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I found this article rather interesting and thought i'd share it with everyone.



Nick Costanza




Live Blood Cell Analysis and The SanPharma Remedies


by Ron Kennedy, M.D., Santa Rosa, California


Hereupon we enter a conversation unique in medical science, and area of medicine

with which most doctors, at least in the U.S., are totally unfamiliar, yet an

area of medicine which accounts for or strongly contributes to all disease

processes, except for the classic genetic diseases. Here at last we have an

explanation for and a treatment of the almost universal problem of acidification

in human disease. Acidification is the basis of almost all human illness, and

conversely alkalinization is the basis of almost all human health. In my

opinion, this is the most meaningful and difference-making body of information

in medicine. To not read every word of this conversation is to not care about

one's health.



The Dark Field Microscope...


An understanding of the dark field microscope is very important in grasping

acidity, for it is only with this type of microscope that the causes of acidity

are observable. In a dark field microscope light comes from the side of the

specimen which then appears against a black background, whereas in all other

light microscopes the light shines directly through the specimen from behind it.

This can be compared to seeing dust particles floating in air illuminated by a

source of light not aimed directly into your eyes and visible only by virtue of

a dark background compared to searching in vain for those same dust particles

with the source of light shining through the particles and directly into your

eyes. The dark field microscope illuminates and makes visible organisms in human

blood which cannot be seen in any other way as these particular organisms do not

easily take a stain and therefore are not visible with an ordinary microscope.


The specific use of the dark field microscope in which we are interested is the

Live Blood Cell Analysis by the Enderlein Method. This is done by performing a

small pin prick of the finger and viewing the blood in the living condition

using a Dark Field Microscope...


Not A Phase Contrast Microscope


For all its good uses, the phase contrast microscope is not suited for a live

blood cell analysis. The reason for this is simple: light passes directly

through the blood specimen and thus the organisms we want to see are lost in the

light. Before you go for a Live Blood Cell Analysis confirm that a Dark Field

Microscope is being used and that it is being done by the Enderlein Method. If

this is not the case, do not go for the analysis as you will be wasting your

time and money. Also, be sure that the practitioner is skilled at prescribing

the SanPharma remedies. This company makes remedies originally developed by Dr.

Günther Enderlein (more about the remedies and Dr. Enderlein below).




The most important structures seen in human blood with a dark field microscope

are not mentioned in medical school and are therefore generally unappreciated by

doctors. These are called cell wall deficient bacteria, chondrites, ascits, and



Facts of Acidity


Optimal health occurs in a slightly alkaline environment. Alkalinity is so

important in blood that the body has powerful mechanisms to maintain pH between

7.25 and 7.65. If this mechanism fails death ensues in short order. The sources

of acidity are: diet, negative emotions, strong electromagnetic fields, and a

sedentary life.


The dietary contribution to acidity derives from two sources: (1) simple and

refined carbohydrates and (2) cooked food. Simple and refined carbs are

metabolized to acid byproducts quickly by the liver and the resulting acid

condition must be buffered just as quickly to maintain life. The source for

alkaline substances to buffer and acid load is found in the extravascular space,

primarily bone. Prolonged consumption of refined and simple carbs is the major

cause of osteoporosis as the bones are robbed of their minerals to maintain



The mechanism of acid production from cooking food is a bit more complex. Humans

are obviously not designed for cooked food. We invented the ability to make fire

only around 30,000 years ago. Prior to that all our food was raw and required

only a small amount of enzymes to digest. Very few people can make enough

enzymes to digest a cooked food diet. When partially digested food reaches the

colon it is digested (putrefied) by bacteria living there. They take the food

value and leave the acid toxic byproducts for you to deal with. This results in

the formation of what has been called a " toxic colon " which is dealt with in

another section (colon health).


Exercise, both aerobic and anaerobic, stimulates excretion of toxins via lungs

and sweat glands. Failure to exercise promotes acid condition. Coach potatoes

have a hard time remaining alkaline even with an alkaline diet.


The mechanisms of negative emotions and strong electromagnetic fields in

producing acidity are not so clear, but clinically the effect are crystal clear.

Study after study confirms that cynicism and negativity are strongly associated

with degenerative disease. People with strong religious ties have been shown to

have far less degenerative disease than agnostics and atheists. Prayer works!

