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About a month or two ago I saw a lot of curious postings about

Probiotics and the " Garden of Life "

I rushed off and bought myself a dose and read the creators book - note

the small c.


Do any others feel anything that feels beyond a placebo effect from the

Probiotics in the forum.


I am mulling it all over as I have just started reading " Plague Time -

The new germ theory of disease " by Paul W Ewald


I must read on but would be fascinated to hear from others on these

subjects in so much as they bear upon the raw diet.





andy.mich [andy.mich]

09 October 2003 15:07


Re: [Raw Food] Re: Protein Question




Thank you for this article Bruce, it was very interesting and a lot to

think about. Do you know I have been a vegan for over ten years and

never knew any of this stuff? Love Shell.





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I have definitely benefited from probiotics. In the beginning, when I

was switching to raw, I had a lot of stomach problems. After

supplementing on probiotics I was fine.

I still take them some time, when I have stomach problems. They

always help.


Even conventional medicine recommends probiotics these days, some

research says they will prevent allergies in small children. They are

also beneficial for travellers to fight diarrhea.




rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>




> Do any others feel anything that feels beyond a placebo effect from


> Probiotics in the forum.

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I feel that probiotics helped me a lot. I came from

the other end of the spectrum. My diet was awful, and

I was a daily drinker. I used to get sick an awful

lot, and abused antibiotics. I would take them 2-3

times per year. I started getting ear infections,

that only Sipro would cure. It was getting scary, as

I was becoming immune to just about all the

antibiotics. At the same time, my stomach was

falling apart. It hurt all the time, and I was

becoming overwhelmed with fatigue.


I did a lot of reading and started eating raw. My

system had a hard time adjusting to a raw diet. Food

would come out looking chewed, but not digested. My

reading took me to probiotics, and then to " Primal

Defense " . I took large doses of it, and was happy

with the results. My digestion improved

tremendously. my stomach stopped hurting, and I was

completely relieved of fatigue. The change was

profound. During this time, my stamina increased



Hope you get the same results.


I just finished an Ejuva cleanse. I don't think I

would recommend it. I was all jazzed up results like

they show on their web site, and did not achieve

them. Has anyone ever passed the mucoid plaque like

they depict ? I'm wondering if probiotics help eat

the plaque away, and if so, that why I didn't get good

results with Ejuva.





--- Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:


> All,


> About a month or two ago I saw a lot of curious

> postings about

> Probiotics and the " Garden of Life "

> I rushed off and bought myself a dose and read the

> creators book - note

> the small c.


> Do any others feel anything that feels beyond a

> placebo effect from the

> Probiotics in the forum.


> I am mulling it all over as I have just started

> reading " Plague Time -

> The new germ theory of disease " by Paul W Ewald


> I must read on but would be fascinated to hear from

> others on these

> subjects in so much as they bear upon the raw diet.


> Peter



> andy.mich [andy.mich]

> 09 October 2003 15:07

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Re: Protein Question




> Thank you for this article Bruce, it was very

> interesting and a lot to

> think about. Do you know I have been a vegan for

> over ten years and

> never knew any of this stuff? Love Shell.





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by the way, i'm not longer on the antibiotics.

Interesting to note the I retraced through a lot of my

ilnesses during the first 3 months of eating raw.




--- Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:


> All,


> About a month or two ago I saw a lot of curious

> postings about

> Probiotics and the " Garden of Life "

> I rushed off and bought myself a dose and read the

> creators book - note

> the small c.


> Do any others feel anything that feels beyond a

> placebo effect from the

> Probiotics in the forum.


> I am mulling it all over as I have just started

> reading " Plague Time -

> The new germ theory of disease " by Paul W Ewald


> I must read on but would be fascinated to hear from

> others on these

> subjects in so much as they bear upon the raw diet.


> Peter



> andy.mich [andy.mich]

> 09 October 2003 15:07

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Re: Protein Question




> Thank you for this article Bruce, it was very

> interesting and a lot to

> think about. Do you know I have been a vegan for

> over ten years and

> never knew any of this stuff? Love Shell.





