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12 steps to raw foods

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Hi all,

I don't post much... and I don't manage to read all the

messages either, as I have limited time in a internet cafe. so

forgive me if I ask a question that has been ansered recently!

I was wondering if anyone knows of a '12 steps' type of group

on the net. does such a thing exist? if it doesn't would anyone be

interested if I started one?

I am coming from the angle of a feeling therapy; I started

therapy some years back, and have been trying to become raw much

more recently, in the last 2 or 3 years. I am one of the unlucky

ones who has a big addiction to cooked foods. I have found it hard

over the last couple of years, and haven't managed to stick to it

for any length of time.

I find that after a week or so of raw eating, I am overwhelmed

by a feeling of suicidal despair. I know this is part of an

emotional detox, but when I am in it, it feels like it will go on

forever, and I become afraid for my life. So I eat some cooked food

to push that feeling away.

I never feel 'good' on cooked foods tho, and the process

goes round again. I guess John Bradshaw might call it a 'shame

spiral', well, it's a pain spiral too I think.

I feel I need confirmation that raw foods are important. No-

one else that I know is on the same path, (in fact my friends are

mostly carnivores, as I used to be) and they think that vegan is

enough, or 75% raw is enough... maybe... in my heart, I feel that

only 100% raw eating is 100% healthy. I don't know.

ok, that's all- appreciate any feedback you's care to give!


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Dear Vlad



Hygeia Halfmoon mention in her book " primalmothering in a modern world " a

book called something like " cooked food anonymous " wich should contain 12

steps to a raw life I do not remember if she wrote it herself or somone else

did, maybe somebody in here knows?


I might be interested in joining a support group for a while.



Hope you can use it.



Lots of love and light


From Signer



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After going raw for a while we get a craving for our old stand-by's

(cooked food). Hopefully you have gone raw long enough so that your

body will react to the cooked food. Over christmas my Dad sent me

some frozen vegetables as a present. I kind of felt guilty not eating

them so I indulged a little. My reaction was in the form of a cold

and stuffed up feeling for 2 weeks. This is the lesson we recieve. If

you don't go raw long enough, then you might not get as sick a

feeling. I read in one of my books that if you go Raw for 3 months

you will never go back to your old habits.













rawfood , " jaggerbog " <jaggerbog> wrote:



> Hi all,

> I don't post much... and I don't manage to read all the

> messages either, as I have limited time in a internet cafe. so

> forgive me if I ask a question that has been ansered recently!

> I was wondering if anyone knows of a '12 steps' type of group

> on the net. does such a thing exist? if it doesn't would anyone be

> interested if I started one?

> I am coming from the angle of a feeling therapy; I started

> therapy some years back, and have been trying to become raw much

> more recently, in the last 2 or 3 years. I am one of the unlucky

> ones who has a big addiction to cooked foods. I have found it hard

> over the last couple of years, and haven't managed to stick to it

> for any length of time.

> I find that after a week or so of raw eating, I am


> by a feeling of suicidal despair. I know this is part of an

> emotional detox, but when I am in it, it feels like it will go on

> forever, and I become afraid for my life. So I eat some cooked food

> to push that feeling away.

> I never feel 'good' on cooked foods tho, and the process

> goes round again. I guess John Bradshaw might call it a 'shame

> spiral', well, it's a pain spiral too I think.

> I feel I need confirmation that raw foods are important. No-

> one else that I know is on the same path, (in fact my friends are

> mostly carnivores, as I used to be) and they think that vegan is

> enough, or 75% raw is enough... maybe... in my heart, I feel that

> only 100% raw eating is 100% healthy. I don't know.

> ok, that's all- appreciate any feedback you's care to give!

> Vlad

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I eat about 80% raw. It's just what I can manage without it being the sole

focus of my life.


My feeling is: if 100% raw makes you miserable, or feels too hard to

achieve, give yourself permission to be less than " perfect. "


I know others don't share that view. It's a personal decision, in the end.


