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RAW VEGANS , read this for your own good.

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> I don't want to scare you but I had a life changing experience while

> water fasting. I was already raw vegan for 2 years and already had

> developed serious sproblems with adrenal weakness, fatigue, anxiety,

> inability to gain strenth, hair loss, etc. After 2 ten day water

> fasts I became so ill and that it took me over a year to feel better.

> I was shaking vilently and my heart was beating so hard it felt like

> it was going to explode. I was so dixxy for days I could hardly see.

> I stuck with this so called " healing crisis " but it just got so worse


let me explain something..


it is possible to become too alkaline.. and the symptoms above sound

like being way to alkaline mixed with b-12 deficiencies.


raw vegans need to keep in mind that if they eat garlic and onions,

you must take benificial intestinal flora bacteria supliments. because

those die off when you eat garlic. this is very true.. and, if you

wash your foods and don't eat dirt, you must take a b12 sup. the earth

is not the same as it was long ago, and humans still are to domestic.

animals eat their own crap to boot, humans don't, and this is why we

need to supliment our b12. the bacteria that makes b12 lives in your

guts, and garlic and other chemicals like chlorine kills it.


you need intestinal bacteria, many strains to help digest complex

fibers found in raw veggies.


pete is right and wrong, most long term raw foodist become to alkaline

and b12 deficient. i am not totally raw because i do take b12. but

that is it, other wise i am 100% raw vegan. i can body build taking

b12. i refused to eat dirt and crap for b12 like other animals do.


now, the acidity effect. if you become to alkaline, you will get sick

like he describes, its a fact, not fiction.. to fix it, eat a lot of

acid raw food for a while then once healthy again eat 75% alkaline

foods and 25% acidic foods to keep your balance in check.


lets see, off the top of my head, berries are acidic, most nuts beside

almonds are acidic, most seeds are acidic, tomotos are acidic. i know

there are a lot more, i just cannot think of them right now.


also, as a raw vegan you " MUST " body build, or you will become so

skiny you will look aweful.


flesh eaters and cooked food adddicts look just as gross underneath

all that un healthy fat they have all over. we raw vegans loose all

the bad fat and become ripped. only way to look healthy is to work out

hard an build good muscles and make working out part of your life forever.


once you become raw, you have so much energy, to sit on your butt is a

crime any how, you must burn that energy and work, and your body will

become super super healthy and rock hard.


in nature, we would have to physically work for our food, and it would

entail much stregnth and movement. you cannot sit on your butt behind

machines all day and expect to be healthy, animals who are raw in

nature, move and work their bodies. not to mention that working out

creates acid in your overly alkaline body, it helps deal with being to

alkaline as well. body ph is so important, and most vegetarians and

raw foodists do not fully understand it..


pete could become a raw vegan again if he supliments his b12, eats

more acidic foods, and takes flora supliments if he consumes anything

that kills the bacterian in your guts. its hard to filter out the

chlorine in tap water even with those expensive filters.


no animal but humans eat garlic and onions naturally. the smell and

potency of hot peppers and onions etc is their defense mechanism to

keep animals from eating them. some how we find them apatizing. only

because of food combining..


dont fear being a raw vegan, fear being b12 defiecient and becoming to

alkaline, you can fix both fairly easy.. vegetarian sublingual b12

sups are not so bad. it sure as hell beats irreversable neurological



here. read some of this..




please read the above. and come to your conclusion, but these are

studies. and i find them to be accurate..

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Thank you for this Bryan, I do take a vitamin sup too, just to be on the

safe side. Right now, being skinny isn't something that I have to think

about, but I am dropping pounds regularly. I have started doing yoga and

the books I'm learning from say that this will build muscles nicely on your

body. Do you think this is as good as doing some weight training?

Love Shell.

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rawfood , " andy.mich " <andy.mich@n...> wrote:

> Thank you for this Bryan, I do take a vitamin sup too, just to be on the

> safe side. Right now, being skinny isn't something that I have to think

> about, but I am dropping pounds regularly. I have started doing

yoga and

> the books I'm learning from say that this will build muscles nicely

on your

> body. Do you think this is as good as doing some weight training?

> Love Shell.


depends on how you want to look. i prefer muscle, and raw muscle is

not as bulky but it is very strong..


I am a firm beleiver in some forms of resistance training, in nature,

we would move buckets of water, move objects, carry food, etc etc.

this is natural. we would not sit around and strech and meditate ...

eheheheh. i am for getting closer to nature, but gyms are not so

natural either..


