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hello all,

i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have any

experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik

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There is a consensus around here that cooked food is a major contributor

to cancerous growth. Doctors world wide

say eat more fruit and vegetables but generally fall short of a behest

for a totally raw diet.


There are some well known caveats for certain types of cancer as in

avoid dairy for prostate cancer.


You may attract specific help if you identify the type of cancer you are

aiming to cure.


The only pointer I can give based upon experience is that strange marks

on my skin have gone since I changed over to a raw food diet.







Rik [bliksemskater]

09 September 2003 19:18


[Raw Food] cancer




hello all,

i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have any

experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik





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I can not give you medical advice, that would be illegal, I am not a

medical doctor, but I can tell you what I would do if I had cancer

(which I did).


Cancer is grows in tumors, tumors are caused by eating excess

protein. In the book " Living Foods for Optimum Health " by Brian R.

Clement " The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that

the average American takes in about 150 grams of protein each day.

But you need only a fraction of that amount, where does the excess

go? Well, the body can't store protein, the lymphatic system attempts

to remove the excess. But when the burden becomes too great for the

lymph to handle protein " traps " (tumors) are created, which the body

seals off in

order to protect the rest of its organs and tissues, As Nobel prize

winner Dr. Otto Warburg showed, when oxygen supply is decreased by as

little as 30 percent, these trapped cells can become malignant cancer

cells. Warburg found that unlike normal healthy cells, malignant

cancer cells don't require oxygen to reproduce, in a sense, the

cancerous cells consume waste, saving the body from poisoning by

excess protein, but this survival tactic can cause uncontrolled,

terminal cancer. " I know that medical science has a large list of

carcinogens, but without tumors (protein traps) the cancer has no

place to grow. Mothers milk is only 2% protein for a baby that

doubles its size and weight in 180 days by the time the child reaches

2 years of age mothers protein drops to 1% which is the same ratio of

protein in fruits.


The propaganda about protein comes from the meat and dairy

industries, not from medical research. All vegetarian animals eat low

protein diets, including primates. Vegetarian animals have a longer

folded and chambered bowel designed to slow down digestion to allow

more absorption of nutrients. The dogs bowel, for instance is a short

smooth pipe. Dr. Ralph Bircher claims that a low-protein diet has

demonstrated that the body needs 10-20% less oxygen and a 30% lower

calorie-intake. This conserves the resources of the body. " High

protein diets, on the other hand, tend to accelerate the turnover of

protein in the body, put the cells into high activity, and promote

stress and premature aging. Cancer is characterized by this rapid

protein synthesis. " Intuitive Eating; Humbart Santillo, N.D., Ph.D.

Humbart goes on to show how excess protein causes osteoporosis,

cancer (all tumors are pockets of protein that the body is trying to

get rid of), " Undigested protein must be eliminated by the kidneys.

This unnecessary work

stresses out the kidneys so much that gradually lesions

are developed and tissues begin to harden. In the

colon this excess protein-waste putrefies into toxic

substances called indols, skatols, and hydrogen sulfide,

etc. Some of these substances are reabsorbed into the

bloodstream and are eventually found in the urine, These

substances irritate the bladder and kidneys, and cause an

unnecessary loss of vital energy. " In spite of their short efficient

digestive system, carnivores sleep 20 hours per day, have little

stamina, and short life spans. A cheetah can run 90 miles per hour.

But if it doesn't make a kill, it can't hunt again until the

following day. It is estimated that an adult gorilla has the ability

to bench press 4000 pounds. The favorite food of the gorilla is wild

celery it is less than 1% (.66%) protein. Without a doubt the

strongest, most energetic and longest lived animals are raw vegans.

The meat and dairy industries are telling us that to build strong

bodies we need a lot of protein. The truth is just the opposite.



Keep in mind cancer thrives in an oxygen free environment. So to kill

cancer I would flood my body with oxygen, and stop eating excess

protein. " If you recall your early science lesson about

photosynthesis, you'll remember that all plants, terrestrial and

aquatic, absorb water and carbon dioxide and then give off oxygen as

a waste product., that's why botanical food is composed of oxygen


the molecular structure of its chlorophyll content., chlorophyll is

the " blood " of a plant. It is the protein in plant life that

gives it

its distinctive green or purple color. When compared to a molecule of

hemoglobin (the oxygen carrier in human blood) chlorophyll is almost

identical. Have you ever thought about what happens to that oxygen

when we eat those foods in their living state? It feeds oxygen to our

body---the oxygen we need to stay alive and healthy. Only living

foods bring that oxygen into the body. " ---Living Foods For


Health; Brian Clement.


All the necessary amino acids needed are in raw green leafy

vegetables. From these amino acids my body can construct all the

protein it needs. I would take Probiotics. I would get a " Green

Power " juicer and make green juices not only from wheat grass but

from spinach, kale, and any green leafy vegetable I could find. I

would drink Spirulina. I would have sweet fruit for breakfast. I

would eat a large green leafy salad every afternoon. I would not

touch any animal products. I would get the book. " Flood Your Body

with Oxygen " by Ed McCabe. I would look in the back of that book


find a person who does oxygen therapy in my area. I would also read

the book. I would do deep breathing exercises. I would start an

aerobic exercise program.


