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I hate to get to far off the subject here, and I don't want to offend

anyone but I would like to say something about RAW FOODS! Just

kidding. I just finished reading " Flood Your Body With Oxygen " by Ed

McCabe, and ran back to Amazon.com and got his earlier book " O2xygen

therapies " . I feel these are the most important books I have read in

my life. David Wolf turned me on to Flood Your Body—and I will be

forever grateful. When you have read all you can read about raw

foods, and want more, the nest step beyond is Oxygen. Both these

books are designed to go with a living foods diet, and give a new

slant to living foods.


I know I sound like a commercial for Ed McCabe, but I am so blown

away by these books. (Ed should be paying me) I now drink diluted

hydrogen peroxide every day. I put it in everything. Smoothies,

water, sprinkle it in my garden, take baths in it, give it to my

pets. I sleep under an ozone generator. I take oxygen supplements,

(yes there are oxygen supplements) and I'm thinking about sticking an

ozone generator up my butt. Seriously. Kinky or what? The bowel will

readily absorb oxygen. Well maybe I won't go that far. But let me

tell you about hydrogen peroxide; H2O2 peroxide is the same as water

except it has an extra atom of oxygen. This extra atom is

called " active oxygen " because the extra atom is unstable and wants

to bond with something else. Almost all pollutants in our bodies are

made up of four elements, they are either Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulfur,

or Nitrogen. When these extra atoms of oxygen bind with carbon it

becomes CO2. Hydrogen becomes H2O etc, all are rendered harmless.

Also all bad bacteria and viruses are anaerobic meaning they cannot

live in an oxygen environment. Cancer cells are anaerobic. " Well " you

say; " drinking hydrogen peroxide can't be natural " . Rain water is

loaded with hydrogen peroxide. Ocean water? Loaded with hydrogen

peroxide. Raw fruits and vegetables? Loaded with hydrogen peroxide.

You make hydrogen peroxide by bubbling ozone through water. Ozone is

a blue gas. The reason the sky is blue is because of the ozone

content of the air.


Why do we need extra oxygen? I thought you would never ask. 200

years ago the oxygen content of our atmosphere was 35%, today its

19%. We are cutting down our forests, and oxygen is used up because

it naturally bonds with pollutants. We live in a polluted world.

Imagine what the percentage of oxygen was in biblical times, and you

can understand why people lived to be as much as 900 years old. In

reading these books I now believe a human can have an indefinite life



" We went to Lourdes in France, which is one of the most, probably the

greatest shrine in all the world, and we tested Lourdes water.

Lourdes water is loaded with hydrogen peroxide. The blessed Virgin

told someone from Lourdes to dig in the rock. A spring came up and

she told her to drink the water and bathe in it " . Father Richard




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Interesting post Doug,


Some of your numbers are new to me. Living to be 900 and such a huge

difference in Oxygen levels two years ago. Trafalgar was fought in 1805

which is about 200 years ago. Nelson would have had very powerful

cannons... ... did I read right or was there a typo 35% oxygen 200

years ago?


I have read that oxygen is both life giving and a poison. It has a lot

to do with our ageing.


At the same time I wonder whether some of that bacteria that lives in

our bodies should be killed!


I do not know but I wonder!


I look forward to seeing this thread develop. Ewald's book attracted

almost no readers but that tread sure picked up a lot else. We will






kauguy [no_reply ]

21 October 2003 12:05


[Raw Food] Oxygen




I hate to get to far off the subject here, and I don't want to offend

anyone but I would like to say something about RAW FOODS! Just

kidding. I just finished reading " Flood Your Body With Oxygen " by Ed

McCabe, and ran back to Amazon.com and got his earlier book " O2xygen

therapies " . I feel these are the most important books I have read in

my life. David Wolf turned me on to Flood Your Body-and I will be

forever grateful. When you have read all you can read about raw

foods, and want more, the nest step beyond is Oxygen. Both these

books are designed to go with a living foods diet, and give a new

slant to living foods.


I know I sound like a commercial for Ed McCabe, but I am so blown

away by these books. (Ed should be paying me) I now drink diluted

hydrogen peroxide every day. I put it in everything. Smoothies,

water, sprinkle it in my garden, take baths in it, give it to my

pets. I sleep under an ozone generator. I take oxygen supplements,

(yes there are oxygen supplements) and I'm thinking about sticking an

ozone generator up my butt. Seriously. Kinky or what? The bowel will

readily absorb oxygen. Well maybe I won't go that far. But let me

tell you about hydrogen peroxide; H2O2 peroxide is the same as water

except it has an extra atom of oxygen. This extra atom is

called " active oxygen " because the extra atom is unstable and wants

to bond with something else. Almost all pollutants in our bodies are

made up of four elements, they are either Carbon, Hydrogen, Sulfur,

or Nitrogen. When these extra atoms of oxygen bind with carbon it

becomes CO2. Hydrogen becomes H2O etc, all are rendered harmless.

Also all bad bacteria and viruses are anaerobic meaning they cannot

live in an oxygen environment. Cancer cells are anaerobic. " Well " you

say; " drinking hydrogen peroxide can't be natural " . Rain water is

loaded with hydrogen peroxide. Ocean water? Loaded with hydrogen

peroxide. Raw fruits and vegetables? Loaded with hydrogen peroxide.

You make hydrogen peroxide by bubbling ozone through water. Ozone is

a blue gas. The reason the sky is blue is because of the ozone

content of the air.


