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(Roger) Ewald's book

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I do so much appreciate everyone's sharings on this forum. This is the way we

learn from each other's experiences. The rawvegan path is not a well traveled

one, and few there be that find it. I just want to come to terms with this

disease/germ theory and feel in my own mind what I believe to be the truth. I

do appreciate your time in sharing your experiences and the listing of the site.

I will definitely take a look at it.

Thanks again,



Hi Vegigran,


Well first of all the germ theory is a complete farce by an inferior

scientist, Pasteur. Pasteur was great at marketing himself. But he stole

most of his information from Antione Bechamp. Unfortunately he

misinterpreted Bechamp's findings.


There is a book describing what happened and how Pasteur was a fraud. I

think you can read it online. I'll have to see if I can find it again.




You can read the book online at the link above if you want to learn



As for me, I used to get infections in my gums when eating cooked food.

They immediately went away went I went to a raw food diet. This happened

back and forth. As soon as I went back to eating cooked foods, I would

get the infections again.


When I got 18 stitches on my pointer finger, I refused to take any

antibiotics because I knew I didn't need to do that because I was eating

100% raw. The wound healed without infection and I cut the stitches out



I also don't get colds now unless I do some very bad eating. I went for

a year and a half without getting a cold. This was great for me. Then I

got sick after a bout of eating a feast at a raw food restaurant. Then

the next three days I was eating dehydrated pizza crackers en masse.


That was too much for my body and I immediately got a cold or a healing

crisis. The dried food was considered raw, but it wasn't good for me. It

was too much like bread and it allowed an infection to foster.


I'm sure I've had other times with the infection process that have been

improved or avoided altogether on a raw food diet. I just can't think of

anymore off the top of my head. But I know many others who no longer get



Keep in mind that dehydrated foods are not ideal. They are missing one

of the key ingredients - water. The structured water from fruits and

vegetables is very important. As raw foodists we don't need all those

glasses of water every day because we are getting most of it from the

watery fruits and vegetables.


Hope that helps, Roger






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Roger what you described as a cold sounds like a food allergy. I find it

hard to believe that one big meal would be enough to clog a pure body.


It was a cold and not an allergy. I was sick for about a week. Plus it

was one day of excessive eating and combinations and three days of

eating lots of those dried pizza crackers. Four days of bad eating in a



I actually don't know my blood type. But if it has anything to do with

the eat for your blood type diet I don't think it matters. It seems much

of that book is a scientific farce. At least according to Dr. Fuhrman,

when he reviews that book as well as Atkins, the Zone Diet and the

Mediterranean Diet.


I've found Dr. Fuhrman's arguments to be on sound scientific ground.

I've read many diet books. Have been doing so since 1983. You just can't

believe everything that is printed. Just because something is popular

doesn't make it right. I.E. Atkins and The Blood Type Diet book.


Even all raw foods are not healthy. I just learned the hard way that

corn isn't good for me, even raw. I would get headaches in the mornings.

I'd be sneezing a lot during the day like being allergic. One of my

fingers started getting arthritic pain in the joint.


After a little over a week of not eating corn I started having some

detox symptoms. I had no mucus but a day and half of a fairly bad

headache. I didn't even really get headaches in my cooked food days. But

I think it was my body getting rid of the toxic matter from the corn.


My finger is better now, we'll see what happens. But I've heard that

many others had these kinds of reactions to raw corn on the cob. Of

course, many people are allergic to corn. I suppose we can be allergic

to it even if it is raw?


I just wanted to share this with anyone who is eating or considering

eating raw corn. It was so delicious but I know it is toxic for me now.



Well now lets just look at it this way, yes it could cause a reaction

to quickly discharge the alienated cells. Oh well peace all………..Just out

of curiosity are you a type O blood?


Thanks for your input, Roger

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I too have been in this quest since the eighties. I would like to see some of

the con articles on the blood type diet. I definitely do not believe everything

I read or I would not be in this group. I follow a raw diet as well as medicinal

herbs and fasting. I am also going to be starting a nature company taking people

on walks and pointing out the many edible wild plants and herbs that are

available. I am in to endurance racing and since I have not been sick in close

to ten years to hear of someone getting sick after a few bad choices makes me

look at things more closely. I do not follow anything definitively, I always

keep my eyes (Ears) and feelings open. If you have a link I would greatly

appreciate it.