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I also read the garden of life book and tried PRIMAL DEFENSE.

Took three a day for a few months. At first I felt nothing, but after a

about six weeks I began feeling terrible. Had lower abdominal

pain, hypoglycemic spells, no energy, felt like I had the flu. I

stopped because I might have an auto-immune disease and

thought it might be a Lupus flaire or something and a few days

after stopping I felt alot better. Wonder if it was die-off/detox



I may try again with one a day and see what happens. But maybe

switching to a 80-90% raw diet would be more helpful for me.

the only concern I have is if I still have the bacterial overgrowth

after my antibiotic 10 day trial. If there are still bad bacteria in my

small bowel, the fruit feeds them. No sugar is the only way to

starve them.


How did other people respond to primal defense? The book is

very convincing. Alot of Naturopaths like his products.

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I seem to have lost or given away the Garden of Life book. It was

entitled " Patient Heal Thyself " as I recall and it seems as thought that

is the proposition you are facing. So far no medic seems to have come

up with an accurate diagnosis. That is rare with the medical

profession. Usually they can tell you what is wrong; it is the remedy

that eludes them. It is obvious that there is something living in you

which is causing the trouble and it needs to be outwitted. Something at

some time got in and started brewing...


You are in an area which interests me as building up the immune system

is my new pre-occupation. For that reason I am thinking of trying

different Probiotic solutions in the hope of getting more strains of

so-called " good " bacteria.


Clearly in your case you either had an overdose or Probiotics are not

for you. However I am confident that a raw diet will sort your

digestion with time. If you give your body food which it knows how to

digest as nature intended it will do a whole lot better than being

confused and overloaded with the biochemical concoction that is present

in a " normal " diet.


I wish I could offer more specific advice but your case seems unusually

complex to me and the kind of generalizations that have been useful to

me have frequently caused havoc for you.


Good luck,






phiislife [phiislife]

11 October 2003 01:24


[Raw Food] Re: probiotics






I also read the garden of life book and tried PRIMAL DEFENSE.

Took three a day for a few months. At first I felt nothing, but after a

about six weeks I began feeling terrible. Had lower abdominal

pain, hypoglycemic spells, no energy, felt like I had the flu. I

stopped because I might have an auto-immune disease and

thought it might be a Lupus flaire or something and a few days

after stopping I felt alot better. Wonder if it was die-off/detox



I may try again with one a day and see what happens. But maybe

switching to a 80-90% raw diet would be more helpful for me.

the only concern I have is if I still have the bacterial overgrowth

after my antibiotic 10 day trial. If there are still bad bacteria in my

small bowel, the fruit feeds them. No sugar is the only way to

starve them.


How did other people respond to primal defense? The book is

very convincing. Alot of Naturopaths like his products.

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Hi Rufus,


actually, no such thing as the mucoid plaque exists. That is a

medical fact. Confirmed by eg. dr. Doug Graham, who says he has seen

several colons of both living and dead, and never seen anything that

would qualify as mucoid plaque.


What people are passing as mucoid plaque when doing this kind of

cleanses, is the psyllium or clay they are taking in to " help the

cleanse " .


Personally I would stay away from such things. If you want to clean

your body, use raw vegan foods, herbs and fast.


Good luck




rawfood , Rufus Shaw <rufus10_99> wrote:

> I just finished an Ejuva cleanse. I don't think I

> would recommend it. I was all jazzed up results like

> they show on their web site, and did not achieve

> them. Has anyone ever passed the mucoid plaque like

> they depict ? I'm wondering if probiotics help eat

> the plaque away, and if so, that why I didn't get good

> results with Ejuva.


> Rufus

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Thanks Mimi, I definitely can not recommend spending

$300 on Ejuva.




--- raw_peas <no_reply > wrote:

> Hi Rufus,


> actually, no such thing as the mucoid plaque exists.