Females don't pack the muscle on and look male like many myths people

have about weight training claim. femme body builders do roids to look

like that.


yoga is great, i am not knocking it at all, i honestly encourage some

for of martial arts or yoga along side of weight training. but lift

heavy if you lift. high reps do nothing really unless it is very

intense. you loose muscle much faster than you gain it, so if you get

to bulky for your tastes, you can stop and it will go away.. this is

highly unlikely.


i think being raw makes you very skinny after some time passes unless

you lift heavy to put on muscle.


i just read a lot of raw vegans don't do enough of this or that, then

they get sick and act like raw veganism is to blame when it is them

doing it wrong which is at fault. being to alkaline, not being active

enough, not body building, lack of b12. those are the true enemies of

this lifestyle, not the lifestyle itself. raw veganism is the ultimate

diet for sports or body building or any kind of training. you get

way more energy, recover faster, heal faster. its awesome how much my

gym work has improved from being raw.


people also forget that other raw vegan animals, eat all day, munching

on veggies and nuts etc. we cannot eat the ammount of produce they do,

so juicing really can add so much to your health, instead of sitting

around for hrs and hrs chewing veggies, you can juice them instead of

eating all day to meet the nutritional needs. juicers are essential to

being raw. we as humans are meant to eat all day. we cant, so we have

to make up for it some how.

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Thank you Bryan, I do go to the gym and do some weights, but so far I've

been doing lots of reps with a low weight as I have quite a lot of weight to

shed. I don't think I'm very strong as I only seem to use the first one or

two slots on the machines. I do love to go though and feel very lively all

day afterwards. I'm thinking of getting a few loose light weights to use at

home too. I'm using my juicer a lot too, mostly because I'm not sure what

I'm doing, so think that if I juice some veg every day, then, hopefully,

I'll be getting enough and I'm not totally raw yet anyway.

Love Shell.

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rawfood , " andy.mich " <andy.mich@n...> wrote:

> Thank you Bryan, I do go to the gym and do some weights, but so far


> been doing lots of reps with a low weight as I have quite a lot of

weight to

> shed. I don't think I'm very strong as I only seem to use the first

one or

> two slots on the machines. I do love to go though and feel very

lively all

> day afterwards. I'm thinking of getting a few loose light weights

to use at

> home too. I'm using my juicer a lot too, mostly because I'm not

sure what

> I'm doing, so think that if I juice some veg every day, then,


> I'll be getting enough and I'm not totally raw yet anyway.

> Love Shell.


ok, this is where i can be very useful, i have been working out for a

while now, i started at 210 cooked vegan, that was about 3 years ago.I

am now at 170 raw vegan and slowly gaining muscle and wight. i am 5'11

and a half. It wasnt untill i started jucing and lifting heavy that i

saw any improvement. cardio is a complete waste and a complete drain

on your body unless it is high impact.


When lifting weights, you must strugle with it, it must be hard and

you must not be able to lift the wieghts fast. slow controlled

motions, i recomend against machines. i preach free weights because

they develope the muscles that help you balance things, make your

wrists and forearms stronger. I recomend getting a partner and going

full steam. make it a big part of your life. i goto the gym 6 days a

week. i lift 3 days, and do high impact cardio on the inbetween days

and give myself one day off.


I think this is a ideal work out plan for building and covering all

the bases.


day 1 : CHEST: do 3 chest exercises (2 sets of heavy, 4 to 6 reps)

each. TRICEPS: do 3 chest exercises (2 sets of heavy, 4 to 6 reps)

each. LEGS: do 2 leg exercises (2 sets of 8 reps).


day 2: abs: use ab machines, machine 1 (3 sets of 30), leg raises (3

sets of 30). High impact cardio: tread mill: 3 minute warm up at a

jog, then after it hits 3 jump up to the fastest speed you can for 30

seconds, then jog for 3 second. repeate this untill you hit 7 minutes

total including your warm up jog. this would mean 4 minutes of high

impact. you will breath so heavy. do not eat for an hour after you do



day 3: Shoulders: do 3 shoulder exercises (2 sets of heavy, 4 to 6

reps) each. Traps: do 2 trap exercises (2 sets of heavy, 4 to 6 reps)

each. Legs: do 2 leg exercises different from day 1 (2 sets of 8).


day 4: abs: use ab machines, machine 1 (3 sets of 30), leg raises (3

sets of 30). High impact cardio: tread mill: 3 minute warm up at a

jog, then after it hits 3 jump up to the fastest speed you can for 30

seconds, then jog for 3 second. repeate this untill you hit 7 minutes

total including your warm up jog. this would mean 4 minutes of high

impact. you will breath so heavy. do not eat for an hour after you do



day 5: Back: do 3 back exercises (2 sets of heavy, 4 to 6 reps) each.

