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all meat or all raw

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rawfood , " mavalkyrie " <mavalkyrie> wrote:

> Pete in all honesty it isn't your message as much as your delivery.


I'm simply stating the facts in a direct way. I do not sugar coat

things. What I am saying counters your beleif system and that is why

you feel the need to lash out at me personally and be so defensive

(by taking the offensive).



<< Had you freely given information and allowed people to dissagree


> you (or make up their own mind based on the info)>>


I freely gave all info. MAny people disagreed using arguments which I

countered with simple logic ad facts. That is called debate.


<< without jumping

> down their throats,>>


I think you are confusing me with YOU. Your posts have been personal

and inflammed. I am just presenting facts and real life experiences

and observations. YOu are obviouly irritated and angry. I am not.


<< you probably would still be on those boards. >>


The ONLY reason why I was banned was because those were vegan boards

and I was posting my non-vegan experience of regaining my health

after being vegan for 3 years (which destroyed my health.) People

accosted me for being " anti-vegan " , " animal abuser " , etc when I was

simply telling my story and how closely it mirrors MANY other

people's expereinces.


> Don't blame everyone else in the world, take some responsibility


> your actions.>>


I take 100% responsibility for listening to people who act like they

know it all and not listening to my inner Voice sooner. I was in

denail and not paying attention to what was really going on.


<< You say the same thing over and over, and as soon as

> someone disagrees, you start calling names, and putting them down.>>


I never call people names. It is you who get personal and nasty and



> Say what you believe, but allow others their belief,>>

and just agree

> to disagree. >>


Because sometimes its not about beleif. Its about FACTS and real life

expereinces. Its about the reasons why people beleive things and

sometimes those reasons are flawed in logic or easily proven to be

untrue. Debate is used to get to the truth. ITs healthy unless you

start taking it personally or being personally offensive. I am simply

arguing facts and ideas. YOu seem to be arguing with me with all your

personal comments and irrational irritation and anger.


<<If you are right, and you might be for a small number of

> people, your life and your practices and your beliefs will stand on

> their own.>>


They do! THat is why I am telling my and other people's similar

expereinces with eating animal products and getting over the damage

they incurred due to raw veganism. Those stories speak for

themselves! (unless they are ignored or censored)


> Can you and I agree to just disagree and go on? The ball is in


> court.>>


It is you who INSISTS that I am wrong when I am speaking from real

life experience. Like YOU said ...my experiences and the experiences

of others speak for themselves! You cannot disagree with real life




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rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Brian,


> The gloom and doom text about long term raw foodism seemed

misplaced to

> me.


This is not about raw foodism! ITs about raw veganism. I still eat a

100% raw diet and am doing great on it. I'm amazed at how healthy I

became after learing how to eat a diet with all the nutrients I need

for OPTIMUM health.


> Nothing much great or intellectual about that!>>



Nothing great anout restoring my ruined health?

Nothing intellectual about discussing the health problem trends that

many raw vegans have experienced and later got over like I did?







> Brian Powell [brianmpowell@e...]

> 17 September 2003 00:35

> rawfood

> RE: [Raw Food] Re: all meat or all raw




> Peter the Great has spoken. All kneel before his hallowed





> Brian Powell


> allGoode Organics


> 215-242-1133 - office


> 215-313-6927 - cell


> brian@a...





> Peter Gardiner [petergardiner@e...]

> Tuesday, September 16, 2003 6:00 PM

> rawfood

> RE: [Raw Food] Re: all meat or all raw




> Who hired you to come wading in here with naïve observation?


> Peter



> alreadyherenow [no_reply ]

> 16 September 2003 22:48

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Re: all meat or all raw




> rawfood , " Elisabeth Braun "

> <elisabeth.braun@n...> wrote:

> > Pete,

> >

> > I don't know as much about it as I intend to find out but these



> > I do know for sure:

> >

> > -Vegans and even vegetarians have far lower incidence of the vast

> > majority of degenerative diseases, diabetes, cancers, digestive

> > disorders and so on.


> Those studies are about cooked diets. Cooked meat and pasterurized

> milk have chemicals and altered molecules that are horrible for

> health.


> > -The point I made about B12 was about LIFE VEGANS ie, kids raised

> > vegan from birth. They are very healthy with fewer childhood


> > problems. Monte was right about the adult B12 issue - no-one can

> be

> > sure but it would appear that, if kids raised vegan have no

> trouble,

> > there must be some inate human ability to form it in the gut.


> Did you see the 3 generations raw vegan study ar www.Dr.bass.com?