Why do we need extra oxygen? I thought you would never ask. 200

years ago the oxygen content of our atmosphere was 35%, today its

19%. We are cutting down our forests, and oxygen is used up because

it naturally bonds with pollutants. We live in a polluted world.

Imagine what the percentage of oxygen was in biblical times, and you

can understand why people lived to be as much as 900 years old. In

reading these books I now believe a human can have an indefinite life



" We went to Lourdes in France, which is one of the most, probably the

greatest shrine in all the world, and we tested Lourdes water.

Lourdes water is loaded with hydrogen peroxide. The blessed Virgin

told someone from Lourdes to dig in the rock. A spring came up and

she told her to drink the water and bathe in it " . Father Richard









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I am no expert, but I thought I remember hearing that most of the Earth's Oxygen

comes from the algae in the Ocean. Not that we don't need to stop cutting down

the rain forest. I look forward to hearing more on this subject.


Thank you for the post Doug








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Yeah, the oxygen idea is not a new one. Michael Jackson gathered attention

to himself when it was found out quite a few years ago that he purchased a

hyperbaric chamber to " sleep in. "


The hyperbaric chamber is used extensively with HIV infected patents as

well, to oxygenate the blood, so I know it works well if mainstream medicine

is involved with something this radical which gets results. I think there is

an important wealth of info on this subject that I haven't had a change to

research yet.


What differences have you noticed in your body/psyche?


Jesse Parris



" kauguy " <no_reply >

<rawfood >

Tuesday, October 21, 2003 6:05 AM

[Raw Food] Oxygen



I hate to get to far off the subject here, and I don't want to offend

anyone but I would like to say something about RAW FOODS! Just

kidding. I just finished reading " Flood Your Body With Oxygen " by Ed

McCabe, <snip>

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Yes Peter I don't remember anyone in the bible living to be 900 but

I'm not a bible expert. McCabe says its there. I was a little

surprised that they had a way to test the amount of oxygen in the

atmosphere 200 years ago. But they may be analyzing arctic ice. (just

my opinion). The loss of oxygen is a combination of the cutting down

of forests and the pollution of our oceans. Our oceans are dying.

McCabe talks about the idea of oxygen being toxic to cells. He says

this is a miss quote and half truth. Oxygen only harms dead and

damaged cells. You can test this yourself. If you put peroxide on the

back of your hand, it does nothing but if you put it in a wound where

there are dead and damaged cells, the peroxide foams up and gives off

oxygen while oxidizing these cells.


It happens that all pathogens in our bodies are anaerobic (can not

live in oxygen). All the good bacteria (for instance intestinal

flora) are aerobic (love oxygen). So the hydrogen peroxide kills the

pathogens and feeds the good bacteria.


When I first started taking peroxide it gave me a joyful energetic

feeling that lasted all day. But that was it. Then it put me into

detox , which he says will last for from six to eight months. Doctors

were curing cancer with hydrogen peroxide in the 1800s. This is

nothing new. Peter; he talks a lot about how hydrogen peroxide cleans

cholesterol out of our veins.


" Removal of Cholesterol and Other Lipids from Experimental Animal

and Human Atheromatous Arteries by Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide " . " In

vitro studies conducted with human aorta incubated with dilute

hydrogen peroxide for various periods of time demonstrated the

elution (extracting by means of a solvent) cholesterol, esters,

phospholipids, triglycerides, and free fatty acids from the arterial

wall. " (Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas Texas.)


I use 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide I started with 5 drops in a

glass of water 3 times per day. I have worked up to 20-30 drops in a

1.5 liter bottle and drink 2 of these per day. Plus putting it in

smoothies salad dressing and anything I can put it in.


I had a wart on my hand and put 35% peroxide mixed 2 to 1 with DMSO

on it. It took a few applications over a period of a few days but it

fried the wart and did not harm the surrounding tissue. I burned off

Liver spots (left overs from my cooked food days) the same way. I

found out that moles are benign skin tumors. They take a little

longer but so far 3 of them have joined my wart and liver spots in

the here after.


This is not just oxygen like we breathe, that is O2. This is O1,

which comes from peroxide and O3 Ozone. Called " Active " Oxygen. What

this is doing is enhancing living foods. Living foods do the same

thing. Active Oxygen supercharges Living Foods.


McCabe talks about a man who bathed in 1 pint of 35% peroxide mixed

with ½ a bath tub full of water 3 times per week soaking at least 30

min. each time for 2 years.His hair went from white back to its

original color. He was 76 years old.


Naturopaths are curing AIDS in Africa with hydrogen peroxide, and its

cheap. I bought a pint of 35% for 12 bucks.






rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Interesting post Doug,


> Some of your numbers are new to me. Living to be 900 and such a huge

> difference in Oxygen levels two years ago. Trafalgar was fought in


> which is about 200 years ago. Nelson would have had very powerful

> cannons... ... did I read right or was there a typo 35% oxygen 200

> years ago?


> I have read that oxygen is both life giving and a poison. It has a


> to do with our ageing.


> At the same time I wonder whether some of that bacteria that lives


> our bodies should be killed!


> I do not know but I wonder!


> I look forward to seeing this thread develop. Ewald's book attracted

> almost no readers but that tread sure picked up a lot else. We will

> see.