> That is a

> medical fact. Confirmed by eg. dr. Doug Graham, who

> says he has seen

> several colons of both living and dead, and never

> seen anything that

> would qualify as mucoid plaque.


> What people are passing as mucoid plaque when doing

> this kind of

> cleanses, is the psyllium or clay they are taking in

> to " help the

> cleanse " .


> Personally I would stay away from such things. If

> you want to clean

> your body, use raw vegan foods, herbs and fast.


> Good luck


> /Mimi


> rawfood , Rufus Shaw

> <rufus10_99> wrote:

> > I just finished an Ejuva cleanse. I don't think

> I

> > would recommend it. I was all jazzed up results

> like

> > they show on their web site, and did not achieve

> > them. Has anyone ever passed the mucoid plaque

> like

> > they depict ? I'm wondering if probiotics help

> eat

> > the plaque away, and if so, that why I didn't get

> good

> > results with Ejuva.

> >

> > Rufus








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I disagree that there is no such thing as mucoid plaque. I did a cleanse with

fasting and lost a four foot rope of black tar that could not be cut with

scissors. It was not phylum. I lost all my allergies and that was the first

giant step I took to radical health and one of the best things I did in my life.

I think it is funny that the people that do not believe in it never mentioned

that they tried one faithfully either. Everyone I ask says no they never tried

it. I did and it changed my life.




Rufus Shaw


Monday, October 13, 2003 12:27 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics



Thanks Mimi, I definitely can not recommend spending

$300 on Ejuva.




--- raw_peas <no_reply > wrote:

> Hi Rufus,


> actually, no such thing as the mucoid plaque exists.

> That is a

> medical fact. Confirmed by eg. dr. Doug Graham, who

> says he has seen

> several colons of both living and dead, and never

> seen anything that

> would qualify as mucoid plaque.


> What people are passing as mucoid plaque when doing

> this kind of

> cleanses, is the psyllium or clay they are taking in

> to " help the

> cleanse " .


> Personally I would stay away from such things. If

> you want to clean

> your body, use raw vegan foods, herbs and fast.


> Good luck


> /Mimi


> rawfood , Rufus Shaw

> <rufus10_99> wrote:

> > I just finished an Ejuva cleanse. I don't think

> I

> > would recommend it. I was all jazzed up results

> like

> > they show on their web site, and did not achieve

> > them. Has anyone ever passed the mucoid plaque

> like

> > they depict ? I'm wondering if probiotics help

> eat

> > the plaque away, and if so, that why I didn't get

> good

> > results with Ejuva.

> >

> > Rufus






The New with improved product search


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Bernadette wrote:

<<I disagree that there is no such thing as mucoid plaque. I did a cleanse with

fasting and lost a four foot rope of black tar that could not be cut with

scissors. It was not phylum. I lost all my allergies and that was the first

giant step I took to radical health and one of the best things I did in my life.

I think it is funny that the people that do not believe in it never mentioned

that they tried one faithfully either. Everyone I ask says no they never tried

it. I did and it changed my life.>>


Bernadette, would you be willing to tell me a bit more about your fast?

Specifically, I'm wondering what type of fast you did and how long it lasted.

Also, I'm curious about your diet prior to and after the fast.









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ok Julie, It was 1996, I had been un-diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. I had

started my study on nutrition a few years prior. So my diet was freshly baked

breads from whole grains that I grind myself and beans, with salads and other

vegetables. I used very little meat and only homemade desert (I have four

children). I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking the

herbs and phylum shakes with a strict diet ( which was basically the same as

what I ate) for three weeks. On the fourth week entered a water fast and did

colema's. It was the third day that I passed the rope. I never suffered another

migraine or sinus headache from that day on. Though I still had Lyme and I find

raw the best and only way for me. Colon cleansing was instrumental in my change

of health. Prior to colon cleansing I had done several fast with little to no

results.Today I consider myself a " master faster " able to fast 45 days and fast

every month at least 6 days. The mucoid plague was unquestionably years of stuck

stuff and my health changed in the sense that the nutrients from the food I ate

was readily asorable. I no longer had to take vitamins. Vitamins were nessacary

prior to that time because I was not getting the nutrients from my food.


