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celtic sea salt

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Greetings family,

A while back there were some questions raised about Celtic Sea Salt versus standard salt or sea salt. I just found this article from the Wellness Directory of Minnesota and I thought it might be useful for some of us. Enjoy! pam




Celtic Sea Salt


When commercial, processed American food arrived in Africa, Dr Albert Schweitzer, that famous humanitarian, noted soon afterwards that the food had brought with it something new, something hardly seen before in that land, something very devastating: Cancer. 


At that time, pesticides were in use here in America, but hardly as they are used today. The processing of foods was hardly as destructive as it is today. The food additives weren't as prevalent as they are today. Dr Schweitzer, in his journal, proclaimed one very powerful cause. He wrote: "It's the salt."


Salt is one thing we Americans like pure. It has to be pure white, devoid of any moisture, and perfectly shaped. This is not natural. 


Did you know that the salt companies actually don't make their greatest profits selling salt? Most of the salt sold goes to chemical laboratories and manufacturing companies. Selling salt is actually a side line for salt companies; they make most of their profits pulling out the minerals and selling them back to us through health food stores and to companies like Kellogg's® that take a naturally healthy food, process the proverbial pee out of it (till it's worthless) and then add back some minerals and vitamins. The minerals come from the salt companies. This is called "fortified" food.


In animal experiments, the test subjects were fed the same grains they normally eat, however, they were processed and fortified. The control subjects were fed the whole grains. To make the study even more interesting, one group was starved. Now you might find this cruel to starve an animal to death, but listen to this:


The starving animals outlived those fed fortified foods.


Naturally sun dried sea salt is charged with energy. It is radioactive! Is this good? Certain radioactive particles are harmful. However, these charged minerals are exactly what your body craves. When charged calcium enters your body, scientists can trace where it goes. And where does it go? Directly to a site where there is a break or a fracture. Charged minerals go right to where they are needed. 


Drying out salt reduces immediately the magnesium salts which are needed to orchestrate all the most minute functions of the body: building healthy bones, building healthy blood cells, etc. 


You can now see that it's not just what's in processed salt (chemicals from the processing) that would cause Dr Schweitzer to conclude as he did, but it's what is missing from the salt as well.


What is in salt?



Celtic Sea Salt Macrobiotic Salt Refined/Processed Salt

84% Sodium Chloride 98% Sodium Chloride 97.5% Sodium Chloride

16% Charged Minerals 2% Minerals 2.5% chemicals from the processing that prevent water absorption and some iodine.



Dr Langre, in his book Seasalt's Hidden Powers,  makes the following points:



Our bodies are like the ocean and at the level of our biochemical function, we either get the nutrition we need to maintain this "ocean atmosphere" or we suffer.

Violent prisoners given Celtic Sea Salt in their diets showed improved behaviors within a few short weeks.

Salt is needed for digestion.

The sodium of Celtic Sea Salt acts differently in your body than the sodium in refined salt.

People who dislike salt or have a phobia or intolerance to salt do not realize that they are, in fact, ill.  Let's take a look at these one by one.


One: Maintaining an ocean atmosphere. It is hard to find someone who has not tasted her/his own blood. We cut our finger and immediately put it to our mouth. It's almost a knee jerk reaction. Our blood tastes much like sea water. If you believe in evolution, then you believe that life came from the sea. If you are a creationist, then you marvel at how much like the ocean our creator made our fluids. The most basic functions of our body, the most basic messages sent either electrochemically or via our hormones rely on a medium that is chemically balanced. Celtic Sea Salt puts our bodies back into this balance.


Two: I recall from an advanced psychology lecture in college in which the professor loudly stated: "The difference between a violent, aberrant mental patient and you people sitting here is two cents worth of lithium." Bipolar patients are often prescribed lithium, however, the side effects of this medication can be nasty. Celtic Sea Salt contains natural lithium salts. Unlike supplementing with medicinal lithium, the lithium in Celtic Sea Salt is absorbed naturally, in quantities nature intended, and they are untreated, unprocessed, and as natural as the earth itself. 


Three: Meat eaters naturally get more salt than vegetarians. Meat (blood) contains natural salts. Vegetables and fruits contain none. A fruit dipped in salt will stimulate the flow of digestive juices. The more natural the salt, the more minerals contained, the more natural digestive juices are sparked. All digestion breaks food into basic sugars, at least it should. If your food is improperly digested, the sugars are not manifested by your digestion process and you develop sugar craving. The Mannatech company has produced a like of glyconutrients that have actually made it into the PDR (Physicians Desk Reference: all the pharmaceuticals presently on the market) with their "nutriceuticals." Because our bodies are not digesting our foods properly, the Mannatech people have developed supplements that do provide them and they are receiving some magnificent, some marvelous, some spectacular results in reversing cancers, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and even Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). Yes, these results are all "anecdotal" but anecdotal evidence is not all that bad, especially when it's YOUR life that has been saved. So, if you digest your food properly, you get these basic sugars to do what needs to be done, and if you don't, then you have to supplement them.


