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The Man Who Would not Age

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The Man Who Would not Age


This man's life story is amazing.


Last night I went to a talk by Ron Venne, at the Accent on Wellness

meeting in NYC. Ron is an amazing man and has had what most people would

think of, as a unique life. In fact, I've never heard of anyone who went

through his amazing experiences.


Ron is 50 years old but he could pass for someone in his mid to late

20's. I didn't see any grey hairs. They would be easy to see as he has

black hair. Ron has lived a magical life. He slipped through the cracks

in his family and was his own man. He wasn't indoctrinated into his

family's values.


In all his life, he's never had a cold. Never any kind of disease. From

birth, he would not eat meat. He rejected it as a baby. His family was

on the standard American diet. This in itself is quite amazing. He also

has three sisters who all ate the SAD.


He also has amazing recuperative powers. He's had broken arms heal in

hours. He recently had a deep gash in his face and it was completely

healed very quickly. The talk was 10 days after he had this gash and

there were no signs of it. From the way he described it I'd suspect most

people would have gotten stitches for such an injury.


The best story was of a severe injury he sustained while playing hockey.

He was slammed hard into the boards and he dislocated his hand and

fractured or broke a bone in his arm in eight different places.


He was in the hospital and the orthopedic surgeon was called in to help

him out. The surgeon told him he had a very serious injury. That he was

going to need surgery and have a long metal pin inserted into his arm.

He also was going to have to have a piece of his hip removed and

inserted into the arm. That with lots of effort he might be able to get

60% usage out of his arm.


Ron told the surgeon that he wanted him to physically manipulate his arm

so that all the bones were in the right place and that he would think

about his offer over the weekend. Then he would come back to be

reevaluated and decide then whether to go through with the surgery.


Ron went back home and immediately started doing work with his

imagination and visualization. He visualized his arm as being healed.


When he came back on Monday he had X-rays taken. They showed amazingly

that his arm had mended. The surgeon simply said that it wouldn't stick.

Ron's arm was totally healed, he didn't show any signs of that damage. I

can't understand what is wrong with that surgeon. He was shown a

miracle and he ignored it.


His whole talk was less about raw food and more about the unlimited

spiritual beings we really are.


As a child his parents left him alone. They just didn't know what to do

with him. So he went out to the woods and observed nature. That is how

he came to many of his realizations about life. He became a



At a very early age (single digits or under 10) he realized something

magnificent. " What I thought about happened. " Anything I can imagine, I

can have. "


He eats about 75% raw foods and some cooked grains at times. He chooses

to eat foods of all colors every day. It's the rainbow diet theory.


He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite

reaction. Even your words and thoughts have an effect on you and others.

Your thoughts are things.


2. That this law of Karma affects everyone. He's saying that everyone is

responsible for what they get in life. There are no victims. Some

unfortunate things could possibly be explained by past life karma.


3. Allow everything. Or live and let live. Or detachment.


He has no fears of anything. I suppose since he feels he can get

whatever he thinks about, then he has no reason to fear. He just has to

think happy thoughts. He's in complete control of his destiny.


He has never eaten a pepper, onion, tomato or garlic. He didn't justify

it except to say that they were all nightshades.


He also discussed that our food intake has a lot to do with how quickly

we manifest our desires. He also spoke of the mental diet. It's not

enough to control what you eat, but you must also control your thoughts.


Whether you realize it or not, every thought you have influences you and

those around you. You can't hide those thoughts from others, because

they will be able to sense those thoughts on a subconscious level.


He eats fruit all day long and vegetables at night. He's also never

eaten cheese or pasta. He sleeps 4 to 7 hours per night. He's also very

strong. I believe he got that way without any specific training. It

wasn't until recently that he started going to the gym, just to see how

strong he really was. I believe he can press over 750 pounds with his



Another interesting point is that he doesn't lose his tan in the winter.

And you can tell he isn't naturally dark skinned. But he was tan.


He said some other interesting things. " When you slow down your brain

speed then magic can happen. " Talking about meditation.


" Wisdom is not so much in the knowing but the doing. "


Ron seemed quite genuine. He even makes mistakes. He was married for 18

years to the wrong woman. He was captain fearless and she was a very

fearful person. He was expecting that with exposure to him that she

would change. That didn't happen. In fact, he felt that her energy was

bringing him down.


I’m writing about Ron Venne because I've had some people request to have

notes from his talk. He is a fascinating person.


One other quick story. At three years old his parents moved from a

tenement into a house. They figured it would be a good time to teach Ron

how to eat.


So they brought him a hamburger and it just stayed there until it

started to stink. I think he had to sit at the table until he ate. Then

they'd bring him a hotdog and again he wouldn't eat it. They kept on

bringing him animal foods and he refused to eat any of them. This went

on for three days. Finally, their doctor made a house call. He told the

parents that he was a very healthy boy so they might as well let him eat

what he wanted to eat. Ron said that doctor saved him.


I hope you find Ron's story an interesting one. Try to see him speak if

you ever get the chance.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.





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No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

" extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further





Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!









Roger Haeske [roger]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:27 AM


[Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




The Man Who Would not Age


This man's life story is amazing.


Last night I went to a talk by Ron Venne, at the Accent on Wellness

meeting in NYC. Ron is an amazing man and has had what most people would

think of, as a unique life. In fact, I've never heard of anyone who went

through his amazing experiences.


Ron is 50 years old but he could pass for someone in his mid to late

20's. I didn't see any grey hairs. They would be easy to see as he has

black hair. Ron has lived a magical life. He slipped through the cracks

in his family and was his own man. He wasn't indoctrinated into his

family's values.


In all his life, he's never had a cold. Never any kind of disease. From

birth, he would not eat meat. He rejected it as a baby. His family was

on the standard American diet. This in itself is quite amazing. He also

has three sisters who all ate the SAD.


He also has amazing recuperative powers. He's had broken arms heal in

hours. He recently had a deep gash in his face and it was completely

healed very quickly. The talk was 10 days after he had this gash and

there were no signs of it. From the way he described it I'd suspect most

people would have gotten stitches for such an injury.


