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Hope this information helps and answers some of your questions. For additional information you may want to visit www.garynull.com , www.askbillsardi.com and www.askjeeves.com and search for additional answers to your questions.Gideon Graff <gideongraff wrote: "sproutrawfoodGideon Graff" Wed, 5 May 2004 13:15:15 -0400[sprout] Fluoride - The Battle of Darkness & Light Part IIXanthurenic acid is the toxic element needed before a number ofillnesses - including malaria - are set into motion. Following thisexample of cause and effect, one might reasonably wonder at this pointif it is fluoride, itself, that set into motion the numbing,light-blocking, emotionless disease of godlessness that is Naziphilosophy. Was it, perhaps, the fluoride that created the Nazis? With children's minds now being ruled by a false messenger, it iswithin reason to wonder if this messenger of lies is the toxic agentbehind the growing, horrific cases of murder, suicide and

inexplicablebehavior now being carried out by children - irrational acts carriedout by children who are unable to think clearly enough to "just sayno" to anything. Christopher Pittman - was twelve years old when he shot hisgrandparents to death as they slept in 2001. In the weeks leading upto this horrifying event, Christopher had briefly lived in SouthCarolina with his grandparents. While the drinking water of SouthCarolina is over 90% "optimally fluoridated," this does not take intoconsideration all of the other sources of fluoridation mentionedearlier. According to news reports, Christopher had also been placedon prescription antidepressants just weeks prior to tragedy. Both ofhis prescribed drugs are classified as selective serotonin reuptakeinhibitors, or SSRIs, and in addition, one of them is a fluorinatedcompound. While it is

possible that the two prescribed serotonin-alteringagents might take the stand with Christopher, fluoride will undoubtedly continue to be ignored because the masterminds behind its marketingare still claiming after over a half a century of unprovenexperimentation that it is good for us. A reflection of the accelerating lack of reason and compassiongoverning this country, and in spite of the fact that there is no child in the United States safe from fluoride, Christopher - like a growingnumber of boys and teenagers now being charged with life-shatteringcrimes - is being charged as an adult. He faces life in prisonbecause, as a twelve-year-old, he was unable to control strange andterrible impulses that occurred following his ingestion ofmind-altering compounds, including fluoride. (113, 114, 115, 116)One might pray that reason and compassion will

once again flow throughthis country and govern the behavior of our leaders. Reason andcompassion, however, are now as rare as pure, sweet water. For those in whom there remains the last of this nation's reason andcompassion, let those people come forward now and speak in a clearvoice on behalf of all who have no voice - let us speak first onbehalf of the children in this country. Let the voice of reason andcompassion take the stand with Christopher as he is charged as anadult, and let us speak on behalf of him and of all other children inthis country who have been charged as adults and are serving lifesentences or facing life sentences in the United States. Let our voicespeak of the clear evidence that no child in this country can "justsay no to drugs"when they are being drugged through their drinkingwater, their food and the air they

breathe. Let us next come forward on behalf of all those on whom thefluoridation of drinking water is being enforced. Let us come forward with reason and compassion as though all of ourlives and the future of America depend upon it, and let us tellindustry that it must control its fluoride waste instead of placing itin our drinking water. This is not an unreasonable request. Let us come together with a unified voice and remind those working ingovernment that one cannot serve two masters. The government of thiscountry was meant to work on behalf of the people of this country - onbehalf of all people, including the children who have no voice. Let those who are professionals be daring enough to take the researchpresented here and add to it. Further research cannot harm us. It canonly lead to an increase in our knowledge. Like the

symphonic workingsof tryptophan, serotonin, melatonin and the G-proteins, knowledge thatis tempered with reason and compassion unfolds into wisdom. It is time for us to awaken and move beyond America's dark age offluoride and time to strive for that wisdom which is so long overdue.It is wisdom that unfolds into enlightenment, and it is enlightenmentthat belongs to each of us. Enlightenment, along with our connection to the divine, belong to us. They are ours, by divine birthright. It is time for us to remove the darkness of the false messenger knownas F, the 6th letter of the alphabet, and to go forward so that we mayreconnect with all that the next letter, G, represents. Something wonderful is waiting for us there in the smallest details.We have been told so by a poet and scholar who was among the first tolearn of it, and

then to realize that he had encountered a symphony ofuniversal proportions. It is there, in the smallest of the small, that evidence of thelargest of the large can be found. It is time for us to try to remember God.Copyright December 2003 by Mary Sparrowdancer + + + + + + + + +Mary is the author of The Love Song of the Universe, (2001, HamptonRoads), documenting her fifteen-year, ongoing encounter with thelight. The above work represents excerpts from Mary's forthcoming book, Fluoride: The Battle of Darkness and Light, to be published in 2004.The information has been provided here freely because of its criticalnature. Mary can be reached through her website atwww.sparrowdancer.com or at PO Box 535, Tallahassee, FL 32302.Mary wishes to thank Valerie Guernsey, DO, specialist in adolescentpsychiatry, Luise

Light, MS, EdD, nutrition expert, editor and author,and J. William Hirzy, Ph.D. of the EPA Headquarters Union ofscientists for their valuable help in preparing this paper. Look for Ketchup is Not a Vegetable; Sane Eating in a Toxic FoodWorld by Luise Light in the fall of 2005. + + + + + + + + +1. Sparrowdancer, Mary "Let Them Eat Anything;" November, 2002.(12/2003) http://www.sparrowdancer.com/LTEA.htm2. CDC, Health Statistics; Prevalence overweight in children 6-19.Oct. 2002. (12/2003)http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hestats/over99fig1.htm3. CDC, Ibid; Prevalence overweight in adults. Oct., 2002. (12/2003)http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/pubs/pubd/hestats/obese/obse99figs1and2.htm4. Newark New Jersey University Hospital, Healthlink, "Synthroid'sSuccess" Sept., 2001. (12/2003)http://www.theuniversityhospital.com/healthlink/septoct2001/html/longs/pills.htm5. CDC, Surveillance Summaries; Surveillance for Asthma 1960 - 1995.April 1998. (12/2003)http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/00052262.htm#00003083.htm6. CDC, Chronic Disease Prevention; "Diabetes: Disabling, Deadly andon the Rise." May 2003. (12/2003)http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/aag/aag_ddt.htm7. Yale New Haven Hospital; "Jump in Esophageal and Stomach

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I would love to know about Dr.Amin's dentist in MD. I have yet to find a dentist who doesn't question the efficacy of flouride treatments.



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