> Peter



> kauguy [no_reply ]

> 21 October 2003 12:05

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Oxygen




> I hate to get to far off the subject here, and I don't want to


> anyone but I would like to say something about RAW FOODS! Just

> kidding. I just finished reading " Flood Your Body With Oxygen " by


> McCabe, and ran back to Amazon.com and got his earlier

book " O2xygen

> therapies " . I feel these are the most important books I have read


> my life. David Wolf turned me on to Flood Your Body-and I will be

> forever grateful. When you have read all you can read about raw

> foods, and want more, the nest step beyond is Oxygen. Both these

> books are designed to go with a living foods diet, and give a new

> slant to living foods. (etc)

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Genesis chapter 5....


Adam lived to be 930, Seth lived 912 years, Enos lived 905 years,

Cainan lived 910 years, etc... and Methuselah lived to be 969.


Sounds unbelievable at first, unless you consider the atmospheric

conditions of the earth at that time. I could launch into a lot about

this, but won't... But it does make perfect sense! Also it's

interesting to note that lifespans began decreasing after " Noah's "

flood. There's fascinating theory for this too... And I believe

oxygen DOES have a LOT to do with it...


But Doug, you scare me with the hydrogen peroxide stuff! I had

assumed it was a chemical, or something synthetic. But it isn't? I'm

finding the topic very interesting. Thanks for posting about it.







rawfood , kauguy <no_reply> wrote:

> Yes Peter I don't remember anyone in the bible living to be 900 but

> I'm not a bible expert. McCabe says its there. I was a little

> surprised that they had a way to test the amount of oxygen in the

> atmosphere 200 years ago. But they may be analyzing arctic ice.


> my opinion). The loss of oxygen is a combination of the cutting


> of forests and the pollution of our oceans. Our oceans are dying.

> McCabe talks about the idea of oxygen being toxic to cells. He says

> this is a miss quote and half truth. Oxygen only harms dead and

> damaged cells. You can test this yourself. If you put peroxide on


> back of your hand, it does nothing but if you put it in a wound


> there are dead and damaged cells, the peroxide foams up and gives


> oxygen while oxidizing these cells.


> It happens that all pathogens in our bodies are anaerobic (can not

> live in oxygen). All the good bacteria (for instance intestinal

> flora) are aerobic (love oxygen). So the hydrogen peroxide kills


> pathogens and feeds the good bacteria.


> When I first started taking peroxide it gave me a joyful energetic

> feeling that lasted all day. But that was it. Then it put me into

> detox , which he says will last for from six to eight months.


> were curing cancer with hydrogen peroxide in the 1800s. This is

> nothing new. Peter; he talks a lot about how hydrogen peroxide


> cholesterol out of our veins.


> " Removal of Cholesterol and Other Lipids from Experimental Animal

> and Human Atheromatous Arteries by Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide " . " In

> vitro studies conducted with human aorta incubated with dilute

> hydrogen peroxide for various periods of time demonstrated the

> elution (extracting by means of a solvent) cholesterol, esters,

> phospholipids, triglycerides, and free fatty acids from the


> wall. " (Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas Texas.)


> I use 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide I started with 5 drops in a

> glass of water 3 times per day. I have worked up to 20-30 drops in


> 1.5 liter bottle and drink 2 of these per day. Plus putting it in

> smoothies salad dressing and anything I can put it in.


> I had a wart on my hand and put 35% peroxide mixed 2 to 1 with DMSO

> on it. It took a few applications over a period of a few days but


> fried the wart and did not harm the surrounding tissue. I burned


> Liver spots (left overs from my cooked food days) the same way. I

> found out that moles are benign skin tumors. They take a little

> longer but so far 3 of them have joined my wart and liver spots in

> the here after.


> This is not just oxygen like we breathe, that is O2. This is O1,

> which comes from peroxide and O3 Ozone. Called " Active " Oxygen.


> this is doing is enhancing living foods. Living foods do the same

> thing. Active Oxygen supercharges Living Foods.


> McCabe talks about a man who bathed in 1 pint of 35% peroxide mixed

> with ½ a bath tub full of water 3 times per week soaking at least


> min. each time for 2 years.His hair went from white back to its

> original color. He was 76 years old.


> Naturopaths are curing AIDS in Africa with hydrogen peroxide, and


> cheap. I bought a pint of 35% for 12 bucks.


> Doug




> rawfood , " Peter Gardiner "


> wrote:

> > Interesting post Doug,

> >

> > Some of your numbers are new to me. Living to be 900 and such a


> > difference in Oxygen levels two years ago. Trafalgar was fought


> 1805

> > which is about 200 years ago. Nelson would have had very powerful

> > cannons... ... did I read right or was there a typo 35% oxygen


> > years ago?

> >

> > I have read that oxygen is both life giving and a poison. It has


> lot

> > to do with our ageing.

> >

> > At the same time I wonder whether some of that bacteria that


> in

> > our bodies should be killed!

> >

> > I do not know but I wonder!

> >

> > I look forward to seeing this thread develop. Ewald's book


> > almost no readers but that tread sure picked up a lot else. We


> > see.

