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I found this article in Vegan Views (Winter edition)

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It is a list of 100 favourite foods, arranged in categories.


How many would you include in your 100? What would be your main

additions to this list. What would you exclude?





Regular readers will remember that our contributor, nutritionist and

weight lifting champion, Pat Reeves has for many years been

combating a genetical'y pre-disposed cancerous condition, using her

extensive knowledge of nutrition and her enthusiasm for raw foods

and natural therapies. She is continuing the struggle with the help

of various expert complimentary therapists and is still able to

practise the sport which she loves and in which she excels.

Here, Pat shares with us here 100 top foods that proves the great

variety available to vegans.


LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES Arugula (rocket), Beet greens, Chicory,

Dandelion greens, Endive, Kale,

Looseleaf lettuce, Mustard greens, Parsley, Romaine, Sorrel, Spinach,

Swiss chard, Turnip greens, Watercress.


VEGETABLES Artichoke, Asparagus, Aubergine, Avocado, Beetroot, Bok

choy, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts,

Cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery ,

Daikon, Green peas, Kohlrabi, Okra, Onions,

Parsnips, Peppers, Potatoes, Radish, Squash, Tomatoes, Turnip, Yams,

Zucchini ( courgette ).


SEA VEGETABLES Agar, Arame, Dulse, Hijiki, Kelp, Kombu, Nori, Sea

Palm, Wakame.


RA W NUTS Almonds, Brazil nuts, Hazelnuts, Chestnuts, Pecans, Pine

nuts, Pistachios, Walnuts.


FRUIT (Acid fruits), Cranberries, Currants, Dates, Gooseberries,

Grapefruit, Kumquat, Lemons, Limes,

Loganberries, Oranges, Passion fruit, Pineapples, Pomegranates,

Strawberries, Tangelos, Tangerines.


FRUIT (Sub-acid) Apples, Apricots, Blackberries, Blueberries,

Cherries, Grapes, Guava, Kiwi, Loquat, Mango,

Mulberries, Nectarine, Papaya, Peach, Pear, Cactus fruit (prickly

pear), Raspberries.


FRmTs (Sweet fruits), Banana, Dates, Figs, Dried fruit, Persimmon,



FRUITS (Melons) Watermelon. Banana melon, Gaia melon,



FRESH HERBS Basil, bay leaves, cardamom, chervil, cinnamon, cloves,

coriander, cumin, dill, fennel,

fenugreek, ginger, marjoram, mint, oregano, rosemary, saffron,

tarragon, thyme, umeboshi plums.


GRAINS Amaranth, Barley, Buckwheat, Bulgar wheat, Corn, Kamut,

Millet, Oats, Quinoa, Basmati rice, Brown

rice, Short-grain rice, Wild rice.


FLOURS Amaranth, corn flour, Durum wheat, Gram, Jerusalem artichoke,

Oat, Potato, Soy, Sunflower seed,



BEANS Aduki, Anasazi, Black Turtle, Fava, Garbanzo (chick peas),

Great Northern, Kidney, Lentils, Lima,

Mung, Navy, Pinto, Soy (also Tofu, Tempeh and Miso).


SEEDS Chia, Flax (linseeds), Fenugreek, Hemp, Pumpkin, Sesame,

Sunflower .


HERBAL TEAS Camomile, dandelion, fennel, ginger, ginseng, hawthorn,

horsetail, lemon balm, liquorice,

melissa, nettle, Pau d'Arco, peppermint, red clover, red raspberry ,

rose-hips, slippery elm, spearmint, valerian






Copied here by Chris

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rawfood , " Chris Phillips " <chris@p...> wrote:

> How many would you include in your 100?


I think 100 is a bit much, but I can say that my top few are:



blood oranges



Charantais melons

sweet pears


cherry tomatoes


Well, that makes 8 - all fruits.=)





Trying to stablise at 75% raw right now.....

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they need to include raw honey on the list

Nicholas Costanza


Chris Phillips <chris wrote:


It is a list of 100 favourite foods, arranged in categories.


