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(Roger) mucoidal plaque

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<<<<Do whatever you wish, but at least you know of other possible outcomes and

dangers. I'm in the process of getting an excellent article about

the dangers of colonic irrigation from fasting expert Loren Lockman.>>>>


Roger, Here's an article from Dr. Bernarr, that might be of interest.





By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.


Colonics, enemas, laxatives, cleanses, purgatives, cathartics, drastics, mineral

oil, rectal dilators, anal suppositories and other similar treatments to force

bowel movements, are all dangerous and harmful to one's body. Never take them.

They impair the entire metabolic processes of one's body. All forcing measures

are enervating. Many cases of ulceration, hemorrhoids, colitis, flatulence,

peritonitis and other digestive disorders, have had their origin from these

forced bowel movement procedures. These forced bowel movement procedures are

greatly enervating. They cause such a great loss of vital energy. One's body

becomes so weakened as a result of such, that they prevent one's body from

properly detoxifying. They drain one's bodily needed resources. They rob one's

colon of its protective coating of mucous, and make one's colon weak and lazy.

They are not natural and no animals in the wild take them to move their bowels.

Some birds wash their rectums by injecting water into their long beaks but not

to give themselves an enema nor colonic irrigation.



Mind one's own business and let the bowels mind theirs. Their is no law of

nature that says one must have a daily bowel movement.


The last half of one's colon is the storage colon. The feces are in a semi-solid

form and are not absorbable. There is no absorption of poisons from one's colon

while fasting, while on a so-called elimination diet or while one is eating the

Standard American Diet.


Contrary to common belief, there is no hardened, caked-on crust of toxic waste

materials lining one's colon which " can only be removed by colonics " . Bowel

movement is not elimination. When one's bowels move, there is only voiding of

what was previously eliminated and what had never been in one's body at all, but

only in one's digestive tube.



If one's instinctive, inherent intelligence, one's God within, does not want to

move one's bowels, one should not think that one is smarter than one's

beautiful, intelligent body. One's colon, when permitted to do so, performs its

function, as automatically and spontaneously, as one's heart, liver, stomach,

kidneys and breathing.


One's bowels do not move because one's gastrointestinal tract is under more

inflammatory stress than one can presently tolerate. Enervation from lack of

rest and sleep, overeating, wrong eating, incompatible food combinations,

overwork, nervous tension, nervousness, lack of proper exercise, lack of fresh

air and sunshine,

overworking the kidneys and impairing digestion by drinking too much water,

atony (lack of muscular tone), spasticity and a self-destructive lifestyle, are

the principal causes of one's bowel's inactivity. There are occasions when one's

body finds it necessary to muster all of its energies for some special purpose,

as in serious sickness accompanied by lack of desire for food, and one's colon

may remain inactive for some time.Don't force the digestive tact to move when it

is under such inflammatory stress. If you break your arm or leg or you are

having heart pains, those bodily parts are under inflammatory stress. If you

force them to move because you think you are more intelligent than the inherent

intelligence of the God within, you will end up crippling yourself or maybe

dead! Your inflammatory stressed digestive tract is no different from your

broken arm or leg or your heart, that is in pain. They all need physiological

rest until they heal. Leave them alone. Give one's digestive tract, a

physiological rest, a water fast, until one's digestive tract is asymptomatic

and/or one is genuinely hungry



If one's colon is under inflammatory stress, i.e., one is constipated, one

should, while water fasting, close one's eyes, feel, concentrate on and

feelingly meditate on, whatever symptoms one has in one's colon. One's colon is

always talking to one. Listen and do what one's God within, one's inherent

intelligence is telling one to do.

Then one can spontaneously have all the bowel movements that one needs.


Nothing cleanses one's colon but one's colon itself. One's bowel is a

self-cleansing organ. One's God within one's colon has successfully cleansed

itself spontaneously for billions of years that living beings have been on

earth. It is already built into the genes, the chromosomes and the DNA.. One

never needs a therapeutic agent to cleanse one's colon. The enema, colonic,

cleanses, etc., have no power themselves. They are inert substances. Only one's

live colon has the power to react.


One's colon has but one function in relation to food waste. One's colon retains

the waste until such time as one's inherent intelligence is ready to dispose of







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I will be at Lauren Lockman Tangelwood Retreat getting a supervised fast in the

next few weeks. I spoke with him on the phone last Tuesday. There is a lot he

does not believe in such as juice fasting ect... I will try his methods, yet I

have successfully juice fasted 45 days while running five miles a day. He will

REQUIRE I rest the whole time. My point is he has different theories and a lot

of other people do too. What works for one does not work for all. We live and

learn. Personally I do not believe I would be where I am on my health today

without losing the mucoid plaque. I was so sick with my chronic illness and run

down. I would not of had the strength to eat raw and wait for the self process

of cleansing. I noticed a big difference from food after losing the plaque.