I would be very aware that all of this oxygen flooding into my body

is going to cause massive detoxification, which will make me feel

sick, I may develop skin problems. My bones will hurt. But I know I

can slow down detox by eating cooked food, or slowing chlorophyll



Hope this helps



rawfood , " Rik " <bliksemskater> wrote:

> hello all,

> i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have any

> experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

> could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik

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rawfood , " Rik " <bliksemskater> wrote:

> hello all,

> i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have any

> experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

> could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik


Hello Rik,

so sorry to hear about your relative, going through cancer can be

very confusing and very scarry for a person. Tow years ago My

mother was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer and one week later my

father was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. Two very different

cancers and two very different methods/approaches to their

healings. They are divorced and took great pride in who would

outlive each other.....they are still both alive happily but one

much better off than the other. This is how I got involved with

rawfoods. My mother went the surgery/chemotherapy method and is now

on her fourth type of chemotherapy drug because the ones prior

stoped working for her. She has spent more that $60,000 out of her

own pocket that insurance wouldn't cover and thus our inheritance is

gone....no big deal really, I'm just glad she is still alive. She

has a delivery device implanted in her chest, just above her heart

that the chemo gets " dripped " into, made of titanium (which is of

course is a huge carcinogenic itself). She goes once a week for her

therapy and it takes about one hour for the medicine to be dispensed

into her (directly to her liver BTW). She is then sick for 3 days

following, which of course requires more drugs to ease the pain and

nausea. But she does manage to work 3 days a week somehow...

Then there's my father....

He went directly to the Livingston-Wheeler clinic in Mexico for one

week every month for 6 months. He has been in remission ever

since. I don't think anyone would consider this method a cure-all,

however, it's worth reading the book, Conquest of Cancer. It was

first originally published in the seventies I believe, by

Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler. My dad sent me the book while he

was in Mexico so I could read it and know what he was going

through. In her book she gives very detailed information about how

cancer develops and how to treat it. It's an easy read with about

250 pages and for the most part understandable (mind you I'm not

formally educated, other than high school and trade school), I found

it to be the best book anyone gave us, as we all went through this.

In her book, Dr. Virginia describes the " Anti-Cancer Diet " :

" Living food, meaning non-processed, fresh vegetables and fruits

with their seeds and nuts, contain all the essentials for good

health and good immunity. It is one of the most overlooked

preventive medicine resources we have. When food is processed,

altered, or adulterated, the health and life-giving factors are

markedly diminished. Processed foods provide calories, but they

cannot sustain other needs that can only be met by living foods.

One of the most vital systems of the body that cannot be sustanined

by devitalized, dead food is the immune system. " she continues....

" As there is no single essential food, one of the most important

goals of good nutrition is to be aware that whole foods, nearest to

their natural state, are best able to supply the essental nutrients

for the highest state of well-being "

I hope this helps, this is just our experience with Cancer, so far.

Good luck and I hope you have success with whatever therapy your

family decides on.

Kris Costa

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Kauguy, I have been trying to balance my life for years and I've gone

down the hi-protein highway. My primary concern (when it comes to

energy) was the glycemic spike I encountered when I was eating a Vegan

diet.I was " crashing " after meals. I have no irrefutable advice for our

friend that has been diagnosed with cancer, but for me, the thing that

works best is limiting calories, moving a lot and taking everything in





On a Raw Foods diet, I have recently lost a lot of weight. I am 5'11

and now weigh about 145 lbs. To me, although I feel great, I'm way too

skinny and (although I don't have cancer,) I feel like I'm wasting away

and I don't feel (or look) as strong as I did when I was eating 70-100g.

of protein per day.




I'm starting to feel like the hi-protein approach is one extreme and the

Raw Food approach is another. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS on how build

back up to my " fighting weight " of 170 with Raw Foods. I like how I

feel, but don't like how I look - I'd rather look like an athlete than a

super model.




Brian Powell


allGoode Organics


215-242-1133 - office


215-313-6927 - cell







kauguy [no_reply ]

Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:35 PM


[Raw Food] Re: cancer





I can not give you medical advice, that would be illegal, I am not a

medical doctor, but I can tell you what I would do if I had cancer

(which I did).


Cancer is grows in tumors, tumors are caused by eating excess

protein. In the book " Living Foods for Optimum Health " by Brian R.

Clement " The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that

the average American takes in about 150 grams of protein each day.

But you need only a fraction of that amount, where does the excess

go? Well, the body can't store protein, the lymphatic system attempts

to remove the excess. But when the burden becomes too great for the

lymph to handle protein " traps " (tumors) are created, which the body

seals off in

order to protect the rest of its organs and tissues, As Nobel prize

winner Dr. Otto Warburg showed, when oxygen supply is decreased by as

little as 30 percent, these trapped cells can become malignant cancer

cells. Warburg found that unlike normal healthy cells, malignant

cancer cells don't require oxygen to reproduce, in a sense, the

cancerous cells consume waste, saving the body from poisoning by

excess protein, but this survival tactic can cause uncontrolled,

terminal cancer. " I know that medical science has a large list of

carcinogens, but without tumors (protein traps) the cancer has no

place to grow. Mothers milk is only 2% protein for a baby that

doubles its size and weight in 180 days by the time the child reaches

2 years of age mothers protein drops to 1% which is the same ratio of

protein in fruits.