Thank you for your help,










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I'm very interested in learning about medicinal herbs.

Can you recomend any books or links on the subject ?






--- Bruce Reid <bwreid67 wrote:


> I too have been in this quest since the eighties. I

> would like to see some of the con articles on the

> blood type diet. I definitely do not believe

> everything I read or I would not be in this group. I

> follow a raw diet as well as medicinal herbs and

> fasting. I am also going to be starting a nature

> company taking people on walks and pointing out the

> many edible wild plants and herbs that are

> available. I am in to endurance racing and since I

> have not been sick in close to ten years to hear of

> someone getting sick after a few bad choices makes

> me look at things more closely. I do not follow

> anything definitively, I always keep my eyes (Ears)

> and feelings open. If you have a link I would

> greatly appreciate it.




> Thank you for your help,




> Bruce






> The New with improved product

> search


> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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Roger & Bruce,


I think it takes one huge leap of faith to say that germ theory is a

colossal failure. How can you explain any disease without it?


A week ago I had a thin slice from my son's chocolate birthday cake

and the next day my gut emptied out completely. Moreover within hours

of eating a chip or anything cooked in the smallest quantity, my nose

runs as though I have a cold or I sneeze.


If life were so simple that a raw food diet would cure all diseases the

medical profession would be bankrupted overnight. Medical science

complete with antibiotics has saved my life more than once for sure.


We certainly know that we are living in primitive times and that in the

face of such there should be varying theses so that ultimately the true

light may shine through.










Bruce Reid [bwreid67]

12 October 2003 03:48


RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) Ewald's book





Roger what you described as a cold sounds like a food allergy. I find it

hard to believe that one big meal would be enough to clog a pure body.

Well now lets just look at it this way, yes it could cause a reaction to

quickly discharge the alienated cells. Oh well peace all.....Just out of

curiosity are you a type O blood?






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Good Morning




Rufsu, I would start with Nutritional Herbology by Mark Pedersen many schools

use this book in their curriculums. It will tell you things like which herb is a

good source of organic iron, Chromium, Selenium or Calcium. It is a good

resource book it gives a complete and comprehensive summary of what nutrients

are in your herbal supplements and how they work! You will find detailed

nutritional analysis for hundreds of herbs, including Chinese constitutional

combinations with each herbs nutritional profile and a historical profile of

each herb’s use. Well here is a list…




How and Why herbs Work


Nutritional Analysis (You will be surprised the Nutritional Values)


Scientific Analysis that Authenticates Historical Usage


Detailed description of Active Principles in each Herb


How to Decipher each Herb’s Herbal Properties


Major Acupressure & Iridology Points Correlated to Herbal Combinations


Easy to read Charts Giving Vital Information on each Herb




I use this book as reference all of the time. I hope that you enjoy it…




Got to run (Literally)








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Roger & Bruce,


I think it takes one huge leap of faith to say that germ theory is a

colossal failure. How can you explain any disease without it?


A week ago I had a thin slice from my son's chocolate birthday cake

and the next day my gut emptied out completely. Moreover within hours

of eating a chip or anything cooked in the smallest quantity, my nose

runs as though I have a cold or I sneeze.


I think your example only proves what I was talking about Peter. The

germs are a player in the disease process but I believe in most cases

they are not the cause. Germs are like vultures. Their job is to clean

up the mess of incomplete digestion. This happens when we eat foods we

weren't designed to eat.


In countless experiments people have been injected with certain germs

and didn't get sick.


Or why doesn't everyone get sick when in contact with a sick person.

It's because the germs do not cause it. Germs need food and if you

provide them with food they act as a garbage disposal system in the

human body. Then you get sick. The cause is the toxins and not the



If life were so simple that a raw food diet would cure all diseases the

medical profession would be bankrupted overnight.


If everyone went raw there would be a lot of doctors going bankrupt,

trust me. I haven't been to a doctor in about 10 years except for the

emergency room for stitches. Plus as the health improved over

generations there would be less need of the doctors. Yes they would

still be treating raw foodists but that has to do with all the damage

we've done to ourselves mostly through our poor eating habits.