Tuesday, October 14, 2003 2:18 PM

[Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque



<<<<Do whatever you wish, but at least you know of other possible outcomes and

dangers. I'm in the process of getting an excellent article about

the dangers of colonic irrigation from fasting expert Loren Lockman.>>>>


Roger, Here's an article from Dr. Bernarr, that might be of interest.





By Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.


Colonics, enemas, laxatives, cleanses, purgatives, cathartics, drastics,

mineral oil, rectal dilators, anal suppositories and other similar treatments to

force bowel movements, are all dangerous and harmful to one's body. Never take

them. They impair the entire metabolic processes of one's body. All forcing

measures are enervating. Many cases of ulceration, hemorrhoids, colitis,

flatulence, peritonitis and other digestive disorders, have had their origin

from these forced bowel movement procedures. These forced bowel movement

procedures are greatly enervating. They cause such a great loss of vital energy.

One's body becomes so weakened as a result of such, that they prevent one's body

from properly detoxifying. They drain one's bodily needed resources. They rob

one's colon of its protective coating of mucous, and make one's colon weak and

lazy. They are not natural and no animals in the wild take them to move their

bowels. Some birds wash their rectums by injecting water into their long beaks

but not to give themselves an enema nor colonic irrigation.



Mind one's own business and let the bowels mind theirs. Their is no law of

nature that says one must have a daily bowel movement.


The last half of one's colon is the storage colon. The feces are in a

semi-solid form and are not absorbable. There is no absorption of poisons from

one's colon while fasting, while on a so-called elimination diet or while one is

eating the Standard American Diet.


Contrary to common belief, there is no hardened, caked-on crust of toxic waste

materials lining one's colon which " can only be removed by colonics " . Bowel

movement is not elimination. When one's bowels move, there is only voiding of

what was previously eliminated and what had never been in one's body at all, but

only in one's digestive tube.



If one's instinctive, inherent intelligence, one's God within, does not want

to move one's bowels, one should not think that one is smarter than one's

beautiful, intelligent body. One's colon, when permitted to do so, performs its

function, as automatically and spontaneously, as one's heart, liver, stomach,

kidneys and breathing.


One's bowels do not move because one's gastrointestinal tract is under more

inflammatory stress than one can presently tolerate. Enervation from lack of

rest and sleep, overeating, wrong eating, incompatible food combinations,

overwork, nervous tension, nervousness, lack of proper exercise, lack of fresh

air and sunshine,

overworking the kidneys and impairing digestion by drinking too much water,

atony (lack of muscular tone), spasticity and a self-destructive lifestyle, are

the principal causes of one's bowel's inactivity. There are occasions when one's

body finds it necessary to muster all of its energies for some special purpose,

as in serious sickness accompanied by lack of desire for food, and one's colon

may remain inactive for some time.Don't force the digestive tact to move when it

is under such inflammatory stress. If you break your arm or leg or you are

having heart pains, those bodily parts are under inflammatory stress. If you

force them to move because you think you are more intelligent than the inherent

intelligence of the God within, you will end up crippling yourself or maybe

dead! Your inflammatory stressed digestive tract is no different from your

broken arm or leg or your heart, that is in pain. They all need physiological

rest until they heal. Leave them alone. Give one's digestive tract, a

physiological rest, a water fast, until one's digestive tract is asymptomatic

and/or one is genuinely hungry



If one's colon is under inflammatory stress, i.e., one is constipated, one

should, while water fasting, close one's eyes, feel, concentrate on and

feelingly meditate on, whatever symptoms one has in one's colon. One's colon is

always talking to one. Listen and do what one's God within, one's inherent

intelligence is telling one to do.

Then one can spontaneously have all the bowel movements that one needs.


Nothing cleanses one's colon but one's colon itself. One's bowel is a

self-cleansing organ. One's God within one's colon has successfully cleansed

itself spontaneously for billions of years that living beings have been on

earth. It is already built into the genes, the chromosomes and the DNA.. One

never needs a therapeutic agent to cleanse one's colon. The enema, colonic,

cleanses, etc., have no power themselves. They are inert substances. Only one's

live colon has the power to react.


One's colon has but one function in relation to food waste. One's colon

retains the waste until such time as one's inherent intelligence is ready to

dispose of it.





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I will be at Lauren Lockman Tangelwood Retreat getting a supervised fast

in the next few weeks. I spoke with him on the phone last Tuesday. There

is a lot he does not believe in such as juice fasting ect... I will try

his methods, yet I have successfully juice fasted 45 days while running

five miles a day. He will REQUIRE I rest the whole time.


By exercising during the fast you are lessening the effect of the fast.

