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Atkins Autopsy

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Here’s a story about the medical reports on Atkins after his death.



<http://story.news./news?tmpl=story & cid=541 & ncid=751 & e=6 & u=/ap/


& cid=541 & ncid=751 & e=6 & u=/ap/20040210/ap_on_he_me/atkins_medical_report


Here’s a shorter URL if the above one does not work.



I am always amazed to see such overweight people on the Atkins Diet.

Even if you take his weight to be 195 at 6’, I think that to be

overweight as well. I am 6’3” and I weigh only 160 pounds and I have a

lot of muscle on me. Many times when I see people on the Atkins diet

they are still overweight. My heaviest weight ever on cooked foods was

180 pounds and I am inches taller than Atkins.


A raw food diet is by far a better way to loose weight and to stay

healthy. Atkins supposedly had more than one heart attack. He said it

was not diet related. Of course it was diet related, he completely

ignored all the evidence that a high animal food diet increases your

risk of getting heart disease and cancer.


To Your Radiant Health and Happiness, Roger Haeske


Are you having trouble staying 100% raw? Are you sick of the time

consuming effort of having to sprout, dehydrate and ferment your foods?

Are you afraid of eating fruit? Discover my easy program for raw food

success. http://www.SuperbeingDiet.com <http://www.superbeingdiet.com/>

for more info.








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Yeah, Roger, EXACTLY.

Ye shall know them by their fruits.

Long term ill health is the fruit of Atkins...meat eating.

and in his case not enough " fruit " .


Roger Haeske <roger2 wrote:

Here’s a story about the medical reports on Atkins after his death.




& cid=541 & ncid=751 & e=6 & u=/ap/20040210/ap_on_he_me/atkins_medical_report




The experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual

into a personality of idealistic power. Religion ministers to the progress of

all through fostering the progress of each individual, and the progress of each

is augmented through the achievement of all. [The Urantia Book: 1094:1]




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I'll agree with raw foods being good for losing weight, but two things really

get me about this story. 1) The poor man is not around here to personally




if anything else, #2 is what really gets my goat, if i was his family i would

not want that personal information leaked out, if you're going to attack the

atkins diet, do so on scientific merits of its risks and safety. don't

personally attack the person with his own medical records after he's dead,

regardless of whether the family is around to defend him.






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Well I read teh article.


I don't see how his diet affected him. I personally won't go on the

diet, because it seemed like your slamming a negative on a

negative. I was on it..until I become extremely disgusted by what I

was eating. And I left it with a quickness..I felt like I was

eating oil.


As for him and everything else....it is true that your body swells

up when your in coma and especially when you are injured. Since

your body doesn't function the same. And as for the heart problem,

they established that it was viral..not due to his diet.


Although we see that raw foods is great. Those that like meat and

want to eat it...it hasn't done anything wrong to them..and in his

case we see that truth. At the death of Marilyn Monroe she was

over 220lbs. But again your body swelss upon death and illness!



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I disagree with your statement.

He asserted certain concepts about human dietary

behavior. Many people are following his assertions.

That means there is an obligation and responsibility

factor in play here; especially if his assertions are wrong

and lead to health problems for his followers.


If accountibility isn't part of the human equation, then

let's just create an anarchy.


yasminduran wrote:

I'll agree with raw foods being good for losing weight, but two things really

get me about this story. 1) The poor man is not around here to personally defend




if anything else, #2 is what really gets my goat, if i was his family i would

not want that personal information leaked out, if you're going to attack the

atkins diet, do so on scientific merits of its risks and safety. don't

personally attack the person with his own medical records after he's dead,

regardless of whether the family is around to defend him.






The experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual

into a personality of idealistic power. Religion ministers to the progress of

all through fostering the progress of each individual, and the progress of each

is augmented through the achievement of all. [The Urantia Book: 1094:1]




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just a disclaimer that when i refer to " you " I'm using it in the general public

sense. :-) just so no one thought I was personally attacking them.




yasminduran wrote:

I'll agree with raw foods being good for losing weight, but two things really

get me about this story. 1) The poor man is not around here to personally




if anything else, #2 is what really gets my goat, if i was his family i would

not want that personal information leaked out, if you're going to attack the

atkins diet, do so on scientific merits of its risks and safety. don't

personally attack the person with his own medical records after he's dead,

regardless of whether the family is around to defend him.




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I have not read the Atkins autopsy. I respect privacy rights. However if a

doctor preaches his prescription to the world and has not good health in

himself, there may be a case for his followers being told especially if the

diet is as crappy as the Atkins diet.




yasminduran [yasminduran]

11 February 2004 19:54


Re: [Raw Food] Atkins Autopsy




I'll agree with raw foods being good for losing weight, but two things

really get me about this story. 1) The poor man is not around here to

personally defend himself, and 2) THE LEAKING OF THAT MEDICAL INFORMATION



if anything else, #2 is what really gets my goat, if i was his family i

would not want that personal information leaked out, if you're going to

attack the atkins diet, do so on scientific merits of its risks and safety.

don't personally attack the person with his own medical records after he's

dead, regardless of whether the family is around to defend him.






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1. I'm pretty sure it's not a violation of of HIPAA (Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act) when the person is dead.