Four: Sodium is sodium, right? Not so fast here. If you pull Sodium Chloride from any salt, whether sea salt or salt from the Dead Sea or salt from Salt Lake City, you have simply Sodium Chloride and that is just that: Sodium Chloride. So, if you buy sea salt that has been processed, yes, you are getting plain old Sodium Chloride. However, the Sodium Chloride in Celtic Sea Salt, besides being balanced with Potassium, is in a highly charged state and like things in a highly charged state, it is not static, will not store itself in your organs or affect your kidneys, but pass on through you as natural salts are meant to do. 


Five: Years and years of processed salt intake results in kidney damage and kidney stones, muscles and organs are brimming with sodium chloride, bones are brittle (or brittler than they should be) and many people just don't like salt. I often tell people about salt and many times their first response is: "Oh, I don't use too much salt" meaning, they don't use any salt. They don't like it, they blame the cook for putting too much salt in this and that, and they certainly don't buy most canned soups that are mainly salt. After reading Dr Langre's book, I now know when I hear someone tell me that they don't like salt--I know this person is sick. This person might now know s/he is sick, but this person is sick. Every body needs salt. This one has too much Sodium Chloride attached to organs and muscles and tissues. Since I sit in chat rooms and listen, I hear a lot of people say that they had perfect health right up till they were diagnosed with cancer. In Traditional , this is impossible. In Western Medicine disease begins with symptoms. The main symptom of cancer is cancer. We have so many tests to give you to determine if that lump there is cancer. In TCM, the physician tests for energy imbalances; these energy imbalances occur many many steps before visible or palpable symptoms appear, and one symptom of disease in TCM is an aversion to salt. Think about it.


What is Celtic Sea Salt good for? Besides overall health, it has been used traditionally to aid in healing burns, relieving mental disorders (depression, bipolar disorder, aggressive behavior), and even helping to reverse heart disease. Yes, amazing stuff, especially when we are told to avoid salt when we have heart disease. Again, years of processed salt builds up in organs (and in the heart) and you're ripe for edema (the collection of fluids). The only person who has to watch her/his salt intake is the person with a high degree of renin in her/his blood stream. If you have hypertension, there is a 10% chance that it is caused by a high amount of renin in your blood. Afro-Americans, for some reason, suffer from this more than any other line of heritage.


Celtic Sea Salt is "guiltless salt." Use it on everything. I go pick tomatoes with a little bowl of ground Celtic Sea Salt and most never make it back home. Get yourself a mortar and pestle and order the coarse salt and grind it up. Yes, it contains moisture and sticks together. Consider this a benefit, for it shows you that it is charged with mineral salts, especially magnesium, which a healthy body needs. I order my salt from www.healthfree.com. When you contact them, be sure to tell them the Wellness Directory of Minnesota sent you, because I'd sure like them to become a sponsor for our next publication (heck, we've sent them a ton of business). Now, the bath salt is cheaper than the eating salt. But the bath salt IS edible (it just has a few little feathers in it because it hasn't been washed as thoroughly). I order it by the twenty pounds and give it to friends. I have one neighbor who eats it right out of the bowl because it's so tasty. So, go pour it on everything. You can order Dr Langre's book (Seasalt's Hidden Power) from them too. Make sure that if you don't order the book that they send you cooking instructions with the salt as you don't want to over heat it and lose some of the nutrients. I usually add it to dishes just as I'm turning down the heat in preparation to serve.


One more thing: Celtic Sea Salt is perfect pickling salt. 





Wellness Directory of Minnesota

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Hello /Pam: Thanks for the information on the Celtic Sea Salt.

It is very informative and gives a good basis for the choice to abstain

from " regular salt. " I haven't been eating regular salt for years, but

I had not done the current reading on sea salt....Blessings, Ashtarra

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  • 2 years later...
Guest guest

Hello Belinda;


The Celtic Sea salt we purchase has a pamphlet that states the

following information. They also have a website www.globalsaltinc.com


The people of Brittany, France have harvested sea salt for centuries,

using the ancient Celtic method. It is harvested with no synthetic

chemical fertilizer, pesticides and packed under microbiological

norms. It contains no anti-caking agents. It contains about 80



I'm not sure what the mineral content is with regular sea salt?


Celtic salt is kind of grey in colour.


We really like the taste.



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Oh Thanks for the info. I will check it out.



in TN


rawfood , " candocook " <candocook wrote:


> Hello Belinda;


> The Celtic Sea salt we purchase has a pamphlet that states the

> following information. They also have a website



> The people of Brittany, France have harvested sea salt for


> using the ancient Celtic method. It is harvested with no synthetic

> chemical fertilizer, pesticides and packed under microbiological

> norms. It contains no anti-caking agents. It contains about 80

> minerals.


> I'm not sure what the mineral content is with regular sea salt?


> Celtic salt is kind of grey in colour.


> We really like the taste.


> ~Gail


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