The propaganda about protein comes from the meat and dairy

industries, not from medical research. All vegetarian animals eat low

protein diets, including primates. Vegetarian animals have a longer

folded and chambered bowel designed to slow down digestion to allow

more absorption of nutrients. The dogs bowel, for instance is a short

smooth pipe. Dr. Ralph Bircher claims that a low-protein diet has

demonstrated that the body needs 10-20% less oxygen and a 30% lower

calorie-intake. This conserves the resources of the body. " High

protein diets, on the other hand, tend to accelerate the turnover of

protein in the body, put the cells into high activity, and promote

stress and premature aging. Cancer is characterized by this rapid

protein synthesis. " Intuitive Eating; Humbart Santillo, N.D., Ph.D.

Humbart goes on to show how excess protein causes osteoporosis,

cancer (all tumors are pockets of protein that the body is trying to

get rid of), " Undigested protein must be eliminated by the kidneys.

This unnecessary work

stresses out the kidneys so much that gradually lesions

are developed and tissues begin to harden. In the

colon this excess protein-waste putrefies into toxic

substances called indols, skatols, and hydrogen sulfide,

etc. Some of these substances are reabsorbed into the

bloodstream and are eventually found in the urine, These

substances irritate the bladder and kidneys, and cause an

unnecessary loss of vital energy. " In spite of their short efficient

digestive system, carnivores sleep 20 hours per day, have little

stamina, and short life spans. A cheetah can run 90 miles per hour.

But if it doesn't make a kill, it can't hunt again until the

following day. It is estimated that an adult gorilla has the ability

to bench press 4000 pounds. The favorite food of the gorilla is wild

celery it is less than 1% (.66%) protein. Without a doubt the

strongest, most energetic and longest lived animals are raw vegans.

The meat and dairy industries are telling us that to build strong

bodies we need a lot of protein. The truth is just the opposite.



Keep in mind cancer thrives in an oxygen free environment. So to kill

cancer I would flood my body with oxygen, and stop eating excess

protein. " If you recall your early science lesson about

photosynthesis, you'll remember that all plants, terrestrial and

aquatic, absorb water and carbon dioxide and then give off oxygen as

a waste product., that's why botanical food is composed of oxygen


the molecular structure of its chlorophyll content., chlorophyll is

the " blood " of a plant. It is the protein in plant life that

gives it

its distinctive green or purple color. When compared to a molecule of

hemoglobin (the oxygen carrier in human blood) chlorophyll is almost

identical. Have you ever thought about what happens to that oxygen

when we eat those foods in their living state? It feeds oxygen to our

body---the oxygen we need to stay alive and healthy. Only living

foods bring that oxygen into the body. " ---Living Foods For


Health; Brian Clement.


All the necessary amino acids needed are in raw green leafy

vegetables. From these amino acids my body can construct all the

protein it needs. I would take Probiotics. I would get a " Green

Power " juicer and make green juices not only from wheat grass but

from spinach, kale, and any green leafy vegetable I could find. I

would drink Spirulina. I would have sweet fruit for breakfast. I

would eat a large green leafy salad every afternoon. I would not

touch any animal products. I would get the book. " Flood Your Body

with Oxygen " by Ed McCabe. I would look in the back of that book


find a person who does oxygen therapy in my area. I would also read

the book. I would do deep breathing exercises. I would start an

aerobic exercise program.


I would be very aware that all of this oxygen flooding into my body

is going to cause massive detoxification, which will make me feel

sick, I may develop skin problems. My bones will hurt. But I know I

can slow down detox by eating cooked food, or slowing chlorophyll



Hope this helps



rawfood , " Rik " <bliksemskater> wrote:

> hello all,

> i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have any

> experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

> could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik








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rawfood , " Rik " wrote:

> does anyone have any experience tackling cancer

> with herbal/raw food methods? if so, could you

> give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik


Hello Rik,


I can give you some articles to read on cancer. I don't agree with

everything in the articles but they contain good info.




By Viktoras Kulvinskas

(Viktoras is co-founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute. Victoras

writes in one of his books that Hippocrates has a 75% success rate at

treating cancer, the best in the world. I could give you the exact

quote if you'd like.








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thank you mike,

i appriciate this very much, i will forward this to my family. rik


> Hello Rik,


> I can give you some articles to read on cancer. I don't agree


> everything in the articles but they contain good info.


> http://www.geocities.com/viktoraslive/reports.htm


> By Viktoras Kulvinskas

> (Viktoras is co-founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute.


> writes in one of his books that Hippocrates has a 75% success rate


> treating cancer, the best in the world. I could give you the exact

> quote if you'd like.

> http://www.hippocratesinst.com/history.html



> http://www.westonaprice.org/askdoctor/ask_cancer.html

> http://www.westonaprice.org/moderndiseases/cancer_broch.html


> Mike

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We carry a lot of poisons in our fat cells. Your body has to lose the

fat to get rid of the poisons. When you finish detoxifying your

weight will stabilize. But as long as you are raw you will never be







rawfood , " Brian Powell " <brianmpowell@e...>


> Kauguy, I have been trying to balance my life for years and I've


> down the hi-protein highway. My primary concern (when it comes to

> energy) was the glycemic spike I encountered when I was eating a


> diet.I was " crashing " after meals. I have no irrefutable advice

for our

> friend that has been diagnosed with cancer, but for me, the thing


> works best is limiting calories, moving a lot and taking everything


> moderation




> On a Raw Foods diet, I have recently lost a lot of weight. I am


> and now weigh about 145 lbs. To me, although I feel great, I'm way


> skinny and (although I don't have cancer,) I feel like I'm wasting


> and I don't feel (or look) as strong as I did when I was eating 70-


> of protein per day.