Biceps: do 3 bicep exercises (2 sets of heavy, 4 to 6 reps) each.

Legs: do 2 leg exercises different from day 1 and day 3 (2 sets of 8).


Day 6: abs: use ab machines, machine 1 (3 sets of 30), leg raises (3

sets of 30). High impact cardio: tread mill: 3 minute warm up at a

jog, then after it hits 3 jump up to the fastest speed you can for 30

seconds, then jog for 3 second. repeate this untill you hit 8 minutes

total including your warm up jog. this would mean 4 minutes of high

impact. you will breath so heavy. do not eat for an hour after you do



Ok, on high impact training, after 2 days increase by 1 minute untill

you get up to 15 or 20 minutes total of switching every 30 seconds

from all out to jog. this beats the crap out of that long low impact

cardio that never seems to burn any fat, depletes your body of vital

nutrients that is needed for healing after lifting and trying to put

on muscle and gain stregnth.


Remember, that when lifting, you must struggle, veins poping out of

your face, sweat, heavey brathing, straining. you will hurt the first

few times and get real sore, but after you make it a habbit, your body

gets used to it, and it doesnt hurt anymore and you get ultra wired

because of all the endorphins your body releases. this is not an

advanced work out, athletes work much harder than this. this is in the

middle. and is realistic for anyone to accomplish. it only takes about

45 minutes to an hr a night to get through each day. slowly build up

to this tho.





the goal is to grow, and you cannot grow when you are starving

yourself. high impact cardio really speeds up your metabolism, and so

does heavy weight training, you burn fat while you sleep and all the

time because of the sped up metabolism. i say eat soaked almonds. 2

hand fuls a day at least during lifting days.


your body will conform to what it needs to do, high impact cardio will

shred you, and make you cut, and drop pounds very fast. low impact is

slow and years will pass before you drop any significant weight from

it. look at sprinters, or hockey players. they are never fat, and they

train for the start stop high impact movements. this is what will

shape your body into a hard well figured admirable body. do sprints if

you can, for 30 seconds, then jog. on the tread mill you must change

the speed manually, you can figure out what your top speed is youself.


if you are serious about loosing weight, and not looking ultra skinny,

this is a great plan. eat all the veggies you want! you can pig out,

and you will want to after you do this. do not listen to trainers. i

did and got no where fast, untill i did a lot of research on it. and

this is what i have found to work best for my raw vegan diet.

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Thank you very much Bryan for the work out program. I will deffinately keep

it here and increase the weights as much as possible. I have been going to

the gym for a couple of years, but there has never been that much

improvement. I'll try sticking on more weight then. Funny enough, I just

heard a bloke on the radio called Jorge Cruise and he was saying the same

thing and has brought a book out on the subject that sounded very


Thanks again for taking the time to write it all down for me, and I will

certainly keep it here and work towards it.

Best Wishes,


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rawfood , " andy.mich " <andy.mich@n...> wrote:

> Thank you very much Bryan for the work out program. I will

deffinately keep

> it here and increase the weights as much as possible. I have been

going to

> the gym for a couple of years, but there has never been that much

> improvement. I'll try sticking on more weight then. Funny enough,

I just

> heard a bloke on the radio called Jorge Cruise and he was saying the


> thing and has brought a book out on the subject that sounded very

> interesting.

> Thanks again for taking the time to write it all down for me, and

I will

> certainly keep it here and work towards it.

> Best Wishes,

> Shell.


remember, no strain, no pain, no gain. you must push yourself and make

that body work hard and intensly to get results.


simple observation shows it. like i said, look at sprinters and hockey

players and their training..


i am raw, and hope to help my fellow rawites how ever i can.

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Over the last week I have become increasingly uncomfortable about being a

part of this list. I feel there is something unpleasant here that I no

longer wish to be a part of. It is not that open discussion is encouraged,

but there is some underlying acceptance that this list is the right place to

air homophobic, phanatically Christian, right wing views, with the

acceptance of the list owner. I am new to raw foodism and joined this list

to get info and encouragement about the raw lifestyle, but if this is an

example of the raw food movement, then I would be ashamed to be a part of

it. I would like to thank all those who gave me some wonderful info and

sites to visit but I must now leave as my concience would not be happy

staying here.

