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gotta Q?

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I know that transitioning is difficult. I have added lots of raw to

my meals. Yesterday I tried a completely raw lunch. uhm... avocado

burrito. I was gonna try one complete raw meal a day to start.

SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb craving

away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving for


Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

will... kinda fill that craving?

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This is my problem also. I have always craved refined carbs. I found that

after I was 100% raw for several months that the cravings were not as bad.

In order not to cave in I usually need to dehydrate some crackers/chips and

have them w/salsa or dehydrated garden patties. I find it very satisfying

and it takes care of the cravings. If I don't have anything dehydrated then

I have to make a raw pie! Not the best food combination but it helps keep me

raw. The crust is made with equal parts of almonds and dates (put in a food

processor then pressed into a pie plate) and any type of fruit or combo of

fruits that I have around for the filling. Breezi





I know that transitioning is difficult. I have added lots of raw to

my meals. Yesterday I tried a completely raw lunch. uhm... avocado

burrito. I was gonna try one complete raw meal a day to start.

SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb craving

away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving for


Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

will... kinda fill that craving?








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>SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb craving

>away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving for


>Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

>will... kinda fill that craving?



Victoria Boutenko said that when we crave sugar or sweets, it's our body

telling us that we need calcium. Maybe try adding some greens to your

meals. My favorite way to get calcium is to make sesame milk. Yum!


I, too, crave bread. I found that if I make dehidrated crackers and eat

those when I get the bread craving, it helps. If stored in an air-tight

container, the crackers keep for weeks. They're nice to have on hand when I

get that munchy feeling and they're great with sliced avocados or sauces.


Good luck! :)





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when i crave sugar or carb, i generally chew celery, i

like dipping celery on tahini and keep chewing and it

always helps,






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>I, too, crave bread. I found that if I make dehidrated crackers and


>those when I get the bread craving, it helps. If stored in an


>container, the crackers keep for weeks. They're nice to have on hand

when I

>get that munchy feeling and they're great with sliced avocados or



>Good luck! :)





I have tried a couple of cracker recipes now and they have not turned

out very tasty. I made one last night from sprouted rice, walnuts, and

slipper elm powder. The did not turn out very crispy like I thought

they should and they had a rather bitter taste to them. Not to mention

that the house smelled like dog biscuits while the dehydrator was on.

Do you have a good cracker recipe that you can share with me? My wife

was a pretzelholic until we went raw and really misses her crackers.



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Did you have a fruit lunch or a vegetable lunch or both?





~moonrae [slickerk]

19 February 2004 15:33


[Raw Food] gotta Q?




I know that transitioning is difficult. I have added lots of raw to

my meals. Yesterday I tried a completely raw lunch. uhm... avocado

burrito. I was gonna try one complete raw meal a day to start.

SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb craving

away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving for


Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

will... kinda fill that craving?







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Peter, I just mix my plant food however I feel at each meal,

regardless of fruits, vegetables or raw nuts. I tend to eat mostly

vegetables for my first couple of meals. And then as the day wears

on, I need fruit and avocados and raw nuts and things to cope with

the mental stress.


Moonrae, I'm only raw since 1/6, but I've been trying to be 100% for

over a decade. I don't think there's any way to get over the

cravings for sugar, bread and cooked food, except to just process the

feelings and all day long and just not eat that stuff no matter

what. The temptation to go to some bread, sugar item, especially

ones I haven't tried before, is very strong, but it's getting weaker

on this go around being raw because I'm just very determined to stay



You have to learn to love eating the healthy, raw way and it's just

not easy. I don't think there's any answer except to give a raw food

diet time to be accepted physically and mentally. Eventually, being

100% raw is probably very important for full acceptance of the raw

food diet and the ability to not crave other foods.


How long does this process take you ask? I would say for me, I don't

expect to be stable with it for maybe six months and then a couple

years before it's an ingrained part of my being. And this time

schedule is on a 100% raw diet.

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I think you can do several things to reduce you problems.


1. Go on a fast.


This will clear out the bad gut bacteria and a whole lot of other bad

chemistry which is setting up your cravings.

In the first day of so, you may get attacked by craving but drinking water

should cure that. The human body is designed to handle quite long periods

without food. Of course if fasting and detox is all too much you could

start off with juice meals and build up.


It is likely that such a clear out will give you a huge lift.


2. Start the day on fruit and end on green leaves.


This will give you energy in the morning and help sleep at night.


3. Keep some green leaves around for craving attacks and eat them when the

craving comes.


This latter move is also good if the craving is for alcohol or tobacco.


4. Do not rush yourself. Most people who succeed take a few months to go

completely over to a 100% raw diet although there may be some who have just

plunged. We are different and most never make it at all.


Hope this helps




Rich Sachs [seconaphim]

21 February 2004 15:31


Re: [Raw Food] gotta Q?




