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NJ Raw Foods: Urgent Last Minute Annoucement: Fasting Expert Loren Lockman to Speak in NJ

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Discover and then Unleash, the Self-Healing Power of Your

Body, to Cure Almost Any Disease!


I wish you could have been there for the talk that Loren

Lockman made. It was brilliant and I'll tell you why in a

moment. I'll also share with you my notes on his talk a

little further down the page.


But first I have great news, he made a last minute

commitment to speak to you in New Jersey. I know this is

last minute, but I implore you to make your best effort to

come. His message could literally save your life. He's

speaking this Thursday the October 16, from 7 to 9pm. Keep

in mind that the location he'll be speaking in is only 15 to

20 minutes from Manhattan, for any of you who missed his

presentation on Monday night.


Discover and then Unleash, the Self-Healing Power of Your

Body, to Cure Almost Any Disease!


Presentation by: Loren Lockman - Founder and Director of

Tanglewood Wellness Center

Thursday, October 16

Time: 7 to 9pm

Investment: $5

Contact Person: Lalita Surrey 201-991-1905

Roger Haeske 732-432-4839



Surrey International Natural Foods

33 Ridge Road

North Arlington, NJ

2nd Floor



About Loren:


Loren Lockman is the director of the Tanglewood Wellness

Center outside of

Washington, DC where he supervises water-only fasts (10

years of experience) and

consults on healthy choices. Lockman has worked with people

in 19 countries on a

natural way to create perfect health and overcome

conditions like diabetes, MS,

cancer, arthritis, and more.


Ok now I can tell you more about the amazing presentation

Loren Lockman made. Loren has so much energy. He spoke for

over 3 hours and was full of energy after 11pm. He looked in

great shape and he has a powerful handshake.


He is an excellent teacher. He gave so many great analogies

that clarified certain issues for me. He also had this sense

of certainty in what he was speaking about. There was no

doubt or confusion in what he was saying.


Loren is polished speaker. He was making us laugh all the

time. He really cleared up some myths and issues revolving

around fasting and colonics.


Please invite at least one friend to come with you. Loren

is in my opinion one of the best speakers in the world on

raw foods and fasting. At only $5, you are getting a serious

return on your investment in terms of life enhancing

information. So please bring a friend and enjoy.


Here is some interesting information about him and after

that, I'll include some of the notes I took from his talk.


Loren's Story:


After suffering for 3 years from chronic fatigue,

candidiasis, irritable bowel

syndrome, a chronic sinus infection, and nearly 60

allergies, Loren Lockman took his

health into his own hands and eliminated all of these

conditions. He hasn't

been sick a day in over 14 years.



Washington, DC Wellness Center Director to Speak in New York


Loren Lockman hasn't been sick in 14 years, not a cold, not

the flu, not a

headache, and no disease, and it wasn't just luck.


" In 1985 I could barely function. I had to take naps during

lunch hour each day

and sleep when I got home from work. I was always running

to the bathroom and

was plagued with allergies. I knew this wasn't the way it

was supposed to be, "

Lockman explains. After 3 years going from doctor to doctor

with no success, he

sought to find his own answers.


At that point, he went back to traditional nutrition

theory, and beyond, seeking

to discover what the human body was designed for. After

making some simple diet

and lifestyle changes, Lockman was completely well 6 months



Lockman has since guided people through a healing process

that has resulted in

overcoming diabetes, MS, glaucoma, gout, obesity, chronic

fatigue syndrome,

allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other

diseases and conditions.


" In one case, a woman was referred to me with extensive

vision problems, " says

Lockman. " She was legally blind, and though she could make

out the outline of a

face, there were " holes " in her vision. " When she began to

follow Lockman's

recommendations, her eyes immediately became inflamed,

blood red, tearing

extensively, and quite painful.


" My eyes hurt for two weeks non-stop and I wasn't so sure

that it was a good

idea, " Lockman's client states. But after two weeks, the

pain stopped. " I was

shocked - I couldn't just see better, I didn't have any

holes in my vision

anymore. "


" The stories are endless, " says Lockman, who is determined

to help more people.

He is sharing his stories, research, and experience in New

York in October. He

is also available for personal consultations.


