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Calling all 21 Day Live Food Challengers

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What are your plans beginning 5/2/04 once the CHALLENGE is over? Need a few reasons? For those who missed this article in the "messages" section in , check this out:



Why Cooked Food is Bad for You


By Blake Sawyer



Do you really want to know the truth about health and disease? Or would you rather stick your head in the sand and die a horribly painful, premature, and paroxysmal death? Truth seekers read on.


Nature has provided humankind with food that is able to keep us whole, healthy, and alive. Man, on the other hand, has scoffed at the Creator, deciding instead, to create his own food. The changes are no longer subtle.


Food that is genetically modified, irradiated, chemically grown, sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, choked with ripening gases and a plethora of other deadly and dangerous scientifically advanced ‘treatments’ is no longer even remotely similar to what it once was. Cooking, is just one of the many ways in which man changes naturally and beneficial food, into a toxic and harmful substance.


What exactly happens to food when it is cooked? What happens to your body when you eat cooked food? Some key points are covered in this article, but this is only the tip of the iceberg.


Due to space limitation, we can only touch on the topic here; however, a brief overview is given below.




Key Points Regarding the Effects of Cooked Food


The food's life force is greatly depleted or destroyed. The bioelectrical (energy) field is altered and greatly depleted (as is graphically demonstrated with kirlian photography). Food that once was alive and bioactive is rendered dead and inert.

The biochemical structure and nutrient makeup of the food is altered from its original state. Molecules in the food are deranged, degraded, and broken down. The food is degenerated in many ways. Fiber in plant foods is broken down into a soft, passive substance, which loses its broom-like and magnetic cleansing quality in the intestines. This causes a domino affect in which the gastrointestinal tract becomes a toxic breeding ground.

Nutrients (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.) are depleted, destroyed, and altered. The degree of depletion, destruction, and alteration is simply a matter of temperature, cooking method, and time. Deep fat fried is the worst, pan fried next, then baked, boiled and ‘least’ altered (though still bad) is steamed food.

This depletion of nutrients is a major cause of obesity. Hunger pains are generated by the brain when the trillions of cells that are programmed for mitosis (cellular replication or division) ‘scream’, “Feed me! Feed me!” to the brain. When these trillions of cells do not receive the nutrients needed to create new cells, the brain induces hunger pains. Continuing to eat cooked food, depleted of nutrients, causes over eating, which causes the caloric/nutrient ratio to be way out of balance.

Up to 50% of the protein is coagulated. Much of this is rendered unusable. No other mammal or animal “cooks” their food. Protein from plant sources is much more assimilable in its original state.

High temperatures also create cross-links in protein. Cross-linked proteins are implicated in many problems in the body, as well as being a factor in the acceleration of the aging process.

Starchy foods cooked at high temperatures, especially those fried, create a huge amount of the toxic chemical acrylamide. Acrylamides are used in the creation of plastics. They also have been shown to be carcinogenic.

The interrelationship of nutrients is altered from its natural synergistic makeup. For example, with meat, more vitamin B-6 than methionine is destroyed, which fosters atherogenic free radical-initiating homocysteine accumulation (which is a factor in heart problems).

The water content of the food is decreased. The natural structure of the water is also changed. This is a cause of dehydration in the body.

Toxic substances and cooked "byproducts" are created. The higher the cooking temperature, the more toxins are created. Frying and grilling are especially toxin generating. Various carcinogenic and mutagenic substances and hordes of free radicals are generated in cooked fats and proteins in particular.

Heat causes the molecules involved to collide, and repeated collision causes bivalent bonding that creates an order of new molecules, and hence a new substance. In an ordinary baked potato, there are 450 by-products of every description. They have even been named "new chemical composites".

Unusable (waste) material is created, which has a cumulative congesting/clogging effect on the body and is a burden to the natural eliminative processes of the body.

All of the enzymes present in raw foods are destroyed at temperatures as low as 118 degrees Fahrenheit. These enzymes, named "food enzymes" are important for optimum digestion. They naturally aid in digestion and become active as soon as eating commences. Cooking destroys 100% of these enzymes. Eating enzyme-dead food places a burden on the pancreas and other organs and overworks them, which eventually exhausts these organs. The digestion of cooked food usurps valuable metabolic enzymes in order to help digest the food. Digestion of cooked food is much more energetically demanding than the digestion of raw food. In general, raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes through the digestive tract in half to a third of the time it takes for cooked food.

