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basic question

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I was reading in Time Magazine about Obesity in America. I wish I had the article in front of me

to quote from. But it mentioned the

“fact” that our ancestor’s brain development increased

dramatically when meat was introduced to the diet. It sited increased protein, fat and

calories as partial reasons for the spike in brain size. I have heard that for years and my

brother in law has questioned me on it before.


Dr. Graham’s theory is that it was not the meat

consumption but the increase in calories from fruit consumption that could have

contributed to it. He says that it is not the meat but the switch from

vegetables to fruit that gave us the extra calories. I was wondering if anyone else had run

across an explanation for dramatic brain development coinciding with meat

consumption of our ancestors.


I read something on line a year ago that seemed to answer it

for me then, however now that a loved one is asking me to explain it, I can’t

remember the details of how I justified it in my own mind. Then I was searching for internal

answers for myself….understanding v. comprehension. Now I would like to revisit to help

educate my brother in law and take some worries off my families mind with this

new article out reinforcing my brother in laws argument.


This month’s issue of Time also includes a brief

article about the movie “Super Size Me”.


BEV :)


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Greetings Everyone,


That is a fascinating question.


Firstly, I’ll speak from my

experience. My ability to think, reason, imagine, etc. were increased

when I took in less food, in fact, no food. On extended fasts that I have

gone on, my mind has gone places that I didn’t know was possible. When

I was in college with a very time demanding engineering curriculum, my edge to

maintain “mental sharpness” was to not eat, especially when I knew I

had to be up through out the night.


Secondly, after reading MAN’S HIGHER

CONSCIOUSNESS by Hilton Hotema and his theories on breatharianism coupled with

my experiences, I’m not sure man or our ancestors receives any benefit

from food, especially mentally. Now, in the Time Magazine article it was

said increase in brain size as in the physical size of your cranium, I’m

assuming. Maybe that’s true but does this equate to brain power or development

as well? I would doubt that just my experiences.


Lastly, so what feeds a man’s brain

and the development? I strongly feel its oxygen. A few minutes

without oxygen, we would not only be able to think, but we’d be dead.

Hotema points out various examples of our ancestors being in higher oxygenated

environment being able to do things mentally that we are not able to do. So

we’ve digressed. So what about Dr. Graham and the fruit consumption?

The way I see it, you eat more fruit you get more oxygen.


Love and Light, Matt






Beverly Coose


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

8:03 PM


basic question





I was reading in Time Magazine about Obesity in America.

I wish I had the article in front of me to quote from. But it mentioned

the “fact” that our ancestor’s brain development increased dramatically

when meat was introduced to the diet. It sited increased protein, fat and

calories as partial reasons for the spike in brain size. I have heard

that for years and my brother in law has questioned me on it before.


Dr. Graham’s theory is that it was not the meat

consumption but the increase in calories from fruit consumption that could have

contributed to it. He says that it is not the meat but the switch from

vegetables to fruit that gave us the extra calories. I was wondering if

anyone else had run across an explanation for dramatic brain development

coinciding with meat consumption of our ancestors.


I read something on line a year ago that seemed to answer it

for me then, however now that a loved one is asking me to explain it, I

can’t remember the details of how I justified it in my own mind.

Then I was searching for internal answers for myself….understanding v.

comprehension. Now I would like to revisit to help educate my brother in

law and take some worries off my families mind with this new article out

reinforcing my brother in laws argument.


This month’s issue of Time also includes a brief

article about the movie “Super Size Me”.


BEV :)


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Thanks Matt,


That is an interesting response. They say even genius only use 10% of

their brain, maybe increase in size has little to do with function or our

ability to tap into its function. I, too, definitely notice that food diminishes

mental ability (specifically the wrong kind of foods). And also when I fast or stick true to

100% raw I have very different thoughts and connections with the world around

us. I don’t think I would

have thought about that angle, thanks for your insight.


Just a side note, research on the brain

has led scientists to conclude the brain is fueled by and bathed in glucose. I have not read anything about breatharianism/oxygen. However, since plants turn sunlight

into chlorophyll for their energy, and nature is amazing, it makes sense that

oxygen would be an important fuel for ours. Personally I think there is a tremendous

miracle of reactions that take place in our body each day. To isolate one as superior and elite

seems to deny the importance of other important reactions. I think a balance of

all are important. I just wish there was a step by step manual on what

to do, eat, and balance live life optimally. A manual that is undeniable. I would love to read the book MAN’S

HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS for more information on the oxygen aspect of our needs.


Do you know enough to explain how fruit might

be converted to oxygen in the body?

