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I have TMJ, and suffer from chronic headaches. I've had some relief

since I've been raw, but not much. Have any of you dealt with

headaches? How did you treat them? I saw a neurologist yesterday

who wants me to have botox injections in my head, and that's *so* not

ok with me.


Any light any of you can shed will be greatly appreciated.



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i wouldn't completely write off the botox injections even though technically

they are poison. a friend of mine with massive migraines gets then and she says

it's the only thing that's given her any measure of relief after all the stuff

she's tried. (and trust me she's pretty much tried everything).


i did hear some adverts on the dr. laura radio show a few times for a product

called " migrahealth " (i think it is?). it's supposed to be some sort of

supplement (not drugs) found in the vitamin aisle of your local store.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but TMJ is the abbreviation for the medical name for

lockjaw, right?






I have TMJ, and suffer from chronic headaches. I've had some relief

since I've been raw, but not much. Have any of you dealt with

headaches? How did you treat them? I saw a neurologist yesterday

who wants me to have botox injections in my head, and that's *so* not

ok with me.


Any light any of you can shed will be greatly appreciated.





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Try rubbing peppermint oil on the pressure points. Sometimes it helps to

take a warm shower first, to open the pores... but that will BURN. Also try

reflexology. With your thumb and forefinger of one hand, squeeze and hold

the web between your thumb and index finger of the other hand. Hold for

several seconds. You should find a couple tender spots - these are the

spots to work. Do both hands. You may want to do the same to your feet.

Hold your foot with both hands. Find the sore spots and apply pressure with

one thumb, walking it in an up and down motion across the tender area. Then

do the other foot.


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Bridgitte, Have you tried chiropractic? I say that because I too had

TMJ until I was seeing a chiropractor for a back injury and she used

a small tool called, errr, uh oh, I can't remember the name of it,

but instead of manipulating me and popping me she used this small

thing, OH! I think it's called an " activator " (?) and it just

kinda " thumped " me and repositioned things. I was very skeptical

about it, except that she helped my back much and FIXED my TMJ with

it. I haven't had one headache or clicking or jaw locking since then.

It took a couple of times or maybe a few, but she just did it when I

went in for my back. It was weird, the last time she did it, I knew

she'd done something good.


That was 7 years ago and not one problem since.


TMJ is a structural problem. It seems that raw eating would go a long

way to help keep the area as healthy as possible despite the

misalignment, but I don't see how raw eating can cure TMJ itself.

(Just like I don't think chiropractors can cure colds, but that's

just me.)




rawfood , " Bridgitte " <syndactylcat> wrote:

> I have TMJ, and suffer from chronic headaches. I've had some


> since I've been raw, but not much. Have any of you dealt with

> headaches? How did you treat them? I saw a neurologist yesterday

> who wants me to have botox injections in my head, and that's *so*


> ok with me.


> Any light any of you can shed will be greatly appreciated.


> Bridgitte

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Dear Bridgitte,

Have you ever been to a Chriopractor? I sufferred terribly from headaches until

I had my first " adjustment. " It was like the best think that every happened to



If I ever get a headache now (which is not often) I run right over and get an

adjustment. I never take pain meds.

Ring Around the Moon





I have TMJ, and suffer from chronic headaches. I've had some relief

since I've been raw, but not much. Have any of you dealt with

headaches? How did you treat them? I saw a neurologist yesterday

who wants me to have botox injections in my head, and that's *so* not

ok with me.


Any light any of you can shed will be greatly appreciated.






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> TMJ is a structural problem. It seems that raw eating would go a


> way to help keep the area as healthy as possible despite the

> misalignment, but I don't see how raw eating can cure TMJ itself.


