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What did you eat today?

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I've read a lot on the raw food subject, but have never been able to

convert. The problem.... what are you eating as meals? What did

you eat today? I have looked at many books, but it seems like so

much work.


I can't get passed the meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle. I eat so

much junk... I can't even describe. I currently need to lose weight

(probably as much as you weigh). What would be a great way to

start? My goals are to feel better & look great FOREVER!!


Do you have a daily meal plan that would help?


Thanks a bunch!

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In a message dated 2/25/2004 9:52:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,

softpear writes:



I've read a lot on the raw food subject, but have never been able to

convert. The problem.... what are you eating as meals? What did

you eat today? I have looked at many books, but it seems like so

much work.


I can't get passed the meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle. I eat so

much junk... I can't even describe. I currently need to lose weight

(probably as much as you weigh). What would be a great way to

start? My goals are to feel better & look great FOREVER!!


Do you have a daily meal plan that would help?


Thanks a bunch!



For starters, whereabouts do you live? You might be able to find like-minded

people to make meals with.




Judy Pokras



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I don't know a good way for you to start but I can answer the

question of what I've eaten today. In various quantities as I feel

the need to satisfy hunger, celery, spinach, orange, tomato, banana,

avocado, pine nuts, pineapple, carrot, lettuce and I've got some

pears that I better eat more of before they go bad.


And I was raised on the " meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle " and other

junk diet, so I know the struggle, as probably most people trying to

eat raw do.




rawfood , softpear@a... wrote:

> Hi,


> I've read a lot on the raw food subject, but have never been able


> convert. The problem.... what are you eating as meals? What did

> you eat today? I have looked at many books, but it seems like so

> much work.


> I can't get passed the meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle. I eat so

> much junk... I can't even describe. I currently need to lose


> (probably as much as you weigh). What would be a great way to

> start? My goals are to feel better & look great FOREVER!!


> Do you have a daily meal plan that would help?


> Thanks a bunch!

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I eat very simply! I juice about 4-6 cups of carrot/veges during the

day with barley green powder. 2 cups for breakfast gets me going and

clears that yuk taste in my mouth in the morning. Sometimes I will

eat 1/2 cups of soaked nuts overnight with 1/2 cups of soaked

raisins/dates overnight for breakfast also. I will snack on friut

like oranges during the day and coconuts. Or whatever else like

papaya! I will make a huge salad that includes

lettuce,zuchinni,tomatoes,carrots,green bell peppers, avocadoes,

olives, garlic, olive oil and seasonings with apple cider vinegar.

Usually this salad makes 2 meals. It takes about 20-30 minutes to

prepare(only 1 time per day). The night time is the worst for

cravings. When I have a craving, I eat oranges or coconuts or salad

or soaked nuts and fruit. I buy a ton of oranges and coconuts by the

case. Always got to have raw food around. When I first went raw I ate

a lot of peanut butter but have weaned myself from this. I noticed I

was getting a lot of gas from eating the peanut butter. Any time I

get gas or a little sniffle I can trace it back to what I ate. My

friend came over a brought chips over and made nachos. I ate maybe 4-

5 chips and decided to juice some carrots. That took the craving

away! Hope this helps!










rawfood , softpear@a... wrote:

> Hi,


> I've read a lot on the raw food subject, but have never been able


> convert. The problem.... what are you eating as meals? What did

> you eat today? I have looked at many books, but it seems like so

> much work.


> I can't get passed the meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle. I eat so

> much junk... I can't even describe. I currently need to lose


> (probably as much as you weigh). What would be a great way to

> start? My goals are to feel better & look great FOREVER!!


> Do you have a daily meal plan that would help?


> Thanks a bunch!