The total destruction of the enzymes is a major cause of fatigue or lethargy in people, especially in those who have a “lull” within a few hours after eating. The body must go through an energy sapping process to digest the food just eaten, without the natural aid of enzymes.

After eating a cooked meal, there is a rush of white blood cells towards the digestive tract, leaving the rest of the body less protected by the immune system. From the point of view of the immune system, a foreign (toxic) substance is invading the body when cooked food is eaten.

A general augmentation of white corpuscles in the blood and a change in the relative proportions of different blood cells occurs. This phenomenon is called "digestive leukocytosis".

The natural population of beneficial intestinal flora becomes dominated by putrefactive bacteria (particularly from cooked meat), resulting in colonic dysfunction, allowing the absorption of toxins from the bowel. This phenomenon is called dysbacteria, dysbiosis, or intestinal toxemia (toxicosis).

A buildup of mucoid plaque is created in the intestines. Mucoid plaque is a thick tar-like substance, which is the long-term result of undigested, uneliminated, cooked food putrefying in the intestines. Cooked starches and fats in particular are a major culprit in constipation and clogging of the intestines.

The intestines become a breeding ground for Candida, yeast, fungus, molds, and parasites with the build-up of this putrefied matter.

A build-up of toxins and waste material in many parts of the body, including within individual cells occurs. Some of these toxins and wastes are called lipofuscin, which accumulates in the skin and nervous system, including the brain. It can be observed as “liver spots” or “age spots.”

Cooked food causes malnutrition at the cellular level because it is lower in nutrients. In addition to containing wastes and toxins, individual cells do not receive enough of the nutrients they need.

Cooked food is also less likely to be properly metabolized, which is another factor in excess weight gain.

From time to time, the body experiences detoxification crises (also called purification or healing crises). This happens when toxins are released through the skin or dumped in the bloodstream for elimination by the liver, kidneys, and other organs. The symptoms may include headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, etc.

The body can become so toxic that all kinds of particles, such as pollen, can cause detoxification crises, called “allergies”. An estimated 80 million Americans suffer from such “allergies”.

The immune system, having to handle the massive daily invasions of toxins and toxic by-products, eventually becomes overwhelmed and weakened. A key factor in the aging process.

Some of the waste material builds up in the arteries and clogs them, leading to high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, strokes, etc. – killing an estimated 35% of Americans.

The acid wastes, toxins, mutagens, and carcinogens that build up within cells, as well as the daily onslaught of excess free radicals eventually cause some cells to become cancerous – killing an estimated 30% of Americans.

In general, the natural aging process is accelerated by cooked food. People who switch to raw food often become biologically and visibly younger.

Tens of thousands of people who have gone on a strict organic and raw diet have not only reversed the affects of aging, but many of life’s most deadly ‘diseases’, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, as well as others.

Avoiding cooked food is one of the single most important and life changing things you can do. It assists The Homeostasis Protocol in rapidly reversing malnutrition, hypoxia, dehydration, toxemia, acidosis, a sluggish lymphatic system and the improper electrical construct of your body.



From cancerologist Bruce Ames (regarding "mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and the degenerative diseases of aging")


Cooking food is plausible as a contributor to cancer. A wide variety of chemicals is formed during cooking. Four groups of chemicals that cause tumors in rodents have attracted attention because of mutagenicity, potency, and concentration:

1. Nitrosamines are formed from nitrogen oxides present in gas flames or from other burning. Surprisingly little work has been done on the levels of nitrosamines in fish or meat cooked in gas ovens or barbecued, considering their mutagenic and carcinogenic potency.

2. Heterocyclic amines are formed from heating amino acids or proteins.

3. Polycyclic hydrocarbons are formed from charring meat.

4. Furfural and similar furans are formed from heating sugars. Heating fat generates mutagenic epoxides, hydroperoxides, and unsaturated aldehydes, and may also be of importance.




International Agency for Research on Cancer (1993) Some naturally occurring substances: Food items and constituents, heterocyclic aromatic amines and mycotoxins (International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France).


Gold, L. S., Slone, T. H., Stern, B. R., Manley, N. B. & Ames, B. N. (1992) Science 258, 261-265.