The association between stong electromagnetic fields and childhood leukemia is

certain and more research needs to be done in the area to fully confirm its

effect on other conditions and at other times in life.


The Presence of Organisms


Cell wall deficient bacteria (CWDs), mycoplama, and the appearance chondrites,

ascits, etc. in blood are clear markers of chronic acidity. Not only do they

denote a lifestyle which for many years has resulted in a current acid

conditions, they also produce their own acid. They live in and on red blood

cells. Their presence accounts for the many clinical cases seen in medicine of

people who have adopted an excellent alkaline producing life style and yet

remain chronically acid and therefore ill. Until these organisms are destroyed,

recurring acidity is assured.


Acidity Under lifestyle stresses (poor diet, negative emotions, exposure to

radiation, absence of exercise), these organism proliferate. As they live inside

a protected environment (the red blood cells), they create the conditions to

propagate themselves, relatively impervious to outside influences. When they are

well established, they will venture out into the serum as the ascit in the photo

to the left demonstrates.


The body must regulate pH (pH is a measure of acidity-alkalinity) to keep the

blood slightly alkaline to sustain life; therefore this acidic condition must be

transferred immediately to the extravascular space (the rest of the body outside

the circulation). This acid transfer supports the growth of fungi, bacteria and

viruses and other micro-organisms primarily on mucous membranes (the internal

surfaces) — mouth, gut, vagina, respiratory tract, etc. These microbial stages

in turn produce more acid. Common superficial manifestations of the fungal

phases are a coated tongue, dandruff, athletes foot, chronic bronchitis, and

vaginal yeast infection.


Two Common Examples of Directly Related Common Conditions


While almost every disease process is caused or accelerated by acidity, I

mention only two common ones to demonstrate. Also on this list is vascular

disease, cancer, arthritis, and virtually all the diseases which are not

strictly determined by genetic errors.




Probably the most damage is done in the GI tract where these microbial forms

disrupt normal digestion and through acid production support the growth of

pathogenic anaerobic bacteria, a condition known as dysbiosis. Dysbiosis further

dysregulates the entire organism (the host) and stands as both a sign of the

deeper internal dysregulation by the organisms (parasitic in nature) in the

blood, and as a contributor of other disease processes through the production of

more acid by anaerobic bacteria in the gut. Direct treatment of dysbiosis (such

as bulking agents and probiotics such as acidophilus) does nothing more than

temporarily stave off its effects. As soon as direct treatment is discontinued,

the dysbiotic condition re-establishes itself due to acid production by the

organisms living in, around and on red blood cells.


Yeast Syndrome


The condition popularly referred to as " Yeast Syndrome " is an outcome of this

acidification of the body. Yeast Syndrome is actually a misnomer. It should be

called " Mixed Organism, Primarily Fungus and Containing Some Variable Amount of

Yeast, Syndrome. " The worst thing you can do for a so-called Yeast Syndrome is

treat it with an antibiotic. This kills a few organisms, but dysregulates the

immune system and makes the condition even worse. And, it does nothing for the

underlying condition: acidity.




It is critically important to realize that the advent of organisms and

structures in/on/around red blood cells does not happen rapidly and does not go

away just because you change your diet and lifestyle. When you have a live blood

cell analysis, the picture you see is the way your blood picture is going to

look for at least a few weeks, whatever you do. There is no point in checking in

on it again for at least another two months and then only if you are in intense



Avoidance of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and Radiation


The term " radiation " in this context refers to all spectra of the

electromagnetic field. This would include x-rays (most common location for

exposure is in hospital radiology departments), gamma rays (most common in the

upper atmosphere — think airplanes), and electromagnetic fields generated by

everything from toasters to microwaves, electric blankets, and automobile

engines. Obviously it is not possible to avoid all of these items, however there

are some companies which manufacture diodes which are worn on the body and

provide some protection. A positive step you can take is to get rid of all

sources of EMFs which are not absolutely necessary. Probably you are not going

to give up your car and ride a horse to work, but you can, for example, do

without the microwave and the electric blanket.




The diet involved is the alkalinizing diet. Here is a chart reproduced from the

Arise and Shine Cleanse Kit to help you understand this aspect.


Acid Forming Foods. Avoid Completely.