The best story was of a severe injury he sustained while playing hockey.

He was slammed hard into the boards and he dislocated his hand and

fractured or broke a bone in his arm in eight different places.


He was in the hospital and the orthopedic surgeon was called in to help

him out. The surgeon told him he had a very serious injury. That he was

going to need surgery and have a long metal pin inserted into his arm.

He also was going to have to have a piece of his hip removed and

inserted into the arm. That with lots of effort he might be able to get

60% usage out of his arm.


Ron told the surgeon that he wanted him to physically manipulate his arm

so that all the bones were in the right place and that he would think

about his offer over the weekend. Then he would come back to be

reevaluated and decide then whether to go through with the surgery.


Ron went back home and immediately started doing work with his

imagination and visualization. He visualized his arm as being healed.


When he came back on Monday he had X-rays taken. They showed amazingly

that his arm had mended. The surgeon simply said that it wouldn't stick.

Ron's arm was totally healed, he didn't show any signs of that damage. I

can't understand what is wrong with that surgeon. He was shown a

miracle and he ignored it.


His whole talk was less about raw food and more about the unlimited

spiritual beings we really are.


As a child his parents left him alone. They just didn't know what to do

with him. So he went out to the woods and observed nature. That is how

he came to many of his realizations about life. He became a



At a very early age (single digits or under 10) he realized something

magnificent. " What I thought about happened. " Anything I can imagine, I

can have. "


He eats about 75% raw foods and some cooked grains at times. He chooses

to eat foods of all colors every day. It's the rainbow diet theory.


He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite

reaction. Even your words and thoughts have an effect on you and others.

Your thoughts are things.


2. That this law of Karma affects everyone. He's saying that everyone is

responsible for what they get in life. There are no victims. Some

unfortunate things could possibly be explained by past life karma.


3. Allow everything. Or live and let live. Or detachment.


He has no fears of anything. I suppose since he feels he can get

whatever he thinks about, then he has no reason to fear. He just has to

think happy thoughts. He's in complete control of his destiny.


He has never eaten a pepper, onion, tomato or garlic. He didn't justify

it except to say that they were all nightshades.


He also discussed that our food intake has a lot to do with how quickly

we manifest our desires. He also spoke of the mental diet. It's not

enough to control what you eat, but you must also control your thoughts.


Whether you realize it or not, every thought you have influences you and

those around you. You can't hide those thoughts from others, because

they will be able to sense those thoughts on a subconscious level.


He eats fruit all day long and vegetables at night. He's also never

eaten cheese or pasta. He sleeps 4 to 7 hours per night. He's also very

strong. I believe he got that way without any specific training. It

wasn't until recently that he started going to the gym, just to see how

strong he really was. I believe he can press over 750 pounds with his



Another interesting point is that he doesn't lose his tan in the winter.

And you can tell he isn't naturally dark skinned. But he was tan.


He said some other interesting things. " When you slow down your brain

speed then magic can happen. " Talking about meditation.


" Wisdom is not so much in the knowing but the doing. "


Ron seemed quite genuine. He even makes mistakes. He was married for 18

years to the wrong woman. He was captain fearless and she was a very

fearful person. He was expecting that with exposure to him that she

would change. That didn't happen. In fact, he felt that her energy was

bringing him down.


I'm writing about Ron Venne because I've had some people request to have

notes from his talk. He is a fascinating person.


One other quick story. At three years old his parents moved from a

tenement into a house. They figured it would be a good time to teach Ron

how to eat.


So they brought him a hamburger and it just stayed there until it

started to stink. I think he had to sit at the table until he ate. Then

they'd bring him a hotdog and again he wouldn't eat it. They kept on

bringing him animal foods and he refused to eat any of them. This went

on for three days. Finally, their doctor made a house call. He told the

parents that he was a very healthy boy so they might as well let him eat

what he wanted to eat. Ron said that doctor saved him.


I hope you find Ron's story an interesting one. Try to see him speak if

you ever get the chance.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.





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RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age


No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

" extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further



Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!


Brian you can believe what you wish. I am just presenting information. I

also didn't say that I was able to do these things via rawfoods, I'm

just reporting what someone else said. In addition Ron did not claim

that it was his diet that allowed him to heal so quickly. He attributes

much of it to his beliefs in regards to the healings.


I have to admit I was skeptical as well. He did say he had x-rays taken

of this broken bone incident (before and after the weekend) and maybe

they are dated. His sister is an x-ray technician and maybe she could

verify it. I would have liked to see those x-rays myself.


So at this point, I can't be sure that he is telling the truth. But I

tend to believe it after meeting him in person.


We have to be careful with what we read. I leave it up to the reader to

decide if this is truth or if they want further proof.


The other point is that we may have much higher powers and capabilities

than we've all previously thought. I really believe we are all

superbeings or unlimited spiritual beings. But most of us are living by

extremely limiting beliefs that are holding us back from our infinite

potentials. That was really Ron's main message.


Many of the things people experience on raw foods are quite miraculous.

I know that I look pretty young for a 36 year old. I've had at least 31

miraculous benefits happen to me because of eating a 100% raw food diet.

I don't know how many thousands of doctors have said with absolute

certainty that a certain condition was incurable only to be proven wrong

repeatedly. There are other documented stories of healing via

visualization as well. I would personally prefer to believe what he said

because I want to expand my abilities at all times.


Here's another amazing story. Doug Dickinson has been eating a raw food

diet and working with Dr. Graham. At 42 years of age he qualified for

the US Olympic team in the 200 meter relay. I think he is the oldest man

to ever do that. He actually missed the previous Olympics but was in the

two Olympics before that.


By the way I think I forgot to mention something Ron said. He spoke

about going to the beach when he had his injuries. He felt that was a

very healing place to be in. I know the air by a beach is much better;

the waves ionize the air like after a thunderstorm. You get the same

effect by being near a waterfall.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.
















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No doubt this is a very interesting and inspiring story.


