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Re// Candida

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Sorry, more lurker than poster here but have some knowledge about this.


My 6 year old son is battling candida and clostridium. The meds did not work

until we took all forms of sugar (replacing with saccharine) and took all

carbs away. We are also looking at the " Specific Carbohydrate Diet " (SCD)

to continue fighting and control these while he is detoxing and chelating.


WWW.SCDiet.org (i think) Breaking the Vicious Cycle is the name of the

book containing the diet, Elaine Gottschall (ooh, i hope i spelled that

right) Is her name, quite an amazing story. And a brief description follows.



The Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) is a strict grain-free, lactose-free,

and sucrose-free dietary regimen intended for those suffering from Crohn's

Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, Celiac Disease, IBD, and IBS.

Of all dietary components, carbohydrates have the greatest influence on

intestinal microbes (yeast and bacteria) which are believed to be involved

in intestinal disorders. Most intestinal microbes require carbohydrates for

energy. The SCD works by severely limiting the availability of carbohydrates

to intestinal microbes. When carbohydrates are not digested, they are not

absorbed. They remain in the intestinal tract, thus encouraging microbes to

multiply by providing food for them. This can lead to the formation of acids

and toxins which can injure the small intestine. Once bacteria multiply

within the small intestine, they can destroy the enzymes on the intestinal

cell surface, preventing carbohydrate digestion and absorption. At this

point, production of excessive mucus may be triggered as the intestinal

tract attempts to " lubricate " itself against the irritation caused by the

toxins, acids, and the presence of incompletely digested and unabsorbed


The SCD is based on the principle that specifically selected carbohydrates

requiring minimal digestion are well absorbed, leaving virtually nothing for

intestinal microbes to feed on. As the microbes decrease due to lack of food

their harmful by-products also diminish. No longer needing protection, the

mucus producing cells stop producing excessive mucus and carbohydrate

digestion is improved. The SCD corrects malabsorption, allowing nutrients to

enter the bloodstream and be made available to the cells of the body,

thereby strengthening the immune system's ability to fight. Further

debilitation is prevented, weight can return to normal, and ultimately there

is a return to health.



SCD In Comparison to the Atkins Diet

In response to a question about how SCD differs from the Atkins diet, Seth


The Atkins diet puts a cap on the amount of total carbohydrates you can eat,

these include monosaccharides as well as starches. A lot of prepackaged

Atkins foods are laced with soy and other starchy type things - things not

allowed on the SC Diet.

The SC Diet puts no cap on the amount of total carbs allowed in a day, but

restricts the type of carbs allowed - only simple sugars - monosaccharides.

So we are not allowed to eat starches, no matter the quantity.

So if you were on the Atkins diet, you could eat bread, as long as it is

under the carb limit. On the SC diet, you cannot eat bread, but you can eat

unlimited quantities of the allowed carbs, say fruit for example. (However,

in real life, you may not want to eat 8 pounds of blueberries at one



SCD combats bacterial and yeast overgrowth by restricting the energy they

require to live while keeping the host(us) well fed. This requires eating

foods with little or no carbohydrates, or eating foods that contain

monosaccharides which are quickly absorbed by the body. A list of allowed

and disallowed foods follows. If you are unsure about a particular food, DO

NOT EAT IT. Strict adherence is necessary to obtain relief from symptoms.

Disallowed Foods

Sugars: Do not eat sugar, molasses, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup,

fructose, or any processed sugar.

Veggies: All canned vegetables are not permitted.

Grains: All grains are not permitted, such as: corn, wheat, wheat germ,

barley, oats, rye, rice, buckwheat, soy, spelt, amaranth, and others. Some

legumes are not allowed: chick peas, bean sprouts, soybeans, mungbeans, faba

beans, and garbanzo beans. Starchy foods are not permitted, such as:

potatoes, yams, and parsnips. Seaweed and seaweed byproducts, such as agar

and carrageenan, are not allowed.

Meats: All canned meats are forbidden. Most processed meats are not

permitted. Make sure processed meat doesn't contain any harmful additive

such as corn, corn products, starch, and sugars.

Dairy: All variations of milk are not allowed: whole, skim, 1%, 2%,

chocolate, etc. Some cheeses contain a high lactose content and are

restricted: ricotta, mozzarella, cottage cheese, cream cheese, feta, and

processed cheeses and cheese spreads. Commercial yogurt contains a high

amount of lactose and is not allowed. Heavy cream, buttermilk, and sour

cream are not allowed.

Misc.: Other foods that are not permitted include: bread, pasta, other

starchy foods, canola oil, commercial mayonnaise (because of additives), ice

cream, candy, chocolate, carob, whey powder, margarine, commercial ketchup,

stevia, baking powder, commercial nut mixes, balsamic vinegar, and FOS

(fructooligosaccharides) products.

Allowed Foods- Quantities are not restricted if you eat a balanced diet

Sugars: Honey is the only allowed sugar product. Not everyone can tolerate

it, so use with caution.

Veggies: Most vegetables, fresh or frozen and raw or cooked, are allowed

including: asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, beets, Brussells

sprouts, cabbage, carrots celery, cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini, summer

squash, rhubarb, peppers, garlic, lettuce, spinach, mushrooms (unless you

have candidiasis), onions, turnips, and watercress. Be careful of raw

vegetables when diarrhea is present.

Legumes: Dried navy beans, lentils, peas, split peas, unroasted cashews,

peanuts in a shell, all natural peanut butter, lima beans, and string beans.


Meats: All unprocessed meats such as: beef, pork, chicken, turkey, quail,

ostrich, fish, shellfish, lamb, venison, rabbit, and eggs. Some processed

meats are allowed, but many require writing letters to manufacturers to

verify the absence of restricted foods. Many processed meats contain sugar,

starch, corn products, and other disallowed foods.

Dairy: All natural cheeses except those listed above are allowed: cheddar,

colby, swiss, havarti, dry curd cottage cheese, etc.. Homemade yogurt that

has been fermented for a minimum of 24 hours is allowed and encouraged.

Fruits: Most fruits are allowed such as: avocadoes, apples, tomatoes, olives

apricots, ripened bananas, coconuts, dates, berries, cherries, citrus

fruits, peaches, pears, tropical fruits, and grapes. Nuts Almonds, Brazil

nuts, walnuts, chestnuts, filberts, and pecans.

Misc: The following foods are allowed: olive oil, coconut oil, soybean oil,

corn oil, weak tea, weak coffee, unflavored gelatin, mustard, vinegar,

saccharin, and juices with no additives.

www.stoptheviciouscycle.org www.scdiet.org




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The body has a different reaction when eating raw fruits and there is

little fat in the bloodstream. Fruits are the easiest of all the foods

for our bodies to absorb.


I personally have three friends who cured themselves of Candida on a raw

diet that was high in fruit intake. The key if you are eating this way

is to have a very low fat intake. Any time my fat intake goes up is when

I have a problem. Or if I eat overly ripe or fermenting fruit.


Even a high amount of fruit sugar can be absorbed very quickly by the

body if there is little fat in the blood. This doesn't allow the Candida

yeast time to feed.


If the problem were very bad, I would suggest fasting a few days over

eating a high fat raw diet. If you starve the Candida it will go away.

The main problem is not a temporarily high blood sugar, but a sustained

high blood sugar. If you eat a high fat diet and even a minimal amount

of carbohydrates you'll have an elevated blood sugar for a long time and

this is why the Candida yeast proliferates.


Eating grains and cooked starches is of course very bad for Candida

problems as well. This food certainly does not digest quickly or fully

and causes a myriad of problems.




Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com. Go to http://www.superbeingdiet.com to learn

how to go 100% RAW.

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" Even a high amount of fruit sugar can be absorbed very quickly by the

body if there is little fat in the blood. This doesn't allow the

Candida yeast time to feed. "


THANK YOU Roger! This really is the first piece of reasonable advise

I have had on candida that really makes sense and is not impossible

to follow. I am now avoiding mixing fats and sugar.


raw peas :)


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Very important. Even Atkins said that. Sugar and fat are fundamental to

junk food!





raw_peas [no_reply ]

12 May 2003 12:18


Re: [Raw Food] Re// Candida



" Even a high amount of fruit sugar can be absorbed very quickly by the

body if there is little fat in the blood. This doesn't allow the

Candida yeast time to feed. "


THANK YOU Roger! This really is the first piece of reasonable advise

I have had on candida that really makes sense and is not impossible

to follow. I am now avoiding mixing fats and sugar.


raw peas :)






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> I have had on candida that really makes sense and is not impossible

> to follow. I am now avoiding mixing fats and sugar.


