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new book...........

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I was in Barnes n Noble today and happened onto a new (to me) raw food

book. It's titled LIVING CUISINE The Art and Spirit of Raw Foods, by Renee

Loux Underkoffler.


So far, it looks pretty good, with lots of tasty recipes in it. I've got

almonds soaking to make Almond Biscotti tomorrow.






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That is a great book LIVING CUISINE The Art and Spirit of Raw

Foods, by Renee

Loux Underkoffler). I have found a couple good salad dressing

recipes, as well as some others. I'm glad you found it.


Tell us how the Almond Biscotti turns out. I was also looking at

that recipe. The fudge cookies are also wonderful.






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Speaking of salad dressings, I am looking for a couple of good ones because I

eat my greens without dressing and they can be bitter at times. Do you mind

sharing one or two?









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Check out the

Generic Salad Dressing Recipe.


It always tastes great!




This comes from the Boutenko Family books. (Raw Family, Eating Without

Heating, etc.)


On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, carson hall wrote:


> Viveca,


> Speaking of salad dressings, I am looking for a couple of good ones because I

eat my greens without dressing and they can be bitter at times. Do you mind

sharing one or two?

> thanks

> Carson







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I have a salad dressing that is great. Kick it up a notch as Emirel Lagassa

would say.

Raw honey

Extra virgin olive oil


sea salt

Nicholas Costanza



carson hall <carsonlovessteve wrote:



Speaking of salad dressings, I am looking for a couple of good ones because I

eat my greens without dressing and they can be bitter at times. Do you mind

sharing one or two?








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Can you please explain why......




" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner

<rawfood >

Tuesday, March 02, 2004 10:50 AM

RE: [Raw Food] new book...........



> Nicolas,


> If you read Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Eat to Live, you may want to consider a


> revision of your dressing.


> Peter

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If you read Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Eat to Live, you may want to consider a total

revision of your dressing.





I have a salad dressing that is great. Kick it up a notch as Emirel Lagassa

would say.

Raw honey

Extra virgin olive oil


sea salt

Nicholas Costanza

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You have trimmed off your dressing.


If you send it I will






Can you please explain why......



> Nicolas,


> If you read Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Eat to Live, you may want to consider a


> revision of your dressing.


> Peter





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I found your ingredients.


Raw honey

Extra virgin olive oil


sea salt


I will leave raw honey aside as I cannot recall anything about that


On page 41 he explains about olive oil and it goes straight into fat.


Cinnamon is a herb and an irritant.


Salt stings when you put it on a cut because it kills. It makes you thirsty

and want to wash it out.


The good doctor says that dressings are a complete deception. They do far

more harm that the salad does good.





Can you please explain why......


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I don't have the book. What's the scoop with olive oil?





" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner

<rawfood >

Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:32 AM

RE: [Raw Food] new book...........




> On page 41 he explains about olive oil and it goes straight into fat.

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Essentially olive oil goes into fat with just a 3% loss. He says, " Olive oil

and other salad and cooking oils are healthy foods. "


There is more to it but that is the bottom line.





I don't have the book. What's the scoop with olive oil?





" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner

<rawfood >

Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:32 AM

RE: [Raw Food] new book...........




> On page 41 he explains about olive oil and it goes straight into fat.






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> Salt stings when you put it on a cut because it kills. It makes you


> and want to wash it out.


Salt is also a preservative so the bugs won't eat the food.

But if the bugs won't eat it....hmmm.....connect the dots.

You get your minerals from foods not salts.


> On page 41 he explains about olive oil and it goes straight into fat.


Only if eaten in excess of the body's requiremenrt for fuel at the moment.

So, One tablespoonsfull on a salad should be ok, providing there is no more

food intake for an hour or two. Hoever, I'm not recommending OliveOil as a

Raw food Diet, just putting the fat thing into contex.


The body burns fat a like a fireplace burns a log and burns carbs like a

fireplace burns paper and kindling. [refined (bad) carbs are paper and raw

organic carbs are kindling.] We require a long slow burn and keep the

underfire fed as needed with the kindling.

However, when too much fuel is dumped into the fireplace at one time the

problems begin.

I drop the fireplace metaphor now to go into the body's mechanism. The

body need some glucose for brain function and quick respose fuel

reqirements. The body also requires a slow constant of some fat. But when

either is overloaded the response is:

With the fats such as olive oil, as Peter points out, goes directly to fat

storage but the glucose takes a longer, and more destructive route to the

conversion to fat.

The excess glucose in the bloodstream stimulates the pancreas to sectete

insulin which the liver uses to convert the gulcose to glycogen which then

leaves the bloodstream and is stored in the liver and muscles to be used

FIRST when the digestive track is sending no more fuel to the fire. These

stores can last up to 72 hours. Only then does the body turn to the fat

store for fuel.

