beginning of time? Not us humans though. We're so

> smart. We know better. We eat cooked foods. Now come visit us in the

> hospital.


> There is something about being thin that makes people worry about

> you. They equate weight gain with health. If you are thin you must

> be too poor to buy food. You must be dying. You must have a disease.

> You had better stop being thin and eat some cooked food so you can

> look and be like everyone else.


> Now if you are doing something different and getting great results

> others are going to take notice and it's going to make them uneasy.

> You are challenging their beliefs about food and diet and many

> people do not like that. It might mean that THEY are doing something

> wrong and how many people what to admit to that?


> One of the best things you can do now is say less and do more. Be a

> role model for good health. Let your appearance, energy and radiant

> health shine though. At some point they will have to admit you are

> obviously doing something very right and if they inquire you can

> tell them how they can do it too. They will have the proof right

> before their own eyes.


> -Orionsdad



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Hi Martin,


I just loved reading your post - talk about inspiring! What were

your eating habits and exercise routine like before this year? Was

going raw (almost 100%) a very drastic change for you, or were you

already eating a raw diet?


I am struglling with a lot of extra weight and some health issues

that while aren't *caused* by being overweight, are certainly

exacerbated by it. Reading about your success sure gives me

something to think about, along with the hope that " it can be done " !


Thanks, Dee

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Hello Dee, Prior to eating raw, I was on a vegatarian diet for over a year...

eating lots of pasta... I had also gone on frequent fad diets like slim fast and

would lose weight and then gain it back. I was able to take 40 pounds off doing

this, but i was on a cycle of gaining it back and then losing it over and over.

After going raw and adding the exercise bike routine 5 times a week... I was

able to maintain the origional weight loss plus take off an additional 34 pounds

of pure fat... making a total weight loss over the past two years of 74 pounds.

It was not easy with initially going raw... I would have some severe withdrawl

symptoms, especially from things like pasta and ice cream. I goto the food

market every Sunday and purchase fruits and vegetables for the week. I would

prepare in advance 3 days servings of a large salad in individual containers

ready to eat for dinner each day...consisting of everything raw you can

imagine(lettuce, spinach, peppers, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflour,

alfalfa sprount, bean sprouts, seseme seeds, chopped almonds, and more). This

was my main dinner every day. Through out the day I would eat a piece of fruit

about every hour and a half consisting of one banana, pear, peach, plumb,

orange, tangerine, and a couple varieties of apples. In the evenings I would

enjoy a treat of a smoothie made of fresh fruits and berries. In addition I

would drink lots of water all day long and fresh fruit and vegetable juice. I

would exercise and work out in the morining on days off from work and in the

evening on work days. After the first 3 weeks it all became routine and easy.

I would cheat every once and awhile... but it got to the point where if I did

eat any cooked food my body wold almost reject it... causeing stomach aches and

just an overall poor feeling. The one disadvantage of diet is cost... I

actually spend more on food now... averaging about $100 a week fot myself. It

is worth the increased health by far. I hope this is of some help to you

Dee.Be WellMartin


sagipuss <prism25 wrote:Hi Martin,


I just loved reading your post - talk about inspiring! What were

your eating habits and exercise routine like before this year? Was

going raw (almost 100%) a very drastic change for you, or were you

already eating a raw diet?


I am struglling with a lot of extra weight and some health issues

that while aren't *caused* by being overweight, are certainly

exacerbated by it. Reading about your success sure gives me

something to think about, along with the hope that " it can be done " !


Thanks, Dee




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Hello Martin and Dee.....I find that if you make a salad in advance, it

stays fresher if you mix all the vegetables except the lettuce. Add the

fresh lettuce when you are ready to eat. It comes out great that way!

