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Cabbage rejuvelac

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This is the URL :http://nourished.com.au/archives/2004/02/18/cabbage-rejuvelac-recipe/ ... following is the content:




Cabbage Rejuvelac Recipe

By Bee Wilder :

Healthy recipes: 18/2/2004


A 1999 study published in the Lancet found that consumption of lacto-fermented vegetables was positvely associated with low rates of asthma, skin problems and autoimmune disorders in Swedish children attending a Wadorf school.1 One striking observation of ethnic cuisines is that rarely are meals eaten without at least one fermented food, often a drink.2 Cabbage is a vegetable that lends itself well to lacto-fermentation. It is teeming with lactobacteria. No starter is needed for making rejuvelac.

Start one morning by blending together 1-3/4 cups distilled or purified water plus 3 cups of coarsely chopped, loosely packed fresh cabbage. Start the blender at low speed and then advance the blender to high speed and blend for 30 more seconds. Pour into a jar, cover, and let stand at room temperature for 3 days. After 3 days strain off the liquid rejuvelac. The initial batch of cabbage rejuvelac takes 3 days to mature, but succeeding batches take 24 hours each. Each morning after straining off the fresh rejuvelac, blend together 1-1/2 cups of distilled or purified water plus 3 cups of coarsely ground, loosely packed fresh cabbage, for 30 seconds at high speed. Pour it into a jar and add 1/4 cup of the fresh rejuvelac just strained off, cover, shake, and let it stand at room temperature until the next morning. Cabbage rejuvelac can also be made without using a blender. Just chop the cabbage very fine and use 2-1/2 cups replacing the 3 cups in the recipe above with the same amount of water. Good quality rejuvelac tastes similar to a cross between carbonated water and the whey obtained when making yogurt. Bad quality rejuvelac has a much more putrid odour and taste and should not be consumed. Avoid using tap water because chlorine will interfere with the production of the bacteria. Boiling tap water for 30 minutes uncovered will remove chlorine. Refrigerate rejuvelac if it is to be kept overnight. Discard any rejuvelac on hand 24 hours after it is poured off the cabbage. Taking Rejuvelac - Drink each day’s rejuvelac during the course of the day by taking 1/2 cup three times per day, preferably with meals. To implant a healthy population of lactobacteria in the intestinal tract take rejuvelac for 1 to 3 months. The value of rejuvelac should not be confused with that of freeze-dried acidophilus. Rejuvelac contains live lactobacteria but freeze dried lactobacteria die in a few weeks’ time. People who have candida are very sensitive to yeast so they should make a new batch every time, but they could start 3 jars 3 days in a row so they do not run out.



Sally Fallon with Mary G Enig, PhD, “Nourishing Traditions” New Trends Publishing 2001 Claude Aubert “Dis-Moi Comment Tu Cuisines”


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This is the first non-cereal grain rejuvlac I\’ve seen. Is it also possible to make rejuvelac with legumes? If possible, please reply to my email addy.

Comment by Laura — 7/7/2004 @ 2:50 am


This would be a great recipe to supply to Indigenous Australians with their disasterous Chronic incidence especially diabetes. They used to use fermentation practices in the preparation of their original food. Cabbage is easy to obtain year round, cheap and generally keeps well. And they do have access to rainwater.Is this recipe in your Nourishing Traditions, I don’t have a copy handy to check for another 3 weeks.

Comment by SUSAN MULLER — 20/8/2004 @ 8:47 am

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