One kind of fat is O.K....cococnut oil. It actually helps sugar be

used by the cells. It counteracts insulin resistance. It also kills

candida. Coconut oil helped me get over candida and stabilized my

blood sugar.








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> I have had on candida that really makes sense and is not impossible

> to follow. I am now avoiding mixing fats and sugar.


One kind of fat is O.K....cococnut oil. It actually helps sugar be

used by the cells.


I'd be careful with that advice. Try it out for yourself if you like.

Personally, I don't recommend anyone eat any oils at all. You can eat

fats but not the fats refined down to an oil. Better to eat the olive

than to take olive oil. It is a refined food and has been damaged in the

refining process. The fat in the ripe olive is in a better form than

when it is separated from the rest of the nutrients in the olive to

produce oil.


Secondly, I'm not so sure this would work. A fat is a fat. The problem

with fat is that it takes much longer to digest than sugar. So I would

suspect that you'd have the same exact problem with coconut oil or

butter. Even eating fats and sugars at separate meals isn't really



You have to try a low fat approach because fats take anywhere from 12 to

36 hours to be fully absorbed into the cells. So even if you ate the

fats the night before you are still digesting them when you are eating

fruit for breakfast. Excess fat in the blood will surround the sugar and

require excess insulin to move the sugar into the cells.


You'll have to make many experiments to get the results you want. The

body is constantly going through changes and so it can be frustrating if

you aren't getting the desired results.


It counteracts insulin resistance. It also kills



I doubt very much it kills Candida. How is it going to get to the

Candida to kill it anyway? Before I knew any better I was taking all

sorts of powerful stuff like Olive Leaf Extract and Oregano to kill the

Candida. That powerful stuff was unable to kill it, even in Mega Doses.

I doubt the Coconut Oil would do any better.


It seems like someone has been over hyping Coconut Oil to sell a book.

Plus the Candida is actually protecting you. You shouldn't be trying to

kill it. It is there to save you from having an overly high blood sugar,

which is really dangerous. This can lead to heart disease, blindness,

hearing loss and all the problems associated with diabetes. Candida is

actually your last line of defense. The best way to deal with it is not

to feed it. To remove the cause of the problem, not deal with the



That's my two cents worth.




Coconut oil helped me get over candida and stabilized my

blood sugar.








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I believe Roger is correct on the fat/sugar/insulin analysis.


Did anyone see the blurb on CBS tv news tonight about the childhood

obesity epidemic in US? The school cafeterias serve fatty fried

foods for lunch and the vending machines supply candy and soda to the

kids all day long. Any wonder why so many people are developing

diabetes and candida?



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rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Very important. Even Atkins said that. Sugar and fat are

fundamental to

> junk food!


Sure I knew that all along, but I couldn't understand why sweet fruit

should be avoided with candida. In my book sweet fruit and refined

sugars are not one and the same - and sure they aren't! So I'm happy

to realize eating fruit is not causing problems as long as I don't

overdo it, and avoid avocado or oils. (I don't eat dairy or grains or

trans-fatty acids anyways).


Again, Roger thank you so much for your clear advise!


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I have always been apalled at the " food " served in the schol cafeteria. The

hospital food is just as bad...and where else should wee offer the best of

healing/nutritional foods? What a sad ironic thing. I would rather see kids

have " real " meat (eegads!!) & potatoes..cooked (double eegads) than the

awful, processed, greasy food they serve!!


orionsdad [orionsdad]

Monday, May 12, 2003 10:02 PM


Re: [Raw Food] Re// Candida



I believe Roger is correct on the fat/sugar/insulin analysis.


Did anyone see the blurb on CBS tv news tonight about the childhood

obesity epidemic in US? The school cafeterias serve fatty fried

foods for lunch and the vending machines supply candy and soda to the

kids all day long. Any wonder why so many people are developing

diabetes and candida?





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> One kind of fat is O.K....cococnut oil. It actually helps sugar be

> used by the cells.

> [RH]

> I'd be careful with that advice. Try it out for yourself if you



I'm speaking form personal experience BTW. I had bad candid for years

and serious insulin resitance. After 3 years raw vegan, my candida

was better, but still not gone. My blood sugar was still bad, though.

Raw coconut oil was the " silver bullet " for me. It is not like other

polyunsaturated oils. It works completely differently.


> Personally, I don't recommend anyone eat any oils at all. You can


> fats but not the fats refined down to an oil. >>


Why? Raw. centrifugally seperated coconut oil is not damaged and is

very resitant to oxidation...unlike olive oil or other

polyundaturated oils.>>



> Secondly, I'm not so sure this would work. A fat is a fat. >>


NO IT IS NOT! The saturated fat in cocnut oil acts the OPPOSITE of

polyunsaterated fats. Polyunsaturated fats create insulin

resistance . Coconut oil counteracts insulin resitance. Its the

complete reverse. Coconut oil also bypasses the need to be brokien

down . It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and will give you a

lift if your blood sugar is low. It does not bog you down like

polyunsaturated oils


<<The problem

> with fat is that it takes much longer to digest than sugar.>>


Not coconut oil (see above)


<<> You have to try a low fat approach because fats take anywhere

from 12 to

> 36 hours to be fully absorbed into the cells. >>


Not coconut oil. It absorbs directly into your cells in minutes.


<<Excess fat in the blood will surround the sugar and

> require excess insulin to move the sugar into the cells. >>


Not coconut oil. It counteracts insulin resistance.


<< I doubt very much it kills Candida. How is it going to get to the

> Candida to kill it anyway? >>


Nothing you eat is absorbed 100%. It does kill candida and giardia.


<<> I doubt the Coconut Oil would do any better.>>


Maybe you should try it like I did before making such statements. It

worked great for me. It also kills gardia. It contains monolaurin

which is also in breast milk. Monolaurin kills bacteria.


> It seems like someone has been over hyping Coconut Oil to sell a



Who , me?! Coconut oil has changed my life, and that is no

exageration.I used to have constant blood sugar swings and

hypoglyceamia. Even after 3 years 100% raw vegan. Now , taking a few

tablepoons of coconut oil a day keeps my blood sugar even all day.


> Plus the Candida is actually protecting you. You shouldn't be

trying to

> kill it.


CAndida produces aldehyde which is toxic and it also messes up your

nutrient absorption. It is not healthy.


<<It is there to save you from having an overly high blood sugar,

> which is really dangerous. >>


That is why coconcut oil is good. It counteracts insulin resistance

brought on by years of eating refined cooked carbs and refined

sugars. It lowers blood sugar.





> >

> >

> /info/terms/

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I forgot to say that I am well familar with the problem of

poyunsaturated fats causing sluggishness and causing insulin

resistance. I couldn't eat an avocado without having to go to sleep.

Coconut oil is completely different, though. If my blood sugar is

low, coconut oil gives me a boost. It helps sugar get used better by

your cells and keeps energy levels steady. I know this goes against

the current dogma, but it really works! All fats are not the same.




rawfood , alreadyherenow <no_reply> wrote:

> >

> > One kind of fat is O.K....cococnut oil. It actually helps sugar


> > used by the cells.

> > [RH]

> > I'd be careful with that advice. Try it out for yourself if you

> like.>>


> I'm speaking form personal experience BTW. I had bad candid for


> and serious insulin resitance. After 3 years raw vegan, my candida

> was better, but still not gone. My blood sugar was still bad,


> Raw coconut oil was the " silver bullet " for me. It is not like


> polyunsaturated oils. It works completely differently.


> > Personally, I don't recommend anyone eat any oils at all. You can

> eat

> > fats but not the fats refined down to an oil. >>


> Why? Raw. centrifugally seperated coconut oil is not damaged and is

> very resitant to oxidation...unlike olive oil or other

> polyundaturated oils.>>



> > Secondly, I'm not so sure this would work. A fat is a fat. >>


> NO IT IS NOT! The saturated fat in cocnut oil acts the OPPOSITE of

> polyunsaterated fats. Polyunsaturated fats create insulin

> resistance . Coconut oil counteracts insulin resitance. Its the

> complete reverse. Coconut oil also bypasses the need to be brokien

> down . It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and will give you a

> lift if your blood sugar is low. It does not bog you down like

> polyunsaturated oils


> <<The problem

> > with fat is that it takes much longer to digest than sugar.>>


> Not coconut oil (see above)


> <<> You have to try a low fat approach because fats take anywhere

> from 12 to

> > 36 hours to be fully absorbed into the cells. >>


> Not coconut oil. It absorbs directly into your cells in minutes.