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Ya know what, I have the same issues. It seems that it is alot

easier for me to do the raw thing during the summer. I can leave

fruits and vegies sit out just to pick at and the I don't eat as

much (besides the fact that they are more available at that time in

my area). I can't get past mashed poatoes, corn on the cob and

cheesecake. I am also having a hard time finding good recipes. I

tried a recipe for raw stuffed mushrooms the other day and they were

yuck! All that on top of cooking regular food for my family (none of

whom care to go raw).


I currently don't have anything laid out. When I am home alone I try

different recipes that I find online and when the fam is here, I try

to just incorporate alot of raw into the normal meal.

I have heard that Juliano's book " Raw " is good, but I haven't picked

it up yet.


rawfood , softpear@a... wrote:

> Hi,


> I've read a lot on the raw food subject, but have never been able


> convert. The problem.... what are you eating as meals? What did

> you eat today? I have looked at many books, but it seems like so

> much work.


> I can't get passed the meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle. I eat


> much junk... I can't even describe. I currently need to lose


> (probably as much as you weigh). What would be a great way to

> start? My goals are to feel better & look great FOREVER!!


> Do you have a daily meal plan that would help?


> Thanks a bunch!

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water when i got up and occasionally through the day

an almost over ripe cantaloupe melon around 11

a banana and celery smoothie 2ish (12 bananas and 3 stalks)

about fifteen oranges at six

a very large romaine, watercress, tomato, grape and and

celery salad about an hour later



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Everyone has different tastes, but this is typical of what I eat, lately.





Smoothie made with 2 or 3 fruits, and a few leaves of greens (spinach, kale,



A couple of pieces of fruit


freshly juiced vegetables or fruits (current favorite: mostly carrot with

beet, celery, and parsley)



Lunch (includes enough volume of food for snacks during the day):


usually leftovers from the previous night's meal, with fruit and cut up

veggies on the side (easiest is Bell Pepper, celery, radish, carrot,

cucumber, avocado, fresh olives, etc.)


any of the marinated salads in recipe books, with fruit and cut up veggies

on the side -- my favorite is Powerhouse Kale Salad in the Raw Power book.

This can be made ahead of time and then lasts for several lunches. The

longer a salad marinades, the better it tastes.





raw soup and salad


zucchini pasta and marinara sauce


pate -- can be stuffed into tomatoes or mushrooms, spread on celery, used as

one of the ingredients in rollup (romaine lettuce and red lettuce are my

favorites to use for the rollup, chop up other veggies, add spices, it's

different every time)


new recipe from one of the recipe books -- I love to try out new recipes.





There are many recipes for dehydrated crackers. It's good to keep these on

hand to help with cravings. You can make various sauces and dips to eat

with the crackers.


Buy veggies already cut up. Keep these handy to help with cravings.





My favorite deserts are raw pies. I like to make a few at a time, and then

freeze one or two. Freezing does take away some of the nutritional value,

but having healthy pie on hand also helps combat cravings.


These are my 2 favorite books of recipes:

* Raw Power by Stephen Arlin -- this is a book about weight lifting, but the

raw food recipes in this book are really good.

* Shazzie's Detox Delights -- If you get this book, try the Mushroom Tahini

Sarnies on nice, fresh Portobello mushrooms. Yum!



Instead of trying to jump into 100% raw diet, try transitioning more slowly.

Try eating a raw breakfast for a couple of weeks. Then, continue with raw

breakfast and add a good raw salad to start dinner. Then, continue with the

raw breakfast and salad at dinner, and add a raw side dish to dinner. Then

add something raw to lunch. Then add 2 raw side dishes to dinner. Then eat

a complete raw dinner a couple of times a week. Or whatever makes sense to

you. I wasn't able to go to 100% raw all at once, either, and had to

transition more slowly. I had major cravings for potatoes and breads. I

found that the healthier I ate, the more healthy food I would crave. After

eating a high raw diet for a while, I had to make the decision to get rid of

potatoes and bread. It was really hard, and sometimes I still miss them.

People are right when they say that cooked food is an addiction.