Alkaline Forming Foods. Consume Freely. Buy organic.




all fresh fruits


all processed foods with wheat or white flower


all raw vegetables


black pepper


all salad greens


bottled salad dressings


all sprouts - grains, beans, seeds, nuts


all bread


apple cider vinegar






canned and frozen food


dried apricots




dried figs












fresh or dried seasoning herbs


cooked grains, except millet and quinoa


fresh, raw juice


dairy (butter, cheese, ice-cream, milk, etc.)




distilled vinegar


grapefruit (do not mix citrus or melons with any other food)




herbal teas - no caffeine


foods cooked with oils




fruits that have been glazed or sulfured




meat, fish, birds, shellfish


maple syrup, organic nuts, seeds, legumes melons










processed cereals


lima beans*


processed milks (soy, rice, almond, oatmeal)








soda crackers




soft drinks


raw, cold-pressed, organic olive oil




raw, cold pressed, flax seen oil


tofu and soy products




*These foods slow down the cleansing process reduce the amount plaque removed

and therefore should be limited.




A proper exercise regime is not the same for all people. Age, physical

condition, condition of the heart, general state of health, and other factors

must all be taken into account. If there is any doubt about any of these areas,

an exercise program should be worked out with the aid of sound medical advice.

However, this is not a reason not to exercise. The benefits of exercise in the

area of health, longevity, vitality, and physiological changes cannot be

obtained in any other way. Exercise accelerates detoxification, promotes lymph

drainage, creates a mild chelating agent (lactate), boosts the immune system in

measurable ways, and obviously increases stamina and strength.


Emotional and Spiritual Life


People who need emotional work typically use denial to hide that fact from

themselves, as in " I'm OK until I collapse and can't move anymore. " Therefore,

progress in this area begins with an acknowledgment of need. Improvement of the

emotional and spiritual life may require psychotherapy, consciousness training,

meditation, religion, and perhaps even life changes. However, like exercise,

nothing happens until you take action. When you complete this article, I suggest

you click on " Basis of Spiritual Health, " the mauve button in the upper right

above, and follow that to its conclusion.


Avoidance of Chemical Exposures


Thanks to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries there now exist thousands

of molecular structures which do not occur in nature. Preservatives, herbicides,

pesticides, and drugs, artificial fertilizers are a few of these. Many of these

are known and proven to be toxic to humans and animals, and many more have not

been sufficiently studied for toxicity. All of them are found in tap water. They

all result in acid production when introduced into the body.


While it is impossible to avoid all of these all of the time, there are steps

one can take which will dramatically reduce exposure. Grow your own food or buy

only organic. Drink only distilled water. Live by the ocean or get an air filter

system. Choose orthomolecular therapy over pharmaceuticals.


SanPharma Remedies


If you change to a healthier lifestyle, you may or may not see immediate

benefits in the way your feel, but the deeper changes — in what one would call

the fundamental constitution — happen very slowly. The conditions which support

the aforementioned organisms and structures do not change rapidly where they

actually life - the red blood cells. Also, remember, they produce their own

environment: acid. This is where the SanPharma remedies are useful. These are so

called " isopathic remedies " and work by reducing organisms and structures to

their non-pathogenic state in which the body's immune system can take care of

them naturally.


The rate at which this transformation can happen is limited by the Herxheimer

reaction (see below) and can be induced with the SanPharma remedies when

combined with diet and lifestyle changes typically within 6-9 months. With diet

and life style changes alone it can take many years. What you get for your

patience is not only freedom from disease, but a new constitution and a new

level of vitality (see also below).


Practically all diseases are seen to increase in frequency with the advent of

these organisms and structures. The severity of the infestation is graded into

the congestive phase, and when further progressed the degenerative phase. In the

congestive phase, strokes become more likely. In the degenerative phase,

degenerative diseases appear such as arthritis, heart disease, and cancer as

well as an amazing variety of more rare disorders.


Therapeutic improvement in all illnesses is seen when these organisms and

structures revert to their non-pathogenic state. This change is induced by means

of lifestyle changes and the use of the SanPharma remedies. The SanPharma

remedies are not a substitute for lifestyle changes but are meant to be used

with those changes.


The remedies developed by the German scientist Dr. Guenther Enderlein and his

associates have been used for decades with great success in Germany and have

recently been approved by the FDA for use in the United States. They are

manufactured in isopathic preparations which are labeled " homeopathic " due to

FDA regulations. However, these are not traditional homeopathic remedies. The

FDA did not have " isopathic " in its vocabulary, so it plugged in something which

sounded similar: " homeopathic. " Isopathy is not homeopathy.


