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Part 2 - Staying Live After 21 Day Challenge

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One more set of reasons to remain on life foods after the 21 Day Challenge. Check this out too:


A Glance at Food Additives



A list of a few food additives, without making a treatise on the subject, should give you some idea of the inherent dangers of these additives:

Coumarin--Used for 75 years in imitation vanilla before it was found to produce liver damage in animals.

Dulcin--Used for 50 years as a sugar substitute before it was found to produce cancer in animals.

Butter Yellow--A coal-tar derivative used as a food coloring. Has been found to produce cancer of the liver in animals. (As a point of information, any coal-tar derivative is carcinogenic and most of the food additives are coal-tar derivatives.)

Mineral Oil--Was once used in salad dressings and as a substitute for food oils, but was found to interfere with digestion and the absorption of vitamins--mainly vitamin A.

Piperonal--An inexpensive substitute for costly vanilla flavoring. It is used industrially to kill lice.

Butyraldehyde--Used for a nutty flavor. Industrially, it is an ingredient in rubber cement and synthetic resins.

Aldehyde C-17--Used for a cherry taste. It is a flammable liquid used industrially in aniline dyes, plastics, and synthetic rubbers.

Ethyl Acetate--Used for a pineapple flavor. The vapor can cause chronic lung, liver, and heart damage. This chemical is used industrially as a solvent for plastics and lacquers.

Methylcellulose--Thickener used in processed cheese. It is used commercially in cosmetics and adhesives.

Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose--Used as a cheese stabilizer and as a thickener in ice cream and whipped topping mixes. It is found in resin emulsion paints and, printing inks. It can cause intestinal obstruction and has produced arterial lesions (diseases in the arteries) similar to high blood cholesterol.

8-Hydroxyquinoline--A former preservative in cottage cheese. This has been found to cause cancer in mice and is used in contraceptives and rectal suppositories.

Alginic Acid--Used in cheese spreads to give uniformity of color and flavor. It is used industrially in making artificial ivory and celluloid.

Benzoyl Peroxide--Used as a bleach in domestic Gorgonzola, Blue, Provolone, Romano, and Parmesan cheeses. This chemical destroys every trace of vitamin A.

Resinous Glaze--An innocent term for a shellac which gives polish or glaze to candies, such as chocolate covered raisins, etc. There is also another type of resinous glaze which is obtained from certain insect secretions in the West Indies.

PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone)--Used in beer for clarity and is being tested for use in wines, fruit juices, and jellies. This chemical is also used in aerosol hair sprays.

Coal-Tar Derivative Paraffin--Coats fresh fruits and vegetables to prevent spoilage.

Beta-Naphthylamine--This is used to make two coal-tar dyes to color butter and oleomargarine. Has caused bladder cancer in animals.

Calcium or Sodium Propionate--Retards molding and spoilage in breads; it is a fungicide. I have used this chemical in my practice and have gotten good results in the treatment of athlete's foot.

Chicle--Is a latex rubber used in chewing gum. Chewing gum also contains antioxidants, synthetic flavors, and colors which are coal-tar derivatives.

Calcium Chloride--Used in cheesemaking to set the milk in a semi-solid mass, and in canned potatoes, lima beans, tomatoes, etc., to keep them firm or crisp. It is also use's in the canning of milk to adjust the salt balance and prevent curdling. This chemical is used to melt snow and to oil down dusty roads and can cause metal parts to disintegrate. Can cause stomach irritation and kidney impairment.

Sodium Citrate or Phosphate--This is also used in the canning of milk, but can aggravate an already high blood pressure.

Magnesium Carbonate--Used in bleaching cheese and also to keep the green color in canned vegetables. Other uses are as a powerful laxative, for fireproofing wood, in disinfectants, and in manufacturing cotton fabrics.

Acetic Acid--Used as a dip for shrimp and other fish meats to prevent discoloration. It is also used in the manufacturing of plastics and dyeing of silks. I have used it in a concentrated form for the removal of warts.

Chlorine Dioxide--A dangerous toxic explosive gas, one good whiff of which will render you non compos mentis. This is used to bleach the flour which goes into white bread, etc. It destroys vitamin E, among other things.

Brominated Vegetable Oils--Used in soft drinks for uniform distribution of fruity flavors. This has shown evidence of inducing damage in the liver, heart, thyroid, and kidneys of rats and interferes with normal fat metabolism.

Stearic Acid--A white crystalline fatty acid, usually extracted from tallow and other hard fats.

Used in making cosmetics, soaps, suppositories, and pill coatings.