I sometimes 'fall off the wagon' and eat cooked food. At first I felt so

guilty doing this. Now when I do this, I can tell that my body no longer

wants this food. I feel sluggish and tired the next day -- kinda like a



Hope this helps. Good luck!











>[Raw Food] What did you eat today?

>Wed, 25 Feb 2004 21:30:43 -0000




>I've read a lot on the raw food subject, but have never been able to

>convert. The problem.... what are you eating as meals? What did

>you eat today? I have looked at many books, but it seems like so

>much work.


>I can't get passed the meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle. I eat so

>much junk... I can't even describe. I currently need to lose weight

>(probably as much as you weigh). What would be a great way to

>start? My goals are to feel better & look great FOREVER!!


>Do you have a daily meal plan that would help?


>Thanks a bunch!





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Yeah...WHY are you making goals FOREVER? That's like trying to roll

a snowball UP Everest....ain't going to get you much past Base Camp.


Why not make your goal MONTHLY....like paying bills...but paying

yourself HEALTH instead?



rawfood , softpear@a... wrote:

> Hi,


> I've read a lot on the raw food subject, but have never been able


> convert. The problem.... what are you eating as meals? What did

> you eat today? I have looked at many books, but it seems like so

> much work.


> I can't get passed the meat, potatoes, & bread lifestyle. I eat


> much junk... I can't even describe. I currently need to lose


> (probably as much as you weigh). What would be a great way to

> start? My goals are to feel better & look great FOREVER!!


> Do you have a daily meal plan that would help?


> Thanks a bunch!

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With respect...if your body is still craving something after quite a

period on your current diet as an example I'd say that you are not

in fact getting what YOU need from it.


Hormones and such like can be disrupted and cause problems which

apparantly healthy diest cannot ameliorate by themselves.


I would get a check up if I were you.

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Hello there!


Sorry, I didn't get your name.....=(


Forgive me if I repeat anything someone else has said but I've been

thinking about your question for a few days. I was wondering if you

might not be aiming a little too high to start with. I can't tell

for sure, but it sounds like you're wanting to go from SAD (more or

less) to raw almost overnight. Why not let yourself ease into it a



What I found was helpful was just to work at including and increasing

raw foods in my diet. You could start with some easily achievable

goals like having fruit before all meals, a salad along with them and

also simplifying and decreasing the cooked aspect of your meal too.

You may find it easier to start with something like the 'Fit for

Life' programme. Have you read that one? Worth getting. He may not

be spot on with all things, (I don't think anyone is!!!), but he has

enough info and enthusiasm to get you started.


After you've been including a pretty high percentage of raw and have

dealt with a lot of the issues that arise, (you will still go into

detox on mid-high raw diets), you can start to incresae the

percentage raw, if you want to. Not everyone wants to go further

than 75%-ish and no-one should feel forced to. After all, it's food,

not a religion!!!LOL!!!=) You'll also find by this stage that your

desire for the 'bad' foods will diminish. I was only able to finally

let go of dairy esp. cheese when I went high raw. I'd been trying

without success before, but I managed it overnight then! Also, keep

educating yourself and thinking positive thoughts. Eat what you

enjoy and enjoy what you eat!


Hope there's been something helpful there!






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Vickie, can you post the Powerhouse Kale Salad recipe?


Also, are the zucchini pasta and marinara sauce recipes in the Raw Power or

Shazzie's book ?


How are dehydrated crackers raw food?







> These are my 2 favorite books of recipes:

> * Raw Power by Stephen Arlin -- this is a book about weight lifting, but


> raw food recipes in this book are really good.

> * Shazzie's Detox Delights -- If you get this book, try the Mushroom


> Sarnies on nice, fresh Portobello mushrooms. Yum!