These preparations work systemically (on the whole body) although their

effectiveness can be enhanced by local application. Unlike antibiotics and other

drugs that often require strong doses to kill disease causing agents, the

SanPharma remedies work by changing the harmful micro-organism in the body

fluids to non-aggressive forms, which permits gentle self-healing. The acid

producing stages down and excreted through natural channels — liver, kidneys,

sweat glands, GI and respiratory tracts.


Because these remedies promote healthy cell metabolism and hormonal balance, the

body's internal environment experiences profound changes that benefit the entire

constitution. Therefore, when treating illness, combinations of different

SanPharma products as well as natural products (enzymes, minerals, vitamins,

nutrients, etc.) produced by other companies are often used to restore the

internal symbiosis required for good health.


The Herxheimer Reaction


One note of caution: the SanPharma remedies are not " feel good " medicines. The

breaking down of acid producing organisms releases a lot of toxic material and

as you get permanently better you feel temporarily worse. This has been

described first by the German physician Karl Herxheimer and is known as the

Herxheimer reaction. It is up to the doctor who prescribes the SanPharma

remedies to bring you along at a pace you can tolerate. Too much treatment too

fast will make you so ill you will not be able to continue. The toxic material

which is released must be excreted by kidneys, liver, sweat glands, etc. Your

doctor may see fit to prescribe drainage formulas to help specific organs detox

more easily if you have weakness in one or more areas. The total load of acid

producing micro-organism can ordinarily be eliminated within 6-9 months if diet

and lifestyle issues are also dealt with effectively. Along the way, you can

rejoice in the Herxheimer reaction and know that it is working when

you feel not exactly right.


Constitution and Vitality


Doctors have recognized for centuries, perhaps millennia that people possess an

enduring quality they have designated " constitution " which lends whatever degree

of vitality and resistance to disease one possesses. Prior to Dr. Enderlein (see

below) and his discovery of acidity doctors had no idea about the source of

constitution and assigned it to a category one could call " what's so. " Since the

development of genetics as a science " what's so " has been translated to

" inherited vitality " or " inherited constitution. " Now we fully understand that

it is in no way genetic, but is rather an expression of the condition of

blood-bourne micro-organisms. We also understand that, although one does not

strictly speaking " inherit " these organisms in the genetic sense, one does

" receive " them in whatever condition one's mother has them at the time of

gestation. As already mentioned, it is transferred to the fetus through the




In dealing with any disease, in my opinion, whatever therapy you choose will not

work very well until you have dealt with this problem. There is only one way to

diagnose this problem, and that is with a Live Blood Cell Analysis using a Dark

Field Microscope. There is one way to treat it: SanPharma remedies and lifestyle

changes (diet, exercise, emotions, avoidance of radiation).


Finding a doctor to perform a Live Blood Cell Analysis may be a problem. It

should be performed by a licensed doctor, or at least by someone supervised by a

licensed doctor. If you cannot locate a doctor who offers this service in your

community or within driving distance using the Find A Doctor button above, use

the Doctor Referral Service you encounter in the effort. At least one of the 10

doctors on the list you receive should be able to help you.


To find a practitioner of Live Blood Cell Analysis,





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You've posted an email that doesn't have the tables defined so that the

alkaline and acidic foods just run together at the bottom which is very

confusing. Also, There is no link to the article " Live Blood Cell Analysis

and The SanPharma Remedies " and I would really like to see the original

article with the correct table displayed.



Jesse Parris



" Nicholas Costanza " <jetpostman

" " <rawfood >;

<SproutRawFood >; " colloidalsilver2 "

<colloidalsilver2 >; " food4thought "

<Food4_Thought >

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 9:05 AM

[Raw Food] i found this great article



I found this article rather interesting and thought i'd share it with




Nick Costanza




Live Blood Cell Analysis and The SanPharma Remedies


by Ron Kennedy, M.D., Santa Rosa, California


Hereupon we enter a conversation unique in medical science, and area of

medicine with which most doctors, at least in the U.S., are totally

unfamiliar, yet an area of medicine which accounts for or strongly

contributes to all disease processes, except for the classic genetic

diseases. Here at last we have an explanation for and a treatment of the

almost universal problem of acidification in human disease. Acidification is

the basis of almost all human illness, and conversely alkalinization is the

basis of almost all human health. In my opinion, this is the most meaningful

and difference-making body of information in medicine. To not read every

word of this conversation is to not care about one's health.