Peter, I just mix my plant food however I feel at each meal,

regardless of fruits, vegetables or raw nuts. I tend to eat mostly

vegetables for my first couple of meals. And then as the day wears

on, I need fruit and avocados and raw nuts and things to cope with

the mental stress.


Moonrae, I'm only raw since 1/6, but I've been trying to be 100% for

over a decade. I don't think there's any way to get over the

cravings for sugar, bread and cooked food, except to just process the

feelings and all day long and just not eat that stuff no matter

what. The temptation to go to some bread, sugar item, especially

ones I haven't tried before, is very strong, but it's getting weaker

on this go around being raw because I'm just very determined to stay



You have to learn to love eating the healthy, raw way and it's just

not easy. I don't think there's any answer except to give a raw food

diet time to be accepted physically and mentally. Eventually, being

100% raw is probably very important for full acceptance of the raw

food diet and the ability to not crave other foods.


How long does this process take you ask? I would say for me, I don't

expect to be stable with it for maybe six months and then a couple

years before it's an ingrained part of my being. And this time

schedule is on a 100% raw diet.







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That is what I guessed.


You will do better to separate the two.


It is even better to have your fill of one ingredient and then leave a gap

and move on to the next. Different foods need different digestive treatment

and you give yourself a break if you keep it simple.


That way you avoid a chaotic mixing which it seems to me are causing your

problems. Most humans feed themselves as though they were trying to empty a

garbage can into themselves, as though the mouth were separated from the

final exit by a trash processing unit. Small wonder that indigestion

massive wind, fatigue, headaches, gut upsets and much more come their way.


Somehow the thread of this message is lost which makes me reluctant to say

more as I could go astray.





~moonrae [slickerk]

21 February 2004 18:00


Re: [Raw Food] gotta Q?




both. mostly vegie though.



rawfood , " Peter Gardiner "

<petergardiner@e...> wrote:

> Did you have a fruit lunch or a vegetable lunch or both?


> Peter








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Thank you for all of your suggestions.

I have not started (yet) 100%, right now I am probably about 50%. I

am not trying to rush anything, cause I have 3 other meat-eaters in

the house who don't really care for raw. And having to cook thier

meals as well makes it hard for me.

But anyways, thank you.

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It's good that you can maintain at least some raw. I live around

one, sometimes two regular SAD diet eaters, but I'm maintaining the

strength to not eat their stuff and stay with my plant food. It's

hard, especially at first, or if I'm not really committed to being

raw. But the stength and joy I feel eating raw can overcome the home

environment, at least it has so far for me. The stronger I maintain

my raw diet, the less questions and offers of food I get from the SAD



And the ones I do get are quickly and easily refused.


I imagine they'll go on suggesting SAD food now and then, that's just

the way society is.



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It is interesting that you bring this up. I didn't even really

realize it but I too am having really bad sugar cravings. I ONLY

want to eat dates (and some nuts). But mostly dates. I could

literally eat nothing else.


This craving for dates, ie. sugar, is part of transitioning? Does

anyone know why? And is it ok to indulge if it is through raw food

or should I try to resist. To be honest resisting is almost

impossible. I think I have only had one day in the last 10 where I

managed to not eat dates. Most days I cave and eat 6 - 12 dates and

a zillion nuts. I am kinda of worried about all this fat, as well as

only wanting one food for so long.





rawfood , " ~moonrae " <slickerk> wrote:

> I know that transitioning is difficult. I have added lots of raw


> my meals. Yesterday I tried a completely raw lunch. uhm... avocado

> burrito. I was gonna try one complete raw meal a day to start.

> SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb craving

> away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving


> bread.

> Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

> will... kinda fill that craving?

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The craving for dates could well be the fauna in your gut asking for its



Away of shifting it out is to fast. Another is simply to eat green leaves



Pure water is another distraction which sometimes helps reduce craving.





nyia12 [eeyore_0_4]

29 February 2004 15:03


[Raw Food] Re: gotta Q?




It is interesting that you bring this up. I didn't even really

realize it but I too am having really bad sugar cravings. I ONLY

want to eat dates (and some nuts). But mostly dates. I could

literally eat nothing else.


This craving for dates, ie. sugar, is part of transitioning? Does

anyone know why? And is it ok to indulge if it is through raw food

or should I try to resist. To be honest resisting is almost

impossible. I think I have only had one day in the last 10 where I

managed to not eat dates. Most days I cave and eat 6 - 12 dates and

a zillion nuts. I am kinda of worried about all this fat, as well as

only wanting one food for so long.





rawfood , " ~moonrae " <slickerk> wrote:

> I know that transitioning is difficult. I have added lots of raw


> my meals. Yesterday I tried a completely raw lunch. uhm... avocado

> burrito. I was gonna try one complete raw meal a day to start.

> SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb craving

> away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving


> bread.

> Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

> will... kinda fill that craving?








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I´ve heard that eating dried apricots can help diminish sugar cravings, as it

has a high zinc concent.




De: " nyia12 " eeyore_0_4






Data:Sun, 29 Feb 2004 14:02:58 +0000


Assunto:[Raw Food] Re: gotta Q?




It is interesting that you bring this up. I didn't even really

realize it but I too am having really bad sugar cravings. I ONLY

want to eat dates (and some nuts). But mostly dates. I could

literally eat nothing else.


This craving for dates, ie. sugar, is part of transitioning? Does

anyone know why? And is it ok to indulge if it is through raw food

or should I try to resist. To be honest resisting is almost

impossible. I think I have only had one day in the last 10 where I

managed to not eat dates. Most days I cave and eat 6 - 12 dates and

a zillion nuts. I am kinda of worried about all this fat, as well as

only wanting one food for so long.





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I went through a major date craze in the mid 90's. I guess it's part

of the process for some. I avoid them now though and haven't had

many in the past year. I just know I have a tendency to overeat them

and want them too badly so I'd rather just give them up. I will

resort to them on occasion, still though, for the mental relief. But

I know my sugar needs are adequately supplied with other fruit, so I

don't bother with them.


I don't think it's much possible to overeat raw plant food. That's

what I've had to resort to over the years of trying to get raw, lots

of dates, avocados, bananas, grapes, raw nuts, and any other raw item

I could stuff myself on. But these ones mentioned seem to have the

greatest attraction, compulsion. I suppose our physicality is

predisposed to them in this way.


I will say that when I did rely on dates for virtually every day back

in '95 or so for about nine months of being raw, my lack of progress

feeling, being comfortably raw, and not relying on an item so much,

played on my mind and probably contributed to my relapse back into

not eating raw. So I would resist when you can just to give yourself

the satisfaction of the effort.


I like raw nuts too and do rely on them more than I would like, but

that's part of the physical detoxing transition period and who's to

say how long it will last. I generally don't eat nuts during the

day, I just binge a little at night for the emotional relief. I

don't know when I'll feel ok about cutting back on them.


I'm not worried in the least about the fat aspect. It's just the

needed reliance that gets me, but I have to be patient with that. I

don't know why you worry about the fat aspect, I don't think it

compares hardly at all to the SAD diet.




rawfood , " nyia12 " <eeyore_0_4> wrote:

> It is interesting that you bring this up. I didn't even really

> realize it but I too am having really bad sugar cravings. I ONLY

> want to eat dates (and some nuts). But mostly dates. I could

> literally eat nothing else.


> This craving for dates, ie. sugar, is part of transitioning? Does

> anyone know why? And is it ok to indulge if it is through raw food

> or should I try to resist. To be honest resisting is almost

> impossible. I think I have only had one day in the last 10 where I

> managed to not eat dates. Most days I cave and eat 6 - 12 dates and

> a zillion nuts. I am kinda of worried about all this fat, as well


> only wanting one food for so long.


> nyia

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Hi there


Franky I don't think human apes are MADE to eat just greens. I think

the reason they have devloped a sweet tooth as a species is juat so

they DO in fact ACTUALLY GO for sweet properly ripened foods like



I expect that this may have something to do with the greater needs

of their brain metabolisms for sugars...


What do you think?




rawfood , " nyia12 " <eeyore_0_4> wrote:

> It is interesting that you bring this up. I didn't even really

> realize it but I too am having really bad sugar cravings. I ONLY

> want to eat dates (and some nuts). But mostly dates. I could

> literally eat nothing else.


> This craving for dates, ie. sugar, is part of transitioning? Does

> anyone know why? And is it ok to indulge if it is through raw food

> or should I try to resist. To be honest resisting is almost

> impossible. I think I have only had one day in the last 10 where I

> managed to not eat dates. Most days I cave and eat 6 - 12 dates


> a zillion nuts. I am kinda of worried about all this fat, as well


> only wanting one food for so long.


> nyia



> rawfood , " ~moonrae " <slickerk> wrote:

> > I know that transitioning is difficult. I have added lots of raw

> to

> > my meals. Yesterday I tried a completely raw lunch. uhm...


> > burrito. I was gonna try one complete raw meal a day to start.

> > SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb


> > away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving

> for

> > bread.

> > Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

> > will... kinda fill that craving?

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A good point.


As a generalization, the heavily weighted frugivores had bigger brains and

smaller large intestines for fermenting vegetables.


Rather like man. The spider monkey shares those features even has longer

back legs! He has a tail which we do not and is highly mobile. It looks as

though gorillas and chimps are cousins not ancestors.







Velvet [la_velvet]

01 March 2004 22:44


[Raw Food] Re: gotta Q?