> I'm starting to feel like the hi-protein approach is one extreme

and the

> Raw Food approach is another. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS on how


> back up to my " fighting weight " of 170 with Raw Foods. I like how I

> feel, but don't like how I look - I'd rather look like an athlete

than a

> super model.




> Brian Powell


> allGoode Organics


> 215-242-1133 - office


> 215-313-6927 - cell


> brian@a...





> kauguy [no_reply ]

> Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:35 PM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: cancer




> Rik;

> I can not give you medical advice, that would be illegal, I am not


> medical doctor, but I can tell you what I would do if I had cancer

> (which I did).


> Cancer is grows in tumors, tumors are caused by eating excess

> protein. In the book " Living Foods for Optimum Health " by Brian R.

> Clement " The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that

> the average American takes in about 150 grams of protein each day.

> But you need only a fraction of that amount, where does the excess

> go? Well, the body can't store protein, the lymphatic system


> to remove the excess. But when the burden becomes too great for the

> lymph to handle protein " traps " (tumors) are created, which the body

> seals off in

> order to protect the rest of its organs and tissues, As Nobel prize

> winner Dr. Otto Warburg showed, when oxygen supply is decreased by


> little as 30 percent, these trapped cells can become malignant


> cells. Warburg found that unlike normal healthy cells, malignant

> cancer cells don't require oxygen to reproduce, in a sense, the

> cancerous cells consume waste, saving the body from poisoning by

> excess protein, but this survival tactic can cause uncontrolled,

> terminal cancer. " I know that medical science has a large list of

> carcinogens, but without tumors (protein traps) the cancer has no

> place to grow. Mothers milk is only 2% protein for a baby that

> doubles its size and weight in 180 days by the time the child


> 2 years of age mothers protein drops to 1% which is the same ratio


> protein in fruits.


> The propaganda about protein comes from the meat and dairy

> industries, not from medical research. All vegetarian animals eat


> protein diets, including primates. Vegetarian animals have a longer

> folded and chambered bowel designed to slow down digestion to allow

> more absorption of nutrients. The dogs bowel, for instance is a


> smooth pipe. Dr. Ralph Bircher claims that a low-protein diet has

> demonstrated that the body needs 10-20% less oxygen and a 30% lower

> calorie-intake. This conserves the resources of the body. " High

> protein diets, on the other hand, tend to accelerate the turnover


> protein in the body, put the cells into high activity, and promote

> stress and premature aging. Cancer is characterized by this rapid

> protein synthesis. " Intuitive Eating; Humbart Santillo, N.D., Ph.D.

> Humbart goes on to show how excess protein causes osteoporosis,

> cancer (all tumors are pockets of protein that the body is trying


> get rid of), " Undigested protein must be eliminated by the kidneys.

> This unnecessary work

> stresses out the kidneys so much that gradually lesions

> are developed and tissues begin to harden. In the

> colon this excess protein-waste putrefies into toxic

> substances called indols, skatols, and hydrogen sulfide,

> etc. Some of these substances are reabsorbed into the

> bloodstream and are eventually found in the urine, These

> substances irritate the bladder and kidneys, and cause an

> unnecessary loss of vital energy. " In spite of their short


> digestive system, carnivores sleep 20 hours per day, have little

> stamina, and short life spans. A cheetah can run 90 miles per hour.

> But if it doesn't make a kill, it can't hunt again until the

> following day. It is estimated that an adult gorilla has the


> to bench press 4000 pounds. The favorite food of the gorilla is


> celery it is less than 1% (.66%) protein. Without a doubt the

> strongest, most energetic and longest lived animals are raw vegans.

> The meat and dairy industries are telling us that to build strong

> bodies we need a lot of protein. The truth is just the opposite.



> Keep in mind cancer thrives in an oxygen free environment. So to


> cancer I would flood my body with oxygen, and stop eating excess

> protein. " If you recall your early science lesson about

> photosynthesis, you'll remember that all plants, terrestrial and

> aquatic, absorb water and carbon dioxide and then give off oxygen


> a waste product., that's why botanical food is composed of oxygen

> in

> the molecular structure of its chlorophyll content., chlorophyll is

> the " blood " of a plant. It is the protein in plant life that

> gives it

> its distinctive green or purple color. When compared to a molecule


> hemoglobin (the oxygen carrier in human blood) chlorophyll is


> identical. Have you ever thought about what happens to that oxygen

> when we eat those foods in their living state? It feeds oxygen to


> body---the oxygen we need to stay alive and healthy. Only living

> foods bring that oxygen into the body. " ---Living Foods For

> Optimum

> Health; Brian Clement.


> All the necessary amino acids needed are in raw green leafy

> vegetables. From these amino acids my body can construct all the

> protein it needs. I would take Probiotics. I would get a " Green

> Power " juicer and make green juices not only from wheat grass but

> from spinach, kale, and any green leafy vegetable I could find. I

> would drink Spirulina. I would have sweet fruit for breakfast. I

> would eat a large green leafy salad every afternoon. I would not

> touch any animal products. I would get the book. " Flood Your Body

> with Oxygen " by Ed McCabe. I would look in the back of that book

> and

> find a person who does oxygen therapy in my area. I would also read

> the book. I would do deep breathing exercises. I would start an

> aerobic exercise program.


> I would be very aware that all of this oxygen flooding into my body

> is going to cause massive detoxification, which will make me feel

> sick, I may develop skin problems. My bones will hurt. But I know I

> can slow down detox by eating cooked food, or slowing chlorophyll

> intake.