I do not understand this " Instant Karma " principle...for every action there is

an equal and opposite reaction... Is he saying that when you do good things,

evil things come of them?


Please clarify if you will.




" ... the tongue of the wise is health. "

***Proverbs 12:18



--- " Roger Haeske " <roger wrote:

>He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


>1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite




Learn about the power of raw foods at ---> http://www.rawfoods.com

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Sorry Brian,


The man in question was partly raw and very colourful. The signs

are that he is not a member of this forum; so why are we tainted?.


I find your perception that eating " Raw " makes a person extreme and


is interesting. That the forum has somehow earned a discredit is new to

me also.


A raw diet clears up a lot of medical problems and that to the outside


the results may indeed seem fanciful and even miraculous but it is not.


Anyway, I both enjoyed the article and was interested.








Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 16:48


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

" extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further





Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!









Roger Haeske [roger]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:27 AM


[Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




The Man Who Would not Age


This man's life story is amazing.


Last night I went to a talk by Ron Venne, at the Accent on Wellness

meeting in NYC. Ron is an amazing man and has had what most people would

think of, as a unique life. In fact, I've never heard of anyone who went

through his amazing experiences.


Ron is 50 years old but he could pass for someone in his mid to late

20's. I didn't see any grey hairs. They would be easy to see as he has

black hair. Ron has lived a magical life. He slipped through the cracks

in his family and was his own man. He wasn't indoctrinated into his

family's values.


In all his life, he's never had a cold. Never any kind of disease. From

birth, he would not eat meat. He rejected it as a baby. His family was

on the standard American diet. This in itself is quite amazing. He also

has three sisters who all ate the SAD.


He also has amazing recuperative powers. He's had broken arms heal in

hours. He recently had a deep gash in his face and it was completely

healed very quickly. The talk was 10 days after he had this gash and

there were no signs of it. From the way he described it I'd suspect most

people would have gotten stitches for such an injury.


The best story was of a severe injury he sustained while playing hockey.

He was slammed hard into the boards and he dislocated his hand and

fractured or broke a bone in his arm in eight different places.


He was in the hospital and the orthopedic surgeon was called in to help

him out. The surgeon told him he had a very serious injury. That he was

going to need surgery and have a long metal pin inserted into his arm.

He also was going to have to have a piece of his hip removed and

inserted into the arm. That with lots of effort he might be able to get

60% usage out of his arm.


Ron told the surgeon that he wanted him to physically manipulate his arm

so that all the bones were in the right place and that he would think

about his offer over the weekend. Then he would come back to be

reevaluated and decide then whether to go through with the surgery.


Ron went back home and immediately started doing work with his

imagination and visualization. He visualized his arm as being healed.


When he came back on Monday he had X-rays taken. They showed amazingly

that his arm had mended. The surgeon simply said that it wouldn't stick.

Ron's arm was totally healed, he didn't show any signs of that damage. I

can't understand what is wrong with that surgeon. He was shown a

miracle and he ignored it.


His whole talk was less about raw food and more about the unlimited

spiritual beings we really are.


As a child his parents left him alone. They just didn't know what to do

with him. So he went out to the woods and observed nature. That is how

he came to many of his realizations about life. He became a



At a very early age (single digits or under 10) he realized something

magnificent. " What I thought about happened. " Anything I can imagine, I

can have. "


He eats about 75% raw foods and some cooked grains at times. He chooses

to eat foods of all colors every day. It's the rainbow diet theory.


He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite

reaction. Even your words and thoughts have an effect on you and others.

Your thoughts are things.


2. That this law of Karma affects everyone. He's saying that everyone is

responsible for what they get in life. There are no victims. Some

unfortunate things could possibly be explained by past life karma.


3. Allow everything. Or live and let live. Or detachment.


He has no fears of anything. I suppose since he feels he can get

whatever he thinks about, then he has no reason to fear. He just has to

think happy thoughts. He's in complete control of his destiny.


He has never eaten a pepper, onion, tomato or garlic. He didn't justify

it except to say that they were all nightshades.


He also discussed that our food intake has a lot to do with how quickly

we manifest our desires. He also spoke of the mental diet. It's not

enough to control what you eat, but you must also control your thoughts.


Whether you realize it or not, every thought you have influences you and

those around you. You can't hide those thoughts from others, because

they will be able to sense those thoughts on a subconscious level.


He eats fruit all day long and vegetables at night. He's also never

eaten cheese or pasta. He sleeps 4 to 7 hours per night. He's also very

strong. I believe he got that way without any specific training. It

wasn't until recently that he started going to the gym, just to see how

strong he really was. I believe he can press over 750 pounds with his



Another interesting point is that he doesn't lose his tan in the winter.

And you can tell he isn't naturally dark skinned. But he was tan.


He said some other interesting things. " When you slow down your brain

speed then magic can happen. " Talking about meditation.


" Wisdom is not so much in the knowing but the doing. "


Ron seemed quite genuine. He even makes mistakes. He was married for 18

years to the wrong woman. He was captain fearless and she was a very

fearful person. He was expecting that with exposure to him that she

would change. That didn't happen. In fact, he felt that her energy was

bringing him down.


I'm writing about Ron Venne because I've had some people request to have

notes from his talk. He is a fascinating person.


One other quick story. At three years old his parents moved from a

tenement into a house. They figured it would be a good time to teach Ron

how to eat.


So they brought him a hamburger and it just stayed there until it

started to stink. I think he had to sit at the table until he ate. Then

they'd bring him a hotdog and again he wouldn't eat it. They kept on

bringing him animal foods and he refused to eat any of them. This went

on for three days. Finally, their doctor made a house call. He told the

parents that he was a very healthy boy so they might as well let him eat

what he wanted to eat. Ron said that doctor saved him.


I hope you find Ron's story an interesting one. Try to see him speak if

you ever get the chance.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.





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Hi Tev,


I think he was just trying to point out that there is a consequence for

every thought and deed. That was one of the ways he explained it.