> >

> > Peter

> >

> >

> > kauguy [no_reply ]

> > 21 October 2003 12:05

> > rawfood

> > [Raw Food] Oxygen

> >

> >

> >

> > I hate to get to far off the subject here, and I don't want to

> offend

> > anyone but I would like to say something about RAW FOODS! Just

> > kidding. I just finished reading " Flood Your Body With Oxygen " by

> Ed

> > McCabe, and ran back to Amazon.com and got his earlier

> book " O2xygen

> > therapies " . I feel these are the most important books I have read

> in

> > my life. David Wolf turned me on to Flood Your Body-and I will be

> > forever grateful. When you have read all you can read about raw

> > foods, and want more, the nest step beyond is Oxygen. Both these

> > books are designed to go with a living foods diet, and give a new

> > slant to living foods. (etc)

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here is a little passage I have found:



Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally in rain and snow, from atmospheric

ozone, and in mountain streams where rushing water is continuously

aerated. Most of us learned at an early age to drink from a stream only

where the water's running white, because that's where it gets cleansed

of germs. The reason is that H2O2 is forming there due to the water's

rapid agitation, and that's what kills any harmful microbes present.

By just shaking a bottle of water vigorously for a while you can tuck

enough extra oxygen into it to form detectable amounts of H2O2,

improving its purity, flavor and vitality.

It turns out that the spring waters at Lourdes, France, long recognized

for their remarkable healing properties, are very high in natural

hydrogen peroxide. The spring is fed by high-altitude snowmelt, so the

snow apparently absorbs unusually large quantities of ozone on its way

from the upper atmosphere. Other less-known high altitude springs are

said to be likewise effective.

Similar benefits can be obtained in a swimming pool or hot tub, by

discarding the chlorination system and simply pouring in H2O2 or by

bubbling ozone through the water. One simple method of making pool-grade

ozone is to pump air past an enclosed ultra-violet lamp.

Raw, uncooked vegetables and fruits contain natural hydrogen peroxide.

Cooking drives off the extra oxygen. Fresh fruit juices are well known

for their blood-cleansing and revitalizing capabilities, particularly

when they are not combined with other foods; this is largely due to the

H2O2 they contain. Reconstituted frozen juices have much less, and are

no longer " alive, " thus they are not nearly as effective.





kauguy [no_reply ]

22 October 2003 00:10


[Raw Food] Re: Oxygen




Yes Peter I don't remember anyone in the bible living to be 900 but

I'm not a bible expert. McCabe says its there. I was a little

surprised that they had a way to test the amount of oxygen in the

atmosphere 200 years ago. But they may be analyzing arctic ice. (just

my opinion). The loss of oxygen is a combination of the cutting down

of forests and the pollution of our oceans. Our oceans are dying.

McCabe talks about the idea of oxygen being toxic to cells. He says

this is a miss quote and half truth. Oxygen only harms dead and

damaged cells. You can test this yourself. If you put peroxide on the

back of your hand, it does nothing but if you put it in a wound where

there are dead and damaged cells, the peroxide foams up and gives off

oxygen while oxidizing these cells.


It happens that all pathogens in our bodies are anaerobic (can not

live in oxygen). All the good bacteria (for instance intestinal

flora) are aerobic (love oxygen). So the hydrogen peroxide kills the

pathogens and feeds the good bacteria.


When I first started taking peroxide it gave me a joyful energetic

feeling that lasted all day. But that was it. Then it put me into

detox , which he says will last for from six to eight months. Doctors

were curing cancer with hydrogen peroxide in the 1800s. This is

nothing new. Peter; he talks a lot about how hydrogen peroxide cleans

cholesterol out of our veins.


" Removal of Cholesterol and Other Lipids from Experimental Animal

and Human Atheromatous Arteries by Dilute Hydrogen Peroxide " . " In

vitro studies conducted with human aorta incubated with dilute

hydrogen peroxide for various periods of time demonstrated the

elution (extracting by means of a solvent) cholesterol, esters,

phospholipids, triglycerides, and free fatty acids from the arterial

wall. " (Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas Texas.)


I use 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide I started with 5 drops in a

glass of water 3 times per day. I have worked up to 20-30 drops in a

1.5 liter bottle and drink 2 of these per day. Plus putting it in

smoothies salad dressing and anything I can put it in.


I had a wart on my hand and put 35% peroxide mixed 2 to 1 with DMSO

on it. It took a few applications over a period of a few days but it

fried the wart and did not harm the surrounding tissue. I burned off

Liver spots (left overs from my cooked food days) the same way. I

found out that moles are benign skin tumors. They take a little

longer but so far 3 of them have joined my wart and liver spots in

the here after.


This is not just oxygen like we breathe, that is O2. This is O1,

which comes from peroxide and O3 Ozone. Called " Active " Oxygen. What

this is doing is enhancing living foods. Living foods do the same

thing. Active Oxygen supercharges Living Foods.


McCabe talks about a man who bathed in 1 pint of 35% peroxide mixed

with ½ a bath tub full of water 3 times per week soaking at least 30

min. each time for 2 years.His hair went from white back to its

original color. He was 76 years old.


Naturopaths are curing AIDS in Africa with hydrogen peroxide, and its

cheap. I bought a pint of 35% for 12 bucks.






rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Interesting post Doug,


> Some of your numbers are new to me. Living to be 900 and such a huge

> difference in Oxygen levels two years ago. Trafalgar was fought in


> which is about 200 years ago. Nelson would have had very powerful

> cannons... ... did I read right or was there a typo 35% oxygen 200

> years ago?


> I have read that oxygen is both life giving and a poison. It has a


> to do with our ageing.


> At the same time I wonder whether some of that bacteria that lives


> our bodies should be killed!


> I do not know but I wonder!


> I look forward to seeing this thread develop. Ewald's book attracted

> almost no readers but that tread sure picked up a lot else. We will

> see.