> Hope this helps



> rawfood , " Rik " <bliksemskater> wrote:

> > hello all,

> > i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have


> > experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

> > could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik


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Well Doug, I think all of the fat is gone, so I must be close to














kauguy [no_reply ]

Friday, September 12, 2003 6:53 AM


[Raw Food] Re: cancer






We carry a lot of poisons in our fat cells. Your body has to lose the

fat to get rid of the poisons. When you finish detoxifying your

weight will stabilize. But as long as you are raw you will never be







rawfood , " Brian Powell " <brianmpowell@e...>


> Kauguy, I have been trying to balance my life for years and I've


> down the hi-protein highway. My primary concern (when it comes to

> energy) was the glycemic spike I encountered when I was eating a


> diet.I was " crashing " after meals. I have no irrefutable advice

for our

> friend that has been diagnosed with cancer, but for me, the thing


> works best is limiting calories, moving a lot and taking everything


> moderation




> On a Raw Foods diet, I have recently lost a lot of weight. I am


> and now weigh about 145 lbs. To me, although I feel great, I'm way


> skinny and (although I don't have cancer,) I feel like I'm wasting


> and I don't feel (or look) as strong as I did when I was eating 70-


> of protein per day.




> I'm starting to feel like the hi-protein approach is one extreme

and the

> Raw Food approach is another. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS on how


> back up to my " fighting weight " of 170 with Raw Foods. I like how I

> feel, but don't like how I look - I'd rather look like an athlete

than a

> super model.




> Brian Powell


> allGoode Organics


> 215-242-1133 - office


> 215-313-6927 - cell


> brian@a...





> kauguy [no_reply ]

> Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:35 PM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: cancer




> Rik;

> I can not give you medical advice, that would be illegal, I am not


> medical doctor, but I can tell you what I would do if I had cancer

> (which I did).


> Cancer is grows in tumors, tumors are caused by eating excess

> protein. In the book " Living Foods for Optimum Health " by Brian R.

> Clement " The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that

> the average American takes in about 150 grams of protein each day.

> But you need only a fraction of that amount, where does the excess

> go? Well, the body can't store protein, the lymphatic system


> to remove the excess. But when the burden becomes too great for the

> lymph to handle protein " traps " (tumors) are created, which the body

> seals off in

> order to protect the rest of its organs and tissues, As Nobel prize

> winner Dr. Otto Warburg showed, when oxygen supply is decreased by


> little as 30 percent, these trapped cells can become malignant


> cells. Warburg found that unlike normal healthy cells, malignant

> cancer cells don't require oxygen to reproduce, in a sense, the

> cancerous cells consume waste, saving the body from poisoning by

> excess protein, but this survival tactic can cause uncontrolled,

> terminal cancer. " I know that medical science has a large list of

> carcinogens, but without tumors (protein traps) the cancer has no

> place to grow. Mothers milk is only 2% protein for a baby that

> doubles its size and weight in 180 days by the time the child


> 2 years of age mothers protein drops to 1% which is the same ratio


> protein in fruits.


> The propaganda about protein comes from the meat and dairy

> industries, not from medical research. All vegetarian animals eat


> protein diets, including primates. Vegetarian animals have a longer

> folded and chambered bowel designed to slow down digestion to allow

> more absorption of nutrients. The dogs bowel, for instance is a


> smooth pipe. Dr. Ralph Bircher claims that a low-protein diet has

> demonstrated that the body needs 10-20% less oxygen and a 30% lower

> calorie-intake. This conserves the resources of the body. " High

> protein diets, on the other hand, tend to accelerate the turnover


> protein in the body, put the cells into high activity, and promote

> stress and premature aging. Cancer is characterized by this rapid

> protein synthesis. " Intuitive Eating; Humbart Santillo, N.D., Ph.D.

> Humbart goes on to show how excess protein causes osteoporosis,

> cancer (all tumors are pockets of protein that the body is trying


> get rid of), " Undigested protein must be eliminated by the kidneys.

> This unnecessary work

> stresses out the kidneys so much that gradually lesions

> are developed and tissues begin to harden. In the

> colon this excess protein-waste putrefies into toxic

> substances called indols, skatols, and hydrogen sulfide,

> etc. Some of these substances are reabsorbed into the

> bloodstream and are eventually found in the urine, These

> substances irritate the bladder and kidneys, and cause an

> unnecessary loss of vital energy. " In spite of their short


> digestive system, carnivores sleep 20 hours per day, have little

> stamina, and short life spans. A cheetah can run 90 miles per hour.

> But if it doesn't make a kill, it can't hunt again until the

> following day. It is estimated that an adult gorilla has the


> to bench press 4000 pounds. The favorite food of the gorilla is


> celery it is less than 1% (.66%) protein. Without a doubt the

> strongest, most energetic and longest lived animals are raw vegans.

> The meat and dairy industries are telling us that to build strong

> bodies we need a lot of protein. The truth is just the opposite.



> Keep in mind cancer thrives in an oxygen free environment. So to


> cancer I would flood my body with oxygen, and stop eating excess

> protein. " If you recall your early science lesson about

> photosynthesis, you'll remember that all plants, terrestrial and

> aquatic, absorb water and carbon dioxide and then give off oxygen


> a waste product., that's why botanical food is composed of oxygen

> in

> the molecular structure of its chlorophyll content., chlorophyll is

> the " blood " of a plant. It is the protein in plant life that

> gives it

> its distinctive green or purple color. When compared to a molecule


> hemoglobin (the oxygen carrier in human blood) chlorophyll is


> identical. Have you ever thought about what happens to that oxygen

> when we eat those foods in their living state? It feeds oxygen to


> body---the oxygen we need to stay alive and healthy. Only living

> foods bring that oxygen into the body. " ---Living Foods For

> Optimum

> Health; Brian Clement.