Gold, L. S., Slone, T. H., Manley, N. B. & Ames, B. N. (1994) Cancer Lett. 83, 21-29.


[Dr. Ames is a Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Center, University of California, Berkeley. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and was on their Commission on Life Sciences. He was formerly on the board of directors of the National Cancer Institute (National Cancer Advisory Board). He was the recipient of the most prestigious award for cancer research, the General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Prize (1983), the highest award in environmental achievement, the Tyler Prize (1985), the Gold Medal Award of the American Institute of Chemists (1991), and the Glenn Foundation Award of the Gerontological Society of America (1992). He has been elected to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Japan Cancer Association, and the Academy of Toxicological Sciences. His 300 scientific publications have resulted in his being the 23rd most-cited scientist

(in all fields) (1973-1984).]




Leukocytosis and Cooked Food


In 1930, research was conducted at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in Lausanne, Switzerland, under the direction of Dr. Paul Kouchakoff. The effect of food (cooked/processed vs. raw/natural) on the immune system was tested and documented. Dr. Kouchakoff's discovery concerned the leukocytes, the white blood cells. Apparently, a well-known phenomena occurred immediately after a person finished eating.


It was found that after a person eats cooked food, his/her blood responds immediately by increasing the number of white blood cells. This is a well-known phenomenon called "digestive leukocytosis", which means that there is a rise in the number of leukocytes, or white blood cells, after eating. Since digestive leukocytosis was always observed after eating, it was considered to be a normal physiological response to eating. No one knew why the number of white cells would rise after eating, since this appeared to be a stress response, as if the body was reacting to something harmful, such as infection, trauma, or exposure to toxic chemicals.


Back in 1930, Swiss researchers of the institute of Chemical Chemistry studied the influence of food on human blood and made a remarkable discovery. They found that eating unaltered, raw food or food heated at low temperatures did not cause a reaction in the blood. In addition, if a food had been heated beyond a certain temperature (unique to each food), or if the food was processed (refined, added chemicals, etc.), this always caused a rise in the number of white cells in the blood. The researchers renamed this reaction "pathological leukocytosis", since the body was reacting to highly altered food. They tested many different kinds of foods and found that if the foods were not overheated or refined, they caused no reaction. The body saw them as "friendly foods". However, these same foods, if heated at too high a temperature, caused a negative reaction in the blood, a reaction that is found only when the body is invaded by a dangerous pathogen or



The worst offenders of all, whether heated or not, were processed foods that had been refined (such as white flour or white rice), or homogenized (a process in which the fat in milk is subjected to artificial suspension), or pasteurized (also seen in milk, flash-heated to high temperatures to kill bacteria), or preserved (chemicals added to food to retard spoilage or to enhance taste or texture). In other words, foods that were changed from their original God-given state became harmful. Good examples of these are: pasteurized milk, chocolate, margarine, sugar, candy, white flour, and regular salt. The researchers found that if these altered, chemical foods were chewed very thoroughly, the harm to the blood could be lessened to some degree. In addition, another amazing finding was that if some of the same food in its raw state was eaten with the cooked counterpart, the pathological reaction in the blood was somewhat minimized. However, the moral of

this story is, avoid these unnatural, processed foods and replace them with delicious whole foods for optimal health.




Kouchakoff, Paul, M.D.; "The Influence of Cooking Food on the Blood Formula of Man"; First International Congress of Microbiology; Paris, 1930.


If this is not enough, I have more.

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Thanks Elaine! Great stuff!!



BEV :)




E. Rice-Fells


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

1:56 PM



Calling all 21

Day Live Food Challengers




What are your plans beginning 5/2/04 once the

CHALLENGE is over? Need a few reasons? For those who missed

this article in the " messages " section in , check

this out:






Why Cooked Food is Bad for You

By Blake Sawyer


you really want to know the truth about health and disease? Or would you rather

stick your head in the sand and die a horribly painful, premature, and

paroxysmal death? Truth seekers read on.


has provided humankind with food that is able to keep us whole, healthy, and

alive. Man, on the other hand, has scoffed at the Creator, deciding instead, to

create his own food. The changes are no longer subtle.


that is genetically modified, irradiated, chemically grown, sprayed with

pesticides and herbicides, choked with ripening gases and a plethora of other

deadly and dangerous scientifically advanced ‘treatments’ is no

longer even remotely similar to what it once was. Cooking, is just one of the

many ways in which man changes naturally and beneficial food, into a toxic and

harmful substance.


exactly happens to food when it is cooked? What happens to your body when you

eat cooked food? Some key points are covered in this article, but this is only

the tip of the iceberg.


to space limitation, we can only touch on the topic here; however, a brief

overview is given below.