> Peter



> kauguy [no_reply ]

> 21 October 2003 12:05

> rawfood

> [Raw Food] Oxygen




> I hate to get to far off the subject here, and I don't want to


> anyone but I would like to say something about RAW FOODS! Just

> kidding. I just finished reading " Flood Your Body With Oxygen " by


> McCabe, and ran back to Amazon.com and got his earlier

book " O2xygen

> therapies " . I feel these are the most important books I have read


> my life. David Wolf turned me on to Flood Your Body-and I will be

> forever grateful. When you have read all you can read about raw

> foods, and want more, the nest step beyond is Oxygen. Both these

> books are designed to go with a living foods diet, and give a new

> slant to living foods. (etc)





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Thanks Doug,



I have Irish blood myself and McCabe sounds Irish and these

kinsmen are great talkers.


There is quite a lot positive said on the web from credible

sources about oxygen and H2O2.


As you know, my preoccupation is plaque in the arteries and

if you have any references on that, I would love them.


There certainly is a connection between raw food and plaque in



Some will not see oxygen as a food although water qualifies

and so too, the quality of it, and anything added to it, such as

chemicals or an extra oxygen molecule.


Thus, we seem to be on topic.



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Great post Peter, (The reason is that H2O2 is forming there due to the water's

rapid agitation) I wonder if putting purified water in the vita mixer for a

short period of time would have any benefits?










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Water on its own is something I never drink. My method of counting


is to ask myself whether I have had a pint of fruit. When the answer is


I usually stop. This gets me out of all the bother of distilled water,

mineral water

and little beasties and chemicals in tap water.


Now things are different. This oxygen enriched water reminds me of

mountain water I drank

having taken a small boat in Vancouver and sped up Deep Cove to a

mountain waterfall there.

The water was so toxic and strong that I concluded that it needed no

whisky and in those days I

enjoyed whisky a lot.


I have bought a bottle of 35% H2O2 for $3 in a chemists shop.


Here is an article on how to get a recommended dose



The oral and skin applications offer the option of home treatment as no

blood needs to be drawn, and hydrogen peroxide is cheap and plentiful.

Keep it diluted though; in high concentrations it can irritate sensitive

skin and induce vomiting when ingested. (Veterinarians routinely give

common 3% H2O2 to animals that have swallowed poison, to make them throw

it up.)

The starting dosage is one ounce of .5% (1/200) H2O2 in water, and some

will find they need to start with less. As the peroxide contacts

pathogens in the stomach it liberates free oxygen, so those with high

levels of virus and streptococcus in their stomachs may feel slight

nausea while the reaction is occurring.

The dosage is increased by an ounce per day, up to five ounces on the

fifth day, then finally up to five ounces three times daily for a week

(or until disease is no longer present). Then the dosage is tapered back

down over a five-week period.

Food-grade or Re-agent (these are 35%, dangerous if undiluted) is better

for internal use since the common USP 3% H2O2 contains small amounts of

chemical stabilizers and other impurities. It can still be used if food

grade is unavailable; it just isnt' as pure.

An alternate dosage regimen uses three drops of 35% H2O2 in a glass of

water, three times a day, which is then increased by a drop per dose,

per day, up to 25 drops per dose in extreme cases. Candidiasis victims

should start at one drop per dose, and build their tolerance gradually.

Some find the taste rather bleachy and unpleasant, and may wish to chase

it with plain water. It can also be mixed with fruit juice, and citrus

juices in particular cover the taste pretty well.

Adding seven drops of 35% H2O2 to a gallon of drinking water and shaking

well purifies it and gives it a pleasant waterfall-like flavor.

For more dosage details and extensive references on H2O2 to a gallon of

drinking water and shaking well purifies it and gives it a pleasant

waterfall-like flavor.

These gentlemen have continued the research initiated by Dr. Edward Carl

Rosenow (1875-1966). They have located over 4000 peer-reviewed medical

articles on the applications of hydrogen peroxide, some dating back to

the 1800's.

They received the National Health Federations Pioneer Award in Medicine

three years ago for this ongoing research. Walter Grotz, in particular,

has been touring and lecturing extensively on the benefits of

self-adminstered H2O2, literally saving lives wherever he goes, and

bringing hope to people who had been told their cases were hopeless.

Dr. Kurt W. Donsbach at the Bio-Genesis Institute in Rosarita Beach,

Baja Mexico (619-428-8585), has achieved a remission rate exceeding 70%

in over 300 patients, at last count, most of whom had been previously

told they were beyond hope, and had " tried everything else. "

Bio-oxidative therapies are now applied to all cases that arrive at this

clinic, and all respond except for some of those who arrive already very

close to death. The Guadalajara Medical School, Mexico's largest, is

initiating their own tests this summer, and will add it to their

curriculum upon verification.

As Dr. Donsbach has pointed out, no U.S. clinic or institution has ever

tested intravenous H2O2 as a treatment for cancer, so any claim that is

not effective is not based on clinicl trial, and amount to willful


The Gerson Institute and La Gloria Clinic in Mexico are also using

hydrogen peroxide therapies on their patients, after the staff tested it

on themselves and found it to be beneficial.







Bruce Reid [bwreid67]

22 October 2003 13:35


RE: [Raw Food] Re: Oxygen





Great post Peter, (The reason is that H2O2 is forming there due to the

water's rapid agitation) I wonder if putting purified water in the vita

mixer for a short period of time would have any benefits?