> All the necessary amino acids needed are in raw green leafy

> vegetables. From these amino acids my body can construct all the

> protein it needs. I would take Probiotics. I would get a " Green

> Power " juicer and make green juices not only from wheat grass but

> from spinach, kale, and any green leafy vegetable I could find. I

> would drink Spirulina. I would have sweet fruit for breakfast. I

> would eat a large green leafy salad every afternoon. I would not

> touch any animal products. I would get the book. " Flood Your Body

> with Oxygen " by Ed McCabe. I would look in the back of that book

> and

> find a person who does oxygen therapy in my area. I would also read

> the book. I would do deep breathing exercises. I would start an

> aerobic exercise program.


> I would be very aware that all of this oxygen flooding into my body

> is going to cause massive detoxification, which will make me feel

> sick, I may develop skin problems. My bones will hurt. But I know I

> can slow down detox by eating cooked food, or slowing chlorophyll

> intake.


> Hope this helps



> rawfood , " Rik " <bliksemskater> wrote:

> > hello all,

> > i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have


> > experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

> > could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik


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I've heard that detox can go on for six or seven years. David Wolfe

comes up with the

formula of count one month for every year of your life eating cooked

food. I think there

is a very sharp fall of after a long water fast. That is the aggressive

clean out.






Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

12 September 2003 15:46


RE: [Raw Food] Re: cancer




Well Doug, I think all of the fat is gone, so I must be close to














kauguy [no_reply ]

Friday, September 12, 2003 6:53 AM


[Raw Food] Re: cancer






We carry a lot of poisons in our fat cells. Your body has to lose the

fat to get rid of the poisons. When you finish detoxifying your

weight will stabilize. But as long as you are raw you will never be







rawfood , " Brian Powell " <brianmpowell@e...>


> Kauguy, I have been trying to balance my life for years and I've


> down the hi-protein highway. My primary concern (when it comes to

> energy) was the glycemic spike I encountered when I was eating a


> diet.I was " crashing " after meals. I have no irrefutable advice

for our

> friend that has been diagnosed with cancer, but for me, the thing


> works best is limiting calories, moving a lot and taking everything


> moderation




> On a Raw Foods diet, I have recently lost a lot of weight. I am


> and now weigh about 145 lbs. To me, although I feel great, I'm way


> skinny and (although I don't have cancer,) I feel like I'm wasting


> and I don't feel (or look) as strong as I did when I was eating 70-


> of protein per day.




> I'm starting to feel like the hi-protein approach is one extreme

and the

> Raw Food approach is another. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS on how


> back up to my " fighting weight " of 170 with Raw Foods. I like how I

> feel, but don't like how I look - I'd rather look like an athlete

than a

> super model.




> Brian Powell


> allGoode Organics


> 215-242-1133 - office


> 215-313-6927 - cell


> brian@a...





> kauguy [no_reply ]

> Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:35 PM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: cancer




> Rik;

> I can not give you medical advice, that would be illegal, I am not


> medical doctor, but I can tell you what I would do if I had cancer

> (which I did).


> Cancer is grows in tumors, tumors are caused by eating excess

> protein. In the book " Living Foods for Optimum Health " by Brian R.

> Clement " The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that

> the average American takes in about 150 grams of protein each day.

> But you need only a fraction of that amount, where does the excess

> go? Well, the body can't store protein, the lymphatic system


> to remove the excess. But when the burden becomes too great for the

> lymph to handle protein " traps " (tumors) are created, which the body

> seals off in

> order to protect the rest of its organs and tissues, As Nobel prize

> winner Dr. Otto Warburg showed, when oxygen supply is decreased by


> little as 30 percent, these trapped cells can become malignant


> cells. Warburg found that unlike normal healthy cells, malignant

> cancer cells don't require oxygen to reproduce, in a sense, the

> cancerous cells consume waste, saving the body from poisoning by

> excess protein, but this survival tactic can cause uncontrolled,

> terminal cancer. " I know that medical science has a large list of

> carcinogens, but without tumors (protein traps) the cancer has no

> place to grow. Mothers milk is only 2% protein for a baby that

> doubles its size and weight in 180 days by the time the child


> 2 years of age mothers protein drops to 1% which is the same ratio


> protein in fruits.


> The propaganda about protein comes from the meat and dairy

> industries, not from medical research. All vegetarian animals eat


> protein diets, including primates. Vegetarian animals have a longer

> folded and chambered bowel designed to slow down digestion to allow

> more absorption of nutrients. The dogs bowel, for instance is a


> smooth pipe. Dr. Ralph Bircher claims that a low-protein diet has

> demonstrated that the body needs 10-20% less oxygen and a 30% lower

> calorie-intake. This conserves the resources of the body. " High

> protein diets, on the other hand, tend to accelerate the turnover


> protein in the body, put the cells into high activity, and promote

> stress and premature aging. Cancer is characterized by this rapid

> protein synthesis. " Intuitive Eating; Humbart Santillo, N.D., Ph.D.

