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Living Foods, Religion, and/or Spirituality(susan)

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Susan after reading this thread I searched the archives to find the

original message which sparked this debate. I personally don't have a

problem with your questions, nor am I offended or irritated. Everyone

has the option to ignore threads which do not appeal to them. In

fact, I find the topic rather interesting. :) However, what I do

question is your statement in message #6642 where you stated " you've

discovered that the bible has no inconsistencies, inaccuracies, or

contradictions " .


I say this with a calm and humble spirit...one can not study the

bible " in depth " and NOT find inconsistencies.


There are Theologists, Biblical Scholars, and mere bible readers who

have discovered inconsistencies from Genesis to Revelations. I could

quote numerous scriptures that contradict each other...however I will

not do that here. If you'd like for me to send them to you by private

mail please let me know. :) As a child I was extremely religous. I

read the bible from front to back numerous times, highlighting,

memorizing, ect. I taught bible classes at the age of 11 to

others...and at the age of 9 I remember adults coming to me with

biblical questions. I was told by many that I was a prophetess,

possible evangelist, ect. ect.(labels by those who were religious) In

short, I've study religions from Catholism to the Jehovah Witnesses

and everything in between.


By the time I was 20 years of age I was saddened to learn that

religions are no more than MAN MADE CONSTRUCTS...that is why there

are so many religions and a little bit of truth in them all. I can't

begin to tell you how empty I felt when I came to the above

realization. I felt as if my years of study and quiet reflection were

in vain. However, the above realization led me to something even

greater. I now embrace spirituality...which is totally different from

religion. I view the bible as a guide book for life. I view GOD as a

Universal Power that is the source of all that is....this power is

not partial...everyone is an extension of Universal Power and/or God.


I do not view God as a single entity often depicted in relgions. I do

believe that Christ existed....however...I believe he was a man like

any one of us. I believe that Christ simply had reached a level of

spirituality that allowed him to tap into Universial Power. Unlike

many of us who realized his connection at an early age. In my

opinion, religions narrow the mind and cause one to become stagnated

and rigid spiritually.


Long story short...I've chosen the raw food principles as well as

fasting because both will allow me to treat my body as a

temple...clear my mind...increase my senses....and much more. All of

which will help me on my spiritual journey. However, there are many

who choose living foods for reasons totally unrelated to spirituality

or religion and I respect their choices. I understand your questions

and I agree to disagree concerning certain comments you've made,

though I also respect your opinions and thank you for introducing

this type of debate. I think there is a need for a group that

discusses raw food living for christians to meet the needs of those

like you who are Christians. Have you considered creating a forum of

that nature? I would also love to see a group for those following the

raw food lifestyle who would like to implement spirituality topics

that may or may not have a religious focus. I'd create this type of

group myself but feel I may not have the time to maintain the group.


In my years of past religious study and present spiritual

beliefs...I've learned that it is impossible to discuss religion

and/or spirituality with those who are not " open " to discussing them

and who have no interest in hearing them. That doesn't mean either

person is wrong...it only means this may not be the type of forum

where those topics will flourish. :) Lili

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nice to read what you wrote and your disire to

combinng spirituality with living food.Yesterday i

went to hear Dr. Gabiel Cousens, ilove him for his

work on spiritual nutrion.In search of a diet which

can tune us in high vibration so that we become super

conducror of divine, he found living food ....anyway i

am totally in support of that kind of group which

brings spirituality in living food.. of course not



--- Lili <ladyschaumburg wrote:

> Susan after reading this thread I searched the

> archives to find the

> original message which sparked this debate. I

> personally don't have a

> problem with your questions, nor am I offended or

> irritated. Everyone

> has the option to ignore threads which do not appeal

> to them. In

> fact, I find the topic rather interesting. :)

> However, what I do

> question is your statement in message #6642 where

> you stated " you've

> discovered that the bible has no inconsistencies,

> inaccuracies, or

> contradictions " .


> I say this with a calm and humble spirit...one can

> not study the

> bible " in depth " and NOT find inconsistencies.


> There are Theologists, Biblical Scholars, and mere

> bible readers who

> have discovered inconsistencies from Genesis to

> Revelations. I could

> quote numerous scriptures that contradict each

> other...however I will

> not do that here. If you'd like for me to send them

> to you by private

> mail please let me know. :) As a child I was

> extremely religous. I

> read the bible from front to back numerous times,

> highlighting,

> memorizing, ect. I taught bible classes at the age

> of 11 to

> others...and at the age of 9 I remember adults

> coming to me with

> biblical questions. I was told by many that I was a

> prophetess,

> possible evangelist, ect. ect.(labels by those who

> were religious) In

> short, I've study religions from Catholism to the

> Jehovah Witnesses

> and everything in between.