The next day after the talk I paid lots of attention to my thoughts and

I acted as if they all mattered. I caught myself getting angry and I

quickly neutralized that. But the little 2 second burst of anger had a

negative effect on me and the person I was working with at the time.

Good thing I reversed it. His talk made me more conscious of something I

already knew. But it really is an important point.


Our thoughts are indeed very powerful.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.



tev [tesol]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:54 PM


Re: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age


No doubt this is a very interesting and inspiring story.


I do not understand this " Instant Karma " principle...for every action

there is an equal and opposite reaction... Is he saying that when you do

good things, evil things come of them?


Please clarify if you will.




" ... the tongue of the wise is health. "

***Proverbs 12:18



--- " Roger Haeske " <roger wrote:

>He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


>1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite




Learn about the power of raw foods at ---> http://www.rawfoods.com






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Peter, you can not refute that most of your friends and family think

that a Raw diet is a bit extreme. Hey, I've always been a searcher and

I remember when I started drink herbal tea back in the 70's.my friends

thought I had lost it. Then when I became a vegetarian, still more

questions and bemused looks about my lifestyle. Living Raw is radical

by today's standards of homogeneity and compliance.




My thoughts on the Man Who Wouldn't Age were broached because in order

for this concept to gain credibility and acceptance, it can not be

tethered to wild flights of fancy. This is a Raw Foods and

this kind of stuff floating around our community is OK, but if

correlations are made between these fantastical stories and our

lifestyle, that's where the trouble begins..











Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:55 PM


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Sorry Brian,


The man in question was partly raw and very colourful. The signs

are that he is not a member of this forum; so why are we tainted?.


I find your perception that eating " Raw " makes a person extreme and


is interesting. That the forum has somehow earned a discredit is new to

me also.


A raw diet clears up a lot of medical problems and that to the outside


the results may indeed seem fanciful and even miraculous but it is not.


Anyway, I both enjoyed the article and was interested.








Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 16:48


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

" extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further





Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!









Roger Haeske [roger]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:27 AM


[Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




The Man Who Would not Age


This man's life story is amazing.


Last night I went to a talk by Ron Venne, at the Accent on Wellness

meeting in NYC. Ron is an amazing man and has had what most people would

think of, as a unique life. In fact, I've never heard of anyone who went

through his amazing experiences.


Ron is 50 years old but he could pass for someone in his mid to late

20's. I didn't see any grey hairs. They would be easy to see as he has

black hair. Ron has lived a magical life. He slipped through the cracks

in his family and was his own man. He wasn't indoctrinated into his

family's values.


In all his life, he's never had a cold. Never any kind of disease. From

birth, he would not eat meat. He rejected it as a baby. His family was

on the standard American diet. This in itself is quite amazing. He also

has three sisters who all ate the SAD.


He also has amazing recuperative powers. He's had broken arms heal in

hours. He recently had a deep gash in his face and it was completely

healed very quickly. The talk was 10 days after he had this gash and

there were no signs of it. From the way he described it I'd suspect most

people would have gotten stitches for such an injury.


The best story was of a severe injury he sustained while playing hockey.

He was slammed hard into the boards and he dislocated his hand and

fractured or broke a bone in his arm in eight different places.


He was in the hospital and the orthopedic surgeon was called in to help

him out. The surgeon told him he had a very serious injury. That he was

going to need surgery and have a long metal pin inserted into his arm.

He also was going to have to have a piece of his hip removed and

inserted into the arm. That with lots of effort he might be able to get

60% usage out of his arm.


Ron told the surgeon that he wanted him to physically manipulate his arm

so that all the bones were in the right place and that he would think

about his offer over the weekend. Then he would come back to be

reevaluated and decide then whether to go through with the surgery.


Ron went back home and immediately started doing work with his

imagination and visualization. He visualized his arm as being healed.


When he came back on Monday he had X-rays taken. They showed amazingly

that his arm had mended. The surgeon simply said that it wouldn't stick.

Ron's arm was totally healed, he didn't show any signs of that damage. I

can't understand what is wrong with that surgeon. He was shown a

miracle and he ignored it.


His whole talk was less about raw food and more about the unlimited

spiritual beings we really are.


As a child his parents left him alone. They just didn't know what to do

with him. So he went out to the woods and observed nature. That is how

he came to many of his realizations about life. He became a



At a very early age (single digits or under 10) he realized something

magnificent. " What I thought about happened. " Anything I can imagine, I

can have. "


He eats about 75% raw foods and some cooked grains at times. He chooses

to eat foods of all colors every day. It's the rainbow diet theory.


He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite

reaction. Even your words and thoughts have an effect on you and others.

Your thoughts are things.


2. That this law of Karma affects everyone. He's saying that everyone is

responsible for what they get in life. There are no victims. Some

unfortunate things could possibly be explained by past life karma.


3. Allow everything. Or live and let live. Or detachment.


He has no fears of anything. I suppose since he feels he can get

whatever he thinks about, then he has no reason to fear. He just has to

think happy thoughts. He's in complete control of his destiny.


He has never eaten a pepper, onion, tomato or garlic. He didn't justify

it except to say that they were all nightshades.


He also discussed that our food intake has a lot to do with how quickly

we manifest our desires. He also spoke of the mental diet. It's not

enough to control what you eat, but you must also control your thoughts.


Whether you realize it or not, every thought you have influences you and

those around you. You can't hide those thoughts from others, because

they will be able to sense those thoughts on a subconscious level.


He eats fruit all day long and vegetables at night. He's also never

eaten cheese or pasta. He sleeps 4 to 7 hours per night. He's also very

strong. I believe he got that way without any specific training. It

wasn't until recently that he started going to the gym, just to see how

strong he really was. I believe he can press over 750 pounds with his



Another interesting point is that he doesn't lose his tan in the winter.

And you can tell he isn't naturally dark skinned. But he was tan.


He said some other interesting things. " When you slow down your brain

speed then magic can happen. " Talking about meditation.


