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I would Love to talk RAW Food (Bitter Greens)

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I for one would love to talk about RAW Food :) This whole mess on Bragg’s has

started me re-thinking my Lunch Salad. The whole reason for it was to curb the

bitter taste of the herb mix. Most herbs and green leaf salad greens have a

bitter taste. So I’m going to work on this again and try to use some different

mixes. The organic Herb mix in the ready to eat bag was so easy Fast and

Nutritious. Oh by the way I did see were someone was saying that Garlic was bad

for digestion. It is the other way around Garlic aids in digestion.








PS: Be sure to update the subject line......






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Not so Bruce,


Garlic is toxic and kills a lot of " good " bacteria. It kills a whole

lot of other things too which has lead to its being a cure-all. There

may be a place for it but not in a healthy raw food diet





Bruce Reid [bwreid67]

20 October 2003 17:31


Re: [Raw Food] I would Love to talk RAW Food (Bitter Greens)





I for one would love to talk about RAW Food :) This whole mess on

Bragg's has started me re-thinking my Lunch Salad. The whole reason for

it was to curb the bitter taste of the herb mix. Most herbs and green

leaf salad greens have a bitter taste. So I'm going to work on this

again and try to use some different mixes. The organic Herb mix in the

ready to eat bag was so easy Fast and Nutritious. Oh by the way I did

see were someone was saying that Garlic was bad for digestion. It is the

other way around Garlic aids in digestion.








PS: Be sure to update the subject line......






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Hmmm, I was just reading this.........



Considered to be one of the most potent herbs in the world, garlic has been used

for 5000 years. In nearly every culture, it has been used to treat disease and

enhance health and longevity. Perhaps even more important today, garlic is a

protective against the leading diseases of the modern world including heart

disease, cancer and infections.

Most known for its strong antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties,

garlic controls growth of putrefaction in the intestines, eliminating intestinal

worms, yeast, parasites and bacteria and is effective against all types of

infections. Garlic not only acts as a broad-spectrum antibiotic, it even blocks

the toxin production of germs. According to the Garlic Information Center in

Great Britain, anthrax is most susceptible to garlic. It has been found to be

more potent than penicillin, ampicillin, streptomycin and other antibacterial

drugs used to treat anthrax.

Garlic also has many other therapeutic properties and is said to cure everything

but bad breath! It promotes circulation and strengthens blood vessels and the

heart. Garlic reduces blood stickiness, inhibits platelet aggregation, lowers

cholesterol, regulates blood pressure and lowers the risk of arteriosclerosis,

stroke and heart disease in general. It removes phlegm from the lungs and nasal

passages. Garlic stimulates digestion, enhances the growth of healthy intestinal

flora and relieves food stagnation. Garlic also protects the liver against free

radicals and other toxin damage and lends its antioxidant properties to helping

prevent oxidation of blood fats. As a strong detoxifier it eliminates and

protects against pollutants and heavy metal toxicity. Garlic not only inhibits

tumor formation, but also helps prevent and reverse cancer, especially, but not

only, gastrointestinal. It contains 10 components active in this process.

Further, it protects against cancer causing agents,

i.e. cigarette smoke, charcoal broiled meats, polluted air, soil and water,

etc. Chronic degenerative and age related diseases including physical and

psychological stress are treated and prevented by the use of garlic. It is even

helpful as a mosquito repellent when ingested with vitamin B's.






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A healthy warning? David Wolfe says it is excellent for people on a SAD

diet. I note Frederic Patenaude cares for it little in " Raw Secrets " .

I miss it out simply because it is unpleasant to eat a plate of it and I

seldom eat anything that does not pass that test.





Bruce Reid [bwreid67]

20 October 2003 17:47


RE: [Raw Food] I would Love to talk RAW Food (Bitter Greens)




Hmmm, I was just reading this.........



Considered to be one of the most potent herbs in the world, garlic has

been used for 5000 years. In nearly every culture, it has been used to

treat disease and enhance health and longevity. Perhaps even more

important today, garlic is a protective against the leading diseases of

the modern world including heart disease, cancer and infections.

Most known for its strong antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal

properties, garlic controls growth of putrefaction in the intestines,

eliminating intestinal worms, yeast, parasites and bacteria and is

effective against all types of infections. Garlic not only acts as a

broad-spectrum antibiotic, it even blocks the toxin production of germs.