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The 35% H202 you buy at the pharmacy definitely has reagents and who knows

what else in it. You need to buy " food grade " H202, and there are locations

for this product and then dilute with distilled water to get 35%.





> I have bought a bottle of 35% H2O2 for $3 in a chemists shop.


> Here is an article on how to get a recommended dose

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Sorry the last number after distilled should be 3% not 35%. 1oz of the 35%

added to 15oz of distilled water yields 1 pint (16oz) of the 3% solution

usually used. In the states you cannot get 35% food grade H202 in a

pharmacy. It sounds like you may be able to get that in Europe though. It

must be food grade though.




> All:

> The 35% H202 you buy at the pharmacy definitely has reagents and who knows

> what else in it. You need to buy " food grade " H202, and there are


> for this product and then dilute with distilled water to get 35%.

> Rob



> >

> > I have bought a bottle of 35% H2O2 for $3 in a chemists shop.

> >

> > Here is an article on how to get a recommended dose

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How about giving us a link if you have it,





" RobGee " <robg33

<rawfood >

Wednesday, October 22, 2003 8:25 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: Oxygen



> All:

> The 35% H202 you buy at the pharmacy definitely has reagents and who knows

> what else in it. You need to buy " food grade " H202, and there are


> for this product and then dilute with distilled water to get 35%.

> Rob

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Do a google on " food grade hydrogen peroxide " and many sources come up. I

haven't bought any in awhile as one needed to buy in quantity at one time.

This also brings up another factor. Shelf life. Varying reports on that, so

this thread is prompting me to search out another source. At one time it was

very difficult to get food grade in the States. There were underground

locations, but not sold openly. Looking at the google search engine I can

see the product is more readily available these days.






> RobGee,

> How about giving us a link if you have it,


> Thanks,

> Jess

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The Chemist assured me that there were no additives and he diluted to

reach 35%.

I should be OK.





RobGee [robg33]

22 October 2003 14:32


Re: [Raw Food] Re: Oxygen




Sorry the last number after distilled should be 3% not 35%. 1oz of the

35% added to 15oz of distilled water yields 1 pint (16oz) of the 3%

solution usually used. In the states you cannot get 35% food grade H202

in a pharmacy. It sounds like you may be able to get that in Europe

though. It must be food grade though. Rob



> All:

> The 35% H202 you buy at the pharmacy definitely has reagents and who

> knows what else in it. You need to buy " food grade " H202, and there

> are


> for this product and then dilute with distilled water to get 35%. Rob



> >

> > I have bought a bottle of 35% H2O2 for $3 in a chemists shop.

> >

> > Here is an article on how to get a recommended dose





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Right now I'm reading McCabe's earlier book " O2xygen Therapies " . I'm

reading this section that is a transcript of a talk given by Dr.

Charles H. Farr, M.S. Ph.D., M.D.


" Some studies said, if we inject this in the arteries, we know it

dissolves triglycerides and cholesterol and takes the plaque out. We

thought this action might gave a potential effect of reversing

arteriosclerosis. It does. (shows Picture) Here is one of a carotid

artery going into the neck. Here is where it was blocked before. They

gave peroxide in this artery. There you can see the blood going up

into the head. Down here is the leg. You can see that it's partially

blocked. Over here it's opened up. Other people have shown that this

has dramatic healing effects. "




" Great post Peter, (The reason is that H2O2 is forming there due to

the water's

rapid agitation) I wonder if putting purified water in the vita mixer

for a

short period of time would have any benefits? "


There is a test you can do to find the presents of H2O2. I don't know

haw it's done but it is a simple test involving potassium iodide and

ferrous sulfate that will test down to one part of hydrogen peroxide

to twenty million parts of water.


Father Richard Willhelm, B.S. known as the Oxygen Priest. Said he was

on an airplain and thought he tasted H2O2 in the water so he pulled

out his " test kit " and tested it. It was there. He later found that

the airline was cleaning their holding tanks with H2O2. So it must be

a simple test. It would be interesting to find out how to do this,

and do like you say " Put it through a Vita Mix.


One other thing, I have gotten used to the taste of H2O2 in my water

and now water without it tastes crappy.






rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Thanks Doug,



> I have Irish blood myself and McCabe sounds Irish and these

> kinsmen are great talkers.


> There is quite a lot positive said on the web from credible

> sources about oxygen and H2O2.


> As you know, my preoccupation is plaque in the arteries and

> if you have any references on that, I would love them.


> There certainly is a connection between raw food and plaque in

> arteries.


> Some will not see oxygen as a food although water qualifies

> and so too, the quality of it, and anything added to it, such as

> chemicals or an extra oxygen molecule.


> Thus, we seem to be on topic.


> Peter

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Thanks Doug. I am going peroxide!


Yesterday I was reflecting that for about one or two thousand dollars

I could buy an H2O2 sauna or an Ozone machine or I could get chelation

therapy for even more or no doubt buy oxygen in a kit for more or

stick with my $3 bottle of H2O2 and dilute it in water and then drink

it. However in each case oxygen would hit my blood stream in less than

a minute so why fandango around with all that expense and palaver?


A bit cynical but that targeted injection sounds interesting. I think

I would like to hear more about that.




