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So, how do you get fruits in season here? I am a member of a couple CSAs

(Community Supported Agriculture) which is so awesome and helpful to get to

learn exactly what is grown seasonally around here. But really only apples are

grown around here at this time and soon to end. It's important to me not only to

eat organically but locally as flying in all this produce isn't giving me fresh

ripened fruits/veggies.


Incidentally, if you want to find some local organic farmers to join their CSAs,

you can go to this website:




Key in your zip code or select your state and find the CSA nearest you! It's a

great thing to do for so many reasons and our kids love the farm hands days.

They are young but are getting/will get a wonderful lesson in where their food

comes from and just how difficult/easy it is to grow...


Mark, thanks for your encouraging words on setbacks. Very good perspective that

I gladly will take into consideration and practice. Still want to hear your

experience with Gary Null - you can email me off-list if you want. Thanks!


Will formally send an intro next...


Speak soon everyone!


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thank so much for the CSA information I will use it immediately.

It is very difficult to eat fresh produce from this area at this time. It is my opinion that in order to stay 100% raw you need variety. If you want fruit that is directly from the grower you can contact some Florida growers. Glaser Farms might be an option.www.glaserorganicfarms.com they also sell live dehydrated foods. This farm only sells fruit www.fruitariannetwork.com This guy is a direct grower www.cherimoya.com

I know you want to stay local; our produce comes back in early June. You can start seeds in the house next month! Or now depending on how much room you have.

Vibrant Health Always,


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Greetings Pam,

gary's protocl involvec a great deal of supplementa which My body rejects now that I'm raw for a while. Some herbs I use regularly are Foti Root (HU She WU ?) and bilberry and stinging nettles ( I make a sun tea and mix it w/my green juice) Although not recommended by many long term raw foodist I have found the green juices to be very beneficial for me in speeding up the healing process and reversing aging. I do feelmore energetic when I make one of my meals a juice.. My other son will be 4 next month and he hated vegetables and many fruits when he started his transition 2yrs ago. Now you have to pull him from the table (especially kale and spinach) so he'll stop eating. When we do food prep or juicing classes I like to bring the boys, I think it shows parents that kids will eat raw and other kids who attend seem more willing to try things when they see other kids doing it.


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Grretings Linda.

I too prefer locally grown fruits, unfortunately I have yet to find enough variety to sustain me during the winter months. When i eat seasonal it is seasonal to wherever it is grown. Like when I was in Negril in Nov mangoes were not in season and also in the bahama's although there are a few who grow them out of season (I try to avoid those). The Gar Null protocol involved cooked and raw and fish, so that may be a few steps back if your already raw or doing a good amount of raw. He also puts a lot of emphasis on supplement , which I no longer take, and green juices which I am in favor of. I have found that when I'm in other parts of the world eating tree ripened fruit I don't drink or desire green juices and eat less veggies, especially in tropical regions.


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Marc, thanks for the info. You mentioned juicing and raw food classes. Please let me know if there are any starting. Life is hectic, but I'm hoping to change that during the summer.



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Greetings Pam,

There is a raw pot luck on the 3rd Sat of each month around the DC are (Feb 21 this Month). We bring different dishes and some peolpe just bring greens and we season them up there (hands on training). The DC vegetarian society also has a raw potluck on the 1st Sunday of the month (check that for accuracy) and I believe Sunyetta talked about one on her show a while back. Works better when you just dive in and participate. Trust me I've had some real disater meals fortunately my kids have yet to trade me for a new dad.



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It was an 18month program and we paid 10 or 15 doollars each month when we met for about 2-3hrs. We did initial vitals, like blood pressure weight, ect. Suplements and herbs were our responsibility and no brands were recommended. I believed Gary wanted us to take responsibility for our own research of products (fair enough). Although my eating regiment is different a lot of the mental and spiritual work I did with the group still applies and has helped me when I transtioned to raw and other transitions.



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I am surprised to see that Gary Null's program is so reasonably priced.

This gives lots of people an opportunity to transition. Approximately how many

people were about of the group you were in? Do you this his price is fair or

do you think he is merely trying to make money off of people? It sounds like

this programs spiritual work is quite beneficial.

Blessings of Vibrant








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Greetings Lynda. I do belive that Gary is sincere in his passion for health

and his confidence in his protocols. Although some of my choices are now

different than his I do respect the work and contributions he's made. I'm ok

w/people making a profit. Profit motivated is where it gets tricky.






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