> By the time I was 20 years of age I was saddened to

> learn that

> religions are no more than MAN MADE

> CONSTRUCTS...that is why there

> are so many religions and a little bit of truth in

> them all. I can't

> begin to tell you how empty I felt when I came to

> the above

> realization. I felt as if my years of study and

> quiet reflection were

> in vain. However, the above realization led me to

> something even

> greater. I now embrace spirituality...which is

> totally different from

> religion. I view the bible as a guide book for life.

> I view GOD as a

> Universal Power that is the source of all that

> is....this power is

> not partial...everyone is an extension of Universal

> Power and/or God.


> I do not view God as a single entity often depicted

> in relgions. I do

> believe that Christ existed....however...I believe

> he was a man like

> any one of us. I believe that Christ simply had

> reached a level of

> spirituality that allowed him to tap into Universial

> Power. Unlike

> many of us who realized his connection at an early

> age. In my

> opinion, religions narrow the mind and cause one to

> become stagnated

> and rigid spiritually.


> Long story short...I've chosen the raw food

> principles as well as

> fasting because both will allow me to treat my body

> as a

> temple...clear my mind...increase my senses....and

> much more. All of

> which will help me on my spiritual journey. However,

> there are many

> who choose living foods for reasons totally

> unrelated to spirituality

> or religion and I respect their choices. I

> understand your questions

> and I agree to disagree concerning certain comments

> you've made,

> though I also respect your opinions and thank you

> for introducing

> this type of debate. I think there is a need for a

> group that

> discusses raw food living for christians to meet the

> needs of those

> like you who are Christians. Have you considered

> creating a forum of

> that nature? I would also love to see a group for

> those following the

> raw food lifestyle who would like to implement

> spirituality topics

> that may or may not have a religious focus. I'd

> create this type of

> group myself but feel I may not have the time to

> maintain the group.


> In my years of past religious study and present

> spiritual

> beliefs...I've learned that it is impossible to

> discuss religion

> and/or spirituality with those who are not " open " to

> discussing them

> and who have no interest in hearing them. That

> doesn't mean either

> person is wrong...it only means this may not be the

> type of forum

> where those topics will flourish. :) Lili









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Hi Lili,


I liked your post on religion, spirituality and raw foods. At this point

in my life I am spiritual but I don't practice any particular religion.


I already do have a forum like the one you were wishing someone would

create. This is a relatively new project I have created. It is a

membership site. So there is a fee involved. I've made a one-month trial

of the site for only $2.95.


The site provides coaching for people on the raw food diet. We also have

forums on spirituality, freedom principles, creative problem solving

techniques, exercise and fitness, etc. The site is combination of raw

food and personal development coaching.


I have audio interviews of raw food leaders that I will add to the site

shortly. There are valuable ebooks you can download. In fact, with one

of those ebooks I increased my income by over 200% within two weeks of

using a technique that any five year old could do. That book is great in

many ways. I am so excited about this site. It will help people reach

new levels of health, success, spirituality and divine love.


In short there are tremendous resources within this group. I hope many

of you will come and test it out. It's not a group like this one in

which everything goes. The coaches on my forum are teaching the

principles of raw food eating that are in a close alignment with nature.

Much of what we use is based on Natural Hygiene as that is what I see is

the closest level of truth in the field of nutrition.


Many of you know Loren Lockman. He has agreed to be one of the coaches

for the site. He has his own forum called Creating Perfect Health and



Please realize that the site is constantly being upgraded but it is

worth more than $100, even if you just stay for a month.


You can go to this page to learn more about it.

www.HowToGoRaw.com Even this page is under construction, but I promise

you much more value than the $2.95 you'll spend to join in your initial

month. Please take advantage of it soon as the price will be going up



Also you can make money by joining my affiliate program once you become

a member. You can make 30% of the profits if you refer someone to my

site and they sign up.


At some point I'll make a more official announcement about this new

website in a message just for that site. All I can tell you is that at

this point there is much more in there for you to get than I have



To Your Radiant Health, Roger Haeske


Have you tried the Raw Diet many times but failed to stick with it? Now

you can learn the Motivational and Dietary Secrets to success on a 100%

Raw Food Diet. From Infinite Potential and Raw Food Coach, Roger Haeske,

the author of Your Hidden Power - eClass, Infinite Tennis and

http://www.superbeing.com. Go to http://www.superbeingdiet.com to learn

how to go 100% RAW.

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Lili said:


" I've learned that it is impossible to discuss

religion and/or spirituality with those who are not

" open " to discussing them and who have no interest in

hearing them. "


I could not agree more, and..


I don't think this only applies to religion. Sadly,

today in America, debate and discussion is no longer

valued. It's either I'm-right-or-your-right. which

is not is not the point at all. It is through

discussion and debate that we mature and grow as

individuals and as a society.