After the glycogen resevoirs are filled, the excess glycogen is converted

to fat by the liver and then stored in the fat cells. So Therefore excess

carbs finally become fat but strain the pancreas and the liver and set one

up for insulin resisatnce and all the other things excess inulin does as

well as type 2 diabetes. So the carbs shlould be limited to what the body's

reqirements of the moment are because excess QUICKLY calls on insulin . The

more refined the carb the faster it calls on insulin and the high fiber

carbs like celery require more time in digestion and deliver their sugars

slowly and steadily. The most refined you can get is sugar and Honey is

sugar in disguise.


All of this is not 100%.. While the body is burning glucose or glycogen if

there is no fat supplied by the digestive track, a little bit of stored

fat willl be burned but not only slight amounts.



Proteins are not designed as fuels so that's another story not involved in

this process. However, lack of fats or carbs, proteins can be burned but

that does terrible things to your body ie. the late Dr. Atkin.




P.S. My favourite salad oil is:

3 parts EV Organic cold pressed olive oil [i cannnot claim this is raw].

2 parts Udo's choice, blended flax oil, for the omega 3 etc.

2 part fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice.

1 Raw organic free range egg.

~~optional~~ 1 clove crushed fresh garlic. If you're budddist or wary of

the garlic you can drop it.


Use 2 Tablessoonful max per seving.



" Peter Gardiner " <petergardiner

<rawfood >

Wednesday, March 03, 2004 6:32 AM

RE: [Raw Food] new book...........



> Linda,


> I found your ingredients.


> Raw honey

> Extra virgin olive oil

> Cinnamon

> sea salt


> I will leave raw honey aside as I cannot recall anything about that


> On page 41 he explains about olive oil and it goes straight into fat.


> Cinnamon is a herb and an irritant.


> Salt stings when you put it on a cut because it kills. It makes you


> and want to wash it out.


> The good doctor says that dressings are a complete deception. They do far

> more harm that the salad does good.



> Peter-


> Can you please explain why......

> -Linda

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ir·ri·ta·tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-tshn)



Pathology. A condition of inflammation, soreness, or irritability of

a bodily organ or part.


And if you let your taste buds be your guide and you're astutely

honest about it, things like olive oil (other oils), cinnamon (and

other herbs and condiments), and salt really don't taste good. They

have a slightly stinging or irritating taste to them. It's easy to

override this taste mentally and even think they taste good, but it's

a deception. God made the things that are not suppose to taste good

to the human animal, not taste good to the human animal.


Could be part of why other animals don't eat everything under the sun.



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Hey...I have used sea salt for 3 years, and it has had no bad effects on my

health at all....I really like it better than regular salt...it has better






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Peter, I read dr fuhrman web site and he doesn't say if the salt was sea salt

or table salt from the grocery store. I use the sea salt because of the

information I found at this web site on sea salt.

http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/salt.htm I havn't had time to check on

cinniam yet and will have to do some more research on that one. As for the honey

i am convinced that honey does a body good. But after reading this article on

bee pollen i might add bee pollen to the salad dressing


Anyway any one out there use sea salt and have any negative effects on

there health????????

Nicholas Costanza


Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:



If you read Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Eat to Live, you may want to consider a total

revision of your dressing.





I have a salad dressing that is great. Kick it up a notch as Emirel Lagassa

would say.

Raw honey

Extra virgin olive oil


sea salt

Nicholas Costanza





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There is a body of medical opinion out there that says salt is bad news.

Whether it comes from the sea or otherwise. There is enough salt in fruit

and vegetables for our needs. When it comes to healing or cleaning an ulcer

it is easy to see that it kills off infection. In the digestion it kills

good and bad bacteria... etc. as do spices such as cinnamon. On honey, I

suspect that it will cause a surge of insulin production...





Nicholas Costanza [jetpostman]

07 March 2004 16:11


RE: [Raw Food] new book...........




Peter, I read dr fuhrman web site and he doesn't say if the salt was sea

salt or table salt from the grocery store. I use the sea salt because of the

information I found at this web site on sea salt.

http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/salt.htm I havn't had time to check

on cinniam yet and will have to do some more research on that one. As for

the honey i am convinced that honey does a body good. But after reading this

article on bee pollen i might add bee pollen to the salad dressing


Anyway any one out there use sea salt and have any negative effects

on there health????????

Nicholas Costanza


Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:



If you read Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Eat to Live, you may want to consider a total

revision of your dressing.





I have a salad dressing that is great. Kick it up a notch as Emirel Lagassa

would say.

Raw honey

Extra virgin olive oil


sea salt

Nicholas Costanza





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Thanks Margie.. Yep, really good. I know some folks are against using raw

vinegar, and I went out and bought a bunch of lemons, but I just dont care for

the lemons in salad, so I am going to go get some of the raw vinegar and see if

it is okay for me.


I also add Noma Shoyu (or something like that) cuz Juliano uses it in his RAW

dressing, and I just cant resist Juliano, he is soooo cute, LOL.




Margie Roswell <mroswell wrote:

Check out the

Generic Salad Dressing Recipe.


It always tastes great!




This comes from the Boutenko Family books. (Raw Family, Eating Without

Heating, etc.)






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