Key Points Regarding

the Effects of Cooked Food


food's life force is greatly depleted or destroyed. The bioelectrical (energy)

field is altered and greatly depleted (as is graphically demonstrated with

kirlian photography). Food that once was alive and bioactive is rendered dead

and inert.


biochemical structure and nutrient makeup of the food is altered from its

original state. Molecules in the food are deranged, degraded, and broken down.

The food is degenerated in many ways. Fiber in plant foods is broken down into

a soft, passive substance, which loses its broom-like and magnetic cleansing

quality in the intestines. This causes a domino affect in which the gastrointestinal

tract becomes a toxic breeding ground.


(vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.) are depleted, destroyed, and altered.

The degree of depletion, destruction, and alteration is simply a matter of

temperature, cooking method, and time. Deep fat fried is the worst, pan fried

next, then baked, boiled and ‘least’ altered (though still bad) is

steamed food.


depletion of nutrients is a major cause of obesity. Hunger pains are generated

by the brain when the trillions of cells that are programmed for mitosis

(cellular replication or division) ‘scream’, “Feed me! Feed

me!” to the brain. When these trillions of cells do not receive the

nutrients needed to create new cells, the brain induces hunger pains.

Continuing to eat cooked food, depleted of nutrients, causes over eating, which

causes the caloric/nutrient ratio to be way out of balance.

Up to

50% of the protein is coagulated. Much of this is rendered unusable. No other

mammal or animal “cooks” their food. Protein from plant sources is

much more assimilable in its original state.


temperatures also create cross-links in protein. Cross-linked proteins are

implicated in many problems in the body, as well as being a factor in the

acceleration of the aging process.


foods cooked at high temperatures, especially those fried, create a huge amount

of the toxic chemical acrylamide. Acrylamides are used in the creation of

plastics. They also have been shown to be carcinogenic.


interrelationship of nutrients is altered from its natural synergistic makeup.

For example, with meat, more vitamin B-6 than methionine is destroyed, which

fosters atherogenic free radical-initiating homocysteine accumulation (which is

a factor in heart problems).


water content of the food is decreased. The natural structure of the water is

also changed. This is a cause of dehydration in the body.


substances and cooked " byproducts " are created. The higher the

cooking temperature, the more toxins are created. Frying and grilling are

especially toxin generating. Various carcinogenic and mutagenic substances and

hordes of free radicals are generated in cooked fats and proteins in



causes the molecules involved to collide, and repeated collision causes

bivalent bonding that creates an order of new molecules, and hence a new

substance. In an ordinary baked potato, there are 450 by-products of every

description. They have even been named " new chemical composites " .


(waste) material is created, which has a cumulative congesting/clogging effect

on the body and is a burden to the natural eliminative processes of the body.


of the enzymes present in raw foods are destroyed at temperatures as low as 118

degrees Fahrenheit. These enzymes, named " food enzymes " are important

for optimum digestion. They naturally aid in digestion and become active as

soon as eating commences. Cooking destroys 100% of these enzymes. Eating

enzyme-dead food places a burden on the pancreas and other organs and overworks

them, which eventually exhausts these organs. The digestion of cooked food

usurps valuable metabolic enzymes in order to help digest the food. Digestion

of cooked food is much more energetically demanding than the digestion of raw

food. In general, raw food is so much more easily digested that it passes

through the digestive tract in half to a third of the time it takes for cooked



total destruction of the enzymes is a major cause of fatigue or lethargy in

people, especially in those who have a “lull” within a few hours

after eating. The body must go through an energy sapping process to digest the

food just eaten, without the natural aid of enzymes.


eating a cooked meal, there is a rush of white blood cells towards the

digestive tract, leaving the rest of the body less protected by the immune

system. From the point of view of the immune system, a foreign (toxic)

substance is invading the body when cooked food is eaten.


general augmentation of white corpuscles in the blood and a change in the

relative proportions of different blood cells occurs. This phenomenon is called

" digestive leukocytosis " .