Your body has a limited amount of energy to detox. If you are doing

heavy exercise then that energy can't be used to break down and remove

toxins in your body.



My point is he has different theories and a lot of other people do too.

What works for one does not work for all.


This is a common saying. It's politically correct. I've often found that

things didn't work for me. But I didn't do them right or for a long

enough time. For instance; I believed that I could not survive on eating

mostly fruit. I thought I'd be hungry all the time. I even had plenty of

experiences to be successful in doing that.


But the last time I tried to do it I had the help of experts on the

topic. They guided me through my problems. Now I do great with fruit and

don't feel hungry all day long. In fact I eat much less in terms of

calories than I ever did. But for many years I was convinced I couldn't

do it.


Yes we all have differences but why would we be the only species on the

planet for instance that has to eat by its blood type? I just think

there are a million wacky health theories out there. We all have to sort

through them until we find the highest truth and not necessarily, " what

works for us. "


Loren gave an interesting analogy. Imagine you've been banging your head

with a big club for 10 years. It's really hurting you. So you go out and

find a smaller club. You start banging your head with that. Guess what?

You start feeling much better.


This explains how some people have healed themselves on say a

macrobiotic diet or a vegetarian diet or even an unhealthy raw food

diet. They've lessened the intensity of the head hitting. By fasting, we

completely remove the club. If after fasting we go back to eating the

foods we are biologically adapted to then we won't be banging our head

any longer.


I think this better explains the " this has worked for me theory and that

we are all different. "


Our main problem is that we are very sick. Because of our sickness level

we have to approach our healing in slightly different manners. But if we

were all healthy for our lives I suspect we'd be eating mostly fruits

and vegetables in their raw state and everyone would be doing fine.


Not having done this our whole lives has affected us. It has even

possibly changed the enzymes in us that are needed to digest and absorb

plant foods and fats. But I believe this is our ideal diet, even if

cooked food man at times has a hard time eating it.



We live and learn. Personally I do not believe I would be where I am on

my health today without losing the mucoid plaque. I was so sick with my

chronic illness and run down. I would not of had the strength to eat raw

and wait for the self process of cleansing. I noticed a big difference

from food after losing the plaque.


What people don't seem to understand is that symptoms of disease are

actually the bodies attempt to heal itself. I don't think you removed

mucoid plaque, but I do believe the colonic stopped your body from doing

a deep detox. Loren will explain to you in detail about this theory of

mucoid plaque. Even if you had a black discharge does not prove you had



The symptoms are the cure. Everyone is thinking backwards on this. Many

times positive and negative symptoms are very similar. You'll certainly

learn this stuff while you stay at Tanglewood. I just saw Loren Lockman

speak last night.


He is a brilliant speaker. I'll be posting notes on his talk. He had so

much energy. He was fresh after over 3 hours of talking and standing.

I'm sure Tanglewood will be an amazing and life changing experience.


As for juice fasting he doesn't like it because you're body never gets

into a true fasting mode as long as you consume liquefied food. So he

feels it is much less effective than a water fast.


Good luck and please share with us your experience at Tanglewood, Roger

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on 10/14/03 7:50 PM, Roger Haeske at roger wrote:



I will be at Lauren Lockman Tangelwood Retreat getting a supervised fast



Where is this retreat located? Is there a website?



Jane Edenfield


Odessa,Florida 33556







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Roger, I am not going to take time to respond to your post in the detail the way

you did mine. However I do have this to say. You said my symptoms were my

healing and that is bullshit. My symptoms went for 10 years and were getting

worse and gave birth to two very sick daughters! You say that my colonic stopped

my healing and that too is bullshit! For the first time in ten years I was

starting to feel better AFTER lossing the plaque. I DO believe in water fasting

and different methods but we don't all have the same disease and we don't all

have the same cure though we think we have because you " saw the light " one way

or the other. Sounds good Roger, but are you fighting for your very life every

single day? I am, were you sitting on the couch a few months ago not knowing

your kids names? I did. Did you heal one of mental retardation (documented)? I

did. Did you heal another of life long back and neck pain (documented) with ONE

COLONIC? I did. Proof is in the pudding. Did you ever do a good colon cleanse?

Not that you should, you may not need too. But I did. I have a lot more to say

but no time for it. Gotta go.






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Roger, I would say that you were successful in one sense: you hit a nerve.

Opinions can be a scant distance away from invalidation especially regarding

subjective experience.