How many would you include in your 100? What would be your main

additions to this list. What would you exclude?







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How can Pecans, Walnuts, and Chestnuts be chosen over cashews,

peanuts, and macadamias from a taste perspective? I know some will

argue that cashews are not really raw because they're heat treated to

get the shell off, but they don't bother me, or upset my equilibrium.



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My top, top favorites right now are:


Dates! Absolute Favorite!

Mangos (I try and have a mango every evening for a snack)



After those I would say:


Mixed greens

Pumkin Seeds - Really Yummy :-)




I am still transitioning. I have only been trying raw food for about

3 weeks. I am at about 80%, with the only cooked foods being some

sprouted bread (Ezekial), salad dressing, and cooked beans. I am

definitely going through the sugar and fat cravings stage, right

now - pretty much only wanting dates and nuts. But I do love the

greens and try and keep everyday varied.



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Is raw honey really that wonderful?


I always thought it was made for bees and have stayed away. Please tempt






" they need to include raw honey on the list

Nicholas Costanza "

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Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:

Is raw honey really that wonderful?


I always thought it was made for bees and have stayed away. Please tempt



Ok peter,I will try and tempt you. I am 45 years old and over the years I ate

the usual Standard american diet. Anthing and everything I ate. Nothing could

hurt me I felt. Even smoke cigarettes. I started getting headaches about five

years ago. Got hemmorides about 2 years ago.The pain was getting unbearable.

Last summer i would only eat meat because meat don't have any fiber. Didn't have

to have a bowl movemen't as often just eating meat.hehehe. Well anyway about six

months ago i started reading every thing i could find on the internet about

nutrition. I think i was on the verege of getting colon cancer. I was trying

everything to get rid of the headaches except quit smoking. I even went 100

percent raw for about 2 weeks and still had headaches and hemmorides. I

stummbled across a few web sites about raw honey and brought some at a local

farmers market. The day after i started eating the raw honey the headaches

quit.This was about 2 months ago.Not one headache in the past two

months. I still have a slight problem with the hemmorids though. Any

suggestions on getting rid of hemmorids feel free to throw them at me. Here is

one web site with some information about raw honey. Click on health facts after

you get to the site.This is not my web site.


Nicholas Costanza










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Interesting story, Nicolas.


There is a certainty that with your previous diet, your arteries are a lot

more obstructed than you know or will show up on

a quick blood pressure test!


At 45 you may be in time to skate out of the big killer diseases. Being

here is probably your best hope.


Am looking at your honey pages. There is still so much that is not known.




Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:

Is raw honey really that wonderful?


I always thought it was made for bees and have stayed away. Please tempt



Ok peter,I will try and tempt you. I am 45 years old and over the years I

ate the usual Standard american diet. Anthing and everything I ate. Nothing

could hurt me I felt. Even smoke cigarettes. I started getting headaches

about five years ago. Got hemmorides about 2 years ago.The pain was getting

unbearable. Last summer i would only eat meat because meat don't have any

fiber. Didn't have to have a bowl movemen't as often just eating

meat.hehehe. Well anyway about six months ago i started reading every thing

i could find on the internet about nutrition. I think i was on the verege

of getting colon cancer. I was trying everything to get rid of the headaches

except quit smoking. I even went 100 percent raw for about 2 weeks and still

had headaches and hemmorides. I stummbled across a few web sites about raw

honey and brought some at a local farmers market. The day after i started

eating the raw honey the headaches quit.This was about 2 months ago.Not one

headache in the past two months. I still have a slight problem with the

hemmorids though. Any suggestions on getting rid of hemmorids feel free to

throw them at me. Here is one web site with some information about raw

honey. Click on health facts after you get to the site.This is not my web



Nicholas Costanza



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I sure would appreciate that information. It's krisztina.



Linda Hatton <lghatton wrote:



I have a hemorrhoid from my last pregnancy that had me in bed for 2 weeks

before giving birth. The pain from it was worse than the c-section. It

recently re-occurred after I was sick with a terrible cough and I decided to

try my essential oils since nothing else would work (I could not walk from

this flare up). After one day of using the oils, I could walk again. AFter

about 2 days, I was almost back to normal. Please let me know if you would

like me to send you info from my reference guide and I will do so privately.