Mesityl Oxide--Used for color and flavor. This is a petroleum-based compound found in lubricating oils, insecticides, plastic wrapping material, can linings, adhesives, inks, and varnishes. It has the characteristic odor of the urine of tomcats and is sometimes detected in some of the plastic food wrapping material you might have around the house.

Sodium Benzoate--A deadly poison used as a preservative in soda pop, jams, jellies, pickles, and countless other so-called foods. Speaking of soda, caffeine is used in all cola drinks. The concerned parent who forbids the child the ingestion of coffee or tea unknowingly allows the child to consume enormous amounts of caffeine when the unlimited use of cola drinks is permitted. Sodium Benzoate kills or inhibits all living organisms present within the jar or other container. We are living organisms too, but the harmful effects, because of the small doses in food products, don't make themselves evident until years later, except in those cases of frank sensitivity which can result in a severe reaction and/or death. (This applies to any of the myriad of chemical additives.)

Sulfur Dioxide--Used in processing sugar and as a bacterial inhibitor in wines, imitation jelly, beverages, etc. Also used as a bleaching agent for many foods, such as nuts in shells, sliced potatoes used for French fries, figs and other fruits. Additional sulfur dioxide gets into our systems as we breathe it from the air, since it is a major pollutant from factories. It is a proven poison. It has been found to increase uric acid, to produce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, to cause nausea, anemia, malaise, etc. Sulfur dioxide can produce cancer and interfere with cell function (as most of these poisons can). Drs. Braverman and Shapiro (biochemists) reported that when a form of sulfur dioxide is applied to a component of nucleic acid, the basic unit of heredity, then the component Uracil is unable to perform its usual function. These findings have raised questions on the long-range possibility of genetic damage.

Polyoxyethylene Compounds--Used as a replacement for natural shortenings and as an emulsifier in breads and reduces the quantity needed of natural ingredients. It increases the volume of foods and is found also in biscuits, cake mixes, ice cream, frozen desserts, pickles, etc. Has also been used in tobacco to retain moisture, but caused bladder stones and tumors in experimental rats and was taken out. It has been found to cause easier absorption of pesticide residues, gastrointestinal irritation, changes in intestinal flora (beneficial bacteria), hives and disturbances in bile secretions.

DES (diethylstilbestrol)--A synthetic female sex hormone which cheaply puts weight, fat, and water on cattle and poultry. This is one of the most dangerous of additives. In human beings, it has produced breast cancer, fibroid tumors of the uterus, excessive menstrual bleeding, sterility--and impotence in men and arrested growth in children. Current research has found evidence of vaginal cancer in the daughters of mothers who had taken DES, also a relationship of cancer of the prostate in male offspring of mothers who had taken DES.

Hydrogenated Oil--Prevents rancidity and deterioration in commercial peanut butters and scores of processed foods and candies. It alters the biological qualities in food. In this case, the vegetable oil is subjected to an extremely high temperature and in the presence of a metal catalyst such as nickel or platinum, hydrogen gas is bubbled through the oil, causing its saturation or hardening. The result is a smelly, axle grease-like mess that has to be bleached, filtered, and deodorized. All of the essential fatty acids in the original oil are destroyed.

Disodium EDTA--Used to promote color, flavor, and texture retention in canned carbonated soft drinks, distilled alcoholic beverages, vinegar, canned white potatoes, clams, crabmeat, and shrimp. Also in cooked canned mushrooms, various canned beans, pickled cucumbers and cabbage, and in liquid multi-vitamin preparations. It is also used in beer, mayonnaise, margarine, potato salad, and sandwich spreads, etc. In the human body, it inhibits enzymes and blood coagulation, causes gastrointestinal disturbances, muscle cramps, and kidney damage. It can also combine with calcium, iron, and other nutrients and prevent them from being utilized by the body, since it is used for trapping metal impurities in foods. The potential hazards of this food additive, as with others, are the small quantities ingested in a variety of foods and beverages daily over a long period of time.

Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT )--These are two of the most widely used antioxidants in foods, which stabilize fats so they don't become rancid due to their loss of natural antioxidants in factory processing. BHA is in almost every processed food that the "average person" eats. I can't begin to list the endless names of the foods. BHT is used in as many foods as BHA. For example: cereals, rice, shortenings, potato flakes, sugar, cured meats, potato chips, etc. These two chemicals are also used in making plastic packaging material, rubber gaskets, milk cartons, wax paper, and lubricants. Both have caused dermatitis (skin disease), severe allergic reactions such as disabling chronic asthmatic attacks, skin blistering, eye hemorrhaging, tingling of face and hands, extreme weakness and fatigue, edema (swelling), chest tightness, and difficulty in breathing.