PS for Bruce below. Oxygenating water by blitzing it in the liquidizer

would no doubt produce H2O2 but at what concentration? My guess would be


probably quite a healthy one!





kauguy [no_reply ]

22 October 2003 22:34


[Raw Food] Re: Oxygen






Right now I'm reading McCabe's earlier book " O2xygen Therapies " . I'm

reading this section that is a transcript of a talk given by Dr.

Charles H. Farr, M.S. Ph.D., M.D.


" Some studies said, if we inject this in the arteries, we know it

dissolves triglycerides and cholesterol and takes the plaque out. We

thought this action might gave a potential effect of reversing

arteriosclerosis. It does. (shows Picture) Here is one of a carotid

artery going into the neck. Here is where it was blocked before. They

gave peroxide in this artery. There you can see the blood going up

into the head. Down here is the leg. You can see that it's partially

blocked. Over here it's opened up. Other people have shown that this

has dramatic healing effects. "




" Great post Peter, (The reason is that H2O2 is forming there due to

the water's

rapid agitation) I wonder if putting purified water in the vita mixer

for a

short period of time would have any benefits? "


There is a test you can do to find the presents of H2O2. I don't know

haw it's done but it is a simple test involving potassium iodide and

ferrous sulfate that will test down to one part of hydrogen peroxide

to twenty million parts of water.


Father Richard Willhelm, B.S. known as the Oxygen Priest. Said he was

on an airplain and thought he tasted H2O2 in the water so he pulled

out his " test kit " and tested it. It was there. He later found that

the airline was cleaning their holding tanks with H2O2. So it must be

a simple test. It would be interesting to find out how to do this,

and do like you say " Put it through a Vita Mix.


One other thing, I have gotten used to the taste of H2O2 in my water

and now water without it tastes crappy.






rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Thanks Doug,



> I have Irish blood myself and McCabe sounds Irish and these

> kinsmen are great talkers.


> There is quite a lot positive said on the web from credible

> sources about oxygen and H2O2.


> As you know, my preoccupation is plaque in the arteries and

> if you have any references on that, I would love them.


> There certainly is a connection between raw food and plaque in

> arteries.


> Some will not see oxygen as a food although water qualifies and so

> too, the quality of it, and anything added to it, such as chemicals or


> an extra oxygen molecule.


> Thus, we seem to be on topic.


> Peter





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I don't know why I didn't think of this, but in the book " Flood Your

Body With Oxygen " , in the back of the book he has a " Resource "

section. He lists doctors all over the world who do oxygen therapy.

There is one in Belgium.


Dr. Alain Ceulemans

Neerstraat 17

Tessenderio, Limburg B-


Tel: +32+136-67461

Fax: +32+136-72519

Ozone Therapies


There are 4 more listed in the U.K.


In O2xygen Therapies, Dr. Charles H. Farr says " Are any of you

familiar with hyperbaric oxygen, also called HBO, where we used a

tank? Those tanks cost anywhere from $70,000 to $106,000 I used to

have a couple of them. they are explosive. They are dangerous in many

ways. They can burst your eardrums and so forth. But still, there is

a lot of benefit that comes from hyperbaric oxygen.


One of the doctors measured the amount of oxygen produced in tissue

within hyperbaric chambers. He found the limit was 200 units. He gave

intravenous hydrogen peroxide and measured how much it produced. It

produced 300. they have a $70,000 expensive, potentially dangerous

tank, producing 200 units of oxygen. Over here you have $.03 worth of

hydrogen peroxide producing one third more. "






rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Doug,


> Thanks Doug. I am going peroxide!


> Yesterday I was reflecting that for about one or two thousand


> I could buy an H2O2 sauna or an Ozone machine or I could get


> therapy for even more or no doubt buy oxygen in a kit for more or

> stick with my $3 bottle of H2O2 and dilute it in water and then


> it. However in each case oxygen would hit my blood stream in less


> a minute so why fandango around with all that expense and palaver?


> A bit cynical but that targeted injection sounds interesting. I


> I would like to hear more about that.


> Peter.


> PS for Bruce below. Oxygenating water by blitzing it in the


> would no doubt produce H2O2 but at what concentration? My guess

would be


> probably quite a healthy one!

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Thanks, Doug for the Limburg contact.


The hyperbaric oxygen therapy has an edge when it comes to taking oxygen

to places where blood cells do not usually reach such as bones.


For my problem, it is over kill and at $55,000 for the kit for starters,

it is not competitive with the $3 dollar bottle of H2O2.


This thread may sound deviating from raw food but is it? I think that

part of the value of raw food eating may be that it carries the higher

oxygen level. Cooking deoxygenates water and food at 97 degrees

Centigrade completely and other gases come out as with the singing

kettle. Never mind that enzymes are killed and a whole lot of other

biochemical destruction goes on as well with heating; boiled food is

de-oxygenated! It is left to do its bio-chemistry in the body without

the bread and butter of life which is a " normal " supply of oxygen

present in the food itself or in the gut. The blood carrying oxygen does

not reach the intestine were so much oxygen consuming digestive

carbohydrate chemistry goes on.

Such may explain the doctor's finding below that there are the lower

oxygen values in tissues with hyperbaric oxygen therapy than tissues

which have been treated with H2O2 in water which reach inside the

digestive tract!


It could be that this deficiency in oxygen is pivotal to many ailments

which explains the enthusiasm of McCabe and others for the healing

properties of oxygen. My disease is unknown in people who have never

smoked. Smoking delivers carbon monoxide which attacks the oxygen

supply in the blood possibly producing physiological malfunction which

results in plaque in the arteries.