Best Wishes,




On Thu, 5 Feb 2004, jaggerbog wrote:




> Hi all,

> I don't post much... and I don't manage to read all the

> messages either, as I have limited time in a internet cafe. so

> forgive me if I ask a question that has been ansered recently!

> I was wondering if anyone knows of a '12 steps' type of group

> on the net. does such a thing exist? if it doesn't would anyone be

> interested if I started one?

> I am coming from the angle of a feeling therapy; I started

> therapy some years back, and have been trying to become raw much

> more recently, in the last 2 or 3 years. I am one of the unlucky

> ones who has a big addiction to cooked foods. I have found it hard

> over the last couple of years, and haven't managed to stick to it

> for any length of time.

> I find that after a week or so of raw eating, I am overwhelmed

> by a feeling of suicidal despair. I know this is part of an

> emotional detox, but when I am in it, it feels like it will go on

> forever, and I become afraid for my life. So I eat some cooked food

> to push that feeling away.

> I never feel 'good' on cooked foods tho, and the process

> goes round again. I guess John Bradshaw might call it a 'shame

> spiral', well, it's a pain spiral too I think.

> I feel I need confirmation that raw foods are important. No-

> one else that I know is on the same path, (in fact my friends are

> mostly carnivores, as I used to be) and they think that vegan is

> enough, or 75% raw is enough... maybe... in my heart, I feel that

> only 100% raw eating is 100% healthy. I don't know.

> ok, that's all- appreciate any feedback you's care to give!

> Vlad






Marjorie Roswell

3443 Guilford Terrace

Baltimore, MD 21218



Newest Site: rawfoodwiki.org

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Dear Vlad,

I hope that you get this. My son and I have the

same problem. Around and around it goes.

I haven't found anything yet, but there might be

something somewhere but haven't as yet found it.


But we are down to eating meat and raw the rest

of the time.

So we just keep on the same way.

Love to hear from you,



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Victoria Boutenko wrote a book called '12 Steps to Raw Food'.


If interested, you can get this book from her website www.rawfamily.com , or

any of the bookstores that are online.





>signe beske <signebeske


> Hygeia Halfmoon mention in her book " primalmothering in a modern world " a

>book called something like " cooked food anonymous " wich should contain 12

>steps to a raw life I do not remember if she wrote it herself or somone


>did, maybe somebody in here knows?




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Hi Vlad,


There is a called '12stepstoraw'. It is based on Victoria

Boutenko's book of the same name.


Emotional detoxing can be really hard to go through. If you are getting

suicidal while going through it, I might suggest finding a support group of

some sort to help you through it.


Another thing that you might try is to ramp up to eating 100% raw. Maybe

try 50% for a few weeks, then 60% for a few weeks, etc. Maybe going 100%

right away is too much for what your body can handle. Everyone is

different. Everyone can do things at different paces. Be kind to yourself

while you transition to a raw diet.


Good luck. :)





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Is that still an active group? My membership has been pending for a loooong

time there.






Hi Vlad,


There is a called '12stepstoraw'. It is based on Victoria

Boutenko's book of the same name.



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I am curiuos to know if you have mercury fillings. I had them when I

first went raw, but I could't handle the detox(mercury entering my

blood stream). I had to wait until I had my fillings replaced before

I could go 100% raw.





rawfood , Sheree <powerp818> wrote:

> I would be interestsed in a 12 step raw food support group.


> Sheree

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Thanks everybody for your advice and messages. I am going to check

out the new '12 step' group. thanks to everyone who posted links. I

am going to check them all, except the first which sounds

like it's become inactive.


yeah, suicidal feelings are very hard to handle. Right now I have

been raw for 2 days, and I don't feel bad now, but I know it's in the


I am eating raw, but still allowing myself coffee. Heck, I gave

up smoking 4 weeks ago, and I am trying to stagger giving up my act-


I do have a therapist; he is a meat-eater, and so he doesn't

really encourage me to go raw... :) hmmmm!

potted history for me- I read 'fit for life' which persuaded me

to go vegan, on health grounds. a week later I met my first raw

fooder- I remember him saying something like 'raw foods is the

healthiest diet, and of course the healthiest of all is fruitarian'.

something just clicked for me, and I knew it was true. But it has

been tough. For me it's like the power of a heroin addiction- I know

that eating raw is neccessary, but my body wants the 'comfort' of

cooked and processed food...