> <<Excess fat in the blood will surround the sugar and

> > require excess insulin to move the sugar into the cells. >>


> Not coconut oil. It counteracts insulin resistance.


> << I doubt very much it kills Candida. How is it going to get to the

> > Candida to kill it anyway? >>


> Nothing you eat is absorbed 100%. It does kill candida and giardia.


> <<> I doubt the Coconut Oil would do any better.>>


> Maybe you should try it like I did before making such statements.


> worked great for me. It also kills gardia. It contains monolaurin

> which is also in breast milk. Monolaurin kills bacteria.


> > It seems like someone has been over hyping Coconut Oil to sell a

> book.


> Who , me?! Coconut oil has changed my life, and that is no

> exageration.I used to have constant blood sugar swings and

> hypoglyceamia. Even after 3 years 100% raw vegan. Now , taking a


> tablepoons of coconut oil a day keeps my blood sugar even all day.


> > Plus the Candida is actually protecting you. You shouldn't be

> trying to

> > kill it.


> CAndida produces aldehyde which is toxic and it also messes up your

> nutrient absorption. It is not healthy.


> <<It is there to save you from having an overly high blood sugar,

> > which is really dangerous. >>


> That is why coconcut oil is good. It counteracts insulin resistance

> brought on by years of eating refined cooked carbs and refined

> sugars. It lowers blood sugar.


> Pete


> >

> > >

> > >

> > /info/terms/

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Hey Pete,


Thanks for your in-depth reply. Lots of good information in there. I am

always trying to learn more. I'll reply further in the body of your

message below.



> One kind of fat is O.K....cococnut oil. It actually helps sugar be

> used by the cells.

> [RH]

> I'd be careful with that advice. Try it out for yourself if you



I'm speaking form personal experience BTW. I had bad candid for years

and serious insulin resitance. After 3 years raw vegan, my candida

was better, but still not gone. My blood sugar was still bad, though.


Pete, could you elaborate by what you mean that your blood sugar was

still bad. How do you define bad blood sugar? Where you testing your own

blood sugar? How did you know it was bad? What were some of the blood

sugar numbers if you remember them?


Raw coconut oil was the " silver bullet " for me. It is not like other

polyunsaturated oils. It works completely differently.


> Personally, I don't recommend anyone eat any oils at all. You can


> fats but not the fats refined down to an oil. >>


Why? Raw. centrifugally seperated coconut oil is not damaged and is

very resitant to oxidation...unlike olive oil or other

polyundaturated oils.>>


The problem with free oils is discussed in-depth in Dr. Cousen's book

Conscious Eating. One of the problems of even minimally processed oils

is that they have much less of the healthy cis isomer and have more of

the unhealthy trans isomer. Whole uncooked fatty foods have only the cis

isomer. Cooking oils is the worst as it basically turns the oil into a

trans fatty acid. Free oils supposedly contain this trans isomer.


I've also found that free oils muck up my digestion process by coating

all the foods eaten along with them. You can feel this especially after

not having eaten free oils for a month or more and then starting to eat

them again. It's not a pleasant experience.


I don't know what would happen to coconut oil during its processing, but

I suspect the refining doesn't make it any better.


Another problem is that it is a refined food. It now lacks all the

natural nutrients it was designed to be digested with. Why not just eat

the coconut meat and get all the nutrients nature intended it to have? I

certainly eat coconut meat but try to eat it only from the soft young

coconuts so there isn't as much of the saturated fats. Yes I know we

need some saturated fats.


Personally, I haven't noticed any magical process happening from raw

coconut meat. It is hard to digest like any fat. I do enjoy the taste of

coconut butter as it reminds me of butter. I even have a bottle here,

but I haven't touched it in a long while.


Don't get me wrong, I'm more into results than philosophy. If something

gets you good results then great. We just have to be honest with

ourselves and see if something is working or not. In the past I've

gotten into the philosophy mistake and wouldn't change my viewpoint and

therefore suffered bad results in certain areas of my life. These

problems included spiritual, personal and diet related. So I do keep an

open mind and want to know as much as possible.


> Secondly, I'm not so sure this would work. A fat is a fat. >>


NO IT IS NOT! The saturated fat in cocnut oil acts the OPPOSITE of

polyunsaterated fats. Polyunsaturated fats create insulin

resistance . Coconut oil counteracts insulin resitance. Its the

complete reverse. Coconut oil also bypasses the need to be brokien

down . It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and will give you a

lift if your blood sugar is low. It does not bog you down like

polyunsaturated oils


I'll have to do more research on this. We always have to take scientific

findings with a grain of salt. So many times I was convinced of a

certain argument only to have another very scientific sounding argument

to disprove the previous viewpoint. So in the end it comes down to

personal results, like yours and mine.


<<The problem

> with fat is that it takes much longer to digest than sugar.>>


Not coconut oil (see above)


<<> You have to try a low fat approach because fats take anywhere

from 12 to

> 36 hours to be fully absorbed into the cells. >>


Not coconut oil. It absorbs directly into your cells in minutes.


<<Excess fat in the blood will surround the sugar and

> require excess insulin to move the sugar into the cells. >>


Not coconut oil. It counteracts insulin resistance.


<< I doubt very much it kills Candida. How is it going to get to the

> Candida to kill it anyway? >>


Nothing you eat is absorbed 100%. It does kill candida and giardia.


Actually, what I found out is that an extract of coconut is what kills

Candida, not the coconut oil itself. It's Caprylic Acid. This was

another supplement I took to get rid of the Candida and it didn't help

in my case.


<<> I doubt the Coconut Oil would do any better.>>


Maybe you should try it like I did before making such statements. It

worked great for me. It also kills gardia. It contains monolaurin

which is also in breast milk. Monolaurin kills bacteria.


I have tried it. How did you use the coconut oil to help you overcome

Candida? When did you eat it? How often? What did you stop eating?


> It seems like someone has been over hyping Coconut Oil to sell a



Who , me?!


I didn't mean you, just the book or the advertising you read about

coconut oil. I've certainly heard of the hype. I'm not convinced at this

point in time. I'll do more research of course.


Coconut oil has changed my life, and that is no

exageration.I used to have constant blood sugar swings and

hypoglyceamia. Even after 3 years 100% raw vegan. Now , taking a few

tablepoons of coconut oil a day keeps my blood sugar even all day.


What blood sugar reading is even? Or do you mean how you feel? Just

curious. It would be very helpful for me to know if you can provide this



Are you saying you can eat any raw food, fruit, fatty food or vegetable

and your blood sugar stays the same because of coconut oil? Are people

using this then to heal diabetes?


> Plus the Candida is actually protecting you. You shouldn't be

trying to

> kill it.


CAndida produces aldehyde which is toxic and it also messes up your

nutrient absorption. It is not healthy.


Well I'd rather not have Systemic Candida and the negative side effects

it produces, but when our sugar metabolism gets messed up the Candida is

actually doing us a favor by removing our excess blood sugar. If you

killed the Candida but you still had high blood sugar, you'd be in for a

heap of trouble as mentioned in the previous post.


<<It is there to save you from having an overly high blood sugar,

> which is really dangerous. >>


That is why coconcut oil is good. It counteracts insulin resistance

brought on by years of eating refined cooked carbs and refined

sugars. It lowers blood sugar.


I thought you said: " It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and will

give you a lift if your blood sugar is low. " So it raises and lowers

blood sugar. Maybe you could elaborate on this point.


Thanks for your post Pete. It has spurred me into doing additional

research. Maybe there is something to coconut oil. Maybe it also depends

on your state of health. Might work well for one person and not for

someone else.


Take care, Roger



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Hi Roger,


> Pete, could you elaborate by what you mean that your blood sugar was

> still bad. How do you define bad blood sugar? Where you testing

your own

> blood sugar? How did you know it was bad?


I had serious insulin resitance and hypoglycemia from years of eating

refined cooked carbs and beer. This is basically the beginning of

diabetes. I was on a constant roller coaster ride. Fruit would make

my blood sugar rise too much because the insulin resistance of my

cells would not let the sugar in. Then my body would make a lot of

insulin to compensate (hyperinsulination sp?). This would cause my

blood sugar to plummet and I would later crash after the initial

sugar surge. I would get really anxious and shaky. Then I would have

to eat more fruit to get enough sugar into my cells and the whole

process would repeat itself. This would happen several times a day

and was very physically and mentally debiliting. This is what happens

to many people who have insulin resistance and hyperinsulination due

to years of poor diet. I tried eliminating fats like avocados and it

helped but not enough...the problem was that bad for me.