Best of health to you........Betsy




" BadDogVT " <baddogvt

<rawfood >

Sunday, May 04, 2003 8:38 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: my results



> Hello Dee, Prior to eating raw, I was on a vegatarian diet for over a

year... eating lots of pasta... I had also gone on frequent fad diets like

slim fast and would lose weight and then gain it back. I was able to take

40 pounds off doing this, but i was on a cycle of gaining it back and then

losing it over and over. After going raw and adding the exercise bike

routine 5 times a week... I was able to maintain the origional weight loss

plus take off an additional 34 pounds of pure fat... making a total weight

loss over the past two years of 74 pounds. It was not easy with initially

going raw... I would have some severe withdrawl symptoms, especially from

things like pasta and ice cream. I goto the food market every Sunday and

purchase fruits and vegetables for the week. I would prepare in advance 3

days servings of a large salad in individual containers ready to eat for

dinner each day...consisting of everything raw you can imagine(lettuce,

spinach, peppers, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflour, alfalfa sprount,

bean sprouts, seseme seeds, chopped almonds, and more). This was my main

dinner every day. Through out the day I would eat a piece of fruit about

every hour and a half consisting of one banana, pear, peach, plumb, orange,

tangerine, and a couple varieties of apples. In the evenings I would enjoy

a treat of a smoothie made of fresh fruits and berries. In addition I would

drink lots of water all day long and fresh fruit and vegetable juice. I

would exercise and work out in the morining on days off from work and in the

evening on work days. After the first 3 weeks it all became routine and

easy. I would cheat every once and awhile... but it got to the point where

if I did eat any cooked food my body wold almost reject it... causeing

stomach aches and just an overall poor feeling. The one disadvantage of

diet is cost... I actually spend more on food now... averaging about $100 a

week fot myself. It is worth the increased health by far. I hope this is

of some help to you Dee.Be WellMartin

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I LOVE THIS POST! Very well said. My mother said to me yesterday... " Lent's

over why aren't you eating any cooked food. " Because it makes me feel bad I

said. " How? " She asked.. I went on to explain.... " well there is something


wrong with you then " . I just changed the subject. People just don't get it.

My sister (who is overweight) said to me shortly after that " how much are you

weighing now? " --- 120 as always I said. I'm 5'4 " and that is even 'normal'

by outrageously high doctors weight scales. I weight 109 in high school yet

nobody ever said anything about my weight then... and they didn't because

all I

did was eat crap (like everyone else) so my low weight (normal weight) was of

no concern to anyone. Now I weigh 11 lbs more am HEALTHY and now my weight is

of great concern. I don't get it. ;-) well actually I do.. people are truly

obsessed with food, and extremely brainwashed by conventional medicine.

All we

can do is pray that they are lucky enough to eventually find the path that we

are on so that they too can experience optimum health and remain disease free.


Best Wishes and THANK U for this brilliant post.



At 02:52 PM 5/4/2003 +0000, you wrote:


> Martin,


> You have to wonder what the basis is for friends and family to claim

> that a raw food diet is " unhealthy " . Personal experience? Do they

> know people who died from cancer, heart attacks and strokes by

> eating fruits and vegetables and doing exercises?


> Do they stop and think about the fact that every other species of

> animal on the planet eats raw food their entire lives and has been

> doing so since the beginning of time? Not us humans though. We're so

> smart. We know better. We eat cooked foods. Now come visit us in the

> hospital.


> There is something about being thin that makes people worry about

> you. They equate weight gain with health. If you are thin you must

> be too poor to buy food. You must be dying. You must have a disease.

> You  had better stop being thin and eat some cooked food so you can

> look and be like everyone else.


> Now if you are doing something different and getting great results

> others are going to take notice and it's going to make them uneasy.

> You are challenging their beliefs about food and diet and many

> people do not like that. It might mean that THEY are doing something

> wrong and how many people what to admit to that?


> One of the best things you can do now is say less and do more. Be a

> role model for good health. Let your appearance, energy and radiant

> health shine though. At some point they will have to admit you are

> obviously doing something very right and if they inquire you can

> tell them how they can do it too. They will have the proof right

> before their own eyes.


> -Orionsdad





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" We eat cooked foods. Now come visit us in the hospital. " I did laugh at

that, but it's true.


Well said, Orionsdad



[RH] I second that. That was truly funny and true.


