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raw potatos?, Oxalic acid

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rawfood , Jason Coon <jcoon@c...> wrote:

> hello all, I was wondering if humans can eat them?


Hi Jason,


Yes, we can eat raw potatos. Check out this article on the

importance of starch in our diet. Following that are a couple quotes

on oxalic acid.





" The Staff of Life

by Edwin S. Douglas, Founder,

American Living Foods Institute

The Importance of starch in the human diet is greatly underestimated

by many advocates of living food lifestyle. Starch is definitely the

staff of life. ...

.... STARCH FOODS (Complex Carbohydrates)


In ancient times the primary sources of starch were root vegetables

and tubers such as raw yams and potatoes , and high-starch nuts such

as acorns and chestnuts. The importance of root vegetables was

recognized by Dr. Norman Walker, the famous nutritionist, who

emphasized that they are rich in essential minerals and vitamins. In

his book, " Diet and Salad " , he recommended that we include raw

potatoes, yams, parsnips, rutabagas and turnips in our diet by

grinding, grating or chopping them and adding to salads. Most people

don't find these raw starch foods appetizing. ... "




Dr. Norman Walker also wrote about oxalic acid. First, here is a

quote from Viktoras Kulvinskas:

http://www.geocities.com/viktoraslive/reports.htm " ... *Oxalic acid

excess - can be found in rancid foods - especially rancid bee

pollen; cooked spinach ; oversprouted Sunflower greens (should be

eaten before the second set of leaf appear - before 7th day) or

sprouted sunflower (soaked or sprouted for 1 day are ok) -they give

a burning sensation to throat; with excessive consumption of

sunflower and buckwheat greens (-over a pound per day) can bring on

fatique. "


The following is quoted from



" According to Dr. Norman Walker (in his books), Oxalic acid is only a

concern if it is cooked. Dr. Walker states that raw oxalic acid does

not have any negative effect on the body, only positive effects

The following excerpt is from Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Dr.



" Organic oxalic acid is one of the important elements needed to

maintain the tone of, and to stimulate peristalsis. . . If the

important organs comprising the alimentary and eliminative

departments of our system, or any parts of them, are moribund or

dead, the efficiency of their function is impaired, to say the least.

This condition can result only from a lack or deficiency of live

atoms in the food nourishing the cells and tissues concerned. Live

food means that food which contains live organic atoms and enzymes

found only in our raw foods.


" . . . It is very vital to stress this matter in regard to oxalic

acid. When the food is raw, whether whole or in the form of juice,

every atom in such food is vital ORGANIC and is replete with enzymes.

Therefore, the oxalic acid in our raw vegetables and their juices is

organic, and as such is not only beneficial but essential for the

physiological functions of the body.


" The oxalic acid in cooked and processed foods, however, is

definitely dead, or INORGANIC, and as such is both pernicious and

destructive. Oxalic acid readily combines with calcium. If these are

both organic, {meaning raw} the result is a beneficial constructive

combination, as the former helps the digestive assimilation of the

latter, at the same time stimulating the peristaltic functions in the



" When the oxalic acid has become INORGANIC by cooking or processing

the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking

compound with the calcium even combining with the calcium in other

foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of

both. "


In his book, written in 1936, Dr. Walker, when referring to ORGANIC

oxalic acid is using the word " organic " in reference to " raw " oxalic

acid as opposed to the word " organic " meaning not grown with

chemicals and pesticides. In other parts of the book he also uses the

word " organic " when referring to foods grown without chemicals and

pesticides. There is more information on oxalic acid in his book. "

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The text below, Roger without out it this post will make no sense,

fairly put all these health preaching doctors who talk about " gently

steaming vegetables " in a bad light. They might counter argue by saying

that we have liver and kidneys to take out such toxins and that raw

foodists are obsessive - who knows?







Mike [snyder68]

20 November 2003 23:07


[Raw Food] Re: raw potatos?, Oxalic acid




rawfood , Jason Coon <jcoon@c...> wrote:

> hello all, I was wondering if humans can eat them?


Hi Jason,


Yes, we can eat raw potatos. Check out this article on the

importance of starch in our diet. Following that are a couple quotes

on oxalic acid.





" The Staff of Life

by Edwin S. Douglas, Founder,

American Living Foods Institute

The Importance of starch in the human diet is greatly underestimated

by many advocates of living food lifestyle. Starch is definitely the

staff of life. ...

.... STARCH FOODS (Complex Carbohydrates)


In ancient times the primary sources of starch were root vegetables

and tubers such as raw yams and potatoes , and high-starch nuts such

as acorns and chestnuts. The importance of root vegetables was

recognized by Dr. Norman Walker, the famous nutritionist, who

emphasized that they are rich in essential minerals and vitamins. In

his book, " Diet and Salad " , he recommended that we include raw

potatoes, yams, parsnips, rutabagas and turnips in our diet by

grinding, grating or chopping them and adding to salads. Most people

don't find these raw starch foods appetizing. ... "




Dr. Norman Walker also wrote about oxalic acid. First, here is a

quote from Viktoras Kulvinskas:

http://www.geocities.com/viktoraslive/reports.htm " ... *Oxalic acid

excess - can be found in rancid foods - especially rancid bee

pollen; cooked spinach ; oversprouted Sunflower greens (should be

eaten before the second set of leaf appear - before 7th day) or

sprouted sunflower (soaked or sprouted for 1 day are ok) -they give

a burning sensation to throat; with excessive consumption of

sunflower and buckwheat greens (-over a pound per day) can bring on

fatique. "


The following is quoted from



" According to Dr. Norman Walker (in his books), Oxalic acid is only a

concern if it is cooked. Dr. Walker states that raw oxalic acid does

not have any negative effect on the body, only positive effects The

following excerpt is from Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices by Dr.



" Organic oxalic acid is one of the important elements needed to

maintain the tone of, and to stimulate peristalsis. . . If the

important organs comprising the alimentary and eliminative

departments of our system, or any parts of them, are moribund or

dead, the efficiency of their function is impaired, to say the least.

This condition can result only from a lack or deficiency of live

atoms in the food nourishing the cells and tissues concerned. Live

food means that food which contains live organic atoms and enzymes

found only in our raw foods.


" . . . It is very vital to stress this matter in regard to oxalic

acid. When the food is raw, whether whole or in the form of juice,

every atom in such food is vital ORGANIC and is replete with enzymes.

Therefore, the oxalic acid in our raw vegetables and their juices is

organic, and as such is not only beneficial but essential for the

physiological functions of the body.


" The oxalic acid in cooked and processed foods, however, is

definitely dead, or INORGANIC, and as such is both pernicious and

destructive. Oxalic acid readily combines with calcium. If these are

both organic, {meaning raw} the result is a beneficial constructive

combination, as the former helps the digestive assimilation of the

latter, at the same time stimulating the peristaltic functions in the



" When the oxalic acid has become INORGANIC by cooking or processing

the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking

compound with the calcium even combining with the calcium in other

foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of

both. "


In his book, written in 1936, Dr. Walker, when referring to ORGANIC

oxalic acid is using the word " organic " in reference to " raw " oxalic

acid as opposed to the word " organic " meaning not grown with

chemicals and pesticides. In other parts of the book he also uses the

word " organic " when referring to foods grown without chemicals and

pesticides. There is more information on oxalic acid in his book. "





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