<<What were some of the blood

> sugar numbers if you remember them?>>


Couldn't afford tests. YOu don't really need tests to figure out what

is happening with your sugar system, though it would be helpful.



> [RH]

> The problem with free oils is discussed in-depth in Dr. Cousen's


> Conscious Eating. One of the problems of even minimally processed


> is that they have much less of the healthy cis isomer and have more


> the unhealthy trans isomer.


I highly doubt this is the case with coicnut oil. Isn't the trans-

isomer due to oxidation? Coconut oil is highly resitant to

oxidation...even when heated (though I don't recommend heating it)


<<> I've also found that free oils muck up my digestion process by


> all the foods eaten along with them. You can feel this especially


> not having eaten free oils for a month or more and then starting to


> them again. It's not a pleasant experience.>>


I have experienced that with regular polyunsaturated oils, but

coconut oil is completely different. I can eat it with other foods

and it doesn't hurt my digestion. It gets quickly and easily absorbed

directly into your cells.


> I don't know what would happen to coconut oil during its

processing, but

> I suspect the refining doesn't make it any better.


I don't think it makes it much worse either since it is such a stable

fat. Its blended and put in a centrifuge which seperates the oil from

the solids.


> Another problem is that it is a refined food. It now lacks all the

> natural nutrients it was designed to be digested with. Why not just


> the coconut meat and get all the nutrients nature intended it to



The only coconuts I can get all old brown moldy ones (moldy on the

outside)or young cocnuts that are dipped in chemicals. I am very

sensitive to molds and those old coconuts always make me feel tired.

The benefits of coconut oil on my health has far outweighed any

negatives (I can't even see any negatives).



> certainly eat coconut meat but try to eat it only from the soft


> coconuts so there isn't as much of the saturated fats. Yes I know we

> need some saturated fats.


The saturated fats are the good fats that do not create insulin

resistance. Only cooked saturated fats are bad. Saturated fats being

bad was spread around by American veg. oil industries:


" The coconut industry has suffered more than three decades of abusive

rhetoric from the consumer activist group Center for Science in the

Public Interest (CSPI), from the American Soybean Association (ASA)

and other members of the edible oil industry, "



There was a study done in India where the villagers replaced their

traditional coconut oil with cheaper polyunsaturated oils. They

started developing all kinds of heart problems. In the Islnads where

they eat coconut oil, their is a very low incidence of heart disease.



> Personally, I haven't noticed any magical process happening from raw

> coconut meat. It is hard to digest like any fat.


I also find coconuts hard to digest. They make me tired. But not

coconut oil! I don't think it is the fat. I think its the specific

type of protien in cocnuts. Many people are allergic to that type of



> Don't get me wrong, I'm more into results than philosophy. If


> gets you good results then great. We just have to be honest with

> ourselves and see if something is working or not.


I have been eating coconut oil for 5 months now. I've eaten 7 lbs

since then. It has litereally changed my life. Before that my blood

sugar was such a mess. Now I have sustained, steady energy ...no more

highs and lows. I eat LOTS of fruit also. Also, my digestion has

never been better.


<<In the past I've

> gotten into the philosophy mistake >>


This is not about a philosophy. Its about the science of how coconut

oil works PLUS scientific studies done on cultures that use coconut

oil PLUS my personal expereince which supports all of that.


> Actually, what I found out is that an extract of coconut is what


> Candida, not the coconut oil itself. It's Caprylic Acid. This was

> another supplement I took to get rid of the Candida and it didn't


> in my case.


Caprylic acid is extracted form coconut oil...6-7% caprylic acid. Its

in there. Its also contains lauric acid that the body converts to

monolaurin which is also in breast milk and helps protect newborns

from bacteria.


" Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are lauric acid.

Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional

beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin in the human or

animal body.


Monolaurin is the antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal

monoglyceride used by the human or animal to destroy lipid-coated

viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various

pathogenic bacteria, including listeria monocytogenes and

helicobacter pylori, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. Some

studies have also shown some antimicrobial effects of the free lauric


Also, approximately 6-7% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are capric

acid. "



<<How did you use the coconut oil to help you overcome

> Candida? When did you eat it? How often? What did you stop eating?>>


I didn't stop eating anything. I was eating a 100% raw diet for 3

years with lots of fruit, greens, small amount of seeds and nuts. The

raw food diet helped my candida a lot, but it still lingered. I take

a tablespoon or 2 of coconut oil 4-5 times throughout the day. I had

chronic diareah for years (I beleive from chronic giardia) and also

candida. Now I don't get bloated (unless I eat 6 mangoes or something

like that at a time), I don't have gas, and I have no more diareah.

Now, I also have been taking a few drops of wild oregano oil the same

time I have been taking coconut oil so its impossible to say the

coconut oil is 100% responsible. I do know that coconut oil is 100%

responsible for getting me over my blood sugar problems. I feel like

I have a whole new lease on life because of it. Not only that but

coconut oil is supposed to help a sluggish metabolism because it

directly feeds the mitochondria. I have had chronic fatigue for years

and now its gone! I have energy like I did when I was younger. I can

work all day and not have to take a nap.


> I didn't mean you, just the book or the advertising you read about

> coconut oil. I've certainly heard of the hype.


I know, it sounds almost too good...but it really works for me as

advertised. I'm constantly amazed how it has changed my life.


<< " Now , taking a few

> tablepoons of coconut oil a day keeps my blood sugar even all day.

> [RH] "

> What blood sugar reading is even? Or do you mean how you feel? Just

> curious. It would be very helpful for me to know if you can provide


> information.>>


I don't need tests to tell me when my cells are not getting enough

sugar. I get shaky and extremely anxious. My body screams for sugar.

I had really bad insulin resistance. This prevents the sugar form

entering into the cells. The insulin is what is need to carry the

sugar in. If your cells are resistant to insulin the sugar will stay

in your blood and cause high blood sugar. This triggers your pancreas

to produce a huge amount of insulin to bring down the high blood

sugar so it can go into the cells. The problem, is that the extra

insulin then makes your blood sugar plummet and after the intial

sugar high. Then you crash. That never happens to me anymore because

I take coconut oil.



> Are you saying you can eat any raw food, fruit, fatty food or


> and your blood sugar stays the same because of coconut oil?


More accurately, it keeps my cells form ever being starved from not

enough sugar. My blood sugar my fluctuate, but it never gets too high

due to insulin resistance (unless I ate a ridulous amount of sugar).

Because it never gets too high, my pancreas never has to make too

much insulin as a counteractive measure and therefor my blood sugar

never plummets.

Coconut oil actually counteracts the insulin resistance caused by

poyunsaturated fats like avocados, so the I can eat more avocados and

other polyunsaterated fats than before with no energy crash. Besides

that, the the type f fat in coconut oil absorbs directly into your

meitchondria as and energy source. So even if your cells glucose

supply is low for whatever reason (like not eating for a long time),

the cocnut oil will fuel your cells so you don't get syptoms of low



<< Are people

> using this then to heal diabetes?>>



YES! Its great for diabetes. Insulin resistance and hyperinsulination

is the begining of diabetes. Eventually some peopls pancreas get

burned out from making so much insulin to counteract the insulin

resistance and they can't make enough insulin after awhile.





> That is why coconcut oil is good. It counteracts insulin resistance

> brought on by years of eating refined cooked carbs and refined

> sugars. It lowers blood sugar.

> [RH]

> I thought you said: " It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and


> give you a lift if your blood sugar is low. " So it raises and lowers

> blood sugar. Maybe you could elaborate on this point.


I know that sounds confusing. I should have said " if your cells

aren't getting enough sugar...not " if your blood sugar is too low. "

If you have insulin resistance, your blood sugar will be too high

because the sugar cannot get into your cells. The coconut oil

counteracts the insulin resistance and lets the sugar into your

cells. This lowers your blood sugar (to a healthy level) because now

the sugar goes into your cells to supply you energy. In addition to

that, the coconut oil gets used as a fuel source by your cells. It

does two seperate things that help get fuel to your cells: 1.

counteract insulin resistance 2. supply your cells direcly with

medium chain fatty acids for fuel.



> Thanks for your post Pete. It has spurred me into doing additional

> research. Maybe there is something to coconut oil. Maybe it also


> on your state of health.


Your welcome! I know this info is compeltely opposite of what people

like Doug Graham say about fats. Its just that coconut oil works

differently. Other saturalted fats like palm oil also work like

coconut oil.