> THose children developed b12 deficiecies. Sometime it takes

> generations for deficiencies to show.



> > -I can't help but feel that if we had a real need for animal



> > (and I mean *normal* need, not a bodily disfunction that means


> > bodies are unable to formulate certain AAs etc - most

> can),

> > then there would be no life vegans, life vegetarians or even long-

> > term vegans, but there are!


> You are not understanding my point. Just because some people can do

> alright on a vegan diet does not mean everyone can! People's bodies

> are highly variable in the efficiencies in which they can


> non-essential nutrients like DHA , EPA, taurine, cholesterol, etc.

> The FACT is that many people like me developed serious deficiencies

> even though we ate the exact same diets as other vegans.


> Also, most long term vegans supplement. Dr. Grahman had to take b12

> shots for instance.


> Vegetarians? Sure! That is what I am .



> > no vegan personalities as they wouldn't dare show their faces in

> > connection with the diet. They'd all be either too weak and

sickly to


> > get out of bed in the morning. >>


> Did you read when I said that some vegans seem to do alright? You


> polarizing your views.


> << Plus, most of this list would be

> > dead too! If we need animal foods as a normal need,>>


> SOME people do. SOME people have got really damaged on a vegan diet

> and their health has been restored by adding animal products. This


> a FACT. Its a DEFINITE trend. Some people cannot synthesize enough

> DHA, EPA, taurine, cholesterol, etc. Besides me, I personally know


> several and they ate very carefully planned vegan diets but still

> developed deficiencies. Later their health was vastly improved by

> adding some animal products. I know a guy in California that runs


> organic fruit farm and was a raw vegan for over 20 years. He ate


> best freshest food yet still developed deficiencies and is no


> vegan but doing much better now.

> The fact is that we have never been vegan as far as any evidence

> suggests. Its no mystery why taking away nutrients that have been


> our diets for thousands of years may cause some people to develop

> health problems.


> Pete






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rawfood , alreadyherenow <no_reply> wrote:

> rawfood , " mavalkyrie " <mavalkyrie> > >

> It is you who INSISTS that I am wrong when I am speaking from real

> life experience. Like YOU said ...my experiences and the


> of others speak for themselves! You cannot disagree with real life

> experiences.




Point taken. However, the majority of the people on this board's

real life experiences are that they are very happy and healthy on the

raw vegan diet. Does that mean they always will be? Who knows. You

weren't, so you modified your diet. But that does't necessitate

telling people that they're going to end up ill eating this way.

Lots of people don't get sick. In the event that any of us do, we

certainly know who to turn to for advice. In the meantime, keep in

mind that the raw journey is exactly that, a journey, and what works

for some doesn't work for others.



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Brigitte wrote,


> Point taken. However, the majority of the people on this board's

> real life experiences are that they are very happy and healthy on


> raw vegan diet.


That is great like I have said many times. If the diet works for you,

then great! Keep eating it!.

But I am just curious, how many long term 100% raw vegans are here? I

was raw vegan for 3 years. Many people have no shown problems till

years on the diet.


<< Does that mean they always will be? Who knows. You

> weren't, so you modified your diet. But that does't necessitate

> telling people that they're going to end up ill eating this way.>>


WOA! Where I have EVER done that? That is something you have just

made up. I have said many times that som people seem top do alright

on a vegan diet.


> Lots of people don't get sick.>>


Yes, but Lots of long termraw vegans DO get sick. And then there are

all those people who are so brainwashed they claim they are not ill

when they clearly are.....I see LOTS of raw vegans going around with

multiple chemical sensitivities, and an inabilty to process fats and

they claim they are healthy with these weakened systems.They claim

those are good signs! I (like others) had these " signs of health "

that progressed so bad I couldn't function or eat anything without



<<In the event that any of us do, we

> certainly know who to turn to for advice. In the meantime, keep in

> mind that the raw journey is exactly that, a journey, and what


> for some doesn't work for others.>>


That is my point! Most raw vegnas I have envountered truly beleive

that the raw vegan diet is the best for everyone and is our natural

diet and is the key to health. These people beleive that since it

does NOT work for some so many people, then that could only mean they

did not do it right!

The fact is that there are a very significant amount of raw vegans

who ate the diet correctly but have developed the same types of

health problems. This cannot be suppressed or censored. I was

severely ostracized in the raw vegan community after changing from 3

years raw vegan to raw vegetarian. People don't want to know about

long term raw vegans who " did everything right " got sick and then got

better my adding a % of animal products.

People need to know the possible risks that others have expereinced.



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