Debate, discussion and philosophical conversation has

been valued for thousands of years as a way to improve

individuals and society. The times in history where

debate has stopped have been the bleakest of times.

You have seen it many times on the history Chanel.

The best example of this today is Islamic extremism.

One correct view, and lots of infidels. The fact that

it is not politically correct to point that out,

illustrates how we too are also becoming intolerant of

individual opinions.


Why is this directly related to the raw lifestyle ?


Because to closed minded people who refuse to listen

and try to understand (not necessarily agree), we are

just freaks who eat nuts and twigs, and don't get

enough protein in our diet. Only open minded people

will listen to us. Some of them might even come to

believe that we are right, and that raw food is the

best lifestyle choice. Which is exactly why I think

that WE need to set an example by listening and being

receptive to others ideas.


Love this forum !!!







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Hi Lili,


Thank you for your thoughtful post. I will keep this short though and

simply say that I understand there are many many theologians, etc.

that try to show inconsistencies, inaccuracies, or contradictions, in

the Word of God and they are right in the sense that if you believe

their SYSTEM of Theology there are necessarily inconsistencies, etc.

That is not the case with the system of theology I hold to. I can

show you cogent explanations of every so-called Biblical quandry.


Thanks for your concern though. :)




rawfood , " Lili " <ladyschaumburg> wrote:

However, what I do

> question is your statement in message #6642 where you

stated " you've

> discovered that the bible has no inconsistencies, inaccuracies, or

> contradictions " .

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rawfood , " Susan " <susan_wilkinson@q...> wrote:

> Hi Lili, Thank you for your thoughtful post.


Hi Susan...you're very welcome. :)


>I will keep this short though and simply say that I understand there

>are many many theologians, etc. that try to show inconsistencies,

>inaccuracies, or contradictions, in the Word of God and they are

>right in the sense that if you believe their SYSTEM of Theology

>there are necessarily inconsistencies, etc.


I'm always open to new ideas...in fact I'm usually pretty " thirsty "

when it comes to learning new things. lol I remember the first time I

noticed an inconsistency in the bible....I may have been 10 or

so....anyway...I noticed that many scriptures concerning the seven

days of creation, Noah, the ark, and the Nephilim have considerable

inconsistencies. What are you views on the above? These are popular

inconsistencies...however...if you'd like me to post the specific

scriptures I'm referring to it wouldn't be a problem at all. :)


> That is not the case with the system of theology I hold to. I can

> show you cogent explanations of every so-called Biblical quandry.


Susan that would be great...I'd like to compare the scriptural

inconsistencies I've discovered with you concerning the above 4 bible

topics. I'm excited to read your reply.


> Thanks for your concern though. :)


You're welcome...thank you for introducing such an interesting

topic. :) Lili


p.s. If you'd like to reply to me privately that would be ok. My

email addy is ladyschaumburg

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Howdy Lili,


Very good! I'd love to dialogue with you as we both have time, but

let's do take it off list so as not to bug others (if, however, you'd

like this to be public then I have a couple of other groups that

would be willing to keep host our exchange. Your call there.)


Send me your preference for forum (email or public) and your specific

questions/concerns about those four topics (they are fascinating

topics, aren't they? But alas, huge topics so we'll need to get

specific) and we'll get going.


I look forward to it! :)



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Is it okay to respond? I haven't been following and I wasn't sure if we would be

too far afield. Just a quick note re Genesis and the sections you're talking

about....there are dual stories that were combined. That's one reason that you

see inconsistencies such Adam's " first and second wives " . (one made from dirt

and one from the rib)


That's it for now. Have to run. Did see a reference in a post to conscious

eating. Would like to know more.








Sent from my BlackBerry Handheld

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If you go elsewhere, please let me know where. :)



" Susan " <susan_wilkinson

Fri, 12 Dec 2003 21:05:55


[Raw Food] Re: Living Foods, Religion, and/or Spirituality(susan)


Howdy Lili,


Very good! I'd love to dialogue with you as we both have time, but

let's do take it off list so as not to bug others (if, however, you'd

like this to be public then I have a couple of other groups that

would be willing to keep host our exchange. Your call there.)


Send me your preference for forum (email or public) and your specific

questions/concerns about those four topics (they are fascinating

topics, aren't they? But alas, huge topics so we'll need to get

specific) and we'll get going.


I look forward to it! :)







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Thanks, Melody. This site has some interesting links. I'll check it





rawfood , VioletRay01@a... wrote:

> I shall come out of lurkdom for a moment to share a site which

might be of

> interest to our Christian sect....


> <A

HREF= " http://www.livrite.com/nc/raw.htm " >http://www.livrite.com/nc/raw



> Enjoy.

> Melody




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