Propylene Glycol--A stabilizer used in ice cream, candies, synthetic whipped toppings and in almost everything processed that the "average person" eats. This chemical is used in germicides, paint removers and antifreeze substances. Propylene glycol always reminds me of the time, a number of years ago, when my youngest son was admitted to the hospital for a hernia repair. We requested a vegetarian diet for him and argued with the powers-that-be just to get simple unprocessed, uncanned fresh fruits and vegetables. Evidently the entire idea was over their heads and we brought in our own food. The point is that on each tray that was brought at mealtimes was a disposable, individually wrapped germicidal handwipe. One of the ingredients was propylene glycol and, ironically, almost every tray had some type of packaged, processed food

product (synthetic or otherwise) which contained propylene glycol as a preservative. We threw it out each time.

Red Dye No. 2 (Amaranth)--One of the many coal tar dyes; but Amaranth has gained universal acceptance. Principal uses have been in beverages, but it is also widely used in candy, confections, pet food, dessert powders, bakery goods, sausages, ice cream, sherbet, dairy products, cereals, snack foods, etc. Allergists have reported cases of Amaranth sensitivity. The Russians have done extensive research on this synthetic food coloring and have found that it not only tends to produce cancer, but could cause malformed and softened fetuses (unborn babies). It was finally banned in 1976; however, it is supposed to be replaced by Red Dye No. 40, which is as bad or worse than Red Dye No. 2.

Sodium Nitrate and Sodium Nitrite--There is probably almost no one who hasn't taken these chemicals into his body and most people ingest them on a daily basis. Used as a preservative and color fixative in cured meats, meat products, and certain cured fish, such as bacon, bologna, hot dogs, deviled ham, meat spreads, potted meats, almost all ham, sausages, smoked and cured shad, salmon, tuna fish products, poultry, wild game, pickled corned beef, tongue, pastrami, and a host of cold cuts. Meats, no matter in what stage of decay, are kept a pinkish color, which implies freshness. If most of the meats did not have these two chemicals within, most people would probably not buy the product, since it would resemble a gray, colorless cadaver (corpse). The danger is that sodium nitrite tends to lessen the blood's ability to carry oxygen and if ingested in sufficient quantities can lead to respiratory failure. Recent studies at the Children's Cancer Research

Foundation showed that the nitrites can cause cancer, can be mutagenic (causing changes in the form of an individual due to a change in the genes or chromosomes), teratogenic ( causing monstrosities), and generally toxic (poisonous to the entire human system. Sodium nitrate tends to neutralize and is antagonistic to vitamin A. It becomes more troublesome when intestinal bacteria convert it to sodium nitrite. A class of compounds termed nitrosamines is one of the most powerful cancer-producing agents known to science according to Drs. Samuel Epstein and William Lijinsky of the Children's Cancer Research Foundation and University of Nebraska's College of Medicine, respectively. Nitrosamines are present in many food materials and have been shown to act throughout the body and produce cancer in a wide range of organs and species. Nitrates and nitrites in some foods can combine in the digestive tract with secondary amines, which are also present in some foods. Under certain

circumstances, this combining can produce nitrosamines which are potential cancer-producing compounds.

I hope this brief presentation will open your eyes and your minds and make you more aware of the possible hazards of eating foods other that what grows from the ground in their fresh, unadulterated state. Be wary of any commercially processed foods. The choice is yours. You now have some basic tools with which to make decisions--decisions which can affect the rest of your life and the lives of your children.

There are many books published on food additives which you can obtain to further enhance your knowledge; but the next time you shop in a supermarket, read the labels. Read labels on everything you can and you'll get an education in pharmaceutics.



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You're welcome, Nancy. I'm an HR Specialist for the D.C. Gov.





, <pnparlette@c...> wrote:

> Thanks again Elaine. What kind of work are you in?

> Nancy



> E. Rice-Fells [shortydemp]

> Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:22 PM

> ; bellydancingsisters

> Part 2 - Staying Live After 21 Day Challenge



> Greetings Members:


> One more set of reasons to remain on life foods after the 21 Day

> Challenge. Check this out too:


> A Glance at Food Additives

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Thanks again Elaine. What kind of work are you in?




E. Rice-Fells [shortydemp] Wednesday, April 28, 2004 6:22 PM ; bellydancingsisters Subject: Part 2 - Staying Live After 21 Day Challenge

Greetings Members:


One more set of reasons to remain on life foods after the 21 Day Challenge. Check this out too:


A Glance at Food Additives




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