Peter there are other cultures that eat close to a raw diet and they

don't have the diseases of affluence that people in Western Culture

have. In China for instance osteoporosis is virtually non-existent, even

though they eat about 50% less calcium and no milk, than in the US.


Many of the primitive cultures never have problems with their teeth or

dental arches and they don't even brush their teeth. They aren't in need

of M.D.'s But once they get exposed to devitalized western foods then

they need M.D.'s in a big way.



Medical science

complete with antibiotics has saved my life more than once for sure.


We certainly know that we are living in primitive times and that in the

face of such there should be varying theses so that ultimately the true

light may shine through.


I've done my research on this Peter and my conclusion is that the germ

theory is responsible for killing millions of people per year. I think

it is wrong and very harmful. Just look at the people who have been

diagnosed with AIDS. That is all about germ theory. But they end up

dieing from the toxic medications they are taking.


I know this to be true because I've met many AIDS patients who went raw

and are fine for many years without the need for any medication. AIDS is

not caused by the HIV virus. AIDS is a complete sham.


AIDS is caused by drug use and an unhealthy lifestyle, not a virus.

Again it is caused by toxins. This is the very thing the medical

establishment doesn't do anything about. They live in harmony with the

fast food industry. SAD and medicine go perfectly together.


Go to this website to learn about the AIDS hoax.




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I take your point that germs are going to attack the weak. Otherwise

some super bug could come along and wipe out the human race. You say

that you believe that in most cases germs are not the cause of disease.

I follow your thinking but speaking for myself I would be reluctant to

" swap bodily fluids " with someone who was infected by quite a few germs

including HIV and bubonic plague or to risk having my food contaminated

with cholera, malaria, cat feces. etc. Would you take me for a fool

were I otherwise?


Consider the North American natives whose populations were devastated by

smallpox. Was their diet more toxic than that of the Europeans who

brought them the illness and suffered minimally from it?


My doctors and I attribute the halt of my malady to diet and exercise

but so far I am not cured. They cannot attribute it to their potions as

I do not take them. However, I fall short of your confidence in diet

being a cure-all. On the other hand, I accept your thesis that if the

whole world were to go raw, medicine would be decimated.


Possibly, I need to reach a higher level of detoxification?













Roger Haeske [roger]

12 October 2003 17:10


RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) Ewald's book





Roger & Bruce,


I think it takes one huge leap of faith to say that germ theory is a

colossal failure. How can you explain any disease without it?


A week ago I had a thin slice from my son's chocolate birthday cake and

the next day my gut emptied out completely. Moreover within hours of

eating a chip or anything cooked in the smallest quantity, my nose runs

as though I have a cold or I sneeze.


I think your example only proves what I was talking about Peter. The

germs are a player in the disease process but I believe in most cases

they are not the cause. Germs are like vultures. Their job is to clean

up the mess of incomplete digestion. This happens when we eat foods we

weren't designed to eat.


In countless experiments people have been injected with certain germs

and didn't get sick.


Or why doesn't everyone get sick when in contact with a sick person.

It's because the germs do not cause it. Germs need food and if you

provide them with food they act as a garbage disposal system in the

human body. Then you get sick. The cause is the toxins and not the



If life were so simple that a raw food diet would cure all diseases the

medical profession would be bankrupted overnight. [RH]

If everyone went raw there would be a lot of doctors going bankrupt,

trust me. I haven't been to a doctor in about 10 years except for the

emergency room for stitches. Plus as the health improved over

generations there would be less need of the doctors. Yes they would

still be treating raw foodists but that has to do with all the damage

we've done to ourselves mostly through our poor eating habits.


Peter there are other cultures that eat close to a raw diet and they

don't have the diseases of affluence that people in Western Culture

have. In China for instance osteoporosis is virtually non-existent, even

though they eat about 50% less calcium and no milk, than in the US.


Many of the primitive cultures never have problems with their teeth or

dental arches and they don't even brush their teeth. They aren't in need

of M.D.'s But once they get exposed to devitalized western foods then

they need M.D.'s in a big way.



Medical science

complete with antibiotics has saved my life more than once for sure.