Right. I noticed that my headaches were less painful after going

raw, but now I'm thinking that may have just been coincidence ;)



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Hi Bridgitte,


Don't know if this helps but, my daughter has always had really bad

headaches to the point of getting sick. I have been begging her for years to

just give up dairy and wheat for 2 weeks to see if there is a difference. She

insists that she doesn't eat that much wheat & dairy but I know she eats more

than she thinks and it only takes a little to bring on headaches. She even

admitted just recently to eating a lot of junk food and pizza lately. She has

just visited a Dr who told her that her cholesterol is dangerously high and put

her on a diet of mostly raw fruits and veggies. She can have some cooked

veggies and only 2 oz. of meat a week. I was so surprised and happy to hear this

from a regular medical Dr. At any rate she called me last night to say that in 3

weeks she has not had 1 headache and feels better than she can remember (she is

37) and has lost 11 lbs. She said she is thinking of going raw after the test

shows that her cholesterol is in a safe range. I myself have found that when I

fell off the raw wagon and started eating wheat again that I would experience

headaches immediately after. This was sprouted wheat bread and I have been told

that even just sprouted grain can cause headaches. So, didn't know how raw you

are or if you use sprouted grains. Just food for thought.


Bridgitte wrote:



<I have TMJ, and suffer from chronic headaches. I've had some relief

since I've been raw, but not much. Have any of you dealt with

headaches? How did you treat them? I saw a neurologist yesterday

who wants me to have botox injections in my head, and that's *so* not

ok with me.


Any light any of you can shed will be greatly appreciated.







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Hi Breezi,


I'm 100% raw, and haven't had any sprouted grains in a couple of

months, so it's definitely not that ;) I get them because of jaw

clenching, but I'm going about ruling other things out. I saw a

neurologist the other day who actually recommended a vitamin regimine

(I'm already getting everything he said to take) and I got my eyes

checked today. Turns out my prescription has changed, so that may

have something to do with it. I'm also seeing a headache doctor on

monday (mostly to satisfy my boss), but who knows, he may have some

decent advice.


At any rate, if I find something that works that's compatible with

raw foods, I'll let you all know! Otherwise, please keep your

fingers crossed for me for a pain-free weekend :)




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The raw eating would lessen inflammation in the area, reduce toxins

in the body overall, and generally make you less ill and headaches

therefore less painful. Makes sense to me.




rawfood , " Bridgitte " <syndactylcat> wrote:

> > TMJ is a structural problem. It seems that raw eating would go a

> long

> > way to help keep the area as healthy as possible despite the

> > misalignment, but I don't see how raw eating can cure TMJ itself.


> Right. I noticed that my headaches were less painful after going

> raw, but now I'm thinking that may have just been coincidence ;)


> Bridgitte

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Hi Bridgitte


Fortunately, I do not suffer from headaches, but I do have celiac disease ~

intolerance to gluten. I have learned that those intolerant to gluten, can also

be intolerant to lactose. If either of these continue in one's diet, different

symptoms can arise for different people. Every two years, I take my children in

to get blood tests for gluten intolerance, even though I have cut back their

wheat/ gluten intake in general. I know that the act of taking children for

'suspected' gluten intolerance sounds pessimistic, but sometimes, it's years

before one knows they have a problem with it.


The reason I mention this is my son of 13 gets headaches to the point of

vomiting. He doesn't always vomit, ~ especially if we curb the headache before

it gets too bad. When he eats less wheat/ gluten, as well as dairy foods, he

has no headaches. Simple? For a thirteen year old it is harder I would say, as

there are so many distractions. It's hard enough for adults, yes?


Whenever we go into the mall, even if my son doesn't eat these offending foods,

he gets headaches. We've discovered it's the fluorescent lights. And the

thunderous music........boom, boom, boom! If he wears his sunglasses, it's not



When he feels a headache coming on, he puts peppermint oil on his temples. If

we don't have it on us, I immediately buy him a bottle of water, which also

helps curb the headache.


I wouldn't say he gets them regularly, but I've noticed the triggers and we try

to avoid them. Of course, if he ate raw, it would help. Don't get me wrong;

our children eat whatever we put in front of them. I suppose there would be

some resistance if their diet was changed drastically. Not rude resistance, but

more in a teasing way towards mamma. Sometimes, though, I think that we mammas

are our own worse enemies as we 'try' to restrict our children!


Anyway, hope this helps,








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I usually don't get headaches, but yesterday I had a terrible one.


I went to a massage therapist, who diagnosed me with over-use of the

computer. He worked out a lot of the muscles in neck and shoulders, and my

headache was GREATLY improved.


He suggested computer breaks every 45 minutes. And turning my head, during

those breaks, to look at specific things. He suggested NOT moving my head

around in circles, but said that moving it to look at selected things in

different directions would be helpful.