The Dark Field Microscope...


An understanding of the dark field microscope is very important in grasping

acidity, for it is only with this type of microscope that the causes of

acidity are observable. In a dark field microscope light comes from the side

of the specimen which then appears against a black background, whereas in

all other light microscopes the light shines directly through the specimen

from behind it. This can be compared to seeing dust particles floating in

air illuminated by a source of light not aimed directly into your eyes and

visible only by virtue of a dark background compared to searching in vain

for those same dust particles with the source of light shining through the

particles and directly into your eyes. The dark field microscope illuminates

and makes visible organisms in human blood which cannot be seen in any other

way as these particular organisms do not easily take a stain and therefore

are not visible with an ordinary microscope.


The specific use of the dark field microscope in which we are interested is

the Live Blood Cell Analysis by the Enderlein Method. This is done by

performing a small pin prick of the finger and viewing the blood in the

living condition using a Dark Field Microscope...


Not A Phase Contrast Microscope


For all its good uses, the phase contrast microscope is not suited for a

live blood cell analysis. The reason for this is simple: light passes

directly through the blood specimen and thus the organisms we want to see

are lost in the light. Before you go for a Live Blood Cell Analysis confirm

that a Dark Field Microscope is being used and that it is being done by the

Enderlein Method. If this is not the case, do not go for the analysis as you

will be wasting your time and money. Also, be sure that the practitioner is

skilled at prescribing the SanPharma remedies. This company makes remedies

originally developed by Dr. Günther Enderlein (more about the remedies and

Dr. Enderlein below).




The most important structures seen in human blood with a dark field

microscope are not mentioned in medical school and are therefore generally

unappreciated by doctors. These are called cell wall deficient bacteria,

chondrites, ascits, and synascits.


Facts of Acidity


Optimal health occurs in a slightly alkaline environment. Alkalinity is so

important in blood that the body has powerful mechanisms to maintain pH

between 7.25 and 7.65. If this mechanism fails death ensues in short order.

The sources of acidity are: diet, negative emotions, strong electromagnetic

fields, and a sedentary life.


The dietary contribution to acidity derives from two sources: (1) simple and

refined carbohydrates and (2) cooked food. Simple and refined carbs are

metabolized to acid byproducts quickly by the liver and the resulting acid

condition must be buffered just as quickly to maintain life. The source for

alkaline substances to buffer and acid load is found in the extravascular

space, primarily bone. Prolonged consumption of refined and simple carbs is

the major cause of osteoporosis as the bones are robbed of their minerals to

maintain life.


The mechanism of acid production from cooking food is a bit more complex.

Humans are obviously not designed for cooked food. We invented the ability

to make fire only around 30,000 years ago. Prior to that all our food was

raw and required only a small amount of enzymes to digest. Very few people

can make enough enzymes to digest a cooked food diet. When partially

digested food reaches the colon it is digested (putrefied) by bacteria

living there. They take the food value and leave the acid toxic byproducts

for you to deal with. This results in the formation of what has been called

a " toxic colon " which is dealt with in another section (colon health).


Exercise, both aerobic and anaerobic, stimulates excretion of toxins via

lungs and sweat glands. Failure to exercise promotes acid condition. Coach

potatoes have a hard time remaining alkaline even with an alkaline diet.


The mechanisms of negative emotions and strong electromagnetic fields in

producing acidity are not so clear, but clinically the effect are crystal

clear. Study after study confirms that cynicism and negativity are strongly

associated with degenerative disease. People with strong religious ties have

been shown to have far less degenerative disease than agnostics and

atheists. Prayer works! The association between stong electromagnetic fields

and childhood leukemia is certain and more research needs to be done in the

area to fully confirm its effect on other conditions and at other times in



The Presence of Organisms


Cell wall deficient bacteria (CWDs), mycoplama, and the appearance

chondrites, ascits, etc. in blood are clear markers of chronic acidity. Not

only do they denote a lifestyle which for many years has resulted in a

current acid conditions, they also produce their own acid. They live in and

on red blood cells. Their presence accounts for the many clinical cases seen

in medicine of people who have adopted an excellent alkaline producing life

style and yet remain chronically acid and therefore ill. Until these

organisms are destroyed, recurring acidity is assured.


