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This is the problem with science. You can get a bunch of bad scientists

and get a completely skewed view of nutrition. These so-called expert

nutritionists seem to know very little about the raw diet.

As for the baby. I don't know all the details. But if it was a baby it

should have been breastfeeding. That's just common sense. What most

nutritionists don't know is that fruits and vegetables are the foods

with the highest nutrition per calorie.

Even in a diet of mostly fruits and green vegetables there is plenty of

protein in the diet. The damage done by cooking is much more extensive

than mentioned in the article. Maybe different enzymes are destroyed at

different temperatures but they still are heat sensitive. Of course

enzymes may not be the real issue, since the enzymes in raw foods are

not enough to completely digest the foods anyway.

What these experts lack is actual experience with the diet. They need to

interview Dr. Graham, someone who's an expert on nutrition and have him

answer these crazy allegations. The raw diet is perfectly suitable for

infants as well. Why are we the only species that has to cook its food?

There have been children raised from birth on a raw food diet and

they've done exceptionally well.

The article at least brought out many sides of the argument, but it is

slanted towards the beliefs of the author who is not an expert on

nutrition and certainly not on vegan raw food nutrition.

I've pasted the article below and may comment later on further aspects

of it.



Until the death of a severely underweight infant whose parents followed

a raw-food diet, the term " raw food " was more likely to conjure visions

of sushi, oysters or carpaccio than of crunchy greens.

Indeed, " going raw " has a certain cachet in quarters far from the modest

apartment in Homestead, Fla., where 5-month-old Woyah Andressohn lived.

(Woyah, born at 7 pounds, weighed one pound less when she was pronounced

dead on May 15.)

Investigators said they believed Woyah may have died of malnutrition.

The family's four other children, according to state authorities, were

severely malnourished.

Celebrities such as Woody Harrelson swear by the diet's salutary

effects. Restaurants featuring all-raw menus have opened in California,

New York and, recently, Miami Beach, Fla.

Raw-foods proponents argue that a diet of uncooked vegetables, fruits

and nuts reflects a natural way of eating. Fire changes the molecular

structure of food. Heating food above 118 degrees will kill the enzymes

in it, diminishing its nutritional value, the theory holds. Pointing to

nature and how no animal cooks its food, the theory continues that raw

food is more alive than its cooked counterpart and therefore better for


" This is about the understanding that if you eat more food that has its

life force still intact, that's going to be better for us, " says Fred

Busch, a raw-foods adherent and co-owner of a raw market and deli in

Miami Beach. " This means that there's life force in the cells and that's

what's feeding us. "

Not so, say many nutritionists and scientists. While some raw foods will

enhance your diet, an eating plan consisting totally of uncooked foods

puts anyone -- particularly young children -- at the risk of nutritional

unbalance. Although raw fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins,

a raw diet, without dairy or meat, may provide too little protein and

too few fatty acids, essential to growth and health, experts say. In

addition, some vegetables offer more nutrients when cooked,

nutritionists say, as the heat makes these nutrients more accessible to

our bodies.

" The burden of proof is on them to show that it's a better diet, " says

Linda Bobroff, a professor of nutrition at the University of Florida in

Gainesville, noting that years of research stand behind the

USDA-recommended food pyramid and a solidly balanced diet with a mix of

raw and cooked foods.

Stan Glaser, owner of Glaser Farms in the Redland, Fla., counters that

science has yet to offer him definitive proof that the mainstream diet

is better. Over the course of several years, Glaser experimented with

different ways of eating, including raw foods.

At one point he subsisted only on green leaves and fruits, but now he

has added raw vegan foods such as nuts and seeds. Glaser, who sells his

fresh fruits and vegetables and prepared raw foods at a farmers market

on Saturdays, scoffs at the standard nutrition line.

" They lead you to believe that you have to be a Ph.D. in nutrition to

know what to eat. I find this ludicrous, " he said.

Instead, he advocates a diet more akin to that followed by our ancestors

and other species. By doing that, Glaser says we will hit upon a diet

that not only worked well for our forebears but will work for us.

" If you limit what you eat to the uncooked vegetables, foods which have

always been available to us, then you can trust your taste, " he says.

Early converts

Glaser's theories stem from more than a century's worth of alternative

health teachings. The raw-foods concept dates back at least to the 1920s

when German writer Arnold Ehret published his account of how a raw-foods

diet helped restore him to health.

A few years later, Ann Wigmore, also an alternative healer, propounded

her own theory of living foods, uncooked fruits, vegetables, beans,

sprouts, nuts and wheat grass that she argued would detoxify the body.

Her Hippocrates Health Institute, originally in Boston, helped spread

the word.

While adherents attest the diet helps them shed pounds and energizes

them, experts remain skeptical.