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it's hard to say how long someone has been trying to get raw from

this forum. i've been trying hard since about 1992, so transitioning

to 100% isn't something i feel i need to do. I need to just get raw

and stay raw.


eating raw is a religion to me, it's very important as far as I

perceive God's will for me.




rawfood , " Elisabeth Braun "

<elisabeth.braun@n...> wrote:

> Sorry, I didn't get your name.....=(


> Forgive me if I repeat anything someone else has said but I've been

> thinking about your question for a few days. I was wondering if


> might not be aiming a little too high to start with. I can't tell

> for sure, but it sounds like you're wanting to go from SAD (more or

> less) to raw almost overnight. Why not let yourself ease into it a

> little?=)


> Not everyone wants to go further

> than 75%-ish and no-one should feel forced to. After all, it's


> not a religion!!!LOL!!!=)

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rawfood , " Rich Sachs " <seconaphim> wrote:

> it's hard to say how long someone has been trying to get raw from

> this forum. i've been trying hard since about 1992, so


> to 100% isn't something i feel i need to do. I need to just get


> and stay raw.


Yeah, everyone has to set his/her own priorities as far as diet

goes. Not everyone wants or plans to 'go all the way'. At the mo,

I'm trying to stablise at about 75% raw, then plan to increase a bit

and take it from there.=)


> eating raw is a religion to me, it's very important as far as I

> perceive God's will for me.


My understanding of God's will as far as diet goes is only that we

abstain from comsuming blood. The rest he doesn't comment on at this

stage. I'm not of the 'the raw diet will solve all the world's

problems' opinion. It might solve some, but it won't deal with all

by a l-o-n-g stretch. Sure, health and environmental problems would

recede considerably and many people's tempers would be clamed, but

not all. There are still things that get people heated up and raw

fooders can be rude, unpleasant and argumentative along with the rest

of them!!!LOL!!=)


Love and blood oranges - yum!



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rawfood , " Elisabeth Braun "

<elisabeth.braun@n...> wrote:

> Yeah, everyone has to set his/her own priorities as far as diet

> goes. Not everyone wants or plans to 'go all the way'. At the mo,

> I'm trying to stablise at about 75% raw, then plan to increase a


> and take it from there.=)



If someone can be less than a 100% raw and not be 0% raw, then that's

great. That's fortunate. My emotions work such that if I'm not 100%

raw, the angst is so great that I don't bother to be raw at all.


> My understanding of God's will as far as diet goes is only that we

> abstain from comsuming blood. The rest he doesn't comment on at


> stage. I'm not of the 'the raw diet will solve all the world's

> problems' opinion. It might solve some, but it won't deal with all

> by a l-o-n-g stretch. Sure, health and environmental problems


> recede considerably and many people's tempers would be clamed, but

> not all. There are still things that get people heated up and raw

> fooders can be rude, unpleasant and argumentative along with the


> of them!!!LOL!!=)


> Love and blood oranges - yum!


> Elisabeth=)


I'm not talking about God's will from a book or a religion. I'm

talking about the spirit of God that resides in all of us and is

there to guide us if we choose to seek him out and listen.


I'm not concerned with what a raw diet would do for the world, I know

what it does for me.


I could surmise what a raw diet would do for the world, but it's not

much important.

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> I know there

> is a Christian Raw Food Group for example.


Do you know what it is? All I can find is the Hallelujah Diet, which

although promotes raw food is not 100% raw.

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rawfood , " Rich Sachs " <seconaphim> wrote:

>> If someone can be less than a 100% raw and not be 0% raw, then


> great. That's fortunate. My emotions work such that if I'm not


> raw, the angst is so great that I don't bother to be raw at all.


It realyl is so individual, isn't it? I think it's really important

to do what works for you. That can mean vastly different things to

many different people.=)





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Everyone's just in such a different place mentally/spiritually that

it has to be very individual. However, we're all human so ideally,

someday, it would seem that we would come to a general consensus

about the best way for the human animal to eat.