According to the Garlic Information Center in Great Britain, anthrax is

most susceptible to garlic. It has been found to be more potent than

penicillin, ampicillin, streptomycin and other antibacterial drugs used

to treat anthrax.

Garlic also has many other therapeutic properties and is said to cure

everything but bad breath! It promotes circulation and strengthens blood

vessels and the heart. Garlic reduces blood stickiness, inhibits

platelet aggregation, lowers cholesterol, regulates blood pressure and

lowers the risk of arteriosclerosis, stroke and heart disease in

general. It removes phlegm from the lungs and nasal passages. Garlic

stimulates digestion, enhances the growth of healthy intestinal flora

and relieves food stagnation. Garlic also protects the liver against

free radicals and other toxin damage and lends its antioxidant

properties to helping prevent oxidation of blood fats. As a strong

detoxifier it eliminates and protects against pollutants and heavy metal

toxicity. Garlic not only inhibits tumor formation, but also helps

prevent and reverse cancer, especially, but not only, gastrointestinal.

It contains 10 components active in this process. Further, it protects

against cancer causing agents, i.e. cigarette smoke, charcoal broiled

meats, polluted air, soil and water, etc. Chronic degenerative and age

related diseases including physical and psychological stress are treated

and prevented by the use of garlic. It is even helpful as a mosquito

repellent when ingested with vitamin B's.






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> Garlic is toxic and kills a lot of " good " bacteria.


Bruce: Garlic is toxic to somethings but not to humans. It's organo sulphur

bio chemicals are good antigens.

Nor is it toxic to acidophilus, bifdus, bufidim or any lacotbacillus

bacteria. What good bacteria are you talking about?


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I made the remark as I recall reading it somewhere a long time ago. In

addition to which I was warned about the toxicity of garlic. I certainly

did not read that it kills all good bacteria. I read that the balance of

bacteria in the gut is delicate and does not benefit from having strong

spices introduced.


I have no idea of the strains of lacotbacillus bacteria that may be

affected by it.


Thus I am obliged to back off and apologize.




Garlic is toxic and kills a lot of " good " bacteria.


Bruce: Garlic is toxic to somethings but not to humans. It's organo

sulphur bio chemicals are good antigens. Nor is it toxic to acidophilus,

bifdus, bufidim or any lacotbacillus bacteria. What good bacteria are

you talking about? rusty

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I eat a very specialized diet. It does include occasional raw garlic in some

dishes. First off I do not take something as fact unit I have explored it

thoroughly (i.e. Tried it Myself). Granted lately the last two years I have not

had bunch of spare time. I am in excellent health so I have not had reason to

change what I’m doing. I do push my body to extreme limits (Run, Bike, Swim,

Paddle, Climb) I eat as my body tells me to. Garlic has a very warming effect

in the body as stated in the article that I posted. As far as flora is concerned

I have not felt any effects or seen for that matter in my stool. My digestion

works like clockwork eat and move every time and complete digestion.




I do like what you said about eating a plate of something. I try not to eat

anymore than seven ingredients at any one meal, as I believe it makes

assimilation to complicated. The problem is, I need to get everything in one

dish and don’t have all day to get complete nutrition. My morning meal is the

simplest meal of the day and usually consists of one type of fruit. (i.e. 1-1 ½

lbs of grapes or 6- Oranges). My noon meal is the biggest meal of the day and it

is close to Ann Wigmores complete salad. Dinner is a lighter meal and usually

consists of a big glass of fresh Vegetable and Greens juice.










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Hi Bruce,


Try not eating garlic for a week. Then when you eat it again you'll

probably get a headache. It has been scientifically demonstrated that

garlic actually interferes with the communication between the left and

right side of your brain.


I don't eat it anymore. The body actually deals with garlic as a toxin.

I get a headache now when I eat garlic.


The food you eat should appeal to your taste buds. If it doesn't then I

don't believe it is a food intended for you. All animals go by taste and

so should we. At times certain foods will taste better than others. That

could mean you need more of the nutrients in that food.




Do You Have These Problems With Your Raw Food Diet?


1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients like protein,

calcium, and B12.

2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the results you expected.

3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar content and hybridization.


I'll resolve these problems, myths and misconceptions for you with a

free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email me

or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com

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Regarding garlic and SAD: All I can say is that I suffered from SAD for

years while living under the clouds for 15 years in western Oregon. Garlic

had always been a staple of my diet at that time. I finally got non-SAD by

moving back to Arizona. Yes, there are ways to temper SAD but, in my

experience, will never, ever cure it unless you stand under that big, fat

fusion reactor in the sky.