Acidity Under lifestyle stresses (poor diet, negative emotions, exposure to

radiation, absence of exercise), these organism proliferate. As they live

inside a protected environment (the red blood cells), they create the

conditions to propagate themselves, relatively impervious to outside

influences. When they are well established, they will venture out into the

serum as the ascit in the photo to the left demonstrates.


The body must regulate pH (pH is a measure of acidity-alkalinity) to keep

the blood slightly alkaline to sustain life; therefore this acidic condition

must be transferred immediately to the extravascular space (the rest of the

body outside the circulation). This acid transfer supports the growth of

fungi, bacteria and viruses and other micro-organisms primarily on mucous

membranes (the internal surfaces) — mouth, gut, vagina, respiratory tract,

etc. These microbial stages in turn produce more acid. Common superficial

manifestations of the fungal phases are a coated tongue, dandruff, athletes

foot, chronic bronchitis, and vaginal yeast infection.


Two Common Examples of Directly Related Common Conditions


While almost every disease process is caused or accelerated by acidity, I

mention only two common ones to demonstrate. Also on this list is vascular

disease, cancer, arthritis, and virtually all the diseases which are not

strictly determined by genetic errors.




Probably the most damage is done in the GI tract where these microbial forms

disrupt normal digestion and through acid production support the growth of

pathogenic anaerobic bacteria, a condition known as dysbiosis. Dysbiosis

further dysregulates the entire organism (the host) and stands as both a

sign of the deeper internal dysregulation by the organisms (parasitic in

nature) in the blood, and as a contributor of other disease processes

through the production of more acid by anaerobic bacteria in the gut. Direct

treatment of dysbiosis (such as bulking agents and probiotics such as

acidophilus) does nothing more than temporarily stave off its effects. As

soon as direct treatment is discontinued, the dysbiotic condition

re-establishes itself due to acid production by the organisms living in,

around and on red blood cells.


Yeast Syndrome


The condition popularly referred to as " Yeast Syndrome " is an outcome of

this acidification of the body. Yeast Syndrome is actually a misnomer. It

should be called " Mixed Organism, Primarily Fungus and Containing Some

Variable Amount of Yeast, Syndrome. " The worst thing you can do for a

so-called Yeast Syndrome is treat it with an antibiotic. This kills a few

organisms, but dysregulates the immune system and makes the condition even

worse. And, it does nothing for the underlying condition: acidity.




It is critically important to realize that the advent of organisms and

structures in/on/around red blood cells does not happen rapidly and does not

go away just because you change your diet and lifestyle. When you have a

live blood cell analysis, the picture you see is the way your blood picture

is going to look for at least a few weeks, whatever you do. There is no

point in checking in on it again for at least another two months and then

only if you are in intense therapy.


Avoidance of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and Radiation


The term " radiation " in this context refers to all spectra of the

electromagnetic field. This would include x-rays (most common location for

exposure is in hospital radiology departments), gamma rays (most common in

the upper atmosphere — think airplanes), and electromagnetic fields

generated by everything from toasters to microwaves, electric blankets, and

automobile engines. Obviously it is not possible to avoid all of these

items, however there are some companies which manufacture diodes which are

worn on the body and provide some protection. A positive step you can take

is to get rid of all sources of EMFs which are not absolutely necessary.

Probably you are not going to give up your car and ride a horse to work, but

you can, for example, do without the microwave and the electric blanket.




The diet involved is the alkalinizing diet. Here is a chart reproduced from

the Arise and Shine Cleanse Kit to help you understand this aspect.


Acid Forming Foods. Avoid Completely.


Alkaline Forming Foods. Consume Freely. Buy organic.




all fresh fruits


all processed foods with wheat or white flower


all raw vegetables


black pepper


all salad greens


bottled salad dressings


all sprouts - grains, beans, seeds, nuts


all bread


apple cider vinegar






canned and frozen food


dried apricots




dried figs












fresh or dried seasoning herbs


cooked grains, except millet and quinoa


fresh, raw juice


dairy (butter, cheese, ice-cream, milk, etc.)




distilled vinegar


grapefruit (do not mix citrus or melons with any other food)




herbal teas - no caffeine


foods cooked with oils




fruits that have been glazed or sulfured




meat, fish, birds, shellfish


maple syrup, organic nuts, seeds, legumes melons










processed cereals


lima beans*


processed milks (soy, rice, almond, oatmeal)








soda crackers




soft drinks


raw, cold-pressed, organic olive oil




raw, cold pressed, flax seen oil


tofu and soy products




*These foods slow down the cleansing process reduce the amount plaque

removed and therefore should be limited.