Take Care,



(and no, I don't sell coconut oil or coconut oil books!)

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Guest guest

Petre: You give a comprehensive answer from one who has had actual

experience with the problem. Candida overrun is, as you point out, a

symptom, of insulin resistance and associated low body pH, and no single

food can overcome it.

You know first hand the problems caused by insulin resistance, clinicly now

called SyndromeX. For those who want the whole story there is an excellent

book out called syndromeX:


An if you want a quick free overview of the problemn check out:






" alreadyherenow " <no_reply >

<rawfood >

Wednesday, May 14, 2003 8:17 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Re// Candida



> Hi Roger,


> > Pete, could you elaborate by what you mean that your blood sugar was

> > still bad. How do you define bad blood sugar? Where you testing

> your own

> > blood sugar? How did you know it was bad?


> I had serious insulin resitance and hypoglycemia from years of eating

> refined cooked carbs and beer. This is basically the beginning of

> diabetes. I was on a constant roller coaster ride. Fruit would make

> my blood sugar rise too much because the insulin resistance of my

> cells would not let the sugar in. Then my body would make a lot of

> insulin to compensate (hyperinsulination sp?). This would cause my

> blood sugar to plummet and I would later crash after the initial

> sugar surge. I would get really anxious and shaky. Then I would have

> to eat more fruit to get enough sugar into my cells and the whole

> process would repeat itself. This would happen several times a day

> and was very physically and mentally debiliting. This is what happens

> to many people who have insulin resistance and hyperinsulination due

> to years of poor diet. I tried eliminating fats like avocados and it

> helped but not enough...the problem was that bad for me.


> <<What were some of the blood

> > sugar numbers if you remember them?>>


> Couldn't afford tests. YOu don't really need tests to figure out what

> is happening with your sugar system, though it would be helpful.


> >

> > [RH]

> > The problem with free oils is discussed in-depth in Dr. Cousen's

> book

> > Conscious Eating. One of the problems of even minimally processed

> oils

> > is that they have much less of the healthy cis isomer and have more

> of

> > the unhealthy trans isomer.


> I highly doubt this is the case with coicnut oil. Isn't the trans-

> isomer due to oxidation? Coconut oil is highly resitant to

> oxidation...even when heated (though I don't recommend heating it)


> <<> I've also found that free oils muck up my digestion process by

> coating

> > all the foods eaten along with them. You can feel this especially

> after

> > not having eaten free oils for a month or more and then starting to

> eat

> > them again. It's not a pleasant experience.>>


> I have experienced that with regular polyunsaturated oils, but

> coconut oil is completely different. I can eat it with other foods

> and it doesn't hurt my digestion. It gets quickly and easily absorbed

> directly into your cells.


> > I don't know what would happen to coconut oil during its

> processing, but

> > I suspect the refining doesn't make it any better.


> I don't think it makes it much worse either since it is such a stable

> fat. Its blended and put in a centrifuge which seperates the oil from

> the solids.

> >

> > Another problem is that it is a refined food. It now lacks all the

> > natural nutrients it was designed to be digested with. Why not just

> eat

> > the coconut meat and get all the nutrients nature intended it to

> have?


> The only coconuts I can get all old brown moldy ones (moldy on the

> outside)or young cocnuts that are dipped in chemicals. I am very

> sensitive to molds and those old coconuts always make me feel tired.

> The benefits of coconut oil on my health has far outweighed any

> negatives (I can't even see any negatives).


> I

> > certainly eat coconut meat but try to eat it only from the soft

> young

> > coconuts so there isn't as much of the saturated fats. Yes I know we

> > need some saturated fats.


> The saturated fats are the good fats that do not create insulin

> resistance. Only cooked saturated fats are bad. Saturated fats being

> bad was spread around by American veg. oil industries:


> " The coconut industry has suffered more than three decades of abusive

> rhetoric from the consumer activist group Center for Science in the

> Public Interest (CSPI), from the American Soybean Association (ASA)

> and other members of the edible oil industry, "

> http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/28/coconut_health.htm


> There was a study done in India where the villagers replaced their

> traditional coconut oil with cheaper polyunsaturated oils. They

> started developing all kinds of heart problems. In the Islnads where

> they eat coconut oil, their is a very low incidence of heart disease.



> > Personally, I haven't noticed any magical process happening from raw

> > coconut meat. It is hard to digest like any fat.


> I also find coconuts hard to digest. They make me tired. But not

> coconut oil! I don't think it is the fat. I think its the specific

> type of protien in cocnuts. Many people are allergic to that type of

> protein.


> > Don't get me wrong, I'm more into results than philosophy. If

> something

> > gets you good results then great. We just have to be honest with

> > ourselves and see if something is working or not.


> I have been eating coconut oil for 5 months now. I've eaten 7 lbs

> since then. It has litereally changed my life. Before that my blood

> sugar was such a mess. Now I have sustained, steady energy ...no more

> highs and lows. I eat LOTS of fruit also. Also, my digestion has

> never been better.


> <<In the past I've

> > gotten into the philosophy mistake >>


> This is not about a philosophy. Its about the science of how coconut

> oil works PLUS scientific studies done on cultures that use coconut

> oil PLUS my personal expereince which supports all of that.


> > Actually, what I found out is that an extract of coconut is what

> kills

> > Candida, not the coconut oil itself. It's Caprylic Acid. This was

> > another supplement I took to get rid of the Candida and it didn't

> help

> > in my case.


> Caprylic acid is extracted form coconut oil...6-7% caprylic acid. Its

> in there. Its also contains lauric acid that the body converts to

> monolaurin which is also in breast milk and helps protect newborns

> from bacteria.


> " Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are lauric acid.

> Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional

> beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin in the human or

> animal body.


> Monolaurin is the antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal

> monoglyceride used by the human or animal to destroy lipid-coated

> viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various

> pathogenic bacteria, including listeria monocytogenes and

> helicobacter pylori, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. Some

> studies have also shown some antimicrobial effects of the free lauric

> acid.

> Also, approximately 6-7% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are capric

> acid. "

> http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/28/coconut_health.htm


> <<How did you use the coconut oil to help you overcome

> > Candida? When did you eat it? How often? What did you stop eating?>>


> I didn't stop eating anything. I was eating a 100% raw diet for 3

> years with lots of fruit, greens, small amount of seeds and nuts. The

> raw food diet helped my candida a lot, but it still lingered. I take

> a tablespoon or 2 of coconut oil 4-5 times throughout the day. I had

> chronic diareah for years (I beleive from chronic giardia) and also

> candida. Now I don't get bloated (unless I eat 6 mangoes or something

> like that at a time), I don't have gas, and I have no more diareah.

> Now, I also have been taking a few drops of wild oregano oil the same

> time I have been taking coconut oil so its impossible to say the

> coconut oil is 100% responsible. I do know that coconut oil is 100%

> responsible for getting me over my blood sugar problems. I feel like

> I have a whole new lease on life because of it. Not only that but

> coconut oil is supposed to help a sluggish metabolism because it

> directly feeds the mitochondria. I have had chronic fatigue for years

> and now its gone! I have energy like I did when I was younger. I can

> work all day and not have to take a nap.


> > I didn't mean you, just the book or the advertising you read about

> > coconut oil. I've certainly heard of the hype.


> I know, it sounds almost too good...but it really works for me as

> advertised. I'm constantly amazed how it has changed my life.


> << " Now , taking a few

> > tablepoons of coconut oil a day keeps my blood sugar even all day.

> > [RH] "

> > What blood sugar reading is even? Or do you mean how you feel? Just

> > curious. It would be very helpful for me to know if you can provide

> this

> > information.>>


> I don't need tests to tell me when my cells are not getting enough

> sugar. I get shaky and extremely anxious. My body screams for sugar.

> I had really bad insulin resistance. This prevents the sugar form

> entering into the cells. The insulin is what is need to carry the

> sugar in. If your cells are resistant to insulin the sugar will stay

> in your blood and cause high blood sugar. This triggers your pancreas

> to produce a huge amount of insulin to bring down the high blood

> sugar so it can go into the cells. The problem, is that the extra

> insulin then makes your blood sugar plummet and after the intial

> sugar high. Then you crash. That never happens to me anymore because

> I take coconut oil.


> >

> > Are you saying you can eat any raw food, fruit, fatty food or

> vegetable

> > and your blood sugar stays the same because of coconut oil?