<rawfood >

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:23 AM

Re: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque



Roger, I am not going to take time to respond to your post in the detail the

way you did mine. However I do have this to say. You said my symptoms were

my healing and that is bullshit. My symptoms went for 10 years and were

getting worse and gave birth to two very sick daughters! You say that my

colonic stopped my healing and that too is bullshit! For the first time in

ten years I was starting to feel better AFTER lossing the plaque. I DO

believe in water fasting and different methods but we don't all have the

same disease and we don't all have the same cure though we think we have

because you " saw the light " one way or the other. Sounds good Roger, but

are you fighting for your very life every single day? I am, were you sitting

on the couch a few months ago not knowing your kids names? I did. Did you

heal one of mental retardation (documented)? I did. Did you heal another of

life long back and neck pain (documented) with ONE COLONIC? I did. Proof is

in the pudding. Did you ever do a

good colon cleanse? Not that you should, you may not need too. But I did. I

have a lot more to say but no time for it. Gotta go.






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Hi Bernadette,


I respect your experiences. I am very glad you are doing better than



I do suggest you watch the language of your posts. We can have all the

disagreements we want, but we want to keep these posts to a family level

so anyone can feel safe to read them.


It is tough to decide what method to heal oneself. And I know that

fasting isn't the answer for every single illness. There are other

reasons people can get sick. For one thing I don't think fasting would

help if you had a nutritional deficiency unless it somehow helped

absorption or your bodies pH level.


What if you had a structural problem in your back. If the spine is out

of alignment then raw foods and fasting may not help.


I also agree that if your symptoms were getting worse over a long period

of time then something was going wrong and needed to be changed.


But we can't get better until we get the toxins out. The only way for

the toxins to escape the fat cells or wherever they are stored is to be

put back into the blood stream where we'll feel worse initially. Once

the toxins have been eliminated then we'll feel fine.


I think that many people fail on the raw diet because they don't

understand that the symptoms of returning to health and disease are the

body's attempts at healing and containing a problem. They feel the raw

diet failed because they look sickly, have headaches and feel weak. But

they have to reverse years of damage.


It can take 8 to 10 years or more of a healthy 100% raw food diet for

some people to revert back to a level of true health.


I just have a different perspective on health. Yes I've had severe

problems as well. My raw diet healed me from 6.5 years of depression. As

long as I had the depression life was an everyday struggle to survive.


And yes I have actually tried several colon cleanses. Had I known what I

know now, I wouldn't have done them. I was also considering doing

colonics but luckily I found out about the dangers of colonics from Dr.

Graham several years ago. I've heard of several horror stories of people

having done colonics who now have to rely on colonics otherwise they are

incapable of relieving themselves.


I now also understand that the body is perfectly capable of removing the

toxins on it's own without the help of colonics in all cases. There are

rare instances where a colonic may be useful. However the colonic may

end up hindering the true healing process on many levels as explained by

Dr. Bernarr.


I haven't seen any animals sticking their rears up a waterfall to get

clean inside. The body is self-healing if we give it enough energy and

the right raw materials to do it. In some cases people may need to

repopulate their colon with probiotics. There are many ways health can

be restored. And we have done so much damage to our bodies on a daily

basis that this can be a complex issue.


That is why I recommend that people do supervised fasting or go to a

qualified holistic doctor if they aren't getting the results they want.

Raw food isn't a cure all but it helps the body to cure itself by

freeing up the energy to do so.




Are you plagued by these problems with your raw food diet?


1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients like protein,

calcium, and B12.

2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the results you expected.

3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar content and hybridization.


I'll resolve these problems, myths and misconceptions for you with a

free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email me

or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com



abrs [abrs]

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:24 AM


Re: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque


Roger, I am not going to take time to respond to your post in the detail

the way you did mine. However I do have this to say. You said my

symptoms were my healing and that is bullshit. My symptoms went for 10

years and were getting worse and gave birth to two very sick daughters!

You say that my colonic stopped my healing and that too is bullshit! For

the first time in ten years I was starting to feel better AFTER lossing

the plaque. I DO believe in water fasting and different methods but we

don't all have the same disease and we don't all have the same cure

though we think we have because you " saw the light " one way or the

other. Sounds good Roger, but are you fighting for your very life every

single day? I am, were you sitting on the couch a few months ago not

knowing your kids names? I did. Did you heal one of mental retardation

(documented)? I did. Did you heal another of life long back and neck

pain (documented) with ONE COLONIC? I did. Proof is in the pudding. Did

you ever do a good colon cleanse? Not that you should, you may not need

too. But I did. I have a lot more to say but no time for it. Gotta go.






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You say and I quote, " There are rare instances where a colonic may be

useful. "


I agree. I also think that they are likely to be useful in removing a

huge poison and that, as a rule or routine event, there are many reasons

to steer clear.


It is the doctrinaire opinion of the extreme view being right in all

circumstances which is the hardest to defend. And even when a colonic

wash is right there is still going to be some down side.


I guess that a lot of people come to raw food because they have messed

upon their diet over many years and have accumulated untold garbage in

their systems. After its removal and a switch to raw food, there should

be no further need or benefit in flushing water along with everything

else far up the intestine.