" Wisdom is not so much in the knowing but the doing. "


Ron seemed quite genuine. He even makes mistakes. He was married for 18

years to the wrong woman. He was captain fearless and she was a very

fearful person. He was expecting that with exposure to him that she

would change. That didn't happen. In fact, he felt that her energy was

bringing him down.


I'm writing about Ron Venne because I've had some people request to have

notes from his talk. He is a fascinating person.


One other quick story. At three years old his parents moved from a

tenement into a house. They figured it would be a good time to teach Ron

how to eat.


So they brought him a hamburger and it just stayed there until it

started to stink. I think he had to sit at the table until he ate. Then

they'd bring him a hotdog and again he wouldn't eat it. They kept on

bringing him animal foods and he refused to eat any of them. This went

on for three days. Finally, their doctor made a house call. He told the

parents that he was a very healthy boy so they might as well let him eat

what he wanted to eat. Ron said that doctor saved him.


I hope you find Ron's story an interesting one. Try to see him speak if

you ever get the chance.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.





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I totally agree with you about the power of thoughts, as well as being aware of

our thoughts; but Mr. Venne needs to rewrite his karma law. " Equal and opposite

reaction " is not the same as " consequences " . He seems to be confusing physics

with metaphysics.


Do you agree?


After all, if thinking " good " healthful thoughts resulted in " evil " diseased

behavior, etc., then what would be the point of bothering to do anything " good "

or healthful.? If evil thoughts resulted in good behavior, then why bother

making admonishments against " bad " thoughts or thinking.?


BTW, I appreciate your posts. I find them quite informative and helpful.






" ... the tongue of the wise is health. "

***Proverbs 12:18



--- " Roger Haeske " <roger wrote:

>Hi Tev,


>I think he was just trying to point out that there is a consequence for

>every thought and deed. That was one of the ways he explained it.


>The next day after the talk I paid lots of attention to my thoughts and

>I acted as if they all mattered. I caught myself getting angry and I

>quickly neutralized that. But the little 2 second burst of anger had a

>negative effect on me and the person I was working with at the time.

>Good thing I reversed it. His talk made me more conscious of something I

>already knew. But it really is an important point.


>Our thoughts are indeed very powerful.


>To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske




Learn about the power of raw foods at ---> http://www.rawfoods.com

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I could not have said this any better. I just simply feel better on a raw

diet and that's all I'm trying to achieve: nothing mysterious or complex

about it and I'm not trying to change the world with my philosophy. I do

like that Roger shared this with us and I do believe in miracles... so who

know about the magic superman?






" Brian Powell " <brianmpowell

<rawfood >

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 10:47 AM

RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age



> No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

> stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

> " extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

> Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

> most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further

> examination.




> Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

> good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

> limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

> bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!

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Sorry again Brian,


All of my friends and all of my family respect my diet. They all

realise that

it accounts for the regression of a degenerative disease. People who

get better from

my disease are extremely rare. I am the only one I know but then I am

the only raw

foodist I know outside the web.


There are people whom I do not know and meet who think vegetarians and

raw foodists

are a fringe bunch. They are their own problem. There is a lot of daft

thinking and

ignorance about.


It is a erroneous thinking to base your conduct on popular

misconceptions and to hurl boulders at








Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 21:38


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Peter, you can not refute that most of your friends and family think

that a Raw diet is a bit extreme. Hey, I've always been a searcher and

I remember when I started drink herbal tea back in the 70's.my friends

thought I had lost it. Then when I became a vegetarian, still more

questions and bemused looks about my lifestyle. Living Raw is radical

by today's standards of homogeneity and compliance.




My thoughts on the Man Who Wouldn't Age were broached because in order

for this concept to gain credibility and acceptance, it can not be

tethered to wild flights of fancy. This is a Raw Foods and

this kind of stuff floating around our community is OK, but if

correlations are made between these fantastical stories and our

lifestyle, that's where the trouble begins..











Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:55 PM


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Sorry Brian,


The man in question was partly raw and very colourful. The signs are

that he is not a member of this forum; so why are we tainted?.


I find your perception that eating " Raw " makes a person extreme and


is interesting. That the forum has somehow earned a discredit is new to

me also.


A raw diet clears up a lot of medical problems and that to the outside


the results may indeed seem fanciful and even miraculous but it is not.


Anyway, I both enjoyed the article and was interested.








Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 16:48


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

" extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further





Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!









Roger Haeske [roger]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:27 AM


[Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




The Man Who Would not Age


This man's life story is amazing.


Last night I went to a talk by Ron Venne, at the Accent on Wellness

meeting in NYC. Ron is an amazing man and has had what most people would

think of, as a unique life. In fact, I've never heard of anyone who went

through his amazing experiences.


Ron is 50 years old but he could pass for someone in his mid to late

20's. I didn't see any grey hairs. They would be easy to see as he has

black hair. Ron has lived a magical life. He slipped through the cracks

in his family and was his own man. He wasn't indoctrinated into his

family's values.


In all his life, he's never had a cold. Never any kind of disease. From

birth, he would not eat meat. He rejected it as a baby. His family was

on the standard American diet. This in itself is quite amazing. He also

has three sisters who all ate the SAD.


He also has amazing recuperative powers. He's had broken arms heal in

hours. He recently had a deep gash in his face and it was completely

healed very quickly. The talk was 10 days after he had this gash and

there were no signs of it. From the way he described it I'd suspect most

people would have gotten stitches for such an injury.


The best story was of a severe injury he sustained while playing hockey.

He was slammed hard into the boards and he dislocated his hand and

fractured or broke a bone in his arm in eight different places.


He was in the hospital and the orthopedic surgeon was called in to help

him out. The surgeon told him he had a very serious injury. That he was

going to need surgery and have a long metal pin inserted into his arm.

He also was going to have to have a piece of his hip removed and

inserted into the arm. That with lots of effort he might be able to get

60% usage out of his arm.


Ron told the surgeon that he wanted him to physically manipulate his arm

so that all the bones were in the right place and that he would think

about his offer over the weekend. Then he would come back to be

reevaluated and decide then whether to go through with the surgery.


Ron went back home and immediately started doing work with his

imagination and visualization. He visualized his arm as being healed.