natural population of beneficial intestinal flora becomes dominated by

putrefactive bacteria (particularly from cooked meat), resulting in colonic

dysfunction, allowing the absorption of toxins from the bowel. This phenomenon

is called dysbacteria, dysbiosis, or intestinal toxemia (toxicosis).


buildup of mucoid plaque is created in the intestines. Mucoid plaque is a thick

tar-like substance, which is the long-term result of undigested, uneliminated,

cooked food putrefying in the intestines. Cooked starches and fats in

particular are a major culprit in constipation and clogging of the intestines.


intestines become a breeding ground for Candida, yeast, fungus, molds, and

parasites with the build-up of this putrefied matter.

A build-up

of toxins and waste material in many parts of the body, including within

individual cells occurs. Some of these toxins and wastes are called lipofuscin,

which accumulates in the skin and nervous system, including the brain. It can

be observed as “liver spots” or “age spots.”


food causes malnutrition at the cellular level because it is lower in

nutrients. In addition to containing wastes and toxins, individual cells do not

receive enough of the nutrients they need.


food is also less likely to be properly metabolized, which is another factor in

excess weight gain.


time to time, the body experiences detoxification crises (also called

purification or healing crises). This happens when toxins are released through

the skin or dumped in the bloodstream for elimination by the liver, kidneys,

and other organs. The symptoms may include headaches, fever, nausea, vomiting,

colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, etc.


body can become so toxic that all kinds of particles, such as pollen, can cause

detoxification crises, called “allergies”. An estimated 80 million

Americans suffer from such “allergies”.


immune system, having to handle the massive daily invasions of toxins and toxic

by-products, eventually becomes overwhelmed and weakened. A key factor in the

aging process.


of the waste material builds up in the arteries and clogs them, leading to high

blood pressure, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, strokes, etc. –

killing an estimated 35% of Americans.


acid wastes, toxins, mutagens, and carcinogens that build up within cells, as

well as the daily onslaught of excess free radicals eventually cause some cells

to become cancerous – killing an estimated 30% of Americans.


general, the natural aging process is accelerated by cooked food. People who

switch to raw food often become biologically and visibly younger.


of thousands of people who have gone on a strict organic and raw diet have not

only reversed the affects of aging, but many of life’s most deadly

‘diseases’, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis,

cardiovascular disease, as well as others.


cooked food is one of the single most important and life changing things you

can do. It assists The Homeostasis Protocol in rapidly reversing malnutrition,

hypoxia, dehydration, toxemia, acidosis, a sluggish lymphatic system and the

improper electrical construct of your body.




cancerologist Bruce Ames (regarding " mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and the

degenerative diseases of aging " )


food is plausible as a contributor to cancer. A wide variety of chemicals is

formed during cooking. Four groups of chemicals that cause tumors in rodents

have attracted attention because of mutagenicity, potency, and concentration:


Nitrosamines are formed from nitrogen oxides present in gas flames or from

other burning. Surprisingly little work has been done on the levels of

nitrosamines in fish or meat cooked in gas ovens or barbecued, considering

their mutagenic and carcinogenic potency.

2. Heterocyclic

amines are formed from heating amino acids or proteins.


Polycyclic hydrocarbons are formed from charring meat.


Furfural and similar furans are formed from heating sugars. Heating fat

generates mutagenic epoxides, hydroperoxides, and unsaturated aldehydes, and

may also be of importance.




Agency for Research on Cancer (1993) Some naturally occurring substances: Food

items and constituents, heterocyclic aromatic amines and mycotoxins

(International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France).


L. S., Slone, T. H., Stern, B. R., Manley, N. B. & Ames, B. N. (1992)

Science 258, 261-265.


L. S., Slone, T. H., Manley, N. B. & Ames, B. N. (1994) Cancer Lett. 83,



Ames is a Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Director,

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Center, University of

California, Berkeley. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and

was on their Commission on Life Sciences. He was formerly on the board of

directors of the National Cancer Institute (National Cancer Advisory Board). He

was the recipient of the most prestigious award for cancer research, the

General Motors Cancer Research Foundation Prize (1983), the highest award in

environmental achievement, the Tyler Prize (1985), the Gold Medal Award of the

American Institute of Chemists (1991), and the Glenn Foundation Award of the

Gerontological Society of America (1992). He has been elected to the Royal

Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Japan Cancer Association, and the Academy of

Toxicological Sciences. His 300 scientific publications have resulted in his

being the 23rd most-cited scientist (in all fields) (1973-1984).]