Just an opinion







Roger Haeske [roger]

15 October 2003 18:32


RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque




Hi Bernadette,


I respect your experiences. I am very glad you are doing better than



I do suggest you watch the language of your posts. We can have all the

disagreements we want, but we want to keep these posts to a family level

so anyone can feel safe to read them.


It is tough to decide what method to heal oneself. And I know that

fasting isn't the answer for every single illness. There are other

reasons people can get sick. For one thing I don't think fasting would

help if you had a nutritional deficiency unless it somehow helped

absorption or your bodies pH level.


What if you had a structural problem in your back. If the spine is out

of alignment then raw foods and fasting may not help.


I also agree that if your symptoms were getting worse over a long period

of time then something was going wrong and needed to be changed.


But we can't get better until we get the toxins out. The only way for

the toxins to escape the fat cells or wherever they are stored is to be

put back into the blood stream where we'll feel worse initially. Once

the toxins have been eliminated then we'll feel fine.


I think that many people fail on the raw diet because they don't

understand that the symptoms of returning to health and disease are the

body's attempts at healing and containing a problem. They feel the raw

diet failed because they look sickly, have headaches and feel weak. But

they have to reverse years of damage.


It can take 8 to 10 years or more of a healthy 100% raw food diet for

some people to revert back to a level of true health.


I just have a different perspective on health. Yes I've had severe

problems as well. My raw diet healed me from 6.5 years of depression. As

long as I had the depression life was an everyday struggle to survive.


And yes I have actually tried several colon cleanses. Had I known what I

know now, I wouldn't have done them. I was also considering doing

colonics but luckily I found out about the dangers of colonics from Dr.

Graham several years ago. I've heard of several horror stories of people

having done colonics who now have to rely on colonics otherwise they are

incapable of relieving themselves.


I now also understand that the body is perfectly capable of removing the

toxins on it's own without the help of colonics in all cases. There are

rare instances where a colonic may be useful. However the colonic may

end up hindering the true healing process on many levels as explained by

Dr. Bernarr.


I haven't seen any animals sticking their rears up a waterfall to get

clean inside. The body is self-healing if we give it enough energy and

the right raw materials to do it. In some cases people may need to

repopulate their colon with probiotics. There are many ways health can

be restored. And we have done so much damage to our bodies on a daily

basis that this can be a complex issue.


That is why I recommend that people do supervised fasting or go to a

qualified holistic doctor if they aren't getting the results they want.

Raw food isn't a cure all but it helps the body to cure itself by

freeing up the energy to do so.




Are you plagued by these problems with your raw food diet?


1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients like protein,

calcium, and B12. 2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the

results you expected. 3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar

content and hybridization.


I'll resolve these problems, myths and misconceptions for you with a

free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email me

or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com



abrs [abrs]

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:24 AM


Re: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque


Roger, I am not going to take time to respond to your post in the detail

the way you did mine. However I do have this to say. You said my

symptoms were my healing and that is bullshit. My symptoms went for 10

years and were getting worse and gave birth to two very sick daughters!

You say that my colonic stopped my healing and that too is bullshit! For

the first time in ten years I was starting to feel better AFTER lossing

the plaque. I DO believe in water fasting and different methods but we

don't all have the same disease and we don't all have the same cure

though we think we have because you " saw the light " one way or the

other. Sounds good Roger, but are you fighting for your very life every

single day? I am, were you sitting on the couch a few months ago not

knowing your kids names? I did. Did you heal one of mental retardation

(documented)? I did. Did you heal another of life long back and neck

pain (documented) with ONE COLONIC? I did. Proof is in the pudding. Did

you ever do a good colon cleanse? Not that you should, you may not need

too. But I did. I have a lot more to say but no time for it. Gotta go.






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rawfood , " Roger Haeske " <roger@s...> wrote:


> What if you had a structural problem in your back. If the spine is


> of alignment then raw foods and fasting may not help.


Funny you should mention structural problems. I was diagnosed with

scoliosis and arthritis in my spine a few months before going raw. I

had suffered from chronic lower back pain for a long time. I don't

have back pain anymore. I'm not sure exactly what was causing it -

the scoliosis, the arthritis, bad posture or the extra weight i was

carrying around - but I do know that since I've been raw I haven't

been in pain. I can also feel joint movement in my spine where the

curve is (and lots of it) and I didn't before. I'm tempted to have

xrays done again to see what's up with it now.


It would be very difficult to make the connection between structural

problems and the raw diet alievating pain (with the exception of

arthritis), but it's an interesting thing to think about. Perhaps

someone knows more about it?



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Roger, I stated that Raw foods Do help me so very much and heal me when I am

perfectly perfect with them. In other words I must eat only a little SOAKED nuts

or I get sick. Raw foods is the answer for me. However in 1996 way back when,

and long before I even heard of the principles behind raw foods I did a colon

cleanse and that is what convinced me that natural health was worth

investigating and may contain more answers then the MD's. That's all folks.