When he came back on Monday he had X-rays taken. They showed amazingly

that his arm had mended. The surgeon simply said that it wouldn't stick.

Ron's arm was totally healed, he didn't show any signs of that damage. I

can't understand what is wrong with that surgeon. He was shown a

miracle and he ignored it.


His whole talk was less about raw food and more about the unlimited

spiritual beings we really are.


As a child his parents left him alone. They just didn't know what to do

with him. So he went out to the woods and observed nature. That is how

he came to many of his realizations about life. He became a



At a very early age (single digits or under 10) he realized something

magnificent. " What I thought about happened. " Anything I can imagine, I

can have. "


He eats about 75% raw foods and some cooked grains at times. He chooses

to eat foods of all colors every day. It's the rainbow diet theory.


He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite

reaction. Even your words and thoughts have an effect on you and others.

Your thoughts are things.


2. That this law of Karma affects everyone. He's saying that everyone is

responsible for what they get in life. There are no victims. Some

unfortunate things could possibly be explained by past life karma.


3. Allow everything. Or live and let live. Or detachment.


He has no fears of anything. I suppose since he feels he can get

whatever he thinks about, then he has no reason to fear. He just has to

think happy thoughts. He's in complete control of his destiny.


He has never eaten a pepper, onion, tomato or garlic. He didn't justify

it except to say that they were all nightshades.


He also discussed that our food intake has a lot to do with how quickly

we manifest our desires. He also spoke of the mental diet. It's not

enough to control what you eat, but you must also control your thoughts.


Whether you realize it or not, every thought you have influences you and

those around you. You can't hide those thoughts from others, because

they will be able to sense those thoughts on a subconscious level.


He eats fruit all day long and vegetables at night. He's also never

eaten cheese or pasta. He sleeps 4 to 7 hours per night. He's also very

strong. I believe he got that way without any specific training. It

wasn't until recently that he started going to the gym, just to see how

strong he really was. I believe he can press over 750 pounds with his



Another interesting point is that he doesn't lose his tan in the winter.

And you can tell he isn't naturally dark skinned. But he was tan.


He said some other interesting things. " When you slow down your brain

speed then magic can happen. " Talking about meditation.


" Wisdom is not so much in the knowing but the doing. "


Ron seemed quite genuine. He even makes mistakes. He was married for 18

years to the wrong woman. He was captain fearless and she was a very

fearful person. He was expecting that with exposure to him that she

would change. That didn't happen. In fact, he felt that her energy was

bringing him down.


I'm writing about Ron Venne because I've had some people request to have

notes from his talk. He is a fascinating person.


One other quick story. At three years old his parents moved from a

tenement into a house. They figured it would be a good time to teach Ron

how to eat.


So they brought him a hamburger and it just stayed there until it

started to stink. I think he had to sit at the table until he ate. Then

they'd bring him a hotdog and again he wouldn't eat it. They kept on

bringing him animal foods and he refused to eat any of them. This went

on for three days. Finally, their doctor made a house call. He told the

parents that he was a very healthy boy so they might as well let him eat

what he wanted to eat. Ron said that doctor saved him.


I hope you find Ron's story an interesting one. Try to see him speak if

you ever get the chance.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.





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Seattle is much more progressive than Philadelphia. I grew-up in a

working class, meat & potatoes neighborhood and anything


was met with high caution. Philly still is backwards.




Truce Peter¡Äno need to write back¡Ä.







Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Thursday, September 11, 2003 1:27 AM


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Sorry again Brian,


All of my friends and all of my family respect my diet. They all

realise that

it accounts for the regression of a degenerative disease. People who

get better from

my disease are extremely rare. I am the only one I know but then I am

the only raw

foodist I know outside the web.


There are people whom I do not know and meet who think vegetarians and

raw foodists

are a fringe bunch. They are their own problem. There is a lot of daft

thinking and

ignorance about.


It is a erroneous thinking to base your conduct on popular

misconceptions and to hurl boulders at








Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 21:38


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Peter, you can not refute that most of your friends and family think

that a Raw diet is a bit extreme. Hey, I've always been a searcher and

I remember when I started drink herbal tea back in the 70's.my friends

thought I had lost it. Then when I became a vegetarian, still more

questions and bemused looks about my lifestyle. Living Raw is radical

by today's standards of homogeneity and compliance.




My thoughts on the Man Who Wouldn't Age were broached because in order

for this concept to gain credibility and acceptance, it can not be

tethered to wild flights of fancy. This is a Raw Foods and

this kind of stuff floating around our community is OK, but if

correlations are made between these fantastical stories and our

lifestyle, that's where the trouble begins..











Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:55 PM


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Sorry Brian,


The man in question was partly raw and very colourful. The signs are

that he is not a member of this forum; so why are we tainted?.


I find your perception that eating " Raw " makes a person extreme and


is interesting. That the forum has somehow earned a discredit is new to

me also.


A raw diet clears up a lot of medical problems and that to the outside


the results may indeed seem fanciful and even miraculous but it is not.


Anyway, I both enjoyed the article and was interested.








Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 16:48


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

" extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further





Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!









Roger Haeske [roger]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:27 AM


[Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




The Man Who Would not Age


This man's life story is amazing.


Last night I went to a talk by Ron Venne, at the Accent on Wellness

meeting in NYC. Ron is an amazing man and has had what most people would

think of, as a unique life. In fact, I've never heard of anyone who went

through his amazing experiences.


Ron is 50 years old but he could pass for someone in his mid to late

20's. I didn't see any grey hairs. They would be easy to see as he has

black hair. Ron has lived a magical life. He slipped through the cracks

in his family and was his own man. He wasn't indoctrinated into his

family's values.


In all his life, he's never had a cold. Never any kind of disease. From

birth, he would not eat meat. He rejected it as a baby. His family was

on the standard American diet. This in itself is quite amazing. He also

has three sisters who all ate the SAD.