A while back I found out about the Essenes, from the writings of

Gabriel Cousens. I discovered the website




where there are many interesting Essene writings. I was an atheist

when I discovered raw foodism, but the Essene writings are helping me

to develop the spiritual side of my diet.


I guess I would like to be able to be 75% raw, and have some

cooked food as a 'treat', but I have found it doesn't work for me.

Like an alcoholic can't have 'just one drink', I can't have 'just one

vegetable samosa'! It sets off the whole cycle of bingeing.


votefornader- you mentioned reactions to cooked food. I had a

similar experience last week- I went raw for a seven days and then

ate some spicy curry and rice. The next morning I felt literally hung-

over, and my guts felt really sick all day. I guess it's experiences

like this that bring it home to me the unhealthiness of cooked versus

raw. that's why I know I have to keep trying, even tho it's tough.

thank you all for your encouragement.


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You might read why this person went to the raw.

http://www.alivemagazine.com/home/index.php?page_type=article & topic_id=13642 & sit\

e_id=12 & article_id=3097 & go_id=2 & take_id=6


jaggerbog <jaggerbog wrote:


Hi all,

I don't post much... and I don't manage to read all the

messages either, as I have limited time in a internet cafe. so

forgive me if I ask a question that has been ansered recently!

I was wondering if anyone knows of a '12 steps' type of group

on the net. does such a thing exist? if it doesn't would anyone be

interested if I started one?

I am coming from the angle of a feeling therapy; I started

therapy some years back, and have been trying to become raw much

more recently, in the last 2 or 3 years. I am one of the unlucky

ones who has a big addiction to cooked foods. I have found it hard

over the last couple of years, and haven't managed to stick to it

for any length of time.

I find that after a week or so of raw eating, I am overwhelmed

by a feeling of suicidal despair. I know this is part of an

emotional detox, but when I am in it, it feels like it will go on

forever, and I become afraid for my life. So I eat some cooked food

to push that feeling away.

I never feel 'good' on cooked foods tho, and the process

goes round again. I guess John Bradshaw might call it a 'shame

spiral', well, it's a pain spiral too I think.

I feel I need confirmation that raw foods are important. No-

one else that I know is on the same path, (in fact my friends are

mostly carnivores, as I used to be) and they think that vegan is

enough, or 75% raw is enough... maybe... in my heart, I feel that

only 100% raw eating is 100% healthy. I don't know.

ok, that's all- appreciate any feedback you's care to give!







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Sorry about this, it came thru late and i have already joined the active

group ya'll posted. Thanks :o)





Is that still an active group? My membership has been pending for a


time there.









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Please tell me more.


I have mercury fillings galore and have be 100% raw for ages.


What symptoms were lifted for example?





votefornader9 [votefornader9]

06 February 2004 06:02


Re: [Raw Food] 12 steps to raw foods





I am curiuos to know if you have mercury fillings. I had them when I

first went raw, but I could't handle the detox(mercury entering my

blood stream). I had to wait until I had my fillings replaced before

I could go 100% raw.





rawfood , Sheree <powerp818> wrote:

> I would be interestsed in a 12 step raw food support group.


> Sheree






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Eating plenty of green leaves and taking exercise is the key to depression

and lapsing. A good hour of walking every day should be a minimum.





Howard Huey [huey_htm]

06 February 2004 23:19


Re: [Raw Food] 12 steps to raw foods




You might read why this person went to the raw.

http://www.alivemagazine.com/home/index.php?page_type=article & topic_id=13642

& site_id=12 & article_id=3097 & go_id=2 & take_id=6


jaggerbog <jaggerbog wrote:


Hi all,

I don't post much... and I don't manage to read all the

messages either, as I have limited time in a internet cafe. so

forgive me if I ask a question that has been ansered recently!