That's all my experiance with colon cleansing and it was not a " professional

administered " colonic. I did it at home. I talked with Loren Lockman last

Tuesday on the phone and was suppose to be at Tangelwood this week. My husband

had to travel and I will not be able to go for a few more weeks. I plan to do

the water fasting for at least 21 days. I am hoping to reach a new level in my

healing. Oh man today was such a bad day. My nerves were so off. I never cursed,

never ever ever. This was a first. My poor kids.






Roger Haeske


Wednesday, October 15, 2003 12:31 PM

RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque



Hi Bernadette,


I respect your experiences. I am very glad you are doing better than



I do suggest you watch the language of your posts. We can have all the

disagreements we want, but we want to keep these posts to a family level

so anyone can feel safe to read them.


It is tough to decide what method to heal oneself. And I know that

fasting isn't the answer for every single illness. There are other

reasons people can get sick. For one thing I don't think fasting would

help if you had a nutritional deficiency unless it somehow helped

absorption or your bodies pH level.


What if you had a structural problem in your back. If the spine is out

of alignment then raw foods and fasting may not help.


I also agree that if your symptoms were getting worse over a long period

of time then something was going wrong and needed to be changed.


But we can't get better until we get the toxins out. The only way for

the toxins to escape the fat cells or wherever they are stored is to be

put back into the blood stream where we'll feel worse initially. Once

the toxins have been eliminated then we'll feel fine.


I think that many people fail on the raw diet because they don't

understand that the symptoms of returning to health and disease are the

body's attempts at healing and containing a problem. They feel the raw

diet failed because they look sickly, have headaches and feel weak. But

they have to reverse years of damage.


It can take 8 to 10 years or more of a healthy 100% raw food diet for

some people to revert back to a level of true health.


I just have a different perspective on health. Yes I've had severe

problems as well. My raw diet healed me from 6.5 years of depression. As

long as I had the depression life was an everyday struggle to survive.


And yes I have actually tried several colon cleanses. Had I known what I

know now, I wouldn't have done them. I was also considering doing

colonics but luckily I found out about the dangers of colonics from Dr.

Graham several years ago. I've heard of several horror stories of people

having done colonics who now have to rely on colonics otherwise they are

incapable of relieving themselves.


I now also understand that the body is perfectly capable of removing the

toxins on it's own without the help of colonics in all cases. There are

rare instances where a colonic may be useful. However the colonic may

end up hindering the true healing process on many levels as explained by

Dr. Bernarr.


I haven't seen any animals sticking their rears up a waterfall to get

clean inside. The body is self-healing if we give it enough energy and

the right raw materials to do it. In some cases people may need to

repopulate their colon with probiotics. There are many ways health can

be restored. And we have done so much damage to our bodies on a daily

basis that this can be a complex issue.


That is why I recommend that people do supervised fasting or go to a

qualified holistic doctor if they aren't getting the results they want.

Raw food isn't a cure all but it helps the body to cure itself by

freeing up the energy to do so.




Are you plagued by these problems with your raw food diet?


1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients like protein,

calcium, and B12.

2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the results you expected.

3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar content and hybridization.


I'll resolve these problems, myths and misconceptions for you with a

free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email me

or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com


abrs [abrs]

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:24 AM


Re: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque


Roger, I am not going to take time to respond to your post in the detail

the way you did mine. However I do have this to say. You said my

symptoms were my healing and that is bullshit. My symptoms went for 10

years and were getting worse and gave birth to two very sick daughters!

You say that my colonic stopped my healing and that too is bullshit! For

the first time in ten years I was starting to feel better AFTER lossing

the plaque. I DO believe in water fasting and different methods but we

don't all have the same disease and we don't all have the same cure

though we think we have because you " saw the light " one way or the

other. Sounds good Roger, but are you fighting for your very life every

single day? I am, were you sitting on the couch a few months ago not

knowing your kids names? I did. Did you heal one of mental retardation

(documented)? I did. Did you heal another of life long back and neck

pain (documented) with ONE COLONIC? I did. Proof is in the pudding. Did

you ever do a good colon cleanse? Not that you should, you may not need

too. But I did. I have a lot more to say but no time for it. Gotta go.





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Peter, That is a very good evaluation of the need for a colonic. Especailly when

one has eaten white flour most of there life or had substance abuse when young.

I know I wanted several colonics after getting out of the hospital. It was a

good way to clean the dyes, drug and awful food out fast.




Peter Gardiner


Wednesday, October 15, 2003 12:49 PM

RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque





You say and I quote, " There are rare instances where a colonic may be

useful. "


I agree. I also think that they are likely to be useful in removing a

huge poison and that, as a rule or routine event, there are many reasons

to steer clear.