2. They didn't do an autopsy. The paperwork in question, based on medical

records, and an exernal exam, showed that he had hypertension, Coronary

Heart Failure, and weighed 258 pounds. You can see the paperwork at



3. I think _it_ relevant that the man was overweight, even before he (they

claimed) gained 65 pounds in the week before his death. And I think it

will benefit the health of many now that that information has been





On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Peter Gardiner wrote:


> Megan


> I have not read the Atkins autopsy. I respect privacy rights. However if a

> doctor preaches his prescription to the world and has not good health in

> himself, there may be a case for his followers being told especially if the

> diet is as crappy as the Atkins diet.


> Peter


> yasminduran [yasminduran]

> 11 February 2004 19:54

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Atkins Autopsy




> I'll agree with raw foods being good for losing weight, but two things

> really get me about this story. 1) The poor man is not around here to

> personally defend himself, and 2) THE LEAKING OF THAT MEDICAL INFORMATION



> if anything else, #2 is what really gets my goat, if i was his family i

> would not want that personal information leaked out, if you're going to

> attack the atkins diet, do so on scientific merits of its risks and safety.

> don't personally attack the person with his own medical records after he's

> dead, regardless of whether the family is around to defend him.


> Megan




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Copy years ago in the news it was reported that Atkins had heartattacks. that

was will known. But he had denied that his heart attack was food related.

Science 100 says that 90% of dieases are food

, other factors like water and, air will aggravate it.


Margie Roswell <mroswell wrote:


1. I'm pretty sure it's not a violation of of HIPAA (Health Insurance

Portability and Accountability Act) when the person is dead.


2. They didn't do an autopsy. The paperwork in question, based on medical

records, and an exernal exam, showed that he had hypertension, Coronary

Heart Failure, and weighed 258 pounds. You can see the paperwork at



3. I think _it_ relevant that the man was overweight, even before he (they

claimed) gained 65 pounds in the week before his death. And I think it

will benefit the health of many now that that information has been





On Thu, 12 Feb 2004, Peter Gardiner wrote:


> Megan


> I have not read the Atkins autopsy. I respect privacy rights. However if a

> doctor preaches his prescription to the world and has not good health in

> himself, there may be a case for his followers being told especially if the

> diet is as crappy as the Atkins diet.


> Peter


> yasminduran [yasminduran]

> 11 February 2004 19:54

> rawfood

> Re: [Raw Food] Atkins Autopsy




> I'll agree with raw foods being good for losing weight, but two things

> really get me about this story. 1) The poor man is not around here to

> personally defend himself, and 2) THE LEAKING OF THAT MEDICAL INFORMATION



> if anything else, #2 is what really gets my goat, if i was his family i

> would not want that personal information leaked out, if you're going to

> attack the atkins diet, do so on scientific merits of its risks and safety.

> don't personally attack the person with his own medical records after he's

> dead, regardless of whether the family is around to defend him.


> Megan




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well, one of my other points about the whole thing is we don't know the whole

story. that's all i'm trying to get at. just call me a traditional journalist,

but i prefer to have all the facts I can first. :-) case in point, more

details are coming out about how the medical examiner got a copy of atkins'

medical records.


story?coll=chi-news-hed (regurgitated associated press article)


now like a good little journalist i'll bite the bullet and retract and say some

of you may have been right and what i was thinking of upon further research

might not have been covered under hipaa (i'm still looking into that because now

i'm mightily curious personally about the privacy issue having to deal with

hipaa on a regular basis & I realize i don't know the ins & outs of hipaa like i

thought :-D ), but it still appears some things were a little awry here. was

this a doctor out to make a name for himself by discrediting atkins or exposing

something he felt he had an obligation to about the atkins' diet? did he

honestly believe he only gave it to the PRM for research purposes? was he

mistakenly given a report? is he legally liable? was the new york medical

examiner's office a ninny for giving him the report in the first place? are

autopsy records a matter of public record or are they considered private medical

records? these are a lot of questions that still have to be answered.


back to the hipaa stuff, like i said, i'm still going through hipaa regs to see

if this exact topic is covered (releasing autopsy results to the public).

there's stuff that upon first look the language seems to apply, then right after

that appears to be something that might contradict it. a friend of mine at work

who's a medical reporter thought it was a really interesting question & now

she's looking into it herself out of curiousity. will " report " here what I find

out, if anyting. :-D








I have not read the Atkins autopsy. I respect privacy rights. However if a

doctor preaches his prescription to the world and has not good health in

himself, there may be a case for his followers being told especially if the

diet is as crappy as the Atkins diet.





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more facts to consider. the wall street journal reported today (thursday) in

their health edition that akins was 195 when he was admitted to the hospital

after his fall, and during that time up to the time he died, he swelled to 258

lbs. and apparently the journal got that from the same new york medical

examiner's report. i don't have access to the full article because i don't

, but maybe, someone here who does get the journal can post it here if

they have time. if not, i can see if there's a spare WSJ laying around at work






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195 is still overweight for a 6' frame. He sold weight loss, and he was

overweight, himself.


By the way, gentle reminder that there was no autopsy.



On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Megan Milligan wrote:


> more facts to consider. the wall street journal reported today (thursday) in

their health edition that akins was 195 when he was admitted to the hospital

after his fall, and during that time up to the time he died, he swelled to 258

lbs. and apparently the journal got that from the same new york medical

examiner's report. i don't have access to the full article because i don't

, but maybe, someone here who does get the journal can post it here if

they have time. if not, i can see if there's a spare WSJ laying around at work



> M.



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