He also has amazing recuperative powers. He's had broken arms heal in

hours. He recently had a deep gash in his face and it was completely

healed very quickly. The talk was 10 days after he had this gash and

there were no signs of it. From the way he described it I'd suspect most

people would have gotten stitches for such an injury.


The best story was of a severe injury he sustained while playing hockey.

He was slammed hard into the boards and he dislocated his hand and

fractured or broke a bone in his arm in eight different places.


He was in the hospital and the orthopedic surgeon was called in to help

him out. The surgeon told him he had a very serious injury. That he was

going to need surgery and have a long metal pin inserted into his arm.

He also was going to have to have a piece of his hip removed and

inserted into the arm. That with lots of effort he might be able to get

60% usage out of his arm.


Ron told the surgeon that he wanted him to physically manipulate his arm

so that all the bones were in the right place and that he would think

about his offer over the weekend. Then he would come back to be

reevaluated and decide then whether to go through with the surgery.


Ron went back home and immediately started doing work with his

imagination and visualization. He visualized his arm as being healed.


When he came back on Monday he had X-rays taken. They showed amazingly

that his arm had mended. The surgeon simply said that it wouldn't stick.

Ron's arm was totally healed, he didn't show any signs of that damage. I

can't understand what is wrong with that surgeon. He was shown a

miracle and he ignored it.


His whole talk was less about raw food and more about the unlimited

spiritual beings we really are.


As a child his parents left him alone. They just didn't know what to do

with him. So he went out to the woods and observed nature. That is how

he came to many of his realizations about life. He became a



At a very early age (single digits or under 10) he realized something

magnificent. " What I thought about happened. " Anything I can imagine, I

can have. "


He eats about 75% raw foods and some cooked grains at times. He chooses

to eat foods of all colors every day. It's the rainbow diet theory.


He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite

reaction. Even your words and thoughts have an effect on you and others.

Your thoughts are things.


2. That this law of Karma affects everyone. He's saying that everyone is

responsible for what they get in life. There are no victims. Some

unfortunate things could possibly be explained by past life karma.


3. Allow everything. Or live and let live. Or detachment.


He has no fears of anything. I suppose since he feels he can get

whatever he thinks about, then he has no reason to fear. He just has to

think happy thoughts. He's in complete control of his destiny.


He has never eaten a pepper, onion, tomato or garlic. He didn't justify

it except to say that they were all nightshades.


He also discussed that our food intake has a lot to do with how quickly

we manifest our desires. He also spoke of the mental diet. It's not

enough to control what you eat, but you must also control your thoughts.


Whether you realize it or not, every thought you have influences you and

those around you. You can't hide those thoughts from others, because

they will be able to sense those thoughts on a subconscious level.


He eats fruit all day long and vegetables at night. He's also never

eaten cheese or pasta. He sleeps 4 to 7 hours per night. He's also very

strong. I believe he got that way without any specific training. It

wasn't until recently that he started going to the gym, just to see how

strong he really was. I believe he can press over 750 pounds with his



Another interesting point is that he doesn't lose his tan in the winter.

And you can tell he isn't naturally dark skinned. But he was tan.


He said some other interesting things. " When you slow down your brain

speed then magic can happen. " Talking about meditation.


" Wisdom is not so much in the knowing but the doing. "


Ron seemed quite genuine. He even makes mistakes. He was married for 18

years to the wrong woman. He was captain fearless and she was a very

fearful person. He was expecting that with exposure to him that she

would change. That didn't happen. In fact, he felt that her energy was

bringing him down.


I'm writing about Ron Venne because I've had some people request to have

notes from his talk. He is a fascinating person.


One other quick story. At three years old his parents moved from a

tenement into a house. They figured it would be a good time to teach Ron

how to eat.


So they brought him a hamburger and it just stayed there until it

started to stink. I think he had to sit at the table until he ate. Then

they'd bring him a hotdog and again he wouldn't eat it. They kept on

bringing him animal foods and he refused to eat any of them. This went

on for three days. Finally, their doctor made a house call. He told the

parents that he was a very healthy boy so they might as well let him eat

what he wanted to eat. Ron said that doctor saved him.


I hope you find Ron's story an interesting one. Try to see him speak if

you ever get the chance.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

<http://www.superbeing.com/> http://www.superbeing.com. Go to

<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

learn how to go 100% RAW.





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Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

11 September 2003 22:06


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Seattle is much more progressive than Philadelphia. I grew-up in a

working class, meat & potatoes neighborhood and anything


was met with high caution. Philly still is backwards.




Truce Peter¡Äno need to write back¡Ä.







Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Thursday, September 11, 2003 1:27 AM


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Sorry again Brian,


All of my friends and all of my family respect my diet. They all

realise that it accounts for the regression of a degenerative disease.

People who get better from my disease are extremely rare. I am the only

one I know but then I am the only raw foodist I know outside the web.


There are people whom I do not know and meet who think vegetarians and

raw foodists are a fringe bunch. They are their own problem. There is a

lot of daft thinking and ignorance about.


It is a erroneous thinking to base your conduct on popular

misconceptions and to hurl boulders at Roger.







Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 21:38


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Peter, you can not refute that most of your friends and family think

that a Raw diet is a bit extreme. Hey, I've always been a searcher and

I remember when I started drink herbal tea back in the 70's.my friends

thought I had lost it. Then when I became a vegetarian, still more

questions and bemused looks about my lifestyle. Living Raw is radical

by today's standards of homogeneity and compliance.




My thoughts on the Man Who Wouldn't Age were broached because in order

for this concept to gain credibility and acceptance, it can not be

tethered to wild flights of fancy. This is a Raw Foods and

this kind of stuff floating around our community is OK, but if

correlations are made between these fantastical stories and our

lifestyle, that's where the trouble begins..











Peter Gardiner [petergardiner]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 2:55 PM


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




Sorry Brian,


The man in question was partly raw and very colourful. The signs are

that he is not a member of this forum; so why are we tainted?.


I find your perception that eating " Raw " makes a person extreme and

quacky is interesting. That the forum has somehow earned a discredit is

new to me also.