We certainly know that we are living in primitive times and that in the

face of such there should be varying theses so that ultimately the true

light may shine through. [RH]

I've done my research on this Peter and my conclusion is that the germ

theory is responsible for killing millions of people per year. I think

it is wrong and very harmful. Just look at the people who have been

diagnosed with AIDS. That is all about germ theory. But they end up

dieing from the toxic medications they are taking.


I know this to be true because I've met many AIDS patients who went raw

and are fine for many years without the need for any medication. AIDS is

not caused by the HIV virus. AIDS is a complete sham.


AIDS is caused by drug use and an unhealthy lifestyle, not a virus.

Again it is caused by toxins. This is the very thing the medical

establishment doesn't do anything about. They live in harmony with the

fast food industry. SAD and medicine go perfectly together.


Go to this website to learn about the AIDS hoax.









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I take your point that germs are going to attack the weak. Otherwise

some super bug could come along and wipe out the human race. You say

that you believe that in most cases germs are not the cause of disease.

I follow your thinking but speaking for myself I would be reluctant to

" swap bodily fluids " with someone who was infected by quite a few germs

including HIV and bubonic plague or to risk having my food contaminated

with cholera, malaria, cat feces. etc.


Hi Peter,


I think you are already doing it without knowing it. According to my

understanding these germs already exist in our bodies. Also germs will

mutate and change form depending on their environment. A toxic

environment will change good germs to bad germs. This has been

scientifically proven.


I think I read somewhere that about 50% of the diagnosed AIDS cases

don't even have the HIV virus.


Germs live in the air but I still choose to breathe. They actually

permeate the air.


I think once you do a bit more research on this subject you'll find your

eyes opening up on this. Some great information on this is in Dr.

Young's books. Get " The PH Miracle and Sick and Tired: Reclaim Your

Inner Terrain. " He talks quite a bit about the germ theory and Pasteur

and Bechamp.


Unfortunately he comes to the wrong conclusions in his diet

recommendations IMO. We have all sorts of killer bacteria already inside

of us our whole lives. If the inner terrain is in poor condition then

you will attract the little vultures. The vultures only come when there

is food.


Would you take me for a fool

were I otherwise?


Consider the North American natives whose populations were devastated by

smallpox. Was their diet more toxic than that of the Europeans who

brought them the illness and suffered minimally from it?


I just read something about smallpox. Certain dietary choices like low

animal protein and something else made people immune from it. Again it

is the inner terrain or toxin levels of the body.



My doctors and I attribute the halt of my malady to diet and exercise

but so far I am not cured. They cannot attribute it to their potions as

I do not take them. However, I fall short of your confidence in diet

being a cure-all. On the other hand, I accept your thesis that if the

whole world were to go raw, medicine would be decimated.


I don't think the raw diet is a cure all. I think the body heals itself.

The diet simply lets the body do it. I also don't think that all

maladies are healed when one eats a raw food diet. But I do think it is

the closest thing we have to a panacea.


There are also other health factors. Most people don't sleep enough.

Many people are very fearful or have negative attitudes that brings

their health down. Most people don't exercise enough. What about

breathing very polluted air. But diet I think is one of the most

important components of good health.



Possibly, I need to reach a higher level of detoxification?


Maybe, or maybe you need a spiritual healing. Maybe you have a

deficiency in certain nutrients. The thing is that you consumed very

poorly before coming to the raw food diet. So it could take you quite a

bit of time for your body to reverse decades of damage. You might need

to alter how you eat your raw diet. Even certain foods eaten raw aren't

good for us.


Maybe you've done a certain kind of damage that can't be reversed. I

think however that almost anything can be reversed. Especially since I

believe, we are spiritual beings that are simply patterns of energy. If

we shift our beliefs we may be able to heal ourselves instantaneously. I

think this may be true. Have seen others do this but have not yet proven

it completely true myself.


You can read Bechamp's theories in his last book called, " The Third

Element of the Blood. " It can be read at this link:



He also discusses his problems with Pasteur in the book. I also highly

recommend " Awaken Our Self-Healing Body, " by Arthur Baker. In section 5

of his book he gives extensive arguments on these points. The book is

overall a great read. The author used to post on this board.


Hope these posts give you some new insights and you do some research

from some of the aforementioned sources.



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