You can see extensive and detailed testimonials at this link:


http://www.tanglewoodwellnesscenter.com/ for more info


What I learned on Monday night:


First he spoke about himself and why he got involved with

fasting in the first place. I already gave you that

information above.


The human body has an estimated 20 to 30 trillion cells.

Each cell is doing 100, 000 functions per second. These are

staggering numbers. Our bodies are constantly making repairs

and doing all sorts of process that we aren't consciously

aware of.


Loren said the body had an infinite intelligence and was

infinitely complex.


Imagine if you owned a brand new, $250,000 Rolls Royce.

Would you go out to the garage and start tinkering with the

engine? Would you start unscrewing stuff and try to add

parts to make it work better? I don't think so, (unless you

were a Rolls Royce mechanic and knew exactly what you were



Then he said that the human body is infinitely more complex

than a Rolls Royce and worth a lot more than a Rolls. So why

do humans constantly tinker and experiment with their

amazing bodies? Do we have the intelligence to do it

correctly without damaging the body? Loren thinks not.


Why Should You Fast at all?


Now lets imagine that you've acquired an older Rolls Royce

that doesn't run. Would you go out to the gas station, get

the highest grade of super gasoline and expect the car to

run because you've added this super-fuel to the tank? Again,

I don't think so.


So why do many of us constantly take supplements and

superfoods hoping that this will fix our bodies? Loren said

in most cases this can't help. He said that food does not do

anything. It's the body that is the doctor, it heals itself.

There is no food that can do the healing. Healing is a body

originated process. Fruits don't cleanse and vegetables

don't build, the body does that.


By fasting we allow our body to direct all of its energy to

healing and removing toxins. Fasting is physiological rest.

To get the best results from water fasting the faster should

take plenty of bed rest. Again the more you rest the more

energy your body has available to heal.


The body has a limited supply of energy. If we eat foods

that aren't biologically suited for us and that are loaded

with excess toxins then the body will be forced to store

toxins in the fat cells and other places in the body. The

typical Standard American Diet (SAD) is so toxic and

enervating that the body can't possibly eliminate all of the

toxins. Therefore, people have accumulated years of toxins

that have been stored in the body.


This is why people experience so-called failure or problems

with their raw food diet. What they are really doing is

detoxifying. Loren said that would take the average person 8

years to do on a 100% raw food diet.


To save time he recommends two 21 day water fasts.

According to Loren, once you have completed those fasts you

will be pretty much done with your major detoxification

issues. He said that after 21 days the benefits of water

fasting start decreasing. It is more efficient to do shorter

fasts and get better results.


He also warned of the dangers of fasting yourself and

shared an example of a surgeon who was fasting with him. The

surgeon felt fine and wanted to continue but Loren forced

him to break the fast after the readings he was getting the

daily diagnostics he would take during a supervised fast.


He checks daily blood pressure and pulse, next he examines

your eyes and tongue and then he talks to you to see how you



This surgeon had an extremely rare condition. It had

something to do with not being able to create niacin or

something along those lines. Had the fast continued for too

much longer he could have died. That is why it is important

to get expert assistance if you were to go on a long fast.


I found it interesting that Loren said the body would never

detoxify too quickly. He trusts the body and thinks it knows

what it is doing. Many in the raw food community think the

body doesn't understand what it is doing and that it would

hurt itself by releasing too many toxins at once.


I find this viewpoint refreshing. We've got to stop

tinkering with our five billion dollar biological machine,

the human body.


The body creates mucus to encapsulate and eliminate toxins

from the body. Your body has infinite intelligence for its



Loren said so much more. I may try to put more of the notes

down later. But I am up very late and trying to get this out

as soon as I can so more of you have a chance to decide to

come and see him speak.



Are you plagued by these problems with your raw food diet?


1. You are addicted to your favorite cooked foods and going out to


2. Friends and family discourage you, think you are weird and tell you

that you'll get sick

3. You are afraid of becoming too thin.


I'll resolve these problems, myths and misconceptions for you with a

free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email me

or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com

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on 10/15/03 2:28 AM, Roger Haeske at roger wrote:


Discover and then Unleash, the Self-Healing Power of Your

Body, to Cure Almost Any Disease!


Presentation by: Loren Lockman - Founder and Director of

Tanglewood Wellness Center


Do you know if perhaps this is/or will be available in an audio cassette or




Jane Edenfield






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