A raw diet clears up a lot of medical problems and that to the outside

thinking the results may indeed seem fanciful and even miraculous but it

is not.


Anyway, I both enjoyed the article and was interested.








Brian Powell [brianmpowell]

10 September 2003 16:48


RE: [Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




No offense Roger, but this stuff is way to fantastical. These types of

stories are exactly why many people discredit the Raw Foods lifestyle as

" extreme and quacky. " I believe that " magic happens, " but, like the

Russian psychic (of my youth) that used to bend spoons with telepathy,

most of these acts are explained-away as circus trickery upon further





Why can't people be satisfied with simply finding balance, peace and

good health through this lifestyle? I think telling people that broken

limbs will be miraculously healed and that you will have the strength to

bench press a Mini Cooper through Raw Foods is bunk!









Roger Haeske [roger]

Wednesday, September 10, 2003 12:27 AM


[Raw Food] The Man Who Would not Age




The Man Who Would not Age


This man's life story is amazing.


Last night I went to a talk by Ron Venne, at the Accent on Wellness

meeting in NYC. Ron is an amazing man and has had what most people would

think of, as a unique life. In fact, I've never heard of anyone who went

through his amazing experiences.


Ron is 50 years old but he could pass for someone in his mid to late

20's. I didn't see any grey hairs. They would be easy to see as he has

black hair. Ron has lived a magical life. He slipped through the cracks

in his family and was his own man. He wasn't indoctrinated into his

family's values.


In all his life, he's never had a cold. Never any kind of disease. From

birth, he would not eat meat. He rejected it as a baby. His family was

on the standard American diet. This in itself is quite amazing. He also

has three sisters who all ate the SAD.


He also has amazing recuperative powers. He's had broken arms heal in

hours. He recently had a deep gash in his face and it was completely

healed very quickly. The talk was 10 days after he had this gash and

there were no signs of it. From the way he described it I'd suspect most

people would have gotten stitches for such an injury.


The best story was of a severe injury he sustained while playing hockey.

He was slammed hard into the boards and he dislocated his hand and

fractured or broke a bone in his arm in eight different places.


He was in the hospital and the orthopedic surgeon was called in to help

him out. The surgeon told him he had a very serious injury. That he was

going to need surgery and have a long metal pin inserted into his arm.

He also was going to have to have a piece of his hip removed and

inserted into the arm. That with lots of effort he might be able to get

60% usage out of his arm.


Ron told the surgeon that he wanted him to physically manipulate his arm

so that all the bones were in the right place and that he would think

about his offer over the weekend. Then he would come back to be

reevaluated and decide then whether to go through with the surgery.


Ron went back home and immediately started doing work with his

imagination and visualization. He visualized his arm as being healed.


When he came back on Monday he had X-rays taken. They showed amazingly

that his arm had mended. The surgeon simply said that it wouldn't stick.

Ron's arm was totally healed, he didn't show any signs of that damage. I

can't understand what is wrong with that surgeon. He was shown a

miracle and he ignored it.


His whole talk was less about raw food and more about the unlimited

spiritual beings we really are.


As a child his parents left him alone. They just didn't know what to do

with him. So he went out to the woods and observed nature. That is how

he came to many of his realizations about life. He became a



At a very early age (single digits or under 10) he realized something

magnificent. " What I thought about happened. " Anything I can imagine, I

can have. "


He eats about 75% raw foods and some cooked grains at times. He chooses

to eat foods of all colors every day. It's the rainbow diet theory.


He has a Personal Cosmology that entails three principles.


1. Instant Karma - for every action there is an equal and opposite

reaction. Even your words and thoughts have an effect on you and others.

Your thoughts are things.


2. That this law of Karma affects everyone. He's saying that everyone is

responsible for what they get in life. There are no victims. Some

unfortunate things could possibly be explained by past life karma.


3. Allow everything. Or live and let live. Or detachment.


He has no fears of anything. I suppose since he feels he can get

whatever he thinks about, then he has no reason to fear. He just has to

think happy thoughts. He's in complete control of his destiny.


He has never eaten a pepper, onion, tomato or garlic. He didn't justify

it except to say that they were all nightshades.


He also discussed that our food intake has a lot to do with how quickly

we manifest our desires. He also spoke of the mental diet. It's not

enough to control what you eat, but you must also control your thoughts.


Whether you realize it or not, every thought you have influences you and

those around you. You can't hide those thoughts from others, because

they will be able to sense those thoughts on a subconscious level.


He eats fruit all day long and vegetables at night. He's also never

eaten cheese or pasta. He sleeps 4 to 7 hours per night. He's also very

strong. I believe he got that way without any specific training. It

wasn't until recently that he started going to the gym, just to see how

strong he really was. I believe he can press over 750 pounds with his



Another interesting point is that he doesn't lose his tan in the winter.

And you can tell he isn't naturally dark skinned. But he was tan.


He said some other interesting things. " When you slow down your brain

speed then magic can happen. " Talking about meditation.


" Wisdom is not so much in the knowing but the doing. "


Ron seemed quite genuine. He even makes mistakes. He was married for 18

years to the wrong woman. He was captain fearless and she was a very

fearful person. He was expecting that with exposure to him that she

would change. That didn't happen. In fact, he felt that her energy was

bringing him down.


I'm writing about Ron Venne because I've had some people request to have

notes from his talk. He is a fascinating person.


One other quick story. At three years old his parents moved from a

tenement into a house. They figured it would be a good time to teach Ron

how to eat.


So they brought him a hamburger and it just stayed there until it

started to stink. I think he had to sit at the table until he ate. Then

they'd bring him a hotdog and again he wouldn't eat it. They kept on

bringing him animal foods and he refused to eat any of them. This went

on for three days. Finally, their doctor made a house call. He told the

parents that he was a very healthy boy so they might as well let him eat

what he wanted to eat. Ron said that doctor saved him.


I hope you find Ron's story an interesting one. Try to see him speak if

you ever get the chance.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

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<http://www.superbeingdiet.com%20/> http://www.superbeingdiet.com to

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