It is the doctrinaire opinion of the extreme view being right in all

circumstances which is the hardest to defend. And even when a colonic

wash is right there is still going to be some down side.


I guess that a lot of people come to raw food because they have messed

upon their diet over many years and have accumulated untold garbage in

their systems. After its removal and a switch to raw food, there should

be no further need or benefit in flushing water along with everything

else far up the intestine.


Just an opinion






Roger Haeske [roger]

15 October 2003 18:32


RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque




Hi Bernadette,


I respect your experiences. I am very glad you are doing better than



I do suggest you watch the language of your posts. We can have all the

disagreements we want, but we want to keep these posts to a family level

so anyone can feel safe to read them.


It is tough to decide what method to heal oneself. And I know that

fasting isn't the answer for every single illness. There are other

reasons people can get sick. For one thing I don't think fasting would

help if you had a nutritional deficiency unless it somehow helped

absorption or your bodies pH level.


What if you had a structural problem in your back. If the spine is out

of alignment then raw foods and fasting may not help.


I also agree that if your symptoms were getting worse over a long period

of time then something was going wrong and needed to be changed.


But we can't get better until we get the toxins out. The only way for

the toxins to escape the fat cells or wherever they are stored is to be

put back into the blood stream where we'll feel worse initially. Once

the toxins have been eliminated then we'll feel fine.


I think that many people fail on the raw diet because they don't

understand that the symptoms of returning to health and disease are the

body's attempts at healing and containing a problem. They feel the raw

diet failed because they look sickly, have headaches and feel weak. But

they have to reverse years of damage.


It can take 8 to 10 years or more of a healthy 100% raw food diet for

some people to revert back to a level of true health.


I just have a different perspective on health. Yes I've had severe

problems as well. My raw diet healed me from 6.5 years of depression. As

long as I had the depression life was an everyday struggle to survive.


And yes I have actually tried several colon cleanses. Had I known what I

know now, I wouldn't have done them. I was also considering doing

colonics but luckily I found out about the dangers of colonics from Dr.

Graham several years ago. I've heard of several horror stories of people

having done colonics who now have to rely on colonics otherwise they are

incapable of relieving themselves.


I now also understand that the body is perfectly capable of removing the

toxins on it's own without the help of colonics in all cases. There are

rare instances where a colonic may be useful. However the colonic may

end up hindering the true healing process on many levels as explained by

Dr. Bernarr.


I haven't seen any animals sticking their rears up a waterfall to get

clean inside. The body is self-healing if we give it enough energy and

the right raw materials to do it. In some cases people may need to

repopulate their colon with probiotics. There are many ways health can

be restored. And we have done so much damage to our bodies on a daily

basis that this can be a complex issue.


That is why I recommend that people do supervised fasting or go to a

qualified holistic doctor if they aren't getting the results they want.

Raw food isn't a cure all but it helps the body to cure itself by

freeing up the energy to do so.




Are you plagued by these problems with your raw food diet?


1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients like protein,

calcium, and B12. 2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the

results you expected. 3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar

content and hybridization.


I'll resolve these problems, myths and misconceptions for you with a

free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email me

or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com


abrs [abrs]

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:24 AM


Re: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque


Roger, I am not going to take time to respond to your post in the detail

the way you did mine. However I do have this to say. You said my

symptoms were my healing and that is bullshit. My symptoms went for 10

years and were getting worse and gave birth to two very sick daughters!

You say that my colonic stopped my healing and that too is bullshit! For

the first time in ten years I was starting to feel better AFTER lossing

the plaque. I DO believe in water fasting and different methods but we

don't all have the same disease and we don't all have the same cure

though we think we have because you " saw the light " one way or the

other. Sounds good Roger, but are you fighting for your very life every

single day? I am, were you sitting on the couch a few months ago not

knowing your kids names? I did. Did you heal one of mental retardation

(documented)? I did. Did you heal another of life long back and neck

pain (documented) with ONE COLONIC? I did. Proof is in the pudding. Did

you ever do a good colon cleanse? Not that you should, you may not need

too. But I did. I have a lot more to say but no time for it. Gotta go.





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I went 100% at the end of a 28 day water fast. Each week in that fast I

had a colonic wash. I felt much better after each wash.


However at the end I am convinced that nearly all the intestinal

bacteria was washed out. I took some potion supplied by the hydro

therapist to replace it but the food I ate was not properly digested. A

week or so later, normality returned. Now I sometimes take a probiotic.