[RH] Roger

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[Judith Roney] >> Hello Dee, Prior to eating raw, I was on a vegatarian

diet for over a year... eating lots of pasta... I had also gone on frequent

fad diets like slim fast and would lose weight and then gain it back. I was

able to take 40 pounds off doing this, but i was on a cycle of gaining it

back and then losing it over and over. After going raw and adding the

exercise bike routine 5 times a week... I was able to maintain the origional

weight loss plus take off an additional 34 pounds of pure fat... making a

total weight loss over the past two years of 74 pounds. It was not easy

with initially going raw... I would have some severe withdrawl symptoms,

especially from things like pasta and ice cream. I goto the food market

every Sunday and purchase fruits and vegetables for the week. I would

prepare in advance 3 days servings of a large salad in individual containers

ready to eat for dinner each day...consisting of everything raw you can

imagine(lettuce, spinach, peppers, tomato, cucumber, broccoli, cauliflour,

alfalfa sprount, bean sprouts, seseme seeds, chopped almonds, and more).

This was my main dinner every day. Through out the day I would eat a piece

of fruit about every hour and a half consisting of one banana, pear, peach,

plumb, orange, tangerine, and a couple varieties of apples. In the

evenings I would enjoy a treat of a smoothie made of fresh fruits and

berries. In addition I would drink lots of water all day long and fresh

fruit and vegetable juice. I would exercise and work out in the morining on

days off from work and in the evening on work days. After the first 3

weeks it all became routine and easy. I would cheat every once and

awhile... but it got to the point where if I did eat any cooked food my body

wold almost reject it... causeing stomach aches and just an overall poor

feeling. The one disadvantage of diet is cost... I actually spend more on

food now... averaging about $100 a week fot myself. It is worth the

increased health by far. I hope this is of some help to you Dee.Be

WellMartin[Judith Roney] >>


I recieved a lot of inspiration from your post also...I, too have been a

vegetarian for almost 4 years now..briefly I was eating salmon and

sardines(!!) for protein, bit have stopped. I can relate to the weight

issue. While I have never been " obese " , I am 5'9 " and should weigh about

140-150...I am at 180 and don't have the energy I used to. I am going to be

42 in June, and am convinced as we age the best thing we could do for our

bodies is to go raw. 3 years ago I was at 123, but in great shape..I looked

20 years younger, I have no doubt that raw would be even better results.


I can also relate to the cost of food..it's a shame that it should cost

more to " eat less " . I also try to prepare things ahead of time. It is vital

to be able to have something " at hand " to eat when the " hunger " pains come,

however I'm sure they are more cravings than real hunger.


I only heard about " raw " about a month ago and became insantly

fascinated..I am at about 90 % raw and working at 100%. We have a very

stressful business we run and I struggle with the stress factor daily. It is

the eating out and the stress which has put 40 ponds on myself and my

husband. He was veggie only 3 years ago and he will eat some of what I make,

but I can't get him to understand the " raw thing " yet. It will have to be by

example. He does not like the weight he has gained.


I enjoy all the posts...wish the rest of the world could see how simple it

all could be if we removed the " cooked food syndrome " .










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[Judith Roney] >> ----- Very well said. My mother said to me yesterday...

" Lent's

over why aren't you eating any cooked food. " Because it makes me feel bad


said. " How? " She asked.. I went on to explain.... " well there is something


wrong with you then " . I just changed the subject. People just don't get

it. [Judith Roney] >>


I became a vegetarian through process...I realised I always " burped " or

felt bloated after eating particular meats and dairy, well, I stopped

drinking milk ages ago, but also realised how AWFUL I'd feel after eating

too much dairy.It was amazing that as I deleted more and more unhealthy

foods, how many of my health problems went away. Eventually I read more &

more and became enlightened to the whole huge way cooked food & meat & dairy

are ruining the planet let alone our stomachs. I mean it just goes on & on

...did any one read " A Fast Food Nation " ? What an eye opener.


People don't realise how many ways dairy & meat adversely affect them. And

yes, how many times do people think there is something wrong with you when

you are lean & strong..they feel you should be plump & soft!

I will never forget when one co-worker , who was curious, asked me, " Well

if you don't eat meat, what on Earth DO YOU EAT? " I just looked back in

amazement and realised how caught in the trap most of us are.







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