Hi there


Franky I don't think human apes are MADE to eat just greens. I think

the reason they have devloped a sweet tooth as a species is juat so

they DO in fact ACTUALLY GO for sweet properly ripened foods like



I expect that this may have something to do with the greater needs

of their brain metabolisms for sugars...


What do you think?




rawfood , " nyia12 " <eeyore_0_4> wrote:

> It is interesting that you bring this up. I didn't even really

> realize it but I too am having really bad sugar cravings. I ONLY

> want to eat dates (and some nuts). But mostly dates. I could

> literally eat nothing else.


> This craving for dates, ie. sugar, is part of transitioning? Does

> anyone know why? And is it ok to indulge if it is through raw food

> or should I try to resist. To be honest resisting is almost

> impossible. I think I have only had one day in the last 10 where I

> managed to not eat dates. Most days I cave and eat 6 - 12 dates


> a zillion nuts. I am kinda of worried about all this fat, as well


> only wanting one food for so long.


> nyia



> rawfood , " ~moonrae " <slickerk> wrote:

> > I know that transitioning is difficult. I have added lots of raw

> to

> > my meals. Yesterday I tried a completely raw lunch. uhm...


> > burrito. I was gonna try one complete raw meal a day to start.

> > SO, here is my question. How do you keep the sugar or carb


> > away. A little while after eating I had this really bad craving

> for

> > bread.

> > Does anyone else get this and is there anything I can eat that

> > will... kinda fill that craving?








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I think Peter G. advertizes more fruits than vegetables. I'm

comfortable with the opposite. I want some sweets but it doesn't

seem as healthy as more vegetables. I don't know what the reasons

for that could be. It could be conditioning from when we're younger,

learning that we don't want too much sweets like candy, or it could

actually be scientific nutritionally speaking.


Certainly there are animals like fruit bats who subsist completely on

fruit so it is done healthily and properly by some animals.



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Urantia Book P.707 - §5 And now, after almost nine hundred

generations of development, covering about twenty-one thousand years

from the origin of the dawn mammals, the Primates suddenly gave birth

to two remarkable creatures, the first true human beings.

P.707 - §6 Thus it was that the dawn mammals, springing from the

North American lemur type, gave origin to the mid-mammals, and these

mid-mammals in turn produced the superior Primates, who became the

immediate ancestors of the primitive human race. The Primates tribes

were the last vital link in the evolution of man, but in less than

five thousand years not a single individual of these extraordinary

tribes was left.


rawfood , " Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner@e...>


> Velvet,


> A good point.


> As a generalization, the heavily weighted frugivores had bigger

brains and

> smaller large intestines for fermenting vegetables.


> Rather like man. The spider monkey shares those features even has


> back legs! He has a tail which we do not and is highly mobile. It

looks as

> though gorillas and chimps are cousins not ancestors.


> Peter

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As we've heard mentioned many time...we should listen to our



But I had a thought that popped into my mind when reading Rich's



Maybe the fruit is sweet to entice us to eat it? Also, there are

a lot of wonderfu fruits that aren't as sweet as others.

Luckily, we have tons of fruits to choose from.


I am led to eat more fruit than vegetables, but eat both. I also

feel better by starting out my day with fruit and work my way

toward my large salad and some nutbutter with celery for dinner.


Just my 2 cents, but we are all different and we have to find our

own way of eating that works for us.





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I think Peter G. advertizes more fruits than vegetables. I'm

comfortable with the opposite. I want some sweets but it


seem as healthy as more vegetables. I don't know what the


for that could be. It could be conditioning from when we're


learning that we don't want too much sweets like candy, or it


actually be scientific nutritionally speaking.


Certainly there are animals like fruit bats who subsist

completely on

fruit so it is done healthily and properly by some animals.







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You are right. I eat more fruit than vegetables.


As I see it the best answer in the end is through taste. Your body will

tell you.


Certainly the most dangerous indicator of diet is dogma.


The trouble with taste is that it often responds to craving. On the other

hand, a strong vegetable bias seems to me to be the right side of getting

straightened up from a SAD diet.


Bats are mammals but parted company with our ancestors in the time of the

dinosaurs. Most of them thrive on insects which abounded when they evolved.





I think Peter G. advertizes more fruits than vegetables. I'm

comfortable with the opposite. I want some sweets but it doesn't

seem as healthy as more vegetables. I don't know what the reasons

for that could be. It could be conditioning from when we're younger,

learning that we don't want too much sweets like candy, or it could

actually be scientific nutritionally speaking.


Certainly there are animals like fruit bats who subsist completely on

fruit so it is done healthily and properly by some animals.








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> I eat 8 raw eggs per day .

> Alex


Good: You'll get protein and Omega 3 in a great form. Raw eggs are great.

Cooked eggs are deadly.



" alex " <telecom

<rawfood >

Tuesday, March 02, 2004 9:02 AM

Re: [Raw Food] Re: gotta Q?

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