Well there it is in a nut shell






Monday, October 13, 2003 1:24 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics



Bernadette wrote:

<<I disagree that there is no such thing as mucoid plaque. I did a cleanse

with fasting and lost a four foot rope of black tar that could not be cut with

scissors. It was not phylum. I lost all my allergies and that was the first

giant step I took to radical health and one of the best things I did in my life.

I think it is funny that the people that do not believe in it never mentioned

that they tried one faithfully either. Everyone I ask says no they never tried

it. I did and it changed my life.>>


Bernadette, would you be willing to tell me a bit more about your fast?

Specifically, I'm wondering what type of fast you did and how long it lasted.

Also, I'm curious about your diet prior to and after the fast.








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Thanks a lot, Bernadette!






Monday, October 13, 2003 2:08 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics



ok Julie, It was 1996, I had been un-diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease. I

had started my study on nutrition a few years prior. So my diet was freshly

baked breads from whole grains that I grind myself and beans, with salads and

other vegetables. I used very little meat and only homemade desert (I have four

children). I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking the

herbs and phylum shakes with a strict diet ( which was basically the same as

what I ate) for three weeks. On the fourth week entered a water fast and did

colema's. It was the third day that I passed the rope. I never suffered another

migraine or sinus headache from that day on. Though I still had Lyme and I find

raw the best and only way for me. Colon cleansing was instrumental in my change

of health. Prior to colon cleansing I had done several fast with little to no

results.Today I consider myself a " master faster " able to fast 45 days and fast

every month at least 6 days. The mucoid plague was unques tionably years of

stuck stuff and my health changed in the sense that the nutrients from the food

I ate was readily asorable. I no longer had to take vitamins. Vitamins were

nessacary prior to that time because I was not getting the nutrients from my



Well there it is in a nut shell






Monday, October 13, 2003 1:24 PM

Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics



Bernadette wrote:

<<I disagree that there is no such thing as mucoid plaque. I did a cleanse

with fasting and lost a four foot rope of black tar that could not be cut with

scissors. It was not phylum. I lost all my allergies and that was the first

giant step I took to radical health and one of the best things I did in my life.

I think it is funny that the people that do not believe in it never mentioned

that they tried one faithfully either. Everyone I ask says no they never tried

it. I did and it changed my life.>>


Bernadette, would you be willing to tell me a bit more about your fast?

Specifically, I'm wondering what type of fast you did and how long it lasted.

Also, I'm curious about your diet prior to and after the fast.








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Bernadette wrote:

" I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking the

herbs and phylum shakes for three weeks. On the fourth week entered a

water fast and did colema's. It was the third day that I passed the

rope. "


I would bet my bottom that what you were passing was the psyllium (or

the bentonite) that you were taking for three weeks!


I still believe Doug Graham and several doctors on this one, when

they say NO mucoid plaque exists.



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Mimi, You cut and paste ONLY PART OF MY POST! Read the rest and stop doing your

own agenda editing. I am not an idiot here that was in 1996. I have cured a

daughter of Mental Illness and the other of blindness, AND STILL CURING MYSELF

FROM A SEVER CHRONIC ILLNESS. Let me ask you have YOU TRIED a good colon

cleanse? I doubt it. If you did it may change your life it did mine.






Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:44 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics



Bernadette wrote:

" I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking the

herbs and phylum shakes for three weeks. On the fourth week entered a

water fast and did colema's. It was the third day that I passed the

rope. "


I would bet my bottom that what you were passing was the psyllium (or

the bentonite) that you were taking for three weeks!


I still believe Doug Graham and several doctors on this one, when

they say NO mucoid plaque exists.





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I don't see how me trimming the post changed the message, but ok,

here it is again.