A proper exercise regime is not the same for all people. Age, physical

condition, condition of the heart, general state of health, and other

factors must all be taken into account. If there is any doubt about any of

these areas, an exercise program should be worked out with the aid of sound

medical advice. However, this is not a reason not to exercise. The benefits

of exercise in the area of health, longevity, vitality, and physiological

changes cannot be obtained in any other way. Exercise accelerates

detoxification, promotes lymph drainage, creates a mild chelating agent

(lactate), boosts the immune system in measurable ways, and obviously

increases stamina and strength.


Emotional and Spiritual Life


People who need emotional work typically use denial to hide that fact from

themselves, as in " I'm OK until I collapse and can't move anymore. "

Therefore, progress in this area begins with an acknowledgment of need.

Improvement of the emotional and spiritual life may require psychotherapy,

consciousness training, meditation, religion, and perhaps even life changes.

However, like exercise, nothing happens until you take action. When you

complete this article, I suggest you click on " Basis of Spiritual Health, "

the mauve button in the upper right above, and follow that to its



Avoidance of Chemical Exposures


Thanks to the pharmaceutical and chemical industries there now exist

thousands of molecular structures which do not occur in nature.

Preservatives, herbicides, pesticides, and drugs, artificial fertilizers are

a few of these. Many of these are known and proven to be toxic to humans and

animals, and many more have not been sufficiently studied for toxicity. All

of them are found in tap water. They all result in acid production when

introduced into the body.


While it is impossible to avoid all of these all of the time, there are

steps one can take which will dramatically reduce exposure. Grow your own

food or buy only organic. Drink only distilled water. Live by the ocean or

get an air filter system. Choose orthomolecular therapy over



SanPharma Remedies


If you change to a healthier lifestyle, you may or may not see immediate

benefits in the way your feel, but the deeper changes — in what one would

call the fundamental constitution — happen very slowly. The conditions

which support the aforementioned organisms and structures do not change

rapidly where they actually life - the red blood cells. Also, remember, they

produce their own environment: acid. This is where the SanPharma remedies

are useful. These are so called " isopathic remedies " and work by reducing

organisms and structures to their non-pathogenic state in which the body's

immune system can take care of them naturally.


The rate at which this transformation can happen is limited by the

Herxheimer reaction (see below) and can be induced with the SanPharma

remedies when combined with diet and lifestyle changes typically within 6-9

months. With diet and life style changes alone it can take many years. What

you get for your patience is not only freedom from disease, but a new

constitution and a new level of vitality (see also below).


Practically all diseases are seen to increase in frequency with the advent

of these organisms and structures. The severity of the infestation is graded

into the congestive phase, and when further progressed the degenerative

phase. In the congestive phase, strokes become more likely. In the

degenerative phase, degenerative diseases appear such as arthritis, heart

disease, and cancer as well as an amazing variety of more rare disorders.


Therapeutic improvement in all illnesses is seen when these organisms and

structures revert to their non-pathogenic state. This change is induced by

means of lifestyle changes and the use of the SanPharma remedies. The

SanPharma remedies are not a substitute for lifestyle changes but are meant

to be used with those changes.


The remedies developed by the German scientist Dr. Guenther Enderlein and

his associates have been used for decades with great success in Germany and

have recently been approved by the FDA for use in the United States. They

are manufactured in isopathic preparations which are labeled " homeopathic "

due to FDA regulations. However, these are not traditional homeopathic

remedies. The FDA did not have " isopathic " in its vocabulary, so it plugged

in something which sounded similar: " homeopathic. " Isopathy is not



These preparations work systemically (on the whole body) although their

effectiveness can be enhanced by local application. Unlike antibiotics and

other drugs that often require strong doses to kill disease causing agents,

the SanPharma remedies work by changing the harmful micro-organism in the

body fluids to non-aggressive forms, which permits gentle self-healing. The

acid producing stages down and excreted through natural channels — liver,

kidneys, sweat glands, GI and respiratory tracts.