> More accurately, it keeps my cells form ever being starved from not

> enough sugar. My blood sugar my fluctuate, but it never gets too high

> due to insulin resistance (unless I ate a ridulous amount of sugar).

> Because it never gets too high, my pancreas never has to make too

> much insulin as a counteractive measure and therefor my blood sugar

> never plummets.

> Coconut oil actually counteracts the insulin resistance caused by

> poyunsaturated fats like avocados, so the I can eat more avocados and

> other polyunsaterated fats than before with no energy crash. Besides

> that, the the type f fat in coconut oil absorbs directly into your

> meitchondria as and energy source. So even if your cells glucose

> supply is low for whatever reason (like not eating for a long time),

> the cocnut oil will fuel your cells so you don't get syptoms of low

> sugar.


> << Are people

> > using this then to heal diabetes?>>



> YES! Its great for diabetes. Insulin resistance and hyperinsulination

> is the begining of diabetes. Eventually some peopls pancreas get

> burned out from making so much insulin to counteract the insulin

> resistance and they can't make enough insulin after awhile.

> http://www.coconutoil-online.com/Diabetes%20and%20Coconut%20Oil.html

> >


> >

> > That is why coconcut oil is good. It counteracts insulin resistance

> > brought on by years of eating refined cooked carbs and refined

> > sugars. It lowers blood sugar.

> > [RH]

> > I thought you said: " It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and

> will

> > give you a lift if your blood sugar is low. " So it raises and lowers

> > blood sugar. Maybe you could elaborate on this point.


> I know that sounds confusing. I should have said " if your cells

> aren't getting enough sugar...not " if your blood sugar is too low. "

> If you have insulin resistance, your blood sugar will be too high

> because the sugar cannot get into your cells. The coconut oil

> counteracts the insulin resistance and lets the sugar into your

> cells. This lowers your blood sugar (to a healthy level) because now

> the sugar goes into your cells to supply you energy. In addition to

> that, the coconut oil gets used as a fuel source by your cells. It

> does two seperate things that help get fuel to your cells: 1.

> counteract insulin resistance 2. supply your cells direcly with

> medium chain fatty acids for fuel.


> >

> > Thanks for your post Pete. It has spurred me into doing additional

> > research. Maybe there is something to coconut oil. Maybe it also

> depends

> > on your state of health.


> Your welcome! I know this info is compeltely opposite of what people

> like Doug Graham say about fats. Its just that coconut oil works

> differently. Other saturalted fats like palm oil also work like

> coconut oil.


> Take Care,

> Pete

> www.naturalhealthway.com

> (and no, I don't sell coconut oil or coconut oil books!)


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Hi Rusty.

Thanks for that info! Wow, sydrome X is exactly my problem. I ate

lots of cooked carbs (especially pasta), refined sugars, beer for

most of my life. (except the beer...I didn't drink that when

younger :)I should probably email the authors and tell them how great

coconut oil is for that condition.


Best Wishes,



rawfood , " Rusty " <rustym@p...> wrote:

> Petre: You give a comprehensive answer from one who has had actual

> experience with the problem. Candida overrun is, as you point out,


> symptom, of insulin resistance and associated low body pH, and no


> food can overcome it.

> You know first hand the problems caused by insulin resistance,

clinicly now

> called SyndromeX. For those who want the whole story there is an


> book out called syndromeX:

> http://www.syndrome-x.com/

> An if you want a quick free overview of the problemn check out:

> http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/14/insulin.htm


> rusty


> -

> " alreadyherenow " <no_reply >

> <rawfood >

> Wednesday, May 14, 2003 8:17 AM

> Re: [Raw Food] Re// Candida



> > Hi Roger,

> >

> > > Pete, could you elaborate by what you mean that your blood

sugar was

> > > still bad. How do you define bad blood sugar? Where you testing

> > your own

> > > blood sugar? How did you know it was bad?

> >

> > I had serious insulin resitance and hypoglycemia from years of


> > refined cooked carbs and beer. This is basically the beginning of

> > diabetes. I was on a constant roller coaster ride. Fruit would


> > my blood sugar rise too much because the insulin resistance of my

> > cells would not let the sugar in. Then my body would make a lot of

> > insulin to compensate (hyperinsulination sp?). This would cause my

> > blood sugar to plummet and I would later crash after the initial

> > sugar surge. I would get really anxious and shaky. Then I would


> > to eat more fruit to get enough sugar into my cells and the whole

> > process would repeat itself. This would happen several times a


> > and was very physically and mentally debiliting. This is what


> > to many people who have insulin resistance and hyperinsulination


> > to years of poor diet. I tried eliminating fats like avocados and


> > helped but not enough...the problem was that bad for me.

> >

> > <<What were some of the blood

> > > sugar numbers if you remember them?>>

> >

> > Couldn't afford tests. YOu don't really need tests to figure out


> > is happening with your sugar system, though it would be helpful.

> >

> > >

> > > [RH]

> > > The problem with free oils is discussed in-depth in Dr. Cousen's

> > book

> > > Conscious Eating. One of the problems of even minimally


> > oils

> > > is that they have much less of the healthy cis isomer and have


> > of

> > > the unhealthy trans isomer.

> >

> > I highly doubt this is the case with coicnut oil. Isn't the trans-

> > isomer due to oxidation? Coconut oil is highly resitant to

> > oxidation...even when heated (though I don't recommend heating it)

> >

> > <<> I've also found that free oils muck up my digestion process by

> > coating

> > > all the foods eaten along with them. You can feel this


> > after

> > > not having eaten free oils for a month or more and then

starting to

> > eat

> > > them again. It's not a pleasant experience.>>

> >

> > I have experienced that with regular polyunsaturated oils, but

> > coconut oil is completely different. I can eat it with other foods

> > and it doesn't hurt my digestion. It gets quickly and easily


> > directly into your cells.

> >

> > > I don't know what would happen to coconut oil during its

> > processing, but

> > > I suspect the refining doesn't make it any better.

> >

> > I don't think it makes it much worse either since it is such a


> > fat. Its blended and put in a centrifuge which seperates the oil


> > the solids.

> > >

> > > Another problem is that it is a refined food. It now lacks all


> > > natural nutrients it was designed to be digested with. Why not


> > eat

> > > the coconut meat and get all the nutrients nature intended it to

> > have?

> >

> > The only coconuts I can get all old brown moldy ones (moldy on the

> > outside)or young cocnuts that are dipped in chemicals. I am very

> > sensitive to molds and those old coconuts always make me feel


> > The benefits of coconut oil on my health has far outweighed any

> > negatives (I can't even see any negatives).

> >

> > I

> > > certainly eat coconut meat but try to eat it only from the soft

> > young

> > > coconuts so there isn't as much of the saturated fats. Yes I

know we

> > > need some saturated fats.

> >

> > The saturated fats are the good fats that do not create insulin

> > resistance. Only cooked saturated fats are bad. Saturated fats


> > bad was spread around by American veg. oil industries:

> >

> > " The coconut industry has suffered more than three decades of


> > rhetoric from the consumer activist group Center for Science in


> > Public Interest (CSPI), from the American Soybean Association


> > and other members of the edible oil industry, "

> > http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/28/coconut_health.htm

> >

> > There was a study done in India where the villagers replaced


> > traditional coconut oil with cheaper polyunsaturated oils. They

> > started developing all kinds of heart problems. In the Islnads


> > they eat coconut oil, their is a very low incidence of heart


> >

> >

> > > Personally, I haven't noticed any magical process happening

from raw

> > > coconut meat. It is hard to digest like any fat.

> >

> > I also find coconuts hard to digest. They make me tired. But not

> > coconut oil! I don't think it is the fat. I think its the specific

> > type of protien in cocnuts. Many people are allergic to that type


> > protein.

> >

> > > Don't get me wrong, I'm more into results than philosophy. If

> > something

> > > gets you good results then great. We just have to be honest with

> > > ourselves and see if something is working or not.

> >

> > I have been eating coconut oil for 5 months now. I've eaten 7 lbs

> > since then. It has litereally changed my life. Before that my


> > sugar was such a mess. Now I have sustained, steady energy ...no


> > highs and lows. I eat LOTS of fruit also. Also, my digestion has

> > never been better.

> >

> > <<In the past I've

> > > gotten into the philosophy mistake >>

> >

> > This is not about a philosophy. Its about the science of how


> > oil works PLUS scientific studies done on cultures that use


> > oil PLUS my personal expereince which supports all of that.