You wrote:


I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking the

herbs and phylum shakes with a strict diet ( which was basically the

same as

what I ate) for three weeks. On the fourth week entered a water fast

and did

colema's. It was the third day that I passed the rope.



I'm just saying, couldn't it have been the clay you were passing,

not " mucoid plaque " ?

Great that you healed yourself and that the fast changed your life,

but I don't think several colon surgeons (who have actually seen the

insides of a gut) are wrong when they are stating that there is no

such thing as " mucoid plaque " . I for one will never try a " good colon

cleanse " , thanks very much!




rawfood , " abrs " <abrs@l...> wrote:

> Mimi, You cut and paste ONLY PART OF MY POST! Read the rest and

stop doing your own agenda editing. I am not an idiot here that was

in 1996. I have cured a daughter of Mental Illness and the other of


me ask you have YOU TRIED a good colon cleanse? I doubt it. If you

did it may change your life it did mine.


> Bernadette

> -

> raw_peas

> rawfood

> Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:44 AM

> Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics



> Bernadette wrote:

> " I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking


> herbs and phylum shakes for three weeks. On the fourth week

entered a

> water fast and did colema's. It was the third day that I passed


> rope. "


> I would bet my bottom that what you were passing was the psyllium


> the bentonite) that you were taking for three weeks!


> I still believe Doug Graham and several doctors on this one, when

> they say NO mucoid plaque exists.


> /Mimi


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You left the part out that the rope could not be cut with sissors. If it were

clay or pslyium it would be able to be cut. I was so shocked I myself wanted to

see what this was. So I washed it and attempted to disect it. I was trembling

and shocked that this was in my body and just threw it away after it would not

budge. It was also in the shape of my instentines, not like a normal movement.

It would not fit through a normal colonics tube, it was done at home.






Wednesday, October 15, 2003 1:48 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics




I don't see how me trimming the post changed the message, but ok,

here it is again.


You wrote:

I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking the

herbs and phylum shakes with a strict diet ( which was basically the

same as

what I ate) for three weeks. On the fourth week entered a water fast

and did

colema's. It was the third day that I passed the rope.



I'm just saying, couldn't it have been the clay you were passing,

not " mucoid plaque " ?

Great that you healed yourself and that the fast changed your life,

but I don't think several colon surgeons (who have actually seen the

insides of a gut) are wrong when they are stating that there is no

such thing as " mucoid plaque " . I for one will never try a " good colon

cleanse " , thanks very much!




rawfood , " abrs " <abrs@l...> wrote:

> Mimi, You cut and paste ONLY PART OF MY POST! Read the rest and

stop doing your own agenda editing. I am not an idiot here that was

in 1996. I have cured a daughter of Mental Illness and the other of


me ask you have YOU TRIED a good colon cleanse? I doubt it. If you

did it may change your life it did mine.


> Bernadette

> -

> raw_peas

> rawfood

> Tuesday, October 14, 2003 1:44 AM

> Re: [Raw Food] Probiotics



> Bernadette wrote:

> " I went on the Arise & Shine Colon cleanse. I started by taking


> herbs and phylum shakes for three weeks. On the fourth week

entered a

> water fast and did colema's. It was the third day that I passed


> rope. "


> I would bet my bottom that what you were passing was the psyllium


> the bentonite) that you were taking for three weeks!


> I still believe Doug Graham and several doctors on this one, when

> they say NO mucoid plaque exists.


> /Mimi





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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Hi Elisa,


I give my daughter who is 8 months old a probiotic. Its called NATOGEN and it is

by Genestra. My nutritionist recommended it and it seems to meet what you are

looking for. There is another one by the same brand that is for older children.

Hope this helps.




, " ejsrejsr " <elisaelisa wrote:


> So, I have decided we should go on probiotics. Hopefully it will help my 16mo

olds eczema! So I need one for her and for me and this is what I am looking



> vegan (a must)

> no soy (a must)

> organic (if not, no chemicals or pesticides)

> no gluten (would be nice)


> any ideas? I have not been able to find one like this.


> Thanks a lot, Elisa


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