" We don't have any research to indicate that this is a better way to

eat, " says Cynthia Sass, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic

Association and a dietitian based in Tampa, Fla. " We don't have any

concrete studies at this time. "

If anything, the concrete research that does exist pokes holes in the

raw-foods diet. While cooking produces chemical changes in objects

subjected to heat, it does not change the molecular structure

completely, says Robert Wolke, emeritus professor of chemistry at the

University of Pittsburgh. The claim that enzymes are destroyed at 118

degrees is similarly specious, he adds. More than 1,000 enzymes exist

and each one has its own temperature at which it is denatured.

" It's like saying that all substances melt at 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

It's nonsense. Ice does, but rocks don't and peanut butter doesn't, " he


Even the notion that heat destroys enzymes in vegetables may not stand

up, says Leslie Bonci, director of sports medicine at the University of

Pittsburgh Medical Center. Vegetables do not contain that many enzymes

to begin with, and our bodies can do an effective job of extracting

those that do exist, she says.

Not to say that there aren't some advantages to raw foods.

Overcooking vegetables can decrease their vitamin content, particularly

vitamins B and C, which are volatile and susceptible to heat. Cooked

vegetables may also come with excess salt or butter, while raw ones come

with few extras and lots of fiber.

Cooked food, however, also has its advantages, the experts say. Heat

kills microorganisms or other toxins lurking in food. Soybeans contain

substances that in large quantities will interfere with digestion and

the absorption of zinc and iron. Cooking disarms these blockers, the

American Dietetic Association says.

Heat helps

Other foods just confer more benefits when cooked. Tomatoes do not

release lycopene, a substance that appears to prevent disease and even

cancer, unless cooked. Despite conventional wisdom that cooked carrots

contain less beta carotene, scientists now say that we get more beta

carotene from cooked carrots because the heat makes the nutrient more

accessible. Beta carotene is thought by some to have a role in

preventing cancers.

Mainstream nutritionists conclude the answer is not all-raw or

all-cooked but a combination.

" In an ideal world you're having a mix of both, " Bonci says.

Even those who espouse living foods philosophy agree that it's not

simply a matter of eating vegetables. " The key is not just to say raw

food, " says Brian Clement, director of the Hippocrates Health Institute

in West Palm Beach, Fla., which continues to follow Wigmore's teaching.

" If you say that to somebody without an education, they could be eating

lettuce and apples. You have to be well-balanced. "

Adults who avoid cooked foods and fail to eat nutritionally balanced

diets may suffer fatigue, muscle injuries or decreased immune function.

Children, who have even greater nutritional needs to spur their growth,

can be at even higher risk, as they need high levels of protein to help

them grow. They also require vitamin D, found in milk, which is

forbidden in a raw-foods diet.

For infants, such a diet is even more ill-advised, the experts say.

" People think this is healthy. No, it's not healthy, certainly not for

infants, " UF's Bobroff says. " Anyone who tries to feed an infant that's

under 1 year of age any diet meant for an adult is maltreating that

infant. "

Compounding the challenge, raw foods tend to fill you up quickly, so you

may stop eating long before you've met your nutritional needs.

" A cup of vegetables may only have 25 calories, but it's very filling.

You can imagine how many cups of vegetables that are raw you would have

to eat, " Sass of the American Dietetic Association says, recommending

that anyone who chooses a raw-only diet consult a nutritionist. " The

total caloric intake could easily become inadequate. "

Then, there's the simple notion of deprivation. The diet rules out

piping hot soup, warm pastas and desserts featuring rivulets of melted


Enthusiasts such as Busch, who went raw three years ago, say uncooked

does not mean untasty. His deli features pizza made from nuts and flax

bread, nori rolls (the seaweed wrappers often used in sushi) and ice

cream from frozen bananas.

At Roxanne's, the raw-only restaurant in Larkspur, you can order fine

wine to accompany your meal of lasagna terrine layered with roma tomato

sauce, mushrooms, baby spinach, corn and herbed cashew cheese.

If you do opt for this, the experts say, don't point to science as your


" Do anything you want, " says chemist Wolke, author of " What Einstein

Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained. " " That's your personal choice.

Just don't try to justify it by saying science proves



Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com <http://www.superbeing.com/> . Go to

http://www.superbeingdiet.com <http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> to

learn how to go 100% RAW.






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Strange? Not so. Whenever a " famous " person, Demi Moore, or anyone comes out

for raw or anything that goes against the establishment grain ;-), out come

the big guns that attempt to frighten us back into the warm, dark, safe


Listen to your body. The body knows. Put raw into your life for awhile and

note the changes for the better.

Hari Om





> Yeah, it's the same false propaganda they've been feeding us for years.

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