Or how if you eat more fruit you get more oxygen? I’m just curious. I understand how the body breaks food

down into simple molecules which diffuse into our blood through the intestines

(and mouth and/or stomach). I was just curious as to the science

behind converting sugars into oxygen maybe or how it works from the breatharianism point of view.


I always enjoy your insight and

experience, thanks for sharing.



BEV :)




Matthew A. Berg


Thursday, June 03, 2004 5:51



RE: basic



Greetings Everyone,


That is a fascinating



Firstly, I’ll speak

from my experience. My ability to think, reason, imagine, etc. were

increased when I took in less food, in fact, no food. On extended fasts

that I have gone on, my mind has gone places that I didn’t know was

possible. When I was in college with a very time demanding engineering

curriculum, my edge to maintain “mental sharpness” was to not eat,

especially when I knew I had to be up through out the night.


Secondly, after reading

MAN’S HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS by Hilton Hotema and his theories on

breatharianism coupled with my experiences, I’m not sure man or our

ancestors receives any benefit from food, especially mentally. Now, in

the Time Magazine article it was said increase in brain size as in the physical

size of your cranium, I’m assuming. Maybe that’s true but

does this equate to brain power or development as well? I would doubt

that just my experiences.


Lastly, so what feeds a

man’s brain and the development? I strongly feel its oxygen.

A few minutes without oxygen, we would not only be able to think, but

we’d be dead. Hotema points out various examples of our ancestors

being in higher oxygenated environment being able to do things mentally that we

are not able to do. So we’ve digressed. So what about Dr.

Graham and the fruit consumption? The way I see it, you eat more fruit

you get more oxygen.


Love and Light, Matt







Coose [mermaidcharter]

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

8:03 PM


basic question





I was reading in Time Magazine about

Obesity in America. I wish I had the article in front of me to quote

from. But it mentioned the “fact” that our ancestor’s

brain development increased dramatically when meat was introduced to the

diet. It sited increased protein, fat and calories as partial reasons for

the spike in brain size. I have heard that for years and my brother in

law has questioned me on it before.


Dr. Graham’s theory is that it

was not the meat consumption but the increase in calories from fruit

consumption that could have contributed to it. He says that it is not the meat

but the switch from vegetables to fruit that gave us the extra calories.

I was wondering if anyone else had run across an explanation for dramatic brain

development coinciding with meat consumption of our ancestors.


I read something on line a year ago

that seemed to answer it for me then, however now that a loved one is asking me

to explain it, I can’t remember the details of how I justified it in my

own mind. Then I was searching for internal answers for

myself….understanding v. comprehension. Now I would like to revisit

to help educate my brother in law and take some worries off my families mind

with this new article out reinforcing my brother in laws argument.


This month’s issue of Time

also includes a brief article about the movie “Super Size



BEV :)



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Nice thought provoking question. Some other things that also increased was our

size (muscle mass at least in appearance). This period of meat cunsumption is

also used in th Eat right for your blood type. What's missing is the mention of

the rapid decrese in lifespan. My personal believe is that some of the increase

may be due the the increase in meat consumption,although just like high protien

bodybuilding the muscle or tissue efficiency is greatly reduced. That is to say

the energy or stregnth or intelligence the is produced is less efficient per

increase in size. As an example; Let's say a monkey or ape, anywhere from

100-300lbs on a raw mostly vegan diet. If you took a human of the same size on a

high protien meat diet the difference in stregnth is enormous. Also looking at

what we eat and what we are creating as a society, it does'nt appear as though

we are evolving from our meat consumption. Also mucus which is present in our

organs when consuming acid diets (meat) also adds to the weight and size

although not in a beneficial way.


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Hi :

I wonder if the jump in the evolutionary consciousness is really associated

with the consumption of meat. People can propose all kinds of theories

to support and justify what they want to believe...Another new theory

brain researchers are proposing has developed by looking at individual

jumps in consciousness. They are looking at the brains of babies

and are suggesting that at the point that babies begin to walk, there is

a huge jump in brain function (a maturing for that stage of development)

that coordinates the shift from crawling and babbling to walking

and talking. I think this individual shift for babies mirrors what

happened on a much larger level when there was an evolutionary jump...it

was time. There are other "theories" and maybe heartfelt feelings

that people, who choose to eat "lighter," abstain from meat, and

do the work on themselves in order to live peacefully, are laying down

the groundwork for there to be another human evolutionary jump in brain

functioning and ultimately world peace. Marharishi of the Transcendental

Meditation group, has plenty of research in well respected journals that

speaks to the change in brain wave patterns once people meditate for a

few months. Maybe you can get some of those articles Bev, because

I've read some of the research (usually under transcendental meditation

in medical journals), and they talk about the effect of a vegetarian diet,

a change in lifestyle (such as doing meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc.),