Enough rambling from someone who has not even made it to a first year

medical class.


Perhaps in years to come water will be sold with H2O2 instead of CO2!


Lets hope so.








kauguy [no_reply ]

23 October 2003 09:22


[Raw Food] Re: Oxygen






I don't know why I didn't think of this, but in the book " Flood Your

Body With Oxygen " , in the back of the book he has a " Resource "

section. He lists doctors all over the world who do oxygen therapy.

There is one in Belgium.


Dr. Alain Ceulemans

Neerstraat 17

Tessenderio, Limburg B-


Tel: +32+136-67461

Fax: +32+136-72519

Ozone Therapies


There are 4 more listed in the U.K.


In O2xygen Therapies, Dr. Charles H. Farr says " Are any of you

familiar with hyperbaric oxygen, also called HBO, where we used a

tank? Those tanks cost anywhere from $70,000 to $106,000 I used to

have a couple of them. they are explosive. They are dangerous in many

ways. They can burst your eardrums and so forth. But still, there is

a lot of benefit that comes from hyperbaric oxygen.


One of the doctors measured the amount of oxygen produced in tissue

within hyperbaric chambers. He found the limit was 200 units. He gave

intravenous hydrogen peroxide and measured how much it produced. It

produced 300. they have a $70,000 expensive, potentially dangerous

tank, producing 200 units of oxygen. Over here you have $.03 worth of

hydrogen peroxide producing one third more. "






rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Doug,


> Thanks Doug. I am going peroxide!


> Yesterday I was reflecting that for about one or two thousand


> I could buy an H2O2 sauna or an Ozone machine or I could get


> therapy for even more or no doubt buy oxygen in a kit for more or

> stick with my $3 bottle of H2O2 and dilute it in water and then


> it. However in each case oxygen would hit my blood stream in less


> a minute so why fandango around with all that expense and palaver?


> A bit cynical but that targeted injection sounds interesting. I


> I would like to hear more about that.


> Peter.


> PS for Bruce below. Oxygenating water by blitzing it in the


> would no doubt produce H2O2 but at what concentration? My guess

would be


> probably quite a healthy one!






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I now recall why my previous enthusiasm for oxygen was weak. There was

a notion about free radicals and aging. Yul Bruyner of Hollywood fame

for example was a big oxygen taker and he died young. There have been

other Hollywood stars the same,


This makes the item below interesting.




Others might have more science to add



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rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>



> Doug,


> I now recall why my previous enthusiasm for oxygen was weak. There


> a notion about free radicals and aging. Yul Bruyner of Hollywood


> for example was a big oxygen taker and he died young.


FWIW, Yul Bruyner was a *very* heavy smoker...



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Actually Peter; this thread is very relevant to raw (living) foods.

That's why I was saying that oxygen therapy can supercharge a living

foods diet. From what I gleaned from these books. People who eat

cooked food don't respond as well to oxygen. It seems to be more of a

temporary fix for them. they also have problems ingesting hydrogen

peroxide. Especially those who eat meat and animal products. All the

added bacteria and viruses cause the peroxide to foam in the stomach

and they can't keep it down. In fact most of the benefits of peroxide

come from having an alkaline body. Which is why Ed McCabe stresses a

living foods diet


Oxidation is the same thing as burning. Fire is rapid oxidation.

Active oxygen was once believed to be a free radical but it was found

to be actually oxidizing or burning up free radicals. McCabe explains

all this in his book.


I need to give everyone a warning. 35% hydrogen peroxide can be

dangerous. You should were rubber gloves when handling it. It can

burn skin. Especially if there are damaged cells present. We all have

damaged and dead cells on our skin. Personally I find the burns to be

very minor and I don't wear gloves. Also, and this is really cool.

You can't wear latex gloves. Latex is dead plant cells peroxide will

burn right through it. You need neoprene.


The Nazis used 90% hydrogen peroxide as rocket fuel in their V2

rockets. This is wild stuff.


" The last thing our society needs is people not taking the time to

learn all about oxygenators, and either condemning them, or abusing

them through overuse, keep in mind, that these potent oxidizers all

have a demonstrated, " window of effectiveness. " Too small a dosage….

Nothing happens, too large a dosage…. You start killing cells.

Between these two points is the range that works for each

individual. " - Ed McCabe


.. It seems to me after using peroxide for 2 months. And being a long

time raw. That I can not only handle more peroxide. But that smaller

amounts have more effect on my body thereby expanding this " Window of

Effectiveness " I base this on what I have read in the testimonials in

McCabes books.






rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>



> Doug,


> I now recall why my previous enthusiasm for oxygen was weak. There


> a notion about free radicals and aging. Yul Bruyner of Hollywood


> for example was a big oxygen taker and he died young. There have


> other Hollywood stars the same,


> This makes the item below interesting.


> http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/tt/2002/aug14/lenny.html


> Others might have more science to add


> Peter

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/22/03 7:45:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

petergardiner writes:


> In the states you cannot get 35% food grade H202

> in a pharmacy.


I've seen it on eBay, though. Food Grade.

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i got 12% food grade H2O2.what is the difference

between 35% and 12%?


--- bearscats wrote:

> In a message dated 10/22/03 7:45:18 AM Eastern

> Standard Time,

> petergardiner writes:


> > In the states you cannot get 35% food grade H202

> > in a pharmacy.


> I've seen it on eBay, though. Food Grade.






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