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As an aside...

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Greetings All,


As an aside but related to vegetarianism…

some of you may remember the MOVE organization in Philadelphia back in the 80’s. And

how the government justified firing on them and burning them out of their homes

(11 adults and children died). They reported in the media that the Move members

threw garbage out of their windows into the backyard (they were composting peelings

for growing their own veggies), that they had no regular toys for their kids (they

didn’t want to expose them to unhealthy toys – like those with poor

body images and Happy Meal toys), that their kids didn’t attend school

(they were home-schooling) and that their children were skinny and undernourished

(they were vegans and live foodists). I saw a news story after the MOVE

slaughter, one of the little boys who survived was sent to a foster family. There

was a picture of him smiling and very fat. The foster people said it was hard

but they finally got him to eat McDonalds and now he looks healthy to them. He

didn’t look so good to me.


My husband said something interesting to

me yesterday. He said that the propaganda machine has been run so well that the

masses start ‘policing’ themselves. In other words, the mind

control imposed on what is normal (sending kids to school, feeding them fast

foods, vaccinations, formula feeding, etc.) is so well entrenched that

other people will call you out for going outside of the bounds of what is ‘normal’.

The powers that be don’t need to propagandize us so much anymore. For example,

when I tell people I don’t immunize my kids they look horrified and say “How

will they go to school without shots!!!”. The reality is that they can go

to school with a letter saying they are not getting immunized. But then when I

say that I’m not going to send the child to school away from home…even

more horror! So 2 deep seeded programmings are now being violated. J


When my daughter (who is now a HS senior) was

in grade school, she would come back home with her lunch untouched. After weeks

of this I finally got the real story from her. She didn’t want to be

teased by the other kids about her vegan lunch. They had been taunting her

about her strange food (no school lunches and milk). They teased her for not

eating McDonalds and not participating in Halloween candy too. Wow, even the

kids police each other.

Our new baby is breastfeeding and sleeps in

the bed with us. Folks always ask me when I’m going to stop feeding her

(she’s 4 months now). I say maybe 2 or 3. There’s the look of

horror again! J They say, “If she’s old enough to ask for it, she’s

too old to get it.” Why should a child be deprived of milk (even if

they eat food) because they identify their food source and ask for it? Sounds like

a cruel joke… “Oh, you can talk now? That’s so great. Now, no

more milk for you, chatterbox!”


Of course there are many more examples. Does

anyone else run into the ‘MATRIX-minded’ on the regular?


Be well,





p.s. - Here’s a link to some info I

found on MOVE and their way of life:






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Funny you should mention baby formulas vs. breastfeeding. This just in today.


Members please pass this information on to friends and family.






Baby Formula Kills

The disaster center lists the top ten causes of death

for children between the ages of 1 and 4. Last

year, according to their records, the leading cause

of death was motor vehicle accidents and all other accidents, responsible for 2155 fatalities. http://www.disastercenter.com/cdc/111riskb.html

One brilliant (and courageous) doctor would disagree. After many years of researh, Dr. Linder Folden Palmer has discovered that over 9,200 children die each year from the effects of drinking cow's milk-based formula.

Dr. Palmer has determined that the U.S. death rate for formula-fed infants is double that of the existing

motality rate for infants. Dr. Palmer's new report, containing 105 references, can be found at:


Linda Palmer, author of "Baby Matters," has been examining research in this field for 20 years. Her new report

is sending shudders of pain, guilt, and denial to baby formula manufacturers. I interviewed Dr. Palmer. Her most powerful comment:

"Cow's milk and formula consumption leads to increased

risk of childhood diabetes, bowel disease, osteoporosis,

bone disease, and reproductive organ cancers, not to mention increased incidence of colic, ear infections,

and attention deficit disorder."

I've owned a copy of Dr. Palmer's book, "Baby Matters," since its 2001 publication date, and re-read the book

this week. I recommend a copy for all newbie parents,

and parents to be.

Contact Dr. Linda Folden Palmer: lfpalmer

(619) 222-8753 or (619) 871-9126

Robert Cohen




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