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Michael's teeth

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Danielle wrote:

>His enamel on his teeth never formed properly, so all of his teeth

rapidly wore down and decayed.


I have a 17 year old son that is in the process of getting caps on all

his teeth because of the same thing. They were ALL in bad shape and the

dentist blamed me saying I didn't teach him proper care or gave him too

many sweets. Then why are our other children's teeth not like that?


Came to find out (an answer to my prayer " why?) it is from antibiotic

use when he was a baby and very sick. It has nothing to do with flouride

(which I think is toxic). A friend of mine has the same condition with

her teeth also from antibiotics as an infant. Most docs know nothing

about raw eating, co-sleeping, nursing or nutrition. We have 8 children

all home birthed, breastfed and slept with me when nursing babies. Don't

feel guilty--you did your best, but especially about sleeping with baby

because my others have beaUtiful teeth. Yes, I'll pray for you! You pray

too... " I cried unto the Lord with my voice and He heard me... "

Jenny Silliman



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Thank-you so much for your help. I broke down in hysterical crying from the huge

release of guilt I was carrying about his whole thing. I felt so badly, I know I

may be overly sensitive. But I almost lost all faith in being a good mother. I

felt like I did not know anything anymore about how to be his Mother, because I

felt I had caused him this huge trauma. It is difficult to be emotionally strong

when I felt I had caused my beautiful baby so much pain, before his 3rd

birthday, even. Thank-you so much for letting me know I am not completely to

blame. I still want to get my hands on any information possible to prevent

future problems with him.

He had his finger caught in the bathroom door back in January, and the Doctor

had given him a prescription of omoycillin to prevent medication. It was the 2nd

time in his life being prescribed this strong anti-biotic. He had also been

prescribed it when he was around 10mths old. He had a bad allergic reaction from

it the 2nd time, with red blotches covering him from head to toe, as well as

severe diarreah and throwing up everything he ate, mainly breastmilk. He has

always had sever allergies, to seemingly almost everything. He sometimes has a

difficult time breathing in his sleep, as it is very difficult for him to

breathe through his nose. He sounds like he has phlem in his lungs a lot. His

breathing becomes a lot more clear when I visit family in Florida, although I am

not sure why. He inherited his allergies from his Father, who lives in Turkey

with his parents. His father used to tell me his allergies would become more

severe when in the US. I am also wondering if his allergies

could be a possible contributing factor.

I desire to do everything possible, to make his life more comfortable. I used

to give him milk products, but based off of what I am currently learning, it

seems that he could be allergic to that as well. Please, if anyone has any

knowledge on very young children with wheezing or difficulty breathing at night,

or allergies, please give me links or Dr.s names, or anything you can

contribute, to help me to help my young son.

Thank-you so much everyone for all of your help and support. I feel so much

better just being able to talk to people with the knowledge and understanding

and love for one another this group has.

Reading the posts from this group over the last 11 months has definitely helped

my life take a turn for the better, and my son.. Thank-you so very much again

for your time

Unconditional Love

Danielle Angelique Meeks


PS Jenny it feels so good to know that someone out there has had a similiar

experience. I felt like I was the only Mother in the world that had this kind of

experience and I felt very inferior and unworthy of being his Mother because of






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In your position, I would find a doctor who knows about diet. Not easy

I agree. Then I would get the fullest set of blood tests I could. Then

I would follow the counsel within a raw food framework.


After a couple of months there should be another blood test to test the

key weak points and then at least you will know where you are and what

you can expect.


It sounds to me as though you have been getting some sloppy treatment

but I am mot qualified to pass judgement on any medical doctor.


Stay with the babe in hospital. Most important. The Unibomber's mother

said that at the age of two the Unibomber went into hospital and he was

a different child thereafter.