> >

> > > Actually, what I found out is that an extract of coconut is what

> > kills

> > > Candida, not the coconut oil itself. It's Caprylic Acid. This


> > > another supplement I took to get rid of the Candida and it


> > help

> > > in my case.

> >

> > Caprylic acid is extracted form coconut oil...6-7% caprylic acid.


> > in there. Its also contains lauric acid that the body converts to

> > monolaurin which is also in breast milk and helps protect newborns

> > from bacteria.

> >

> > " Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are lauric


> > Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional

> > beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin in the human


> > animal body.

> >

> > Monolaurin is the antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal

> > monoglyceride used by the human or animal to destroy lipid-coated

> > viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various

> > pathogenic bacteria, including listeria monocytogenes and

> > helicobacter pylori, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. Some

> > studies have also shown some antimicrobial effects of the free


> > acid.

> > Also, approximately 6-7% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are


> > acid. "

> > http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/28/coconut_health.htm

> >

> > <<How did you use the coconut oil to help you overcome

> > > Candida? When did you eat it? How often? What did you stop


> >

> > I didn't stop eating anything. I was eating a 100% raw diet for 3

> > years with lots of fruit, greens, small amount of seeds and nuts.


> > raw food diet helped my candida a lot, but it still lingered. I


> > a tablespoon or 2 of coconut oil 4-5 times throughout the day. I


> > chronic diareah for years (I beleive from chronic giardia) and


> > candida. Now I don't get bloated (unless I eat 6 mangoes or


> > like that at a time), I don't have gas, and I have no more


> > Now, I also have been taking a few drops of wild oregano oil the


> > time I have been taking coconut oil so its impossible to say the

> > coconut oil is 100% responsible. I do know that coconut oil is


> > responsible for getting me over my blood sugar problems. I feel


> > I have a whole new lease on life because of it. Not only that but

> > coconut oil is supposed to help a sluggish metabolism because it

> > directly feeds the mitochondria. I have had chronic fatigue for


> > and now its gone! I have energy like I did when I was younger. I


> > work all day and not have to take a nap.

> >

> > > I didn't mean you, just the book or the advertising you read


> > > coconut oil. I've certainly heard of the hype.

> >

> > I know, it sounds almost too good...but it really works for me as

> > advertised. I'm constantly amazed how it has changed my life.

> >

> > << " Now , taking a few

> > > tablepoons of coconut oil a day keeps my blood sugar even all


> > > [RH] "

> > > What blood sugar reading is even? Or do you mean how you feel?


> > > curious. It would be very helpful for me to know if you can


> > this

> > > information.>>

> >

> > I don't need tests to tell me when my cells are not getting enough

> > sugar. I get shaky and extremely anxious. My body screams for


> > I had really bad insulin resistance. This prevents the sugar form

> > entering into the cells. The insulin is what is need to carry the

> > sugar in. If your cells are resistant to insulin the sugar will


> > in your blood and cause high blood sugar. This triggers your


> > to produce a huge amount of insulin to bring down the high blood

> > sugar so it can go into the cells. The problem, is that the extra

> > insulin then makes your blood sugar plummet and after the intial

> > sugar high. Then you crash. That never happens to me anymore


> > I take coconut oil.

> >

> > >

> > > Are you saying you can eat any raw food, fruit, fatty food or

> > vegetable

> > > and your blood sugar stays the same because of coconut oil?

> >

> > More accurately, it keeps my cells form ever being starved from


> > enough sugar. My blood sugar my fluctuate, but it never gets too


> > due to insulin resistance (unless I ate a ridulous amount of


> > Because it never gets too high, my pancreas never has to make too

> > much insulin as a counteractive measure and therefor my blood


> > never plummets.

> > Coconut oil actually counteracts the insulin resistance caused by

> > poyunsaturated fats like avocados, so the I can eat more avocados


> > other polyunsaterated fats than before with no energy crash.


> > that, the the type f fat in coconut oil absorbs directly into your

> > meitchondria as and energy source. So even if your cells glucose

> > supply is low for whatever reason (like not eating for a long


> > the cocnut oil will fuel your cells so you don't get syptoms of


> > sugar.

> >

> > << Are people

> > > using this then to heal diabetes?>>

> >

> >

> > YES! Its great for diabetes. Insulin resistance and


> > is the begining of diabetes. Eventually some peopls pancreas get

> > burned out from making so much insulin to counteract the insulin

> > resistance and they can't make enough insulin after awhile.

> > http://www.coconutoil-online.com/Diabetes%20and%20Coconut%


> > >

> >

> > >

> > > That is why coconcut oil is good. It counteracts insulin


> > > brought on by years of eating refined cooked carbs and refined

> > > sugars. It lowers blood sugar.

> > > [RH]

> > > I thought you said: " It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and

> > will

> > > give you a lift if your blood sugar is low. " So it raises and


> > > blood sugar. Maybe you could elaborate on this point.

> >

> > I know that sounds confusing. I should have said " if your cells

> > aren't getting enough sugar...not " if your blood sugar is too

low. "

> > If you have insulin resistance, your blood sugar will be too high

> > because the sugar cannot get into your cells. The coconut oil

> > counteracts the insulin resistance and lets the sugar into your

> > cells. This lowers your blood sugar (to a healthy level) because


> > the sugar goes into your cells to supply you energy. In addition


> > that, the coconut oil gets used as a fuel source by your cells. It

> > does two seperate things that help get fuel to your cells: 1.

> > counteract insulin resistance 2. supply your cells direcly with

> > medium chain fatty acids for fuel.

> >

> > >

> > > Thanks for your post Pete. It has spurred me into doing


> > > research. Maybe there is something to coconut oil. Maybe it also

> > depends

> > > on your state of health.

> >

> > Your welcome! I know this info is compeltely opposite of what


> > like Doug Graham say about fats. Its just that coconut oil works

> > differently. Other saturalted fats like palm oil also work like

> > coconut oil.

> >

> > Take Care,

> > Pete

> > www.naturalhealthway.com

> > (and no, I don't sell coconut oil or coconut oil books!)

> >

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Guest guest

Oh yeah,

I forgot to say that I think many people that have eaten a cooked

starch based diet for most of their lives have insulin ressitance to

some degree. I think that is why some people have such a harder time

than others with adding polyunsaturated oils (like avocados) to a

mainly fruit diet. Those oils do cause some insulin resistance, but

if your cells are already resistant to insulin to begin with (from

years of cooked carbs) then you will have an even harder time eating

avocados and other polyunsaturated oils with a fruit diet.

Its interesting to me how now I can eat 3 avocados at a time with no

problem (no energy crash) as long as I stay on my coconut oil regeme.

The coconut oil counteracts the insulin resistance caused by the



Best Wishes,




rawfood , alreadyherenow <no_reply> wrote:

> Hi Roger,


> > Pete, could you elaborate by what you mean that your blood sugar


> > still bad. How do you define bad blood sugar? Where you testing

> your own

> > blood sugar? How did you know it was bad?


> I had serious insulin resitance and hypoglycemia from years of


> refined cooked carbs and beer. This is basically the beginning of

> diabetes. I was on a constant roller coaster ride. Fruit would make

> my blood sugar rise too much because the insulin resistance of my

> cells would not let the sugar in. Then my body would make a lot of

> insulin to compensate (hyperinsulination sp?). This would cause my

> blood sugar to plummet and I would later crash after the initial

> sugar surge. I would get really anxious and shaky. Then I would


> to eat more fruit to get enough sugar into my cells and the whole

> process would repeat itself. This would happen several times a day

> and was very physically and mentally debiliting. This is what


> to many people who have insulin resistance and hyperinsulination


> to years of poor diet. I tried eliminating fats like avocados and


> helped but not enough...the problem was that bad for me.


> <<What were some of the blood

> > sugar numbers if you remember them?>>


> Couldn't afford tests. YOu don't really need tests to figure out


> is happening with your sugar system, though it would be helpful.


> >

> > [RH]

> > The problem with free oils is discussed in-depth in Dr. Cousen's

> book

> > Conscious Eating. One of the problems of even minimally processed

> oils

> > is that they have much less of the healthy cis isomer and have


> of

> > the unhealthy trans isomer.


> I highly doubt this is the case with coicnut oil. Isn't the trans-

> isomer due to oxidation? Coconut oil is highly resitant to

> oxidation...even when heated (though I don't recommend heating it)


> <<> I've also found that free oils muck up my digestion process by

> coating

> > all the foods eaten along with them. You can feel this especially

> after

> > not having eaten free oils for a month or more and then starting


> eat

> > them again. It's not a pleasant experience.>>


> I have experienced that with regular polyunsaturated oils, but

> coconut oil is completely different. I can eat it with other foods

> and it doesn't hurt my digestion. It gets quickly and easily


> directly into your cells.