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rawfood , " Greg Baskin - Gold Mountain Mining

Company " <Greg@G...> wrote:

> Regarding garlic and SAD: All I can say is that I suffered from

SAD for

> years while living under the clouds for 15 years in western



Hi Greg,


I think that when people refer to SAD here they are referring to the

Standard American Diet, not Seasonal Affective Disorder.



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I appreciate this string, because I have been thinking

about adding garlic to my diet recently.


I've heard two things that make a lot of sense to me.

I think it was Peter who said something along the

lines of " if you can't eat a whole plate of it, you

shoulden't eat it " (forgive me if I got that wrong).

And Roger, you say below " The food you eat should

appeal to your taste buds " . My first thought was that

if this is the case, then why does green juice taste

so bad to me. Then I realized that green eaten in

their whole form do taste good, and fresh picked

greens taste great.


Just curious - Does anyone like the taste of raw whole

garlic ?


for me this kind of fits into the " you should listen

to what your body tells you " . I have never agreed

with this idea, because my body tells me to drink

beer, and eat cooked food. But the arguments quoted

above help me understand this concept better.


I have to keep this thing as simple as possible.





--- Roger Haeske <roger wrote:

> Hi Bruce,


> Try not eating garlic for a week. Then when you eat

> it again you'll

> probably get a headache. It has been scientifically

> demonstrated that

> garlic actually interferes with the communication

> between the left and

> right side of your brain.


> I don't eat it anymore. The body actually deals with

> garlic as a toxin.

> I get a headache now when I eat garlic.


> The food you eat should appeal to your taste buds.

> If it doesn't then I

> don't believe it is a food intended for you. All

> animals go by taste and

> so should we. At times certain foods will taste

> better than others. That

> could mean you need more of the nutrients in that

> food.


> Roger


> Do You Have These Problems With Your Raw Food Diet?


> 1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients

> like protein,

> calcium, and B12.

> 2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the

> results you expected.

> 3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar

> content and hybridization.


> I'll resolve these problems, myths and

> misconceptions for you with a

> free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email

> consultation. Email me

> or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com










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Green juice always tastes bitter to me. That is one reason why I never

juice vegetables. They taste great to me unjiuced. If you are on a fast

or in transition, I would suggest adding a lot of water and some apple

to reduce the bitterness. The apple will set up a little gas but it will

improve the flavour without doing much harm.





Rufus Shaw [rufus10_99]

20 October 2003 21:21


RE: [Raw Food] I would Love to talk RAW Food (Bitter Greens)






I appreciate this string, because I have been thinking

about adding garlic to my diet recently.


I've heard two things that make a lot of sense to me.

I think it was Peter who said something along the

lines of " if you can't eat a whole plate of it, you

shoulden't eat it " (forgive me if I got that wrong).

And Roger, you say below " The food you eat should

appeal to your taste buds " . My first thought was that

if this is the case, then why does green juice taste

so bad to me. Then I realized that green eaten in

their whole form do taste good, and fresh picked

greens taste great.


Just curious - Does anyone like the taste of raw whole

garlic ?


for me this kind of fits into the " you should listen

to what your body tells you " . I have never agreed

with this idea, because my body tells me to drink

beer, and eat cooked food. But the arguments quoted

above help me understand this concept better.


I have to keep this thing as simple as possible.





--- Roger Haeske <roger wrote:

> Hi Bruce,


> Try not eating garlic for a week. Then when you eat

> it again you'll

> probably get a headache. It has been scientifically demonstrated that

> garlic actually interferes with the communication

> between the left and

> right side of your brain.


> I don't eat it anymore. The body actually deals with

> garlic as a toxin.

> I get a headache now when I eat garlic.


> The food you eat should appeal to your taste buds.

> If it doesn't then I

> don't believe it is a food intended for you. All

> animals go by taste and

> so should we. At times certain foods will taste

> better than others. That

> could mean you need more of the nutrients in that

> food.


> Roger


> Do You Have These Problems With Your Raw Food Diet?


> 1. You fear that you aren't getting enough nutrients

> like protein,

> calcium, and B12.

> 2. You have been eating raw but aren't getting the

> results you expected.

> 3. You fear eating fruit because of its sugar

> content and hybridization.


> I'll resolve these problems, myths and

> misconceptions for you with a

> free & no obligation 20-minute telephone or email consultation. Email

> me or visit www.SuperbeingDiet.com










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