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Raw Vege Diets

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A vegetarian diet can be used as a medicine chiefly in the

preventive sense by eating food in its natural state as much as

possible. It is believed that many ailments are caused by

accumulation of poison through improper eating and that a steady

intake of selected foods fortifies the body against various health

problems. For example, sinus congestion has been associated with an

over-consumption of mucus and acid-forming foods; replacing fruits

and vegetables for milk and meat should relieve congestion problems.

Freshly made vegetable and fruit juices are very good for those who

suffer from chronic ailments, yet raw vegetable juices should not be

thought of as a drug to cure ailments. They are rather the most

vital rebuilding and regenerating foods that the body can use for

construction. If one intends to feed only on freshly made juice for

a week or two, one can drink several pints of juice a day. At times

one can feel discomfort from feeding on raw juices, usually because

of the stirring up of toxins accumulated in the system, but soon

energy and vigor return when the toxins are eliminated. Dr. John

Harvey Kellog (of the family that started the cereal company),

Medical Director, Battle Creek (Michigan) Sanitarium, used fruits,

cereals, and fresh vegetables to make an " antitoxic diet " for his



As stated above, such preventive uses of vegetarian diets may seem a

thin basis for avoiding or reducing meat and adopting a vegetarian

diet today; however, various healthy effects of vegetarian diets are

being uncovered by recent scientific findings. For example, a

vegetarian diet that reduces the consumption of meat and animal fat

and provides high fiber content has been shown to be beneficial

against problems related to heart, cancer, uric acid and the

digestive system.


Of course, digestion, taste, and gas are concerns for many of us.

To come up with raw vegetarian meals to go completely on such diets

is a challenge that may not be totally resolved.


dr. DLN


This information is taken from a book " A NEW LOOK AT VEGETARIANISM:

It's positive Effects on Health and Disease Control. "






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I find your perception strange that a raw diet has problems that may be

beyond resolution.


Most people who go on a raw diet slip off just as most people who try to

stop any addiction fail.


I guess you are on the cooked food addiction side. Am I right?





Dr. S.S. Dhillon [drdln]

27 February 2004 16:48


[Raw Food] Raw Vege Diets





A vegetarian diet can be used as a medicine chiefly in the

preventive sense by eating food in its natural state as much as

possible. It is believed that many ailments are caused by

accumulation of poison through improper eating and that a steady

intake of selected foods fortifies the body against various health

problems. For example, sinus congestion has been associated with an

over-consumption of mucus and acid-forming foods; replacing fruits

and vegetables for milk and meat should relieve congestion problems.

Freshly made vegetable and fruit juices are very good for those who

suffer from chronic ailments, yet raw vegetable juices should not be

thought of as a drug to cure ailments. They are rather the most

vital rebuilding and regenerating foods that the body can use for

construction. If one intends to feed only on freshly made juice for

a week or two, one can drink several pints of juice a day. At times

one can feel discomfort from feeding on raw juices, usually because

of the stirring up of toxins accumulated in the system, but soon

energy and vigor return when the toxins are eliminated. Dr. John

Harvey Kellog (of the family that started the cereal company),

Medical Director, Battle Creek (Michigan) Sanitarium, used fruits,

cereals, and fresh vegetables to make an " antitoxic diet " for his



As stated above, such preventive uses of vegetarian diets may seem a

thin basis for avoiding or reducing meat and adopting a vegetarian

diet today; however, various healthy effects of vegetarian diets are

being uncovered by recent scientific findings. For example, a

vegetarian diet that reduces the consumption of meat and animal fat

and provides high fiber content has been shown to be beneficial

against problems related to heart, cancer, uric acid and the

digestive system.


Of course, digestion, taste, and gas are concerns for many of us.

To come up with raw vegetarian meals to go completely on such diets

is a challenge that may not be totally resolved.


dr. DLN


This information is taken from a book " A NEW LOOK AT VEGETARIANISM:

It's positive Effects on Health and Disease Control. "






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rawfood , " Dr. S.S. Dhillon " <drdln@n...> wrote:


> A vegetarian diet can be used as a medicine chiefly in the

> preventive sense by eating food in its natural state as much as

> possible. It is believed that many ailments are caused by

> accumulation of poison through improper eating and that a steady

> intake of selected foods fortifies the body against various health

> problems. For example, sinus congestion has been associated with an

> over-consumption of mucus and acid-forming foods; replacing fruits

> and vegetables for milk and meat should relieve congestion



It has for me. I know every time I've relapsed on dairy, I get the

sniffles again.


> As stated above, such preventive uses of vegetarian diets may seem


> thin basis for avoiding or reducing meat and adopting a vegetarian

> diet today; however, various healthy effects of vegetarian diets


> being uncovered by recent scientific findings. For example, a

> vegetarian diet that reduces the consumption of meat and animal fat

> and provides high fiber content has been shown to be beneficial

> against problems related to heart, cancer, uric acid and the

> digestive system.


How about spiritual perfection and leaving this world in a chariot of

fire, like Elijah. That's not a thin basis for avoiding meat.

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His site seems rather large. What does he warn the long-term vegans about?


I seem to miss that part.






Martha Burton [mburtonakod]

27 February 2004 22:55


Re: [Raw Food] Raw Vege Diets






One size does not fit all. Are you familiar with Dr. Stanley Bass? He's

a Natural Hygienist who, after years of study, found problems with a

long-term vegan diet. www.drbass.com









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Thanks Martha,


Certainly an interesting read. I was looking in particular at his 100% raw



I have developed a B12 deficiency in the past but as yet I do not seem to

have the other deficiencies he identifies. It is some time since Dr. Bass

did his work. I am wondering what others in the forum think about the good





Peter, here's the page you should read.

http://www.drbass.com/generations.html When your read it, remember

that he has 50+ years of experience as a Hygienist.



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very interesting reading! thanks for the website

nicholas Costanza


Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:

Thanks Martha,


Certainly an interesting read. I was looking in particular at his 100% raw



I have developed a B12 deficiency in the past but as yet I do not seem to

have the other deficiencies he identifies. It is some time since Dr. Bass

did his work. I am wondering what others in the forum think about the good










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To me the weakness of the learned Doctors argument seems that his tests are

on mice and their proclivities are different from ours.


We have much closer ancestors




very interesting reading! thanks for the website

nicholas Costanza







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  • 3 weeks later...
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Addiction is a strong world for cooked and raw foods.


All I was trying to say is raw or otherwise vegetarian diet is good,

but we don't have to be fanatic. However, I respect the right to

your opinion.


with regards,


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