It's much more enjoyable to have commonality of belief than not. We

can't have much of that here for now because of how different

everyone is from everyone else.


rawfood , " Elisabeth Braun "

<elisabeth.braun@n...> wrote:

> It realyl is so individual, isn't it? I think it's really


> to do what works for you. That can mean vastly different things to

> many different people.=)


> Hugs,


> Elisabeth=)

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When I've worn myself out on this one, I'll have to try some other

groups like these. I write them all down and store them for future

reference. Thanks to everyone who post information about similar



rawfood , " ky_wendylynn " <ky_wendylynn@h...>


> Thank you!



> > The groups I was referring to were:

> >

> > BiblicalHealth/

> >


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Try www.Freedomyou.com They have an excellent site with lots of good info. Not

sure if they have their chat still, but you can get good info here on fasting,

raw food etc.



ky_wendylynn <ky_wendylynn wrote:


> I know there

> is a Christian Raw Food Group for example.


Do you know what it is? All I can find is the Hallelujah Diet, which

although promotes raw food is not 100% raw.








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rawfood , " Vickie Q " <arinna04_raw@h...> wrote:

> Instead of trying to jump into 100% raw diet, try transitioning

more slowly.


Hi Vickie!


I think your advice was excellent! My experience is similar to yours

too when you said:


> I

> found that the healthier I ate, the more healthy food I would



I also find that I just don't want 'bad' things anymore too. The raw

component really refines your tastes etc so you are no longer

interested in other stuff. I find myself having 'say goodbye to 'x''

sessions every so often where I eat something I used to enjoy, find I

no longer enjoy it and decide not to eat it again.=) Raw tends to

find its own way.=)





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rawfood , " Rich Sachs " <seconaphim> wrote:


> it has to be very individual. However, we're all human so ideally,

> someday, it would seem that we would come to a general consensus

> about the best way for the human animal to eat.


I was talking about transitioning, not the end goal, but even then

there are so many versions of the raw diet which all seem to work for

different types of people and at different periods of their lives.


> It's much more enjoyable to have commonality of belief than not.


True, I enjoy the company most of those who share the same beliefs

and goals as I do.=)



> can't have much of that here for now because of how different

> everyone is from everyone else.


I guess that's because, for the vast majority of us, we eat to live,

not the other way around. I think very very few of us would call out

diets our religion. I liked something I read in either 'Sunfood

Success' or 'Raw Secrets' recently (I've been re-reading both, so I

can't quite remember.....), where it advises not to spend all your

day thinking about food and so on but to just eat and get on with the

rest of your life!!!=) Anyway, I'm not criticising anyone, each to

his own.=)



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rawfood , " Elisabeth Braun "

<elisabeth.braun@n...> wrote:

> I was talking about transitioning, not the end goal, but even then

> there are so many versions of the raw diet which all seem to work


> different types of people and at different periods of their lives.



I think it's important to keep our mind on eternity.


> I guess that's because, for the vast majority of us, we eat to


> not the other way around. I think very very few of us would call


> diets our religion. I liked something I read in either 'Sunfood

> Success' or 'Raw Secrets' recently (I've been re-reading both, so I

> can't quite remember.....), where it advises not to spend all your

> day thinking about food and so on but to just eat and get on with


> rest of your life!!!=)


Yes, but the only way for me to do this is to firmly establish my

plant food diet for myself so it becomes unconscious and easy and

forgettable. But to not think about it takes as much work thinking

about it as it takes. Besides I like proselytizing about the

benefits of raw food on here and elsewhere.


I think most people live to eat, not eat to live. Maybe the majority

of committed raw food eaters eat to live. And everything can be

called a religion, it's just a term, if we're trying to know God's

will in our lives moment to moment.



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rawfood , " Rich Sachs " <seconaphim> wrote:

>. And everything can be

> called a religion, it's just a term, if we're trying to know God's

> will in our lives moment to moment.


True, for many it's their bank account!!! Anyway, food doesn't

recommend us to God, so I think it's best to keep the two separate.


OK, end of thread.



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