and the impact on the evolution of the brain....Blessings, Ashtarra

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Thanks Ashtarra

and Mark,


You know what is hardest for me is that

there are so many theories and yes, anyone can use them to support their view. I am frequently amazed at how the same

research is used to support opposing ideas. I have just spent a large amount of time

on line searching for various information about veganism/raw food/paeolithic

diet/brain development etc. I cant tell you

how many conflicting views there are, all backed by “research, history

and science”. I do think there

may be something to your point about the big jump in brain functioning and

world peace. Have you ever heard of

the 100th Monkey? Basically

it was about monekys eating potatoes that were dirty, they had done this forever and ever, that was just

how it was done. One day (can’t

remember how ~ shown or on own) one monkey started washing his potato. Soon others saw and began washing theirs. When the 100th monkey washed

his, they found that monkeys on the other side of the island and even on other

islands were spontaneously washing theirs, like a collective consciousness. Once the 100th monkey joined

the though pattern, that thought pattern was shared among monkeys all over and

no where near the initial monkey island.

Brain research is fascinating and there is so much we don’t know,

I would love to read some of the Trasnsendential Meditiation, thanks for the input.


I am having such trouble with memory and concentration

lately. I had my B12 checked just

to see if it was low and I was suffering early signs of B12 deficiency as I

have been a vegetarian for 20 years. It came back fine~all

my blood work came back fine. (except surprisingly chlosterol…..it went from 143 to 206!??!?) But lack of brain power coupled with

increase in blood pressure/cholesterol/decreased circulation all are causing me

to look deeply into what may be going on. My heart continues to tell me to stick

with raw and to even consider eating meat turns my stomach. I just hate to be wrong and cause damage

with the goals and aspirations of optimal health and unity. I have run across numerous sites where previously

raw people ran into big complications and have changed their diets again. I know everyone’s body chemistry

isn’t the same and what may be right for one may not be right for

another, however, I’m continuing to search for what is right for my daughter

and myself. When I see the same

articles twisted to serve completely opposing arguments, I feel I believe the

one I want to believe and I hate to set myself up for health conditions when

truly optimal health is the goal. I

feel I can do anything as long as I believe and KNOW it is the right path. I just wish I KNEW the TRULY right path.



BEV :)




Ashtarra J. Brissette


Thursday, June 03, 2004 8:38



Re: basic



Hi :

I wonder if the jump in the evolutionary consciousness is really associated

with the consumption of meat. People can propose all kinds of theories to

support and justify what they want to believe...Another new theory brain researchers are proposing has

developed by looking at individual jumps in consciousness. They are

looking at the brains of babies and are suggesting that at the point that

babies begin to walk, there is a huge jump in brain function (a maturing for

that stage of development) that coordinates the shift from crawling and

babbling to walking and talking. I think this individual shift for babies

mirrors what happened on a much larger level when there was an evolutionary jump...it

was time. There are other " theories " and maybe heartfelt

feelings that people, who choose to eat " lighter, " abstain from meat,

and do the work on themselves in order to live peacefully, are laying

down the groundwork for there to be another human evolutionary jump in brain

functioning and ultimately world peace. Marharishi of the Transcendental

Meditation group, has plenty of research in well respected journals that speaks

to the change in brain wave patterns once people meditate for a few months.

Maybe you can get some of those articles Bev, because I've read some of the

research (usually under transcendental meditation in medical journals), and

they talk about the effect of a vegetarian diet, a change in lifestyle (such as

doing meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc.), and the impact on the evolution of the

brain....Blessings, Ashtarra

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Thanks Bev. A few years back i read a wonderful book Conversations w/ God book

1. After that I tried the idea of eliminating the right and wrong system and see

things a s being. On occassions I'm able to operate without the need to know and

suprisingly it puts me in touch with how much we already intuitively know. For

me it is more about trustingmy inner self.Some ares and times still present

resistant although the times I'm willing to trust the results are so empowering

and astonishing. Youe desire to be your best self and seeing it clearly will

bring whatever tools and support are available. Keep it up.

peace and inspiration,


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Hi Raw Soul: I do remember the stories of the 100th monkey.

I always liked it. We can all know that each of our efforts contribute

to helping the toughest, last monkeys of our societies...know who

they are??!! Yep, just like the leader of the monkeys was the last

to change, right? Blessings, Ashtarra

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