Danielle Meeks [daniellemeeks]

17 October 2003 21:49


[Raw Food] Michael's teeth




Hi everyone,

I have another question. My child, Michael, is scheduled for dental

surgery on November 10th. He has to be put to sleep at the hospital, and

monitored non-stop during the procedure. He might end up having all of

his teeth removed, and he is only 2 1/2. It is some rare genetic

disorder the dentists do not seem to know too much about. His enamel on

his teeth never formed properly, so all of his teeth rapidly wore down

and decayed. The dentist says since I never gave him fluoride, it is

what made the decay so bad. I never drank fluoridated water while

pregant either. I had learned through my studies on fluoride that it was

a poison in our tap water. I thought tap water was not safe for human

consumption. He also said that my nursing him on demand and at night (

we co-sleep) contributed to the rapid decay of his teeth. I rarely gave

him anything with white sugar or flour. We do not really eat candy and

junk food at my house. My Mother gave him ice cream and chocolate on

occassions, against my advice, saying I was going overboard about his

no sugar intake.

Anyways, I believe maybe I did not have the right mineral intake during

my pregnancy when his teeth were developing. I only took a pre natal

vitamin the doctor precribed me, mostly for my low iron. I am usually


I was also wondering about the effects of coffee. The doctor told me a

cup or two a day would not hurt the developing fetus inside of me, and

would not hurt him while I was breastfeeding. I was always a big coffee

drinker, but I cut it down to a cup a day of regular coffee while

pregnant. Now I am wondering if that contributed to mineral loss in his

teeth? I drank at least a gallon of water a day while pregnannt and the

first 4 months of breastfeeding, but it was distilled. I had been

anorexic from 15-18, not really bad though. But I was not getting good

nutrition most of the time when I would eat. I drank a lot of coffee all

the time, to curb my appetite and I used to take energy-weight loss

supplents with ephedrine and ma huang, off and on until I became

pregnant at around my 20th birth day. I thought at that time, since I

was vegetarian, I was really healthy, but now I realize how wrong I was.


The dentist and my family and friends tell me not to blame myself,

after all i is only genetic, but I am not too sure about that. I am

carrying around this huge burden of guilt now, because I believe it

could have been prevented. I never imagined my child would have to go

through something like this, especially at such a young age. I have very

strong teeth, despite my unhealthy lifestyle. I have only had two small

cavities at 20, and had them filled while pregnant. I only went to a

dentist twice, as I have a lot of fear of dentists and doctors, not sure

if they really know what they are doing.

Anyways, I need any advice I can get about how to help his second teeth

that are developing now, to be strong and healthy with all the nutrients

they need, to prevent him from any future problems, if that is possible.

Also, I plan on having more children in the near future, so I would like

to do everything I can to prevent this from happening again.

I am sorry for making this soo long, but I am very concerned, and I can

not stop thinking about this. Also, if anyone on here believes in

prayer, or any other spiritual practice requiring faith to help my son

and I through this, please please send your love and healing energy to

us or pray for us. I am believing everything will go well during

surgery, but I need all the spiritual strength I can get. Thank-you so

much for your time. I have a fear of speaking my feelings and fears and

any problems I may be having to anyone, or asking for help. It was very

difficult for me to post this, but I have no one educated in these

things to talk to. Thank-you once again for your time and help.

Thank-you all for this group. It has opened my eyes in so many ways. I

love all of you Unconditional Love *hugs* Danielle Angelique Meeks


Vegigran <vegigran wrote:

<<Leave them another day. The tail should be about as long as the bean

is wide before you eat them.>>>


Have you ever tried to make raw hummus out of them? If so, how? Thanks,








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rawfood , Danielle Meeks <daniellemeeks> wrote:

> Thank-you so much for your help. I broke down in hysterical crying

from the huge release of guilt I was carrying about his whole thing. I

felt so badly, I know I may be overly sensitive. But I almost lost all

faith in being a good mother. I felt like I did not know anything

anymore about how to be his Mother, because I felt I had caused him

this huge trauma. It is difficult to be emotionally strong when I felt

I had caused my beautiful baby so much pain, before his 3rd birthday,

even. Thank-you so much for letting me know I am not completely to

blame. I still want to get my hands on any information possible to

prevent future problems with him.




i may sound a bit hard here. but i honestly blame all mothers for not

breast feeding their children for a long long time. this is the

natural way of them getting what they need. means you msut eat

extremely well, and + in calories and eat mineral and vitamin rich

foods IE raw.


almost all theething problems come from malnutrition from even being

in the womb.


i know breastfeeding is frowned upon by our stupid society that has

linked breasts with sexual play toys. but honestly, look how long

other mamals do it for their young. in nature that is, not domestic.

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