Leukocytosis and

Cooked Food


1930, research was conducted at the Institute of Clinical Chemistry in

Lausanne, Switzerland, under the direction of Dr. Paul Kouchakoff. The effect

of food (cooked/processed vs. raw/natural) on the immune system was tested and

documented. Dr. Kouchakoff's discovery concerned the leukocytes, the white

blood cells. Apparently, a well-known phenomena occurred immediately after a

person finished eating.


was found that after a person eats cooked food, his/her blood responds

immediately by increasing the number of white blood cells. This is a well-known

phenomenon called " digestive leukocytosis " , which means that there is

a rise in the number of leukocytes, or white blood cells, after eating. Since

digestive leukocytosis was always observed after eating, it was considered to

be a normal physiological response to eating. No one knew why the number of

white cells would rise after eating, since this appeared to be a stress

response, as if the body was reacting to something harmful, such as infection,

trauma, or exposure to toxic chemicals.


in 1930, Swiss researchers of the institute of Chemical Chemistry studied the

influence of food on human blood and made a remarkable discovery. They found

that eating unaltered, raw food or food heated at low temperatures did not

cause a reaction in the blood. In addition, if a food had been heated beyond a

certain temperature (unique to each food), or if the food was processed

(refined, added chemicals, etc.), this always caused a rise in the number of

white cells in the blood. The researchers renamed this reaction " pathological

leukocytosis " , since the body was reacting to highly altered food. They

tested many different kinds of foods and found that if the foods were not

overheated or refined, they caused no reaction. The body saw them as

" friendly foods " . However, these same foods, if heated at too high a

temperature, caused a negative reaction in the blood, a reaction that is found

only when the body is invaded by a dangerous pathogen or trauma.


worst offenders of all, whether heated or not, were processed foods that had

been refined (such as white flour or white rice), or homogenized (a process in

which the fat in milk is subjected to artificial suspension), or pasteurized

(also seen in milk, flash-heated to high temperatures to kill bacteria), or

preserved (chemicals added to food to retard spoilage or to enhance taste or

texture). In other words, foods that were changed from their original God-given

state became harmful. Good examples of these are: pasteurized milk, chocolate,

margarine, sugar, candy, white flour, and regular salt. The researchers found

that if these altered, chemical foods were chewed very thoroughly, the harm to

the blood could be lessened to some degree. In addition, another amazing

finding was that if some of the same food in its raw state was eaten with the

cooked counterpart, the pathological reaction in the blood was somewhat

minimized. However, the moral of this story is, avoid these unnatural,

processed foods and replace them with delicious whole foods for optimal health.





Paul, M.D.; " The Influence of Cooking

Food on the Blood Formula of Man " ; First International Congress

of Microbiology; Paris, 1930.


If this is not enough, I have more.








a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs

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Thanks Elaine - Good reminder!!




E. Rice-Fells [shortydemp] Wednesday, April 28, 2004 1:56 PM ; bellydancingsisters Subject: Calling all 21 Day Live Food Challengers


What are your plans beginning 5/2/04 once the CHALLENGE is over? Need a few reasons? For those who missed this article in the "messages" section in , check this out:



Why Cooked Food is Bad for You

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Hope it's enough to remain on everyone's mind and keep them on the right track to acquiring great health.


ElaineBeverly Coose <mermaidcharter wrote:



Thanks Elaine! Great stuff!!



BEV :)

Win a $20,000 Career Makeover at HotJobs

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My name is Inez, and I just joined your group. I have been embarking on this journey (of being raw) for quite some time. I live in the Chicago area. I stumbled on to your group from the black vegetarians society. The raw community is picking up very nicely here. I am soo glad that there is support group for the raw foodist.



Inez Teemer


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Welcome Inez

-Contessa and Family


--- ITeemer wrote:

> My name is Inez, and I just joined your group. I

> have been embarking on

> this journey (of being raw) for quite some time. I

> live in the Chicago area. I

> stumbled on to your group from the black vegetarians

> society. The raw

> community is picking up very nicely here. I am soo

> glad that there is support

> group for the raw foodist.



> Inez Teemer

> Chicago









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