With hindsight, I am inclined to think I did the right thing. I never

had any problems of transition or desire to lapse into eating cooked

food. Now, I do not see the value in my taking another long water fast

or any more colonic washes. If I got ill or had a stomach ache it would

be different but that has not happened in the 3 years that I have been

100% raw.







abrs [abrs]

16 October 2003 03:14


Re: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque




Peter, That is a very good evaluation of the need for a colonic.

Especailly when one has eaten white flour most of there life or had

substance abuse when young. I know I wanted several colonics after

getting out of the hospital. It was a good way to clean the dyes, drug

and awful food out fast.




Peter Gardiner


Wednesday, October 15, 2003 12:49 PM

RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque





You say and I quote, " There are rare instances where a colonic may be

useful. "


I agree. I also think that they are likely to be useful in removing a

huge poison and that, as a rule or routine event, there are many


to steer clear.


It is the doctrinaire opinion of the extreme view being right in all

circumstances which is the hardest to defend. And even when a colonic

wash is right there is still going to be some down side.


I guess that a lot of people come to raw food because they have messed

upon their diet over many years and have accumulated untold garbage in

their systems. After its removal and a switch to raw food, there


be no further need or benefit in flushing water along with everything

else far up the intestine.


Just an opinion






Roger Haeske [roger]

15 October 2003 18:32


RE: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque




Hi Bernadette,


I respect your experiences. I am very glad you are doing better than



I do suggest you watch the language of your posts. We can have all the

disagreements we want, but we want to keep these posts to a family


so anyone can feel safe to read them.


It is tough to decide what method to heal oneself. And I know that

fasting isn't the answer for every single illness. There are other

reasons people can get sick. For one thing I don't think fasting would

help if you had a nutritional deficiency unless it somehow helped

absorption or your bodies pH level.


What if you had a structural problem in your back. If the spine is out

of alignment then raw foods and fasting may not help.


I also agree that if your symptoms were getting worse over a long


of time then something was going wrong and needed to be changed.


But we can't get better until we get the toxins out. The only way for

the toxins to escape the fat cells or wherever they are stored is to


put back into the blood stream where we'll feel worse initially. Once

the toxins have been eliminated then we'll feel fine.


I think that many people fail on the raw diet because they don't

understand that the symptoms of returning to health and disease are


body's attempts at healing and containing a problem. They feel the raw

diet failed because they look sickly, have headaches and feel weak.


they have to reverse years of damage.


It can take 8 to 10 years or more of a healthy 100% raw food diet for

some people to revert back to a level of true health.


I just have a different perspective on health. Yes I've had severe

problems as well. My raw diet healed me from 6.5 years of depression.


long as I had the depression life was an everyday struggle to survive.


And yes I have actually tried several colon cleanses. Had I known what


know now, I wouldn't have done them. I was also considering doing

colonics but luckily I found out about the dangers of colonics from


Graham several years ago. I've heard of several horror stories of


having done colonics who now have to rely on colonics otherwise they


incapable of relieving themselves.


I now also understand that the body is perfectly capable of removing


toxins on it's own without the help of colonics in all cases. There


rare instances where a colonic may be useful. However the colonic may

end up hindering the true healing process on many levels as explained


Dr. Bernarr.


I haven't seen any animals sticking their rears up a waterfall to get

clean inside. The body is self-healing if we give it enough energy and

the right raw materials to do it. In some cases people may need to

repopulate their colon with probiotics. There are many ways health can

be restored. And we have done so much damage to our bodies on a daily

basis that this can be a complex issue.


That is why I recommend that people do supervised fasting or go to a

qualified holistic doctor if they aren't getting the results they


Raw food isn't a cure all but it helps the body to cure itself by

freeing up the energy to do so.




Are you plagued by these problems with your raw food diet?


1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients like protein,

calcium, and B12. 2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the

results you expected. 3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar

content and hybridization.


I'll resolve these problems, myths and misconceptions for you with a

free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email


or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com


abrs [abrs]

Wednesday, October 15, 2003 7:24 AM


Re: [Raw Food] (Roger) mucoidal plaque


Roger, I am not going to take time to respond to your post in the


the way you did mine. However I do have this to say. You said my

symptoms were my healing and that is bullshit. My symptoms went for 10

years and were getting worse and gave birth to two very sick


You say that my colonic stopped my healing and that too is bullshit!


the first time in ten years I was starting to feel better AFTER


the plaque. I DO believe in water fasting and different methods but we

don't all have the same disease and we don't all have the same cure

though we think we have because you " saw the light " one way or the

other. Sounds good Roger, but are you fighting for your very life


single day? I am, were you sitting on the couch a few months ago not

knowing your kids names? I did. Did you heal one of mental retardation

(documented)? I did. Did you heal another of life long back and neck

pain (documented) with ONE COLONIC? I did. Proof is in the pudding.


you ever do a good colon cleanse? Not that you should, you may not


too. But I did. I have a lot more to say but no time for it. Gotta go.





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