> Humbart goes on to show how excess protein causes osteoporosis,

> cancer (all tumors are pockets of protein that the body is trying


> get rid of), " Undigested protein must be eliminated by the kidneys.

> This unnecessary work

> stresses out the kidneys so much that gradually lesions

> are developed and tissues begin to harden. In the

> colon this excess protein-waste putrefies into toxic

> substances called indols, skatols, and hydrogen sulfide,

> etc. Some of these substances are reabsorbed into the

> bloodstream and are eventually found in the urine, These

> substances irritate the bladder and kidneys, and cause an

> unnecessary loss of vital energy. " In spite of their short


> digestive system, carnivores sleep 20 hours per day, have little

> stamina, and short life spans. A cheetah can run 90 miles per hour.

> But if it doesn't make a kill, it can't hunt again until the

> following day. It is estimated that an adult gorilla has the


> to bench press 4000 pounds. The favorite food of the gorilla is


> celery it is less than 1% (.66%) protein. Without a doubt the

> strongest, most energetic and longest lived animals are raw vegans.

> The meat and dairy industries are telling us that to build strong

> bodies we need a lot of protein. The truth is just the opposite.



> Keep in mind cancer thrives in an oxygen free environment. So to


> cancer I would flood my body with oxygen, and stop eating excess

> protein. " If you recall your early science lesson about

> photosynthesis, you'll remember that all plants, terrestrial and

> aquatic, absorb water and carbon dioxide and then give off oxygen


> a waste product., that's why botanical food is composed of oxygen in

> the molecular structure of its chlorophyll content., chlorophyll is

> the " blood " of a plant. It is the protein in plant life that

> gives it

> its distinctive green or purple color. When compared to a molecule


> hemoglobin (the oxygen carrier in human blood) chlorophyll is


> identical. Have you ever thought about what happens to that oxygen

> when we eat those foods in their living state? It feeds oxygen to


> body---the oxygen we need to stay alive and healthy. Only living

> foods bring that oxygen into the body. " ---Living Foods For

> Optimum

> Health; Brian Clement.


> All the necessary amino acids needed are in raw green leafy

> vegetables. From these amino acids my body can construct all the

> protein it needs. I would take Probiotics. I would get a " Green

> Power " juicer and make green juices not only from wheat grass but

> from spinach, kale, and any green leafy vegetable I could find. I

> would drink Spirulina. I would have sweet fruit for breakfast. I

> would eat a large green leafy salad every afternoon. I would not

> touch any animal products. I would get the book. " Flood Your Body

> with Oxygen " by Ed McCabe. I would look in the back of that book

> and

> find a person who does oxygen therapy in my area. I would also read

> the book. I would do deep breathing exercises. I would start an

> aerobic exercise program.


> I would be very aware that all of this oxygen flooding into my body

> is going to cause massive detoxification, which will make me feel

> sick, I may develop skin problems. My bones will hurt. But I know I

> can slow down detox by eating cooked food, or slowing chlorophyll

> intake.


> Hope this helps



> rawfood , " Rik " <bliksemskater> wrote:

> > hello all,

> > i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have


> > experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

> > could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik


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Brian Powell


allGoode Organics


215-242-1133 - office


215-313-6927 - cell







Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Friday, September 12, 2003 11:22 AM


RE: [Raw Food] Re: cancer






I've heard that detox can go on for six or seven years. David Wolfe

comes up with the

formula of count one month for every year of your life eating cooked

food. I think there

is a very sharp fall of after a long water fast. That is the aggressive

clean out.






Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

12 September 2003 15:46


RE: [Raw Food] Re: cancer




Well Doug, I think all of the fat is gone, so I must be close to














kauguy [no_reply ]

Friday, September 12, 2003 6:53 AM


[Raw Food] Re: cancer






We carry a lot of poisons in our fat cells. Your body has to lose the

fat to get rid of the poisons. When you finish detoxifying your

weight will stabilize. But as long as you are raw you will never be







rawfood , " Brian Powell " <brianmpowell@e...>


> Kauguy, I have been trying to balance my life for years and I've


> down the hi-protein highway. My primary concern (when it comes to

> energy) was the glycemic spike I encountered when I was eating a


> diet.I was " crashing " after meals. I have no irrefutable advice

for our

> friend that has been diagnosed with cancer, but for me, the thing


> works best is limiting calories, moving a lot and taking everything


> moderation




> On a Raw Foods diet, I have recently lost a lot of weight. I am


> and now weigh about 145 lbs. To me, although I feel great, I'm way


> skinny and (although I don't have cancer,) I feel like I'm wasting


> and I don't feel (or look) as strong as I did when I was eating 70-


> of protein per day.




> I'm starting to feel like the hi-protein approach is one extreme

and the

> Raw Food approach is another. DO YOU HAVE ANY SUGGESTIONS on how


> back up to my " fighting weight " of 170 with Raw Foods. I like how I

> feel, but don't like how I look - I'd rather look like an athlete

than a

> super model.




> Brian Powell


> allGoode Organics


> 215-242-1133 - office


> 215-313-6927 - cell


> brian@a...





> kauguy [no_reply ]

> Tuesday, September 09, 2003 8:35 PM

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: cancer




> Rik;

> I can not give you medical advice, that would be illegal, I am not


> medical doctor, but I can tell you what I would do if I had cancer

> (which I did).


> Cancer is grows in tumors, tumors are caused by eating excess

> protein. In the book " Living Foods for Optimum Health " by Brian R.