Because these remedies promote healthy cell metabolism and hormonal balance,

the body's internal environment experiences profound changes that benefit

the entire constitution. Therefore, when treating illness, combinations of

different SanPharma products as well as natural products (enzymes, minerals,

vitamins, nutrients, etc.) produced by other companies are often used to

restore the internal symbiosis required for good health.


The Herxheimer Reaction


One note of caution: the SanPharma remedies are not " feel good " medicines.

The breaking down of acid producing organisms releases a lot of toxic

material and as you get permanently better you feel temporarily worse. This

has been described first by the German physician Karl Herxheimer and is

known as the Herxheimer reaction. It is up to the doctor who prescribes the

SanPharma remedies to bring you along at a pace you can tolerate. Too much

treatment too fast will make you so ill you will not be able to continue.

The toxic material which is released must be excreted by kidneys, liver,

sweat glands, etc. Your doctor may see fit to prescribe drainage formulas to

help specific organs detox more easily if you have weakness in one or more

areas. The total load of acid producing micro-organism can ordinarily be

eliminated within 6-9 months if diet and lifestyle issues are also dealt

with effectively. Along the way, you can rejoice in the Herxheimer reaction

and know that it is working when

you feel not exactly right.


Constitution and Vitality


Doctors have recognized for centuries, perhaps millennia that people possess

an enduring quality they have designated " constitution " which lends whatever

degree of vitality and resistance to disease one possesses. Prior to Dr.

Enderlein (see below) and his discovery of acidity doctors had no idea about

the source of constitution and assigned it to a category one could call

" what's so. " Since the development of genetics as a science " what's so " has

been translated to " inherited vitality " or " inherited constitution. " Now we

fully understand that it is in no way genetic, but is rather an expression

of the condition of blood-bourne micro-organisms. We also understand that,

although one does not strictly speaking " inherit " these organisms in the

genetic sense, one does " receive " them in whatever condition one's mother

has them at the time of gestation. As already mentioned, it is transferred

to the fetus through the placenta



In dealing with any disease, in my opinion, whatever therapy you choose will

not work very well until you have dealt with this problem. There is only one

way to diagnose this problem, and that is with a Live Blood Cell Analysis

using a Dark Field Microscope. There is one way to treat it: SanPharma

remedies and lifestyle changes (diet, exercise, emotions, avoidance of



Finding a doctor to perform a Live Blood Cell Analysis may be a problem. It

should be performed by a licensed doctor, or at least by someone supervised

by a licensed doctor. If you cannot locate a doctor who offers this service

in your community or within driving distance using the Find A Doctor button

above, use the Doctor Referral Service you encounter in the effort. At least

one of the 10 doctors on the list you receive should be able to help you.


To find a practitioner of Live Blood Cell Analysis,





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Yes, interesting and thought provoking.

In fact, it provoked this thought: what is the

research and evidence for the assertion that

simple sugars are mucus forming?


I had read somewhere (and I can't remember where now)

that it is an acid environment that causes mucus secretion.


I think it deceitful to group plums, peaches, and apples

with pastas, breads, and pastries (aren't they considered

complex sugars?).


I don't trust everything that comes down the pipe;

and, personally, I have found alot of intentional mixing

of fact and falsity in many nutrition publications.


Thanks for the post,






Nicholas Costanza <jetpostman wrote:

I found this article rather interesting and thought i'd share it with everyone.



Nick Costanza






The experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual

into a personality of idealistic power. Religion ministers to the progress of

all through fostering the progress of each individual, and the progress of each

is augmented through the achievement of all. [The Urantia Book: 1094:1]




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Opps!!!!! the table got messed up when i copied the article. Try looking at the

table again by clicking on the web site below.




Also from my understanding it is the posion from eating cooked foods that cause

the mucus to form. I have found some other web sites on the acid/alkaline which

i have pasted below






tev treowlufu <goraw808 wrote:

Yes, interesting and thought provoking.

In fact, it provoked this thought: what is the

research and evidence for the assertion that

simple sugars are mucus forming?


I had read somewhere (and I can't remember where now)

that it is an acid environment that causes mucus secretion.


I think it deceitful to group plums, peaches, and apples

with pastas, breads, and pastries (aren't they considered

complex sugars?).


I don't trust everything that comes down the pipe;

and, personally, I have found alot of intentional mixing

of fact and falsity in many nutrition publications.


Thanks for the post,













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