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Fantastic Book Recomendation (Eat to Live)

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Well, when our family went raw, we stuggled to eat 2 pounds of raw

vegetables a day, and we had a great deal of gas, bloating and

indigestion. So, to go from the modern American diet to eating 2

pounds of veggies, I think I'd have managed better beginning in the

way Fuhrman recommends. We were juicing greens just to make more room

in our stomachs to manage it. According to Fuhrman, this is dangerous.


The other point that I am wondering about is that he says to stay away

from a lot of coconut oil, which, on this forum, I have learned that

it is beneficial and I have incorporated it into my regimen to help

stave off candida. I would hate for it to be causing ketosis in all of

us raw coconut oil consumers, as I am a bit concerned about.




Moderator's Note:


First of all I liked the book more because of the well

thought out argument on why we should be eating mostly

fruits and vegetables. I don't agree completely with the

author. He doesn't seem to know very much about food

combining. If you got the book for advice on how to eat the

raw diet, I don't think it's a great book for that. But the

book should give some people much more confidence that what

they are doing is not only right but just about the best

possible way to eat.


As I said before, I don't agree with his diet philosophy

completely because he doesn't recommend a 100% raw food

diet. The book is however chock full of other information

that isn't available in the typical raw food book. It

basically has a load of studies to back it up. Lots of

charts showing how much more protein there is in broccoli

than steak. Or how loaded with nutrients greens are and how

low in nutrients meats are.


As far as gas and bloating. You have to clean out your

intestines of all the junk that has been accumulating for

years. Fruits will clean you out and vegies provide the

intestinal broom (fiber) to clean you out further.


Much of your problem may have been poor food combining.

Also, if you eat two pounds of veggies, you may not be

bloating at all. The reason is that 2 pounds of greens is a

tremendous volume. So anyone would bloat on that diet just

from the pure volume. I would suggest getting your greens in

the form of a blended salad. This will aid in your digestion

at first. It also makes the nutrients more bioavailable.

Make sure not to gulp it down. Swirl it around in your mouth.


Coconut oil. I've made some more experiments with coconut

oil. Basically I don't like eating the oil. I bought more of

it. Then I just stuck with coconuts. I think it does have a

better effect than say avocados or sunflower seeds for

instance. But you still get the similar effects from fat.


I asked Dr. Graham about this and he has studied coconut

oil. To boil it down he still doesn't recommend excessive

consumption of coconut oil. His explanation was a bit

complex and maybe I can share it with the group some day. I

have his explanation recorded on audio in my computer.


So as far as coconut. You'll have to do your own research

and see if it works for you. Personally I'd recommend to eat

the whole young coconut if you can get it, instead of the

oils. Also Dr. G. mentioned that the fat from the coconut

goes through many different stages as the coconut matures.

He does not recommend consuming the coconut if it is very

hard as the fat is much more saturated in this way.


This is a complex issue that I don't fully understand. But

there is much more to it than we have discussed so far. For

instance there are several different kinds of fats in

coconut fat, that act differently. Some are medium chain and

others I believe are not.



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