Hope this info proves helpful to at least somebody.




On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Bridgitte wrote:


> Hi Breezi,


> I'm 100% raw, and haven't had any sprouted grains in a couple of

> months, so it's definitely not that ;) I get them because of jaw

> clenching, but I'm going about ruling other things out. I saw a

> neurologist the other day who actually recommended a vitamin regimine

> (I'm already getting everything he said to take) and I got my eyes

> checked today. Turns out my prescription has changed, so that may

> have something to do with it. I'm also seeing a headache doctor on

> monday (mostly to satisfy my boss), but who knows, he may have some

> decent advice.


> At any rate, if I find something that works that's compatible with

> raw foods, I'll let you all know! Otherwise, please keep your

> fingers crossed for me for a pain-free weekend :)


> Thanks,

> Bridgitte





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Megan, TMJ means " Temporal Mandibular Disorder " ~ not necessarily lock jaw, as

it can affect a number of facial features, not only the jaw.







Megan Milligan


Friday, December 12, 2003 4:52 PM

Re: [Raw Food] headaches



i wouldn't completely write off the botox injections even though technically

they are poison. a friend of mine with massive migraines gets then and she says

it's the only thing that's given her any measure of relief after all the stuff

she's tried. (and trust me she's pretty much tried everything).


i did hear some adverts on the dr. laura radio show a few times for a product

called " migrahealth " (i think it is?). it's supposed to be some sort of

supplement (not drugs) found in the vitamin aisle of your local store.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but TMJ is the abbreviation for the medical name for

lockjaw, right?






I have TMJ, and suffer from chronic headaches. I've had some relief

since I've been raw, but not much. Have any of you dealt with

headaches? How did you treat them? I saw a neurologist yesterday

who wants me to have botox injections in my head, and that's *so* not

ok with me.


Any light any of you can shed will be greatly appreciated.




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I think the headache is the toughest problem for a medic to nail down.

There can be

so many causes. Am please to report that on a raw diet they never come my






Margie Roswell [mroswell]

12 December 2003 21:39


Re: [Raw Food] headaches




I usually don't get headaches, but yesterday I had a terrible one.


I went to a massage therapist, who diagnosed me with over-use of the

computer. He worked out a lot of the muscles in neck and shoulders, and my

headache was GREATLY improved.


He suggested computer breaks every 45 minutes. And turning my head, during

those breaks, to look at specific things. He suggested NOT moving my head

around in circles, but said that moving it to look at selected things in

different directions would be helpful.


Hope this info proves helpful to at least somebody.




On Fri, 12 Dec 2003, Bridgitte wrote:


> Hi Breezi,


> I'm 100% raw, and haven't had any sprouted grains in a couple of

> months, so it's definitely not that ;) I get them because of jaw

> clenching, but I'm going about ruling other things out. I saw a

> neurologist the other day who actually recommended a vitamin regimine

> (I'm already getting everything he said to take) and I got my eyes

> checked today. Turns out my prescription has changed, so that may

> have something to do with it. I'm also seeing a headache doctor on

> monday (mostly to satisfy my boss), but who knows, he may have some

> decent advice.


> At any rate, if I find something that works that's compatible with

> raw foods, I'll let you all know! Otherwise, please keep your

> fingers crossed for me for a pain-free weekend :)


> Thanks,

> Bridgitte





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rawfood , " Megan Milligan " <yasminduran@c...>



> Correct me if I'm wrong, but TMJ is the abbreviation for the

medical name for lockjaw, right?


TMJ is a generic term for any disfunction of the temporomandibular

joint. Jaw locking can be a symptom, as well as clicking. In my

case, my jaw on the left side pops out when i open my mouth and it

doesn't open straight up and down - it swings to the left. The jaw

clenching and teeth grinding that come along with it are the body's

subconscious attempt to realign the jaw properly.


Thanks to everyone who has suggested avenues of relief - your help is

really appreciated :)


Thanks again,


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>Am please to report that on a raw diet they never come my way.


Ditto for me. As I moved towards being vegan, they decreased in

frequency and severity. Since being a raw foodists (3 years on the

31st) the only resemblance of a headache has been very faint headache

pain, usually from environmental polution, etc., or perhaps something

I shouldn't eat.



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