I was wondering if anyone knows of a '12 steps' type of group

on the net. does such a thing exist? if it doesn't would anyone be

interested if I started one?

I am coming from the angle of a feeling therapy; I started

therapy some years back, and have been trying to become raw much

more recently, in the last 2 or 3 years. I am one of the unlucky

ones who has a big addiction to cooked foods. I have found it hard

over the last couple of years, and haven't managed to stick to it

for any length of time.

I find that after a week or so of raw eating, I am overwhelmed

by a feeling of suicidal despair. I know this is part of an

emotional detox, but when I am in it, it feels like it will go on

forever, and I become afraid for my life. So I eat some cooked food

to push that feeling away.

I never feel 'good' on cooked foods tho, and the process

goes round again. I guess John Bradshaw might call it a 'shame

spiral', well, it's a pain spiral too I think.

I feel I need confirmation that raw foods are important. No- one else

that I know is on the same path, (in fact my friends are

mostly carnivores, as I used to be) and they think that vegan is

enough, or 75% raw is enough... maybe... in my heart, I feel that

only 100% raw eating is 100% healthy. I don't know.

ok, that's all- appreciate any feedback you's care to give!







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I am not sure what happened on here but it was not me who wrote about fillings I

have plenty of them, and I eat raw. Sorry




Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:



Please tell me more.


I have mercury fillings galore and have be 100% raw for ages.


What symptoms were lifted for example?





votefornader9 [votefornader9]

06 February 2004 06:02


Re: [Raw Food] 12 steps to raw foods





I am curiuos to know if you have mercury fillings. I had them when I

first went raw, but I could't handle the detox(mercury entering my

blood stream). I had to wait until I had my fillings replaced before

I could go 100% raw.





rawfood , Sheree <powerp818> wrote:

> I would be interestsed in a 12 step raw food support group.


> Sheree






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> Eating plenty of green leaves and taking exercise is the key to


> and lapsing. A good hour of walking every day should be a minimum.


thankyou Peter for your advice. I do walk a lot actually- some days

for half an hour, others for many hours. For myself, I find it helps

but is not a cure.

I am trying to incorporate more raw greens into my raw diet.

peace to you


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Some magazines suggest you ask your dentist on mercury free filling.


Sheree <powerp818 wrote:Peter


I am not sure what happened on here but it was not me who wrote about fillings I

have plenty of them, and I eat raw. Sorry




Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:



Please tell me more.


I have mercury fillings galore and have be 100% raw for ages.


What symptoms were lifted for example?





votefornader9 [votefornader9]

06 February 2004 06:02


Re: [Raw Food] 12 steps to raw foods





I am curiuos to know if you have mercury fillings. I had them when I

first went raw, but I could't handle the detox(mercury entering my

blood stream). I had to wait until I had my fillings replaced before

I could go 100% raw.





rawfood , Sheree <powerp818> wrote:

> I would be interestsed in a 12 step raw food support group.


> Sheree






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I still brush twice a day generally but it doesn't feel as compulsive

as when I was not eating raw. I can feel my teeth and all parts of

my body heal by eating raw. I never expect to get any cavities again

for one thing.

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It seems that




was the person who has the mercury experience.


Will send a message there.




Howard Huey [huey_htm]

09 February 2004 00:36


RE: [Raw Food] 12 steps to raw foods




Some magazines suggest you ask your dentist on mercury free filling.


Sheree <powerp818 wrote:Peter


I am not sure what happened on here but it was not me who wrote about

fillings I have plenty of them, and I eat raw. Sorry




Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:



Please tell me more.


I have mercury fillings galore and have be 100% raw for ages.


What symptoms were lifted for example?





votefornader9 [votefornader9]

06 February 2004 06:02


Re: [Raw Food] 12 steps to raw foods





I am curiuos to know if you have mercury fillings. I had them when I

first went raw, but I could't handle the detox(mercury entering my

blood stream). I had to wait until I had my fillings replaced before

I could go 100% raw.





rawfood , Sheree <powerp818> wrote:

> I would be interestsed in a 12 step raw food support group.


> Sheree






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