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Raw Eating and The Christian

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Okay, this might open a can of worms, but I have a question.


I am a Christian (in the narrow sense, not the broader sense. IOW, I

am a ~practicing~, I-hope-to-get-it-right-one-day Christian, not in

name only). I have done a ton of reading on diets and natural

hygiene, etc. and am quite convinced that our SAD is indeed sad.



Because I believe the Bible above all things I am wondering how any

Christians that might be here reconcile what the Bible says with an

all-raw or vegetarian lifestyle. God gave meat to eat and in fact,

clearly provided it at times (for the priests, for the Israelites in

the desert, etc.). Romans 14 calls the vegetarian the weaker brother

because his conscience will only allow vegetables. The Lord gave

Peter the vision of all previous " unclean " things being let down in

the sheet and commanded him to " rise and eat " . All of this makes me

question the science that all raw/all veggie is really THE way to go

as far as eating. There is science that suggests that some meat is a

good thing (just as there is science that suggests the opposite). Who

to believe? I have decided to use the Word of God to help me sift the

science and decide what to eat.


I am absolutely convinced (by experience, by reading, and mostly by

the confirmation of the Word of God) that raw food is good, that

whole food is good, that overly-processed foods are not good (IOW,

chemicals, additives, " instant " foods, etc., excluding the process of

cooking some foods), that fasting and juicing are great and necessary

and the like. But I am not able to accept all raw or vegetarian at

this point because I have not been able to reconcile it with the

Bible and have not heard the other point of view if there is one (and

I suspect there is). Well, I have heard the Halleluia Acres argument

that in Gen. 1:29 we were originally given the plants and stuff to

eat, but this takes one portion of Scripture and discounts others

(there is another reason we didn't eat meat at that time). I would

like to see this verse/argument reconciled with the other verses that

talk about eating meat and cooked.


If this is beyond the scope of this group, please forgive me and

ignore this post. I just thought this the best place to find those

who were already convinced of raw eating who might also be

Christians. I know Jenny Silliman here is a believer, but wasn't sure

about anyone else. Oh, 'cept Grace, but I know where she stands. :)


Anyone else willing to share? (If it's appropriate.)




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Somewhere I have read something about Christ being an Essene and eating raw.

He certainly ate bread but may have been vegetarian. 400 years earlier,

Pythagoras was

raw and there was a whole Greek school around which was Raw.


Speaking for myself the more religions here the better although I care not

at all for preaching

The Bible was written long ago when human knowledge was less but I am

compelled to agree with the notion of Love being a basis for the conduct of

life. Not all the scientists in the world the highest power will convince

me otherwise.


Certainly peace and inner calm is getting very good press in the medical



That said trekking through biblical texts on diets an exercise of casual

interest at best to me.


The lawyer attacking me is getting Luke 11.46. :-)





Susan [susan_wilkinson]

10 December 2003 17:39


[Raw Food] Raw Eating and The Christian




Okay, this might open a can of worms, but I have a question.


I am a Christian (in the narrow sense, not the broader sense. IOW, I

am a ~practicing~, I-hope-to-get-it-right-one-day Christian, not in

name only). I have done a ton of reading on diets and natural

hygiene, etc. and am quite convinced that our SAD is indeed sad.



Because I believe the Bible above all things I am wondering how any

Christians that might be here reconcile what the Bible says with an

all-raw or vegetarian lifestyle. God gave meat to eat and in fact,

clearly provided it at times (for the priests, for the Israelites in

the desert, etc.). Romans 14 calls the vegetarian the weaker brother

because his conscience will only allow vegetables. The Lord gave

Peter the vision of all previous " unclean " things being let down in

the sheet and commanded him to " rise and eat " . All of this makes me

question the science that all raw/all veggie is really THE way to go

as far as eating. There is science that suggests that some meat is a

good thing (just as there is science that suggests the opposite). Who

to believe? I have decided to use the Word of God to help me sift the

science and decide what to eat.


I am absolutely convinced (by experience, by reading, and mostly by

the confirmation of the Word of God) that raw food is good, that

whole food is good, that overly-processed foods are not good (IOW,

chemicals, additives, " instant " foods, etc., excluding the process of

cooking some foods), that fasting and juicing are great and necessary

and the like. But I am not able to accept all raw or vegetarian at

this point because I have not been able to reconcile it with the

Bible and have not heard the other point of view if there is one (and

I suspect there is). Well, I have heard the Halleluia Acres argument

that in Gen. 1:29 we were originally given the plants and stuff to

eat, but this takes one portion of Scripture and discounts others

(there is another reason we didn't eat meat at that time). I would

like to see this verse/argument reconciled with the other verses that

talk about eating meat and cooked.


If this is beyond the scope of this group, please forgive me and

ignore this post. I just thought this the best place to find those

who were already convinced of raw eating who might also be

Christians. I know Jenny Silliman here is a believer, but wasn't sure

about anyone else. Oh, 'cept Grace, but I know where she stands. :)


Anyone else willing to share? (If it's appropriate.)







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Dear Susan:


As a pre-text to my reply, I must state that I do not

believe that the bible is " the word of God " inerrant;

but I do believe that many parts of it were inspired by the

mind of God (which indwells human beings), and

are important to us.


The reason I state this is because the bible depicts

God in inconsistent ways. If God is love, than God

is always loving (See Exodus 32).


If God is changless (as many biblicists state), then

God can't be inconsistent in what he says and does.


If Genesis 1:29 is/are actually God's word(s) to Adam

(and they are, by the way, God's " first words " and that

should recommend itself as notable and we should pay

attention to what he says), then later scriptures that are

contradictory to this " garden directive " strike me as

dubious (probably included, " with God's authority " as

a rationalization by the human animal mind in order

to satisfy its lusts).


This is just my personal point of view; and I make no

claim over how another may choose to believe. I don't

believe there can be a reconciliation, as they are

contradictory. Do we choose to believe God's " first

words " in the garden where we lived in God's perfection,

or do we follow the words, the realities, outside the garden

life, outside the garden reality?






Susan <susan_wilkinson wrote:

Okay, this might open a can of worms, but I have a question.


Well, I have heard the Halleluia Acres argument

that in Gen. 1:29 we were originally given the plants and stuff to

eat, but this takes one portion of Scripture and discounts others

(there is another reason we didn't eat meat at that time). I would

like to see this verse/argument reconciled with the other verses that

talk about eating meat and cooked.




The experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual

into a personality of idealistic power. Religion ministers to the progress of

all through fostering the progress of each individual, and the progress of each

is augmented through the achievement of all. [The Urantia Book: 1094:1]




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