Best Wishes and good luck to all.


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I would like to thank all those who gave me some wonderful info and

> sites to visit but I must now leave as my concience would not be happy

> staying here.

> Best Wishes and good luck to all.

> Shell.


that really stinks..


let teh right wing drive you off. i am a sever left wing radical. i am

pro most everything left wing.


I found raw veganism after being a vegan for 8+ years. i hate the

mainstream and the closedmindedness of the right.


you should stay and jsut ignore the morons on here who start preaching.

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I find it amusing how Shell thinks it's so hateful to

have a civil discusson on homosexulaity. But at the

same time she thinks it's ok to hate of " phanatically

Christian " , " right wing views " .





--- " andy.mich " <andy.mich wrote:

> Over the last week I have become increasingly

> uncomfortable about being a

> part of this list. I feel there is something

> unpleasant here that I no

> longer wish to be a part of. It is not that open

> discussion is encouraged,

> but there is some underlying acceptance that this

> list is the right place to

> air homophobic, phanatically Christian, right wing

> views, with the

> acceptance of the list owner. I am new to raw

> foodism and joined this list

> to get info and encouragement about the raw

> lifestyle, but if this is an

> example of the raw food movement, then I would be

> ashamed to be a part of

> it. I would like to thank all those who gave me

> some wonderful info and

> sites to visit but I must now leave as my concience

> would not be happy

> staying here.

> Best Wishes and good luck to all.

> Shell.







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As a newbie to this list, I too am disappointed by off-topic debates here.

Folks, there are *thousands* of places elsewhere in cyberspace where you can

debate politics, sexual orientation, religion and whatever other

intrinsically devisive topic you may wish to wrap yourself up in. That

said, I'm all for healthy (read: open-minded) discussions about just about

anything. But, really, I don't want to wade through tons of non-relevant

junk just to get to the raw foods stuff. At this point, I'll continue

reading and participating with just one toe in the water.

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This whole debate came about because of a discussion of the germ theory

and the AIDS myth. This is completely related to this list.


In fact, this big discussion about the gay issue seems more because

there are some people on this group who are completely intolerant of the

opinions of others. I don't think it's a big issue to most of us on the




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rawfood , Rufus Shaw <rufus10_99> wrote:

> All,


> Please read Bryan's e-mail below and while you do so

> replace " Christians " with homosexuals, African

> Americans, women, or any other protected group. All

> of a sudden it takes on a far more offensive tone.

> For some reason it has become OK to attack Christians.

> Please note that I am not a Christian, nor a right

> winger. I claim only to be a free thinker.


> Rufus


reguadless. keep it to yourself. i wont explain why i don't like those

on the right or modern christians (i do not hate all christians, just

those who speak for god and judge and condemn) I am quite fond of

theessene. i do respect religions that are respectful. and those who

act respecful. and honestly i respect that you have your own views.

But please show some respect for gays. if you don't like what they do

in bed, don't think about it, they are still people reguardless. It is

you who has the dirty mind, you think " GAY " then a thousand aweful

thoughts of sex run through your head. Not all gays have sex the same

ways either. Gay people can be very clean and hygenic. but you tend to

view them as some filthy heathens who go against nature. there are

many documented cases of homosexuality in others species as well. Sex

is not what we put in our digestive system and the process of eating

raw foods.


Please end it. show some respect. and stop generalizing people.


" HATE " is a strong word, i didn't mean it like HATE violence. more

like just disgust. disgusted by your disgust. that is what i should of


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" Roger Haeske " wrote:

> In fact, this big discussion about the gay issue seems more because

> there are some people on this group who are completely intolerant

of the

> opinions of others. I don't think it's a big issue to most of us on


> list.


I think Roger is doing a good job moderating this group, and I for

one have followed the discussion with interest. I think we all need

to be more tolerant as we can always learn from other people. If

nothing else, then at least that there are people with completely

opposite opinions than ours. Let's respect that, too.


And it really isn't much trouble to push the delete-button if you

don't agree with something someone posted. Takes much less effort

than raising all that anger within yourself.


And... for those who don't like the discussion, you can always leave

the group. Just go. But please don't announce it or make an issue out

of it. On a list of this size I'm sure there are people coming and

going every day, quietly.




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