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Sure!!!! My email addrress is jetpostman


Linda Hatton <lghatton wrote:Nicholas-


I have a hemorrhoid from my last pregnancy that had me in bed for 2 weeks

before giving birth. The pain from it was worse than the c-section.










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Peter Gardiner <petergardiner wrote:

Interesting story, Nicolas.


There is a certainty that with your previous diet, your arteries are a lot

more obstructed than you know or will show up on

a quick blood pressure test!


At 45 you may be in time to skate out of the big killer diseases. Being

here is probably your best hope.


Am looking at your honey pages. There is still so much that is not known.




You are probally right Peter. Two months ago my fingers would turn white and get

real cold when I was outside in the cold wheather. I think the honey is

cleaning out my arteries because last week my fingers stayed normal when i was

out in the cold wheather.


Nicholas Costanza






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I agree about Cashews.... I was wondering why there were not on the

list, but I had heard about the heat treatment, but like you that

has not bothered me. If Pecans were cheaper I would eat them

more. And Chestnuts are nice too, and living in UK at least there

do grow here.

Peace & harmony






rawfood , " Rich Sachs " <seconaphim> wrote:

> How can Pecans, Walnuts, and Chestnuts be chosen over cashews,

> peanuts, and macadamias from a taste perspective? I know some will

> argue that cashews are not really raw because they're heat treated


> get the shell off, but they don't bother me, or upset my



> Rich

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Being Vegan I don't now use honey. But I have heard that there is

something in raw organic honey that can be healthy. But I found I

did not need to use honey to improve my health. I had been Vegan

for 30 years and was brought up Vegetarian from birth (1939). I

was getting a lot of bowel problems before turning to raw eating. I

went 100% raw for three weeks, and the effect was amazing. I am

probably about 85 to 90% raw most of the time.



Peace & harmony






rawfood , Nicholas Costanza <jetpostman>




> Peter Gardiner <petergardiner@e...> wrote:

> Is raw honey really that wonderful?


> I always thought it was made for bees and have stayed away.

Please tempt

> me.


> Ok peter,I will try and tempt you. I am 45 years old and over the

years I ate the usual Standard american diet. Anthing and everything

I ate. Nothing could hurt me I felt. Even smoke cigarettes. I

started getting headaches about five years ago. Got hemmorides about

2 years ago.The pain was getting unbearable. Last summer i would only

eat meat because meat don't have any fiber. Didn't have to have a

bowl movemen't as often just eating meat.hehehe. Well anyway about

six months ago i started reading every thing i could find on the

internet about nutrition. I think i was on the verege of getting

colon cancer. I was trying everything to get rid of the headaches

except quit smoking. I even went 100 percent raw for about 2 weeks

and still had headaches and hemmorides. I stummbled across a few web

sites about raw honey and brought some at a local farmers market.

The day after i started eating the raw honey the headaches quit.This

was about 2 months ago.Not one headache in the past two

> months. I still have a slight problem with the hemmorids though.

Any suggestions on getting rid of hemmorids feel free to throw them

at me. Here is one web site with some information about raw honey.

Click on health facts after you get to the site.This is not my web



> Nicholas Costanza


> http://www.reallyrawhoney.com/








> Search - Find what you're looking for faster.



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Hi Linda


my husband has got haemorrhoids. It would be nice if you could tell me

which essential oils you used.


thanks in advance





Linda Hatton wrote:

> Nicholas-


> I have a hemorrhoid from my last pregnancy that had me in bed for 2 weeks

> before giving birth. The pain from it was worse than the c-section. It

> recently re-occurred after I was sick with a terrible cough and I decided to

> try my essential oils since nothing else would work (I could not walk from

> this flare up). After one day of using the oils, I could walk again. AFter

> about 2 days, I was almost back to normal. Please let me know if you would

> like me to send you info from my reference guide and I will do so privately.


> -Linda



> *

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