> > I don't know what would happen to coconut oil during its

> processing, but

> > I suspect the refining doesn't make it any better.


> I don't think it makes it much worse either since it is such a


> fat. Its blended and put in a centrifuge which seperates the oil


> the solids.

> >

> > Another problem is that it is a refined food. It now lacks all the

> > natural nutrients it was designed to be digested with. Why not


> eat

> > the coconut meat and get all the nutrients nature intended it to

> have?


> The only coconuts I can get all old brown moldy ones (moldy on the

> outside)or young cocnuts that are dipped in chemicals. I am very

> sensitive to molds and those old coconuts always make me feel


> The benefits of coconut oil on my health has far outweighed any

> negatives (I can't even see any negatives).


> I

> > certainly eat coconut meat but try to eat it only from the soft

> young

> > coconuts so there isn't as much of the saturated fats. Yes I know


> > need some saturated fats.


> The saturated fats are the good fats that do not create insulin

> resistance. Only cooked saturated fats are bad. Saturated fats


> bad was spread around by American veg. oil industries:


> " The coconut industry has suffered more than three decades of


> rhetoric from the consumer activist group Center for Science in the

> Public Interest (CSPI), from the American Soybean Association (ASA)

> and other members of the edible oil industry, "

> http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/28/coconut_health.htm


> There was a study done in India where the villagers replaced their

> traditional coconut oil with cheaper polyunsaturated oils. They

> started developing all kinds of heart problems. In the Islnads


> they eat coconut oil, their is a very low incidence of heart




> > Personally, I haven't noticed any magical process happening from


> > coconut meat. It is hard to digest like any fat.


> I also find coconuts hard to digest. They make me tired. But not

> coconut oil! I don't think it is the fat. I think its the specific

> type of protien in cocnuts. Many people are allergic to that type


> protein.


> > Don't get me wrong, I'm more into results than philosophy. If

> something

> > gets you good results then great. We just have to be honest with

> > ourselves and see if something is working or not.


> I have been eating coconut oil for 5 months now. I've eaten 7 lbs

> since then. It has litereally changed my life. Before that my blood

> sugar was such a mess. Now I have sustained, steady energy ...no


> highs and lows. I eat LOTS of fruit also. Also, my digestion has

> never been better.


> <<In the past I've

> > gotten into the philosophy mistake >>


> This is not about a philosophy. Its about the science of how


> oil works PLUS scientific studies done on cultures that use coconut

> oil PLUS my personal expereince which supports all of that.


> > Actually, what I found out is that an extract of coconut is what

> kills

> > Candida, not the coconut oil itself. It's Caprylic Acid. This was

> > another supplement I took to get rid of the Candida and it didn't

> help

> > in my case.


> Caprylic acid is extracted form coconut oil...6-7% caprylic acid.


> in there. Its also contains lauric acid that the body converts to

> monolaurin which is also in breast milk and helps protect newborns

> from bacteria.


> " Approximately 50% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are lauric


> Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid, which has the additional

> beneficial function of being formed into monolaurin in the human or

> animal body.


> Monolaurin is the antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoal

> monoglyceride used by the human or animal to destroy lipid-coated

> viruses such as HIV, herpes, cytomegalovirus, influenza, various

> pathogenic bacteria, including listeria monocytogenes and

> helicobacter pylori, and protozoa such as giardia lamblia. Some

> studies have also shown some antimicrobial effects of the free


> acid.

> Also, approximately 6-7% of the fatty acids in coconut fat are


> acid. "

> http://www.mercola.com/2001/jul/28/coconut_health.htm


> <<How did you use the coconut oil to help you overcome

> > Candida? When did you eat it? How often? What did you stop eating?



> I didn't stop eating anything. I was eating a 100% raw diet for 3

> years with lots of fruit, greens, small amount of seeds and nuts.


> raw food diet helped my candida a lot, but it still lingered. I


> a tablespoon or 2 of coconut oil 4-5 times throughout the day. I


> chronic diareah for years (I beleive from chronic giardia) and also

> candida. Now I don't get bloated (unless I eat 6 mangoes or


> like that at a time), I don't have gas, and I have no more diareah.

> Now, I also have been taking a few drops of wild oregano oil the


> time I have been taking coconut oil so its impossible to say the

> coconut oil is 100% responsible. I do know that coconut oil is 100%

> responsible for getting me over my blood sugar problems. I feel


> I have a whole new lease on life because of it. Not only that but

> coconut oil is supposed to help a sluggish metabolism because it

> directly feeds the mitochondria. I have had chronic fatigue for


> and now its gone! I have energy like I did when I was younger. I


> work all day and not have to take a nap.


> > I didn't mean you, just the book or the advertising you read about

> > coconut oil. I've certainly heard of the hype.


> I know, it sounds almost too good...but it really works for me as

> advertised. I'm constantly amazed how it has changed my life.


> << " Now , taking a few

> > tablepoons of coconut oil a day keeps my blood sugar even all day.

> > [RH] "

> > What blood sugar reading is even? Or do you mean how you feel?


> > curious. It would be very helpful for me to know if you can


> this

> > information.>>


> I don't need tests to tell me when my cells are not getting enough

> sugar. I get shaky and extremely anxious. My body screams for


> I had really bad insulin resistance. This prevents the sugar form

> entering into the cells. The insulin is what is need to carry the

> sugar in. If your cells are resistant to insulin the sugar will


> in your blood and cause high blood sugar. This triggers your


> to produce a huge amount of insulin to bring down the high blood

> sugar so it can go into the cells. The problem, is that the extra

> insulin then makes your blood sugar plummet and after the intial

> sugar high. Then you crash. That never happens to me anymore


> I take coconut oil.


> >

> > Are you saying you can eat any raw food, fruit, fatty food or

> vegetable

> > and your blood sugar stays the same because of coconut oil?


> More accurately, it keeps my cells form ever being starved from not

> enough sugar. My blood sugar my fluctuate, but it never gets too


> due to insulin resistance (unless I ate a ridulous amount of


> Because it never gets too high, my pancreas never has to make too

> much insulin as a counteractive measure and therefor my blood sugar

> never plummets.

> Coconut oil actually counteracts the insulin resistance caused by

> poyunsaturated fats like avocados, so the I can eat more avocados


> other polyunsaterated fats than before with no energy crash.


> that, the the type f fat in coconut oil absorbs directly into your

> meitchondria as and energy source. So even if your cells glucose

> supply is low for whatever reason (like not eating for a long


> the cocnut oil will fuel your cells so you don't get syptoms of low

> sugar.


> << Are people

> > using this then to heal diabetes?>>



> YES! Its great for diabetes. Insulin resistance and


> is the begining of diabetes. Eventually some peopls pancreas get

> burned out from making so much insulin to counteract the insulin

> resistance and they can't make enough insulin after awhile.

> http://www.coconutoil-online.com/Diabetes%20and%20Coconut%20Oil.html

> >


> >

> > That is why coconcut oil is good. It counteracts insulin


> > brought on by years of eating refined cooked carbs and refined

> > sugars. It lowers blood sugar.

> > [RH]

> > I thought you said: " It absorbs right into the mitochoindria and

> will

> > give you a lift if your blood sugar is low. " So it raises and


> > blood sugar. Maybe you could elaborate on this point.


> I know that sounds confusing. I should have said " if your cells

> aren't getting enough sugar...not " if your blood sugar is too low. "

> If you have insulin resistance, your blood sugar will be too high

> because the sugar cannot get into your cells. The coconut oil

> counteracts the insulin resistance and lets the sugar into your

> cells. This lowers your blood sugar (to a healthy level) because


> the sugar goes into your cells to supply you energy. In addition to

> that, the coconut oil gets used as a fuel source by your cells. It

> does two seperate things that help get fuel to your cells: 1.

> counteract insulin resistance 2. supply your cells direcly with

> medium chain fatty acids for fuel.


> >

> > Thanks for your post Pete. It has spurred me into doing additional

> > research. Maybe there is something to coconut oil. Maybe it also

> depends

> > on your state of health.


> Your welcome! I know this info is compeltely opposite of what


> like Doug Graham say about fats. Its just that coconut oil works

> differently. Other saturalted fats like palm oil also work like

> coconut oil.


> Take Care,

> Pete

> www.naturalhealthway.com

> (and no, I don't sell coconut oil or coconut oil books!)

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