> Clement " The Center for Science in the Public Interest reports that

> the average American takes in about 150 grams of protein each day.

> But you need only a fraction of that amount, where does the excess

> go? Well, the body can't store protein, the lymphatic system


> to remove the excess. But when the burden becomes too great for the

> lymph to handle protein " traps " (tumors) are created, which the body

> seals off in

> order to protect the rest of its organs and tissues, As Nobel prize

> winner Dr. Otto Warburg showed, when oxygen supply is decreased by


> little as 30 percent, these trapped cells can become malignant


> cells. Warburg found that unlike normal healthy cells, malignant

> cancer cells don't require oxygen to reproduce, in a sense, the

> cancerous cells consume waste, saving the body from poisoning by

> excess protein, but this survival tactic can cause uncontrolled,

> terminal cancer. " I know that medical science has a large list of

> carcinogens, but without tumors (protein traps) the cancer has no

> place to grow. Mothers milk is only 2% protein for a baby that

> doubles its size and weight in 180 days by the time the child


> 2 years of age mothers protein drops to 1% which is the same ratio


> protein in fruits.


> The propaganda about protein comes from the meat and dairy

> industries, not from medical research. All vegetarian animals eat


> protein diets, including primates. Vegetarian animals have a longer

> folded and chambered bowel designed to slow down digestion to allow

> more absorption of nutrients. The dogs bowel, for instance is a


> smooth pipe. Dr. Ralph Bircher claims that a low-protein diet has

> demonstrated that the body needs 10-20% less oxygen and a 30% lower

> calorie-intake. This conserves the resources of the body. " High

> protein diets, on the other hand, tend to accelerate the turnover


> protein in the body, put the cells into high activity, and promote

> stress and premature aging. Cancer is characterized by this rapid

> protein synthesis. " Intuitive Eating; Humbart Santillo, N.D., Ph.D.

> Humbart goes on to show how excess protein causes osteoporosis,

> cancer (all tumors are pockets of protein that the body is trying


> get rid of), " Undigested protein must be eliminated by the kidneys.

> This unnecessary work

> stresses out the kidneys so much that gradually lesions

> are developed and tissues begin to harden. In the

> colon this excess protein-waste putrefies into toxic

> substances called indols, skatols, and hydrogen sulfide,

> etc. Some of these substances are reabsorbed into the

> bloodstream and are eventually found in the urine, These

> substances irritate the bladder and kidneys, and cause an

> unnecessary loss of vital energy. " In spite of their short


> digestive system, carnivores sleep 20 hours per day, have little

> stamina, and short life spans. A cheetah can run 90 miles per hour.

> But if it doesn't make a kill, it can't hunt again until the

> following day. It is estimated that an adult gorilla has the


> to bench press 4000 pounds. The favorite food of the gorilla is


> celery it is less than 1% (.66%) protein. Without a doubt the

> strongest, most energetic and longest lived animals are raw vegans.

> The meat and dairy industries are telling us that to build strong

> bodies we need a lot of protein. The truth is just the opposite.



> Keep in mind cancer thrives in an oxygen free environment. So to


> cancer I would flood my body with oxygen, and stop eating excess

> protein. " If you recall your early science lesson about

> photosynthesis, you'll remember that all plants, terrestrial and

> aquatic, absorb water and carbon dioxide and then give off oxygen


> a waste product., that's why botanical food is composed of oxygen in

> the molecular structure of its chlorophyll content., chlorophyll is

> the " blood " of a plant. It is the protein in plant life that

> gives it

> its distinctive green or purple color. When compared to a molecule


> hemoglobin (the oxygen carrier in human blood) chlorophyll is


> identical. Have you ever thought about what happens to that oxygen

> when we eat those foods in their living state? It feeds oxygen to


> body---the oxygen we need to stay alive and healthy. Only living

> foods bring that oxygen into the body. " ---Living Foods For

> Optimum

> Health; Brian Clement.


> All the necessary amino acids needed are in raw green leafy

> vegetables. From these amino acids my body can construct all the

> protein it needs. I would take Probiotics. I would get a " Green

> Power " juicer and make green juices not only from wheat grass but

> from spinach, kale, and any green leafy vegetable I could find. I

> would drink Spirulina. I would have sweet fruit for breakfast. I

> would eat a large green leafy salad every afternoon. I would not

> touch any animal products. I would get the book. " Flood Your Body

> with Oxygen " by Ed McCabe. I would look in the back of that book

> and

> find a person who does oxygen therapy in my area. I would also read

> the book. I would do deep breathing exercises. I would start an

> aerobic exercise program.


> I would be very aware that all of this oxygen flooding into my body

> is going to cause massive detoxification, which will make me feel

> sick, I may develop skin problems. My bones will hurt. But I know I

> can slow down detox by eating cooked food, or slowing chlorophyll

> intake.


> Hope this helps



> rawfood , " Rik " <bliksemskater> wrote:

> > hello all,

> > i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have


> > experience tackling cancer with herbal/raw food methods? if so,

> > could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Yeh, The chemiclas in hair/ skin products (Average products like clairol, suave, whatever the catchy names are) Contain carcinogens. Which cause cancer


It if for this same reason that I make all my body care products. I have not purchased commercially made from a store to put on my body in a very long time. You just can never be to safe.


As a matter of fact a store clerk that works here at one of our health food stores

came down with some dreadful break-out all over her hands and she has gone to all types of drs. and they do not know what caused